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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/998461-Crazy-Movie-Night
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2198921
Norma's Wanderings around a small section of Montana
#998461 added November 16, 2020 at 1:52am
Restrictions: None
Crazy Movie Night
Am I the last person to watch the movie "Crazy Rich Asians"? Well, probably. We didn't go to theaters much, if ever before this virus thing hit. Now no one goes. So it was just on TV and I happened to find it channel surfing.

As you know if you've perhaps been reading this BLOG, I've been on this sleep protocol, which I have to say for some strange reason seems to be working. I am watching TV more than I want. And it probably has added about a year to my life with snacking and not sleeping and all, but never mind that.

Anyhoo, that movie is cute. Kind of Pretty Woman, Cinderella, Jane Austen, Rich Boy meets Poor Girl fairy tale. Talk about conspicuous consumption. Holy cow - that wedding scene was outrageous. Crazy antics. Does stuff like that really happen? Or was it just for the movie? I think it probably does. If money can buy anything, and the sky is the limit, and you have unlimited money well, why not! But my way of thinking, just because you can doesn't mean you should.

I guess I'll never know. I'm just happy to be able to live in a nice little house in a nice little town in Montana. Pay all my bills, have food to eat and a warm bed to sleep in and clothes on my back. More than 90% of the world's population.

We did our first gig for the Salvation Army today. We are volunteer Bell Ringers for the Red Kettle campaign. My church does this every year. We sign up volunteers for a week to do this at the local grocery store. It only takes a few hours and is for a worthy cause. It was to be from 3-4 pm. So hubby took the first shift, it was to be 1/2 hour. For some reason I thought it was an hour. I show up at 4 pm. Hmmm. He is a bit miffed, with good cause. Ooops. Sorry. I stay for a little while longer. We have three more days to do this. So I'll take another day and make it up to him.

The closet doors we got from North Dakota are in the process of being stained and varnished. We had a heck of a time manhandling them into the house. The hardware guy carried these like toothpicks from the store to our trailer. The two of us were like weaklings trying to get them from the trailer up to the porch then into the house. Then from the living room up to the second floor where they are being worked on. Goodness. We need to do some strength training.

Tonight my grandson from California called me on FaceTime. It was good to talk to him. He is doing an EMT training course. So far so good. I pray he sticks with it so he can get a good job. His cousin in Ohio is an EMT and firefighter. My sister and niece are RNs. My brother was a highway patrolman, as are his two sons. Seems my family is in the caring business.

I finally am starting to write again. It took some time after the OctoPrep month off. It really does show that you need to write every day to keep that edge. I do writing for the non-profits I volunteer for. That helps, as well as for different contests on this site.

I really like to do the Daily Flash Fiction. That type of writing to me is the most challenging. Tonight it paid off. I won the challenge. But tomorrow is another day. We'll see what happens.

Write on!

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