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Weight gain novel. A massive, obscure corporation takes residence within a little town. |
Mika, soon returned to her desk. As she sat down, she heard her chair creaking but, given that she knew already how flimsy the chairs there were, she dismissed the thought. As she popped open her machine, she suddenly noticed her superior waddling toward her. As she watched his approach, she could see that the guy was an example to be followed. Slowly waddling toward her, wheezing and puffing, as his entire forms jiggled by the motion, he finally got close enough to her. “Miss… Eldridge?” “Yes, Mr. Philips?” “You have… been selected… for a… taste testing… process. Starting… from today… packages will… be delivered… to your… station… where you… shall consume them… and then fill… the related… form. For the moment… though…you are… required to my… office. I’m…in need…of your…services…” “Yes, Mr. Philips.” Slowly, helping the man to enter his office, Mika assisted him as he sat on his own couch-like seat behind his desk, noticing with a glance that said desk seemed covered in sweets and confectionaries. As she saw him laying there, she couldn’t refrain from noticing a frame on his desk. In the photo there was a couple, a middle-aged man and a woman, sitting on a bench in a park, both of them looking, in Mika’s eyes, terribly underweight. The massive man, having regained his breath, saw that his secretary was watching the frame. “I…I’m sorry sir, I didn’t want to intrude.” “Not…at…all. That was me and my girlfriend, four or five months ago. We were so foolish… in believing ourselves safe while… being so underfed. Still, as much as I… have reached a Healthier lifestyle…my girl has far surpassed me, as of late. Anyway, Miss Eldridge. Would you, please, give me some assistance?” “But of course, Sir. What can I do for you?” “It seems…that I’m working out a bit…too much as of…late. I can’t really… lift my arms that much…anymore. Would you… be a dear and…feed me some of those…delicious looking cakes…there?” Mika, smiling in pleasure for being of assistance, nodded swiftly and began to take slice after slice of the cakes on his desk, to which the massive man began to moan in pleasure, as his body started to bloat out more and more. His stylish dress began to creak slightly as he kept swallowing whatever confection Mika brought to his lips, and yet he didn’t seem willing to stop. Only when the buttons on his shirt started to pop one after the other, he lifted a finger toward Mika, signaling her to stop for a moment. In this time, his desk had been cleared of almost any sweet treats that had been there. “Good…*Burp*… Job… Miss Eldridge. N-Now…*hurrurp*…please…could you lower my pants and…help me…to relieve…some stress? I barely… can resist… any longer.” Mika, hesitated for an instant, as if what she had been asked to do was something that shouldn’t have ever been requested but, it was just for a moment. She then closed the door, and kneeled in front of the massive man, as she began to help him ‘relieve himself of his stress’. As the woman did her job, the obese man began to moan a bit, until he started to grab the last sweets on his desk, stuffing his mouth as fast as he could, just as he reached his climax. As the massive man relieved himself, Mika emerged from under his massive stomach and quickly cleaned her lips with a nearby napkin, while also adjusting her hairs. “Th…Thanks… Miss Eldridge… You’ve been…truly…helpful. Now, If you would…be so kind…as to open…the meal box from…Corporate…you may…feed me…its contents.” Mika, still smiling, simply moved and tried to collect the box that her boss had indicated. At a first try, she realized that it weighed more than she had thought but, as she tried again, she managed to bring it on the desk of her superior. As she opened it, she saw that inside there was a plethora of junk foods, from massive burgers to huge hot dogs. As she grabbed one of the latter, she turned and saw Mr. Philips which was already drooling at the sight. “Pl… Please… Miss Eldridge… Bring it… to me…” Mika kept moving food from the box to the obscenely over engorged man for almost two hours, until it was almost lunch time. Still, he had managed to clean completely the box of all its contents and was now laying helplessly against the back seat of his chair, as he burped and gurgled in satisfaction. “*Houarp*…Oh…that was…good…Miss…Eldridge. Th-thank you for your…*urp*… assistance.” “It was a pleasure, Mr. Philips. One thing, if I may ask?” “Pl…Please… Ask away.” “I’ve never seen this box, before… is it some kind of special assignment?” “Oh, no. It’s just…*hilp*…its only…for