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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
#997216 added October 31, 2020 at 5:20pm
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4157 135 A happy place?
For: "Space BlogOpen in new Window.

"Below"  Open in new Window. [E] by Sorji is querying! Author Icon

Mini-review. It's sad and salvageable. It needs some editing to eliminate worthless words like 'the' and 'is'. 'is' can be reduced to 's unless it's emphasized, in which case 'IS' may be better. To keep it's flow read out loud before and after snipping. The languid rhythm is important here as it sets the mood. A couple more lines of the ebb and flow of water and how it calms wouldn't hurt. Readers like it and I agree. I give it a 4.0 because it has potential... but not quite there yet.

In this the author speaks of going to their happy place. Tell us about your happy place.

Ha! Me happy? It's one of my problems. I should find one and go there often. With covid shutting down the cafe scene here and winter at the doorstep and travel cut off, options are few. Gardens aren't looking good after our deep freeze. Sunshine and mild on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. A walk would be appropo.

For my Space Cadet series I could ask... what's Kat's "Happy Place"? As a Dreamer what happens if they become nightmares or worse ... if she loses that ability?

4157 135

Kat always said her dreams were like curling up in sunshine, not a cloud in the sky, not a breeze ruffling her fur, not the alarm going off.

She awoke with a start.

What? No warning?

She hurried to the deck.

"What's going on?"

Jaafar looked startled. "Don't you know?"


"Security has been breached. A guest went beserk and had to be subdued before she stabbed 90210. Cook has it under control, but he's shaken."

"Stabbed 90210?"

"She's being taken care of. The guest may not be so fortunate. Cook ripped off his tunic and gave her a hug."

"Where is Cook?"

"Gomo the Kla took him to the Grey Lounge."

Kat stood stunned then wobbled.

"Who was the guest?"

"A Glum. Don't see many of them."

"And for good reason."

Kat went to see 90210 who was sedated and the Glum... who was glum indeed. Cook's poison was tricky to counteract. She may or may not make it. "Who is she and why is she here?"

"A trader needing passage to our next stop."

"Which is?"

"A meeting with the Vulch."

Kat left without saying another word. She needed something, wasn't sure what, but Cook would know and this was urgent.

Gomo the Kla sat there in the Grey Lounge with Cook who was still shaking under a blanket. Space Cadet, Wing Sheima, a couple Engineers, a Vulch she didn't recognize and even a Red-eyed-dragonfly. An odd group ... all silent. Kat curled up and pretended to sleep. It's what they would expect. Let them think she was napping. She was more alert than she had been in years. She could fake being patient while she listened. For what? Space Cadet's ears were twitching. Something was up. Gomo spoke.

"Kat needs some soup, Cook. That may help us find the answer." Sheima and one of the Engineers gingerly helped Cook. Space Cadet stood before Kat. Now what?

"Did you hear?"


"I did." He paused. "You need soup."

Space Cadet didn't say anthing more as they walked towards Cook's kitchen.

They sat at a table while Gomo spoke softly to Cook so no one overheard.

The Vulch joined them.

"Mheradh, her nickname, wanted to trade mushrooms for some delicacies and iron."

"I'm allergic to mushrooms."

"I know." It was Cook. "Drink this while Space Cadet rubs some ointment into your paws and ears."

Kat slurped and then stopped. She addressed the Vulch. "What kind of delicacies?"

"Some sort of meat. She wouldn't say what."

"And the mushrooms?"

Space Cadet spoke first. "They're in the cargo bay vacuum wrapped."

"Some spores must have made it through the filters."

"Sheima is looking into that. Now the other side, Space Cadet. Less talking, more slurping." Cook looked at Kat directly. Something about that look...

Jaafar came in. "Sheima found nothing. She's taken over the deck. I wanted to speak to you all."

"Should I leave?" The Vulch looked upset.

"No. I want you to answer some questions. Honestly. We have a bad reputation for dealing with lies."

The Vulch grinned. "I know."

"Is this your first encounter with a Glum?"


"Did you know Glum consider humans a delicacy?"

"No." The Vulch looked shocked.

"Or that kats are allergic to mushrooms."

The Vulch looked truly miserable. "No."

"You are young?"

"I ... I was on my third mission. I've never met a Glum! We don't study them much."

Kat and Cook nodded at Jaafaar.

"Why don't you go back to your guest quarters. We'll deliver you safely to the Vulch."

Cook brought more soup. Space Cadet spoke first.

"She didn't know."


Gomo and Kat nodded.

"We Xenos know a thing or two."

Cook laughed.

"Are you okay?" Kat asked.

"Are you okay Kat?" That look again.

"Something's going on and you're not telling me."

"Because you won't want to hear it."

It was Gomo.

"You were poisoned because you would have sounded the alarm. The Glum are not trusted on board for a reason. But... how this happened I'm not sure. Your Dreams... how have they been?"

"Peaceful like when I was a kitten. Not a stir... Why do you ask?"

"Your Dreams should have warned you. Why didn't they? I wonder why." It was Space Cadet this time.

Sheima entered. "90210 wants to speak with you, Jaafaar. She'll be okay." they left.

Cook gave Space Cadet more ointment. "Stop only when she says stop."

Kat began to purr as the ointment and soup took affect.

Gomo left. Cook attended to others. Sheima came back to whisper that the outlook for Mheradh was grim. Space Cadet kept rubbing.

Kat yawned and purred. "You're good, but that's enough for now. Could you get Jaafaar? Where's Gomo. Cook!"

We sat there waiting for Kat to speak. "Mheradh will have to be sent into the void. Those mushrooms too. The Vulch needs to be told the truth before she's reunited. She was taken advantage of. We all make mistakes. Her kind will know how to handle this if we tell them nicely. Nothing need be said to any Glum. They are only a menace when they leave home. Command will know how to handle this. Me? I'm going back to sleep. Dreams are beckoning and I dare not ignore them."

Kat got up to leave.

"Tell 90210 that we'll speak when she's better."

Cook gave us all a look and went to the kitchen. We sat silently until he returned with some disgusting brown brew. "Coffee." And plunked himself down. "Kat got your tongue?"

"Well, she seems normal. Giving commands like a Queen." Jaafaar and Sheima laughed. "What?"

Gomo looked at Space Cadet before speaking. "It's more serious than that." Cook nodded.

Freddy-the-Red flew in and spoke with a buzz. "Gomo and Space Cadet, you're summoned to the Grey Lounge. Nothing urgent."

They got up to leave while Cook went for more coffee.

"We need to talk." was all he said to Jaafar, Freddy and Sheima.

I commented at the "Dew Drop Inn"  Open in new Window. [18+] by Katya the Poet Author Icon (it's open for November):

Purple, black, and one lone peacock feather,
the mask awaits the fool moon's whether...
I'll wear it or not.

*Mask* KE [274] 31.okt.2020

24 syllables... I write for the 24 syllable contest, but rarely does it come out right the first time!

And yes, 'fool' is on purpose. So is 'whether'. *Wink*


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/997216-4157-135-A-happy-place