This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends |
} Hello Everyone, I hope your holiday was great! Prompt, Friday, November 27, 2020 TUYC Proverbs 3:21-24 Be kind and generous to others. 21. My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion: 22. So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck. 23. Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. 24. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. Aren't these beautiful verses? What is God saying to you? God is saying that if we trust Him and walk in His ways we will always have peace of mind and will not have overwhelming fears and anxieties. Usually when I find myself anxious over something it is because I have walked away from God in some way. I may have forgotten something very basic such as forgetting that God is in control and that no matter how chaotic things around me may look, everything in God's world happens for a purpose. God uses all of it, my mistakes as well as my perfections to help me grow. I can be so far off base that I could never find my way back and God will use it to better me. The lesson may be not to do that again, but God uses it all. Wisdom is knowing that God is always in control. People ask me all the time how I can remain so calm when everything around me is falling apart. I often have a peace about me that is beyond understanding. Nothing rattles me. This is because the wisdom in me has taught me that God continues to be in control and that it will work out for the best. Even disasters help me grow spiritually. In fact, I invite suffering for I have found that humans are like plants. We need a huge helping of manure in our lives in order to grow. Today on the way back from our Thanksgiving break we encountered a star the captain has never seen before. It was (131) . We went down and explored a planet where revenge seems to be the name of the game. The port was
This brought the captain to ask the question "Why do some people seem so set on vengeance and getting "even" with others? There was a time when I lived to get even with others. I carried a million tons of resentment inside me. Little did I know at the time that the only person my resentments were hurting was me. The person I was angry with never gave the situation a second thought. They went through their life without ever thinking of me and they were on my mind all the time. Resentment is like dragging a huge ball and chain with us everywhere we go. The person we resent is going about their normal affairs never giving the situation a second thought. Our resentment does not punish them one bit but it certainly punishes ourselves. We ruminate about them and plot ways to harm them and to what ends? The best things we can do is just consider that they are sick individualls who do sick things and let it go at that. DEon't allow the anger to consume us. I have a sister who is still angry with me because I watched her son one night when he was an infant and he peed himself just before she picked him up. I did not have time to change his diaper. She got angry and has remained so over that for 25 years. I guarantee you I have lost no sleep over her anger. It only hurts her. Anger destroys relationships. It was meant for a short term emotion to give us adrenaline when we are in danger. It is not meant to be long-term. Let it go already! Prompt: “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” ~ Robert Brault Let's talk about the little things in your life so you can look back on them next year. It will be fun to see what actually became a bigger thing." I don't know about anybody else, but I consider COVID-19 and the 2020 election little things. Yes. The election made me a little nervous because I am a conservative Christian and wanted the lesser of the two evils to win. I felt that Trump is an idiot but that Joe Biden was far too liberal for me. Therefore I got into election fever with everybody else, especially on social media. However, in 2022 I am sure I will look back and realize that it was not as bad as I anticipated it to be. Besides, I feel that no matter who is in the White House, Jesus Christ is still on the throne of the Universe and ultimately nothing can happen unless Jesus permits it to happen. I may not understand why but by faith I trust Him. Prompt: "Do you watch television? What's more aggravating to you the commercials about insurance or the black Friday sales promotions?" I seldom watch television simply because of insurance commercials. I don't need to be reminded every five minutes that I am eligible or almost eligible for medicare. I probably won't accept medicare anyway because I have been considered disabled for years. I receive Medicaid which pays 100% of everything and I am also a veteran, which means I receive VA care at no cost to myself. If I went on Medicare I'd have to come up with 20% of the cost myself and I cannot afford that. Therefore I avoid the commercials by simply not watching television. I have cable because of my Internet. Where I live basic cable is free anyway. The Internet is at your own expense. I paid a huge payment of like $1,000.00 on my Internet bill out of my student loans and have not paid an Internet bill since. I check periodically and the amount of credit I have should keep my Internet on for at least nine more months. The cable is part of the package but I seldom watch it. I got a new flat-screen television given to me for Christmas last year and immediately bought an HDMI cable for it so I could use it as a large computer monitor. 99% of the time that is all it is used for. I may watch one hour of television every six months. I turn the television on until the insurance commercials start, which is usually almost immediastely, then I convert it back to the computer. image:2187503-50%} |