management…consumption. Corporate way to…ensure that…its Managers…are well and truly…healthy. N-Now…please…help me…stand and…you may go for…lunch break…earlier…today…Miss Eldridge.” As she nodded, she tiredly managed to help the massive man to stand on his own two feet, as he hiccupped and gurgled still, and yet, he still managed to slowly shuffle himself forward to get out of the office. As he reached the door, though, he realized quickly that he wasn’t able to move and, once more, requested for her help. Mika, although smiling, began pushing and pushing against the hugely obese man, until she managed to let him pass through the door. “Thanks… Mika. Now…go and…enjoy your lunch… I will… do the…same. And, if you could…this afternoon…I may need…your assistance…once more…during the…meeting with… the others…department heads…” “It will be a pleasure but, Sir. Are you sure you want to come to the mess hall? I mean no disrespect but…” He let out a short laugh, as he then began wheezing once more. “None…taken. Corporate’s orders…Lunch is…Mandatory. Plus…the box…was only…a snack. To be healthy… we need to… eat often. Go now… and… enjoy your break.” Mika, bowing slightly, thanked her superior and started her own walk, as fast as she cold due to her hungry middle, toward the mess hall, while the almost spherical man behind her, kept advancing at a snail’s pace. She was feeling charged. It wasn’t often that her superior would ask for her help but, although she had thought it degrading, for only a moment, she quickly realized that it was for the good of the company. A couple of hours later, Mika was sitting once again behind her desk. She couldn’t believe how hungry she had felt when she had reached the mess hall and, she had to admit with herself, she maybe had splurged a bit but, since the food given to her was all internal, she was sure to be growing healthier in any case. As she sat, a loud burp escaped her lips but, seeing as all of her colleagues were in the same condition, she didn’t feel embarrassed. She quickly looked at the time and realized that, although her boss had given her some extra time for lunch, she still had returned half an hour later. Yet, she just thought to herself that she was going to do some extraordinary hours to recover. Mika, having done basically nothing that whole day, except eating, had already blossomed into a new figure. Her weight, if she could have weighted herself, had already soared higher, with an increase of almost twelve pounds. Yet, the woman acted as if nothing had happened, as she started right away with the new assignment, she had received just that morning. On her desk, in fact, there were already three medium sized boxes, with food for her to ‘taste test’, which in her mind simply meant to scarf down all contents of the boxes and write some kind of reviews about those. But before she could do that, a young and bubbly thing, extremely undernourished in her eyes, moved near her desk to let her know that Mr. Philips was requiring her assistance for his afternoon meeting. Mika, rising once more from her desk, began then the slow trek toward the meeting room, where she found the various Department heads sitting on a massive circular table, each with a secretary at their side, feeding them all kinds of food from the table, as they discussed and munched and belched through their meeting. Swiftly, she moved beside her boss and, with a thankful nod from his part, she began to grab food from the table, feeding it to her almost spherical superior. As the meeting progressed, she noticed that nothing was being really said during the same. Sometime, someone would ask for something and another would give a quick answer but, for the rest, these men were just sitting peacefully on their chairs, as they were being fed. Still, after almost two hours of this, one of the biggest men she had ever seen, burbled something to the woman beside him and she, turning to face the room, informed the other participants that the session was adjourned. One by one, each of the Managers began to be helped in getting out of here, until only her superior was left sitting on his chair. Turning toward him quizzically, wondering why he was still seated, he turned his head at her and answered, although huffing and puffing. “I’ve been… tasked to… leave…no leftovers… in the room… Could you…be a dear…and…assist?” Mika slowly turned around, noticing that there were still, all around the table, enough mounds of food to feed an army. Turning herself back toward the obviously engorged man, she began to ask him if he was truly sure but, as he turned toward her with a pained look, she didn’t add anything as she began