This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends |
} Happy Thanksgiving Everyone, Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving and everyone will be super busy, I wanted to wish everyone a great day! If you have a minute sometime tomorrow, let us know about your Thanksgiving Day. What you did to celebrate and how you gave thanks to our Great Creator. I hope you have a super day! I will be spending Thanksgiving doing most of my usual routine. I will spend the morning on WDC blogging and answering responses to blogs. Then I will go round up a few stragglers that my chapel sweep missed last night. The Chapel and I got together and bought some thank you cards for the staff here at the West Virginia Veterans Home. We know that there are always the complainers who say the veterans home doesn't do enough for them but for the most part people are grateful to the home. Chapel wanted to do something special for the staff so we bought a thank you card for each department and had them signed by all the willing veterans. It amounted to something like 80some signatures and I still have a few veterans that I have not seen yet and of course the few dissenters who would not be happy no matter what the home did for them. I think the home is great. They treat us well, feed us three meals per day, keep the place clean and safe, and go above and beyond in many ways. So Thanksgiving for me is going to be spent primarily giving back a little of what is given to me. Prompt: Today we are going to do dinner with one of our own. Sharmelle's Welcome 2025 is a member of the Space Blog crew and I do not recall having visited her home star. So we decided to do Thanksgiving there. The port
says thank you to the angels that guard us. When has an angel helped you? God has had angels protecting me all of my life. I have survived car wrecks that should have killed me. I have survived reactions that should have killed me. And I have survived overdoses that should have killed me. God was not done with me yet. "Prompt: Don't think of reasons to quit. Think of reasons to succeed. Use this line in your Blog entry today." Quitting is easy. As Jesus said though, any man who puts his hand to the plow and then looks back in regret does not belong plowing. Quitting is for those who do not wish to accomplish anything. image:2187503-50%} |