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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1008897-Days-of-My-Life
Rated: E · Book · Teen · #1008897

Hey Yall!!!

Okay, so here's the deal. This is the story of me. I'm warning you I always have something going on and something is alway happening to me although most of the time it's not major. So if you're willing to expose your mind to my crazy and zanny thoughts and opioions please feel free to enter the life of me.

Oh and another warning. I can't spell worth a flip. *Bigsmile*


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January 20, 2007 at 12:43am
January 20, 2007 at 12:43am
Still as icy as ever, although we are in the melting stages. Unforunately, however, another storm is supposed to move in tonight. Gosh. Will it ever end? lol. Anyways, had to get out of the house today so we all went on a walk. A thought poped up in my head about what could happen and I put it to paper. It's in my port. I'll come back in a second and put a tag for it here. It's just a quick little thing. Didn't put much thought into it. Just whatever came to mind. So please check it out and review it. Thanks!


Qualla Jo

Here it is!

 Love Happens  (E)
This is just something I wrote on a whim. Please review.
#1205447 by **Jo tired & pretty stressed**
January 16, 2007 at 1:39am
January 16, 2007 at 1:39am
Hey Everyone,

I know it's been like forever. I kinda fell into this writing rut or whatever. I haven't been on writing.com for like months and I didn't really write anything either. I was having this thing where I had almost a craving to write, but nothing was coming. I had nothing to write about. It was horrible and I wouldn't say I'm competely over it yet, but it's defintely better. I even started writing this story for a contest but it's not coming along too well. lol. Anyways, life's been okay. I dunno if yall heard but oklahoma is pretty much in a state of emergancy. We got this huge ice storm and it's horrible. We're lucky and have power but like everyone around us doesn't. We don't have water though, which is getting to be a problem. No school though so I won't complain. Well, I always love me some comments.


Qualla Jo

Oh My Goodness. I just read over all my past entries. I can't believe how dumb I sound. Gosh. And that advice River gave me in the very beginning w/ Zak was soo true. He really was useing me the entire time. I didn't think it was possible cause his mom had done that to him and he hated it so he wouldn't do that to me. But exactly the opposite happened. Gosh. That whole thing was entirely stupid. But I'm over it now. Really I am. I've moved on to bigger and better things. Meeting new guys and what happens, happens. Just having a good o'time. Life is good. lol.
May 29, 2006 at 9:46pm
May 29, 2006 at 9:46pm
Hey Yall!!

Look who's back! Yep that's right. A HUGEMOUS (or however you spell it. lol.) thankx to airplane1825 for giving me a upgrade!!!! Yay!!

Last week was State 4-H Round-up which was awesome. I got State Ambassador which is like a really big deal. I was soo scared, it was unbelieveable. But I did it. Hmm... what else? Still single. My friends have been trying to fix me up w/ this guy I've been talkin' to on the phone for awhile, but he's like 2 years younger than me. And now that he's come back from church camp, he's got a girlfriend, which is good. I knew it wasn't gonna work out anyway. I hung out w/ this guy named Matt at Round-up, but I don't think anything gonna happen w/ that either. My luck w/ love hasn't been too great lately.

Well, enough with my busy life. What have yall been up to? Leave a comment summin' it up. It'll be my Question of the Day or whatever.

Talk to yalls later. Love Alwayz,

*Heart* Qualla JO *Heart*
December 5, 2005 at 10:19pm
December 5, 2005 at 10:19pm

My upgrade expries in like a week! If someone out there feels like being kind and generous, I would greatly appearicate it. There is no way I can get the upgrade on my own. I need yall!!!! Anyway, besides that not much is going on here. State Make it w/ Wool and a few parades but that's it. Oh, well. If you can help, please do. I'm begging you. lol. Talk to yalls later,