collecting food. Slowly and painfully, she started to bring hot dogs, burgers and even short cakes to her superior, which tried valiantly to consume everything placed in front of him. As he began bursting out of his clothes, popping buttons everywhere, he tiredly looked around noticing that there were still lots of food left. Slowly, he turned toward Mika. “Mi…Mika… don’t…stop… I’ve…got…to… finish. Keep…going…no… matter…what…” It was early in the evening hours when Mika looked around in the meeting room, seeing that there was still a bit of something left. Yet, as she turned toward her superior, she could see that he was done for the day. Feeling herself starving, she didn’t even consider asking to him, she simply delved within the last pile of food, starting to stuff herself full of whatever she could grab. Prey of this hedonistic fury, she barely noticed that something was starting to massage her, rapidly filling, belly. Munching through a large burger she lowered her stare and saw his boss hand moving in slow, steady, circles on her belly. Gulping down her morsel she moved back a bit, afraid of having done something wrong. “I…I am sorry Mr. Philips…I didn’t want to…” “It’s…okay. You’re…taking one…for the…team. I should…feel…ashamed. I can’t…finish…a measly… meeting feast… by myself. Thanks…Mika.” Rapidly she turned back toward the pile of food, starting anew to let her unbridled gluttony do her job, moaning softly as she felt the rough hands of her superior caressing her bloating middle. It took her most part of an hour but, she finally had managed to clear what was left on the table. As she fell to the floor, feeling herself finally full, she gave her boss a satisfied smile. “Good Job…Mika… Couldn’t…have had…a single…bite…more. Erm…Mika…?” “Yes…*burp*… Sir?” “Do you… have… some more...space…left?” “I…I think… I do…Sir” “Good…I have… two… assignments for you…if you…are…willing…” As he said that, he slowly managed to move his bulk a little bit on his chair, laying back as much as he could on it, as he then turned toward her. “F-First…May you… help me…with some…stress?” Once again, she slowly kneeled and moved under his humongous, engorged belly, as she began to help him out of his predicament. As she worked him, he moaned in pleasure, releasing some of his stress every few moments, until he felt utterly spent and satisfied. Especially since he could hear her gulping and swallowing down. “You’re…a fantastic…assistant…Mika. N-now, though…the other…assignment. I shall… get back to…my office to…rest. Could you…collect the…meal box…from Corporate and…clean it out… for me?” At the sole mention of food, she already felt herself grow hungry again. Rising slowly, as she licked her lips once more, she quickly nodded, as she slowly waddled out of the meeting room, toward his office where the box had been delivered. Collecting the box, she noticed immediately that it was way larger than the one she had seen him consume that morning. Still, a job was a job and so, as she brought the box to her desk, she began cleaning it out of its content, making a note to herself to do the same with the ones for the taste test. That night, as Mika returned home, she was a very different woman than the one who had left that morning. As she moved toward the door, she realized pretty quickly that she had to enter through her side, for her belly was still a bit too full to let her enter normally. Waddling slowly, feeling decidedly full after a day of gorging at the office, she lumbered to the kitchen and sat heavily on one of the reinforced chairs there. Still, as she sat there, looking at the empty kitchen, she noticed a note on the table. ‘Mom, I’ve already tucked my brothers and sister to bed, after giving them dinner, and now, I’m going too. I’ve had such fun today with the girls that I’m feeling completely spent. See you tomorrow… P.s. There is a bit of pizza and sides in the oven, should you feel hungry. Loving you, - Elenore.’ As she finished reading the note, Mika slowly rose from the chair, waddling toward the oven. As she opened it up, she stared at the two large pizza boxes resting in there, along with a bag of four large double cheeseburgers, wondering if that was going to be counted as dinner or as after dinner snack. Taking the two boxes and the bag, she brought it all to the table, feeling herself almost as if she was starving. It was weird, here she was, full to burst and yet, as soon as she saw the food, her hunger returned to her. Still, not one to discuss what her body craved, she sat on the table and began demolishing the food, feeling as it all added to the massive feast that already was in her expanding stomach. |