Writings about things that have occurred in my life. Not in Chronological Order |
My first entry for this group. I sure hope I don't rub anyone the wrong way with my thoughts here. IF I do, I'm sorry, that's not my intent. But, this is me, and how I feel.... 1. This is the most wonderful time of the year! Now, tell us why that's total bullshit. This is total BS. I think humans as a whole feel a need to 'feel better', so we create a reason to celebrate something so we can. (No, I'm not trying to say the Christmas season, and the true reason for it is fake). I'm saying that people in general look for a reason to be happy because the trials and tribulations we experience on a day to day basis wear us out.... So, we use holidays to make us feel better. It's a crutch, but it can't solve the real issue. Happiness is in us, we just have to find it. Find that, and we'll find that every day of the year is a wonderful time. Man, do I sound as goofy as this reads? It's how I see the world I guess.... I honestly believe every day we're alive is a great day, better than the alternative. 2. List 21 things that would make 2021 better than 2020. I'm not going to lie and tell you 'Here's a list of 21 things that will make 2021 better than this past year. I will say this. This past year has been tough on a lot of people, and I've been very lucky during it. I've kept my job, I've not been affected by shortages of any type, I've been relatively healthy, and I've even managed to help a few friends out here and there. But you know what? This is life. This isn't Hollywood, we have to live it. This is how it is, so we adapt to it, or we suffer. I don't like suffering. 2021 will arrive in 25 days, and with it, life will go on. The sun will rise in the east, set in the west. Time will pass, and we'll keep on living. Will things be the same? They will if you let it. Will we ever get back to the way things were BC (Before Covid)? Probably not. But as I said above, we're alive, and that's better than the alternative. Jim Dorrell |