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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/996299-Where-to-retire-to
Rated: 13+ · Book · Travel · #2032403
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#996299 added October 20, 2020 at 1:31am
Restrictions: None
Where to retire to...
Where would I feel safe with a culture and climate I could survive?

Anywhere in Europe! Everything's connected. I'd love to live in Portugal but I could always visit. The Balkans are cheap and I like the people. Politically unstable though. Oslo/Lillehammer/Drammen would be expensive but cheap flights out of OSL go everywhere. I'd move to Gothenburg in Sweden in a heart beat.

I love Taiwan but Taipei has bad pollution and horrible weather. Tainan in the south though is a great place to visit. Before moving I would visit for three months... before deciding.

One should visit anywhere more than once at different times of year before moving abroad. Nowhere is Paradise 24/7/365. Nowhere.

Charity Marie - <3 asked about retirement places with a mild climate near a beach.

"Australia ... not me! Yes, I have friends there but I don't understand the attraction. Very expensive and imho bland. England is more interesting!

So... since you ask... many places in the world have lots of English speakers. And... one can learn the local language... and the local customs. If you learn Spanish (Spain), French (Africa, Indian Ocean, Caribbean), Arabic (Malta) or Chinese (Taiwan) your options explode.

India, South Africa, and Nigeria are English speaking but each would have challenges. Consider Barbados or the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean.

Safety? The USA is much more dangerous than anywhere in Europe, most of Asia, parts of Africa. Latin America has crime like the USA. Don't believe the developers trying to lure you to an ex-pat community where you will live behind bars. But if you must... Cuenca in Ecuador or Boquete in Panama might meet your needs (but highlands, no beach). I do NOT recommend Costa Rica.

Unless you are retiring soon... wait. The situation changes from decade to decade.

10 years ago was the time to go to Portugal... it's been discovered. New Zealand sounds great but it's NOT Aus nor USA. Ask Elle - on hiatus .

If you are fine with living an hour away from the beach instead of on the beach your options should be better.

Also, consider Victoria (Vancouver Island) in British Columbia. The climate is mild, the gardens are spectacular and nowhere is far from the water."

I added: "I forgot to give practical advice. Make a plan, say a 10 year plan. Every year travel to a place you might want to move to (not just visit). While there for a couple weeks ask everyone who lives there what they like or don't like about the place. Keep you eyes open and Do Not Talk to Realtors or Tourist Industry people (unless they are willing to be brutally honest). At some point revisit your favorites ... preferably at the worse time of year. In much of Costa Rica that's April (no water) and October (too much). In Missoula Montana that's August Fire Season and Dec15-Jan15 (cold, grey, everyone leaves). Every place has a miserable time of year. Keep asking, make friends. When the time comes rent a place for 3 months (never buy until you are 100% sure) and really ask yourself the even harder question... do I really want to LIVE here."

Schnujo's in Alabama asked why I wouldn't recommend Costa Rica. I answered:

"Costa Rica is a passive-agressive culture of liars and thieves. If you want to do whatever (even if it's criminal) and be smug about getting away with it, I can introduce you to expats who do just that. "I'm sorry" is supposed to make it all better. In my world it doesn't.

Tourists who sit on a beach with a drink in their hand have little to NO knowledge of the country. They flash their bling bling and make it all better *Angry* or just take another drink (they aren't there for the culture). Surfer-dudes (some are quite astute) and beach-bums are just that 24/7. Travelers know more because they observe more ... and share their stories.

I lived there twice, visted over 20 times; been most everywhere. It feels like home. An unsafe home in a shithole country. I only felt less safe in Cape Town, SA and more disappointed and culturally deprived in Australia.

Poverty is rampant (didn't used to be so bad). The political situation is iffy at the moment. It is lawless and corrupt in ways you can barely imagine. Yes, the people seem friendly ... to your face. And some are genuinely friendly; however, only family matters and no one else ... and you ain't family.

I have a couple friends ... but I don't totally trust them either.

I can trust Norwegians. Taiwanese are friendly without expecting anything in return. The Serbians and Kosovars are very passionate (a bit treacherous like the Turks) and very hospitable and helpful. The Germans and many northern Europeans are just plain frigid and rigid, but are among the best travelers I've met all over the world.

Visiting and living in a place are not the same. Visit Costa Rica! I have suggestions as a budget traveler. *Smile* But living there can be its own special hell."


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