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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/993382-Its-an-Ill-Wind
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1196512
Not for the faint of art.
#993382 added September 15, 2020 at 12:20am
Restrictions: None
It's an Ill Wind
Wait, September's halfway over already?

PROMPT September 15th

Have you picked up any new hobbies or interests since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Nope.

Rambling answer:

This period is notable for having removed, not added, things to my life. These removals include, but are not limited to:

*ButtonT* Travel

*ButtonT* Haircuts

*ButtonT* Gym workouts

*ButtonT* Movies (but see below)

*ButtonT* Massages

*ButtonT* Barstools (as per the entry from 12 September)

*ButtonT* Visits with friends

A few of the hobbies/interests I had before the beginning of 2020 continue, though. The most recent one is Duolingo, started last August, and I suppose I can credit the pandemic for my not missing a day of French lessons in over a year. I've learned quite a bit, but still consider myself a novice. J'apprends le français lentement, et j'espère continuer.

Obviously, I'm still writing. And watching shows and movies online, and playing the occasional video game. Oh, and drinking, of course -- the only thing I can say has increased in frequency during this shitstorm of a year, as detailed in an earlier entry.

Movies -- other than streamed ones -- are kind of a sore point for me, as with travel. The closest thing to a New Year's resolution I made was I decided that 2020 was going to be the year I was to branch out and see more, and more varied, movies in the theater, because there's one convenient to my house that also serves beer. And I started out doing just that, but then... well, you know. The theater itself was shuttered completely for a good five months, and has only recently reopened, with severe restrictions for safety. I've been going about once a week since it reopened.

The moral of this story is, as always, don't make resolutions. Even if it's something you like to do. Especially if it's something you like to do. I'm not saying that a global pandemic hit, sickening millions and killing hundreds of thousands of people, just to fuck with my weekly cinema visits, but it sure feels that way sometimes.

I've also mentioned before that I didn't drive for six months. As in, I didn't even start my car. This, predictably, led to a service call. But on Sunday, I picked a random destination (I mean that literally; it was a randomly chosen spot within a 30-mile radius) and drove there and back. Not that I didn't go anywhere for six months, but between walking and Uber, I didn't really need to drive. Even doctor appointments are within walking distance. One time I went to a dentist that was really too far away for me to walk, but again, that's where rideshare comes in. Besides, there are breweries near the dentist, and they were open.

Oh, if you're still with me, you're probably wondering about groceries if I didn't drive. My preferred grocery store is near the theater, definitely walkable -- but not on the return trip while schlepping cases of Crack Zero and bags full of groceries. But I've been getting groceries delivered since before the pandemic, for various reasons, and that's continued, too.

One good thing to come out of all of this: used to be I'd get the occasional craving for fast food, and run out to indulge it. After six months without Taco Bell, though, I might have -- might have -- kicked that habit for good. I certainly have other unhealthy habits, but that one always bugged me.

My father used to say, "It's an ill wind that nobody blows good," but he was referring to the oboe. I think the point of the original saying is that something good can come out of even the worst of times. I guess he was familiar with the original because he survived the Great Depression, a world war, and the last major pandemic. Yes, the 1918 one. He was just an infant then, but still. (Obviously he's not around anymore, in case you didn't know that from earlier entries.)

So, no, I haven't picked up anything new during this. I'm just biding my time until I can travel again.

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