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Quote:“It was a mistake to think of houses, old houses, as being empty. They were filled with memories, with the faded echoes of voices. Drops of tears, drops of blood, the ring of laughter, the edge of tempers that had ebbed and flowed between the walls, into the walls, over the years. Wasn't it, after all, a kind of life? And there were houses, he knew it, that breathed. They carried in their wood and stone, their brick and mortar a kind of ego that was nearly, very nearly, human.” ― Nora Roberts, Key of Knowledge --https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/old-houses 3. National Roof Over Your Head Day. Tell us about the favorite room in your home.{/c I don't like to think of this house as an old house but it really has been here a lot of years. There are really a lot of rooms in my house I like. I’m not sure any of them could be considered favorite over any other. This is a large house, built when there were four children growing up in it. We have rearrange rooms since then. I always like the balconies and porches in spring, summer and fall. There is always a place to sit and enjoy the sunshine or weather from a sheltered place. I like the main floor because the living room is there. We keep the main TV and computers there. So, that is where my window to the world sits on the East end of the house. This fall, I have been setting up a sitting room in the family room, which is in the basement. It is where the new corn stove sits on the old fireplace hearth. So, that is the room with the most heat. If we use other rooms we have heaters that can be started when we plan to spend any time in them. I’ve thought about it some. I could live in a smaller area if I was forced to. This is where I live and I’m satisfied to stay as long as I can. The diversity of rooms used at different times of year makes it comfortable and keeps it from getting monotonous. When I think of the things that need done to keep an older home going I remembered this hit from a many years ago. There is a lot of base in this song. apondia#1781748 |