November 28, 2005 at 6:39pm
November 28, 2005 at 6:39pm

Okay, Saturday I had my parade (that was the thang I couldn't remember) and it went okay. Sunday, I slept but that evening the wind picked up to like 60-65 miles an hour and on the way home we counted like 7 or 8 fires. It's really bad. One is like in the town over, which I go to school in. Alot of my friends live in its path. It's really scary. I'm really worried too. Everything will be okay though hopefully. Anyway, on a somewhat better note, my upgrade is almost up. I have like 2 weeks and so much I have that I want to do and keep up. I feel like my upgrade really helped me get more involed with this site and better at my writing. So if you're reading this and you have the capablitly (oooo, big word. Go me! lol) to, please gift me an upgrade. I really need it. Please and Thank you! I gotta run. Talk to yalls later,


Ahhhhhh, the wind picked back up which won't help the fires.
November 26, 2005 at 12:08am
November 26, 2005 at 12:08am
According to WDC time, today is parade day, but only by like 10 minutes. Here, I still have an hour left of Friday. My head hurts like really bad. I feel like I'm so behind on everything. I have so much that I need to get done. Anyway, my local Christmas parade is tomorrow. We decorated my car today. It's a gold convertable. Oh, I forgot to tell Mom to make sure I wake up w/ enough time to curl my hair. Oh, well. I'll wake up. We decorated my car with lights and signs. It looks pretty good for us not knowing what we're doing. Yall, my head really hurts and I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed. Talk to yalls later,

November 22, 2005 at 7:44pm
November 22, 2005 at 7:44pm
I really need to try and write on this thing more often, but you know me. Always busy with something. Let's see. What do I need to tell yall to catch yall up. Wednesday, the Retired Teachers Appreaciation Reception went completly not as planned. Thursday, I had Venture Roundtable so I got to see Zak. That was fun. Friday after school, Ledia and I left for Venture/Boy Scout Rappeling Weekend. We had so much fun. We so needed a video camera Friday nite. Just imagine, 2 blondes putting up a tent that only 1 of them has ever put up before, in the dark with only a little flashlight. Then we froze to death because we didn't put the fly up. Saturday, we both rapelled a 55 ft. cliff twice and an over 100 ft. once. The taller one was so much fun and easier. Then we got lost on top of these huge boulders. That night we meant up with some guys and hung out with them. We all climbed this really tall hill that was really rocky. Ledia and I kept falling. We stayed out until like 4:30 am and had to wake up at 6. Needless to say, we slept the entire 4 hour car ride home. Sunday, I had Make it w/ Wool which by the way I got 2nd in my division which means I get to go to state. Yea!!! Tomorrow we're killing chickens and Saturday is Warner's Christmas Parade that I'm riding in as Muskogee Co. Sr. 4-H Queen. It'll be fun. Not the killing chickens part though. Well, I better go. Talk to yalls later,


I wonder if Zak won his scrimmage today. Sorry just had to write that for some odd reason. LOL.
November 15, 2005 at 11:35pm
November 15, 2005 at 11:35pm
Hey yall.

It's been a long time, hasn't it. I've been really busy but what's new. Last friday, our football team went to the playoffs. We lost but our boys played a good game coming from being at 10-32 for almost at of the game to 32-48 or 6 at the end. I can't remember which it was. I might have been 6. Anyway, then let's see Saturday we had a 4-H chicken killin' day at my house. That was fun. Those guys had no clue to what they were doing. lol. Sunday, I stayed home from church to sew on my stupid dress that I will probably never wear for the Make it w/ Wool contest on Sunday. Yesterday, my mom forgot me at school till like 4:30. That wasn't funny when it happened, but it is now. I had a 4-H teen leaders meeting that night too and then I stayed up till midnight on the phone with Zak. Today, I had to get ready for this Retired Teachers Appreciation Reception that National Junior Honor Society is putting on that I just happen to be the president of and I had my last Venture meeting with my crew tonight too. I'm switching crews. A lot of weird stuff is going on and I can't be a member anymore of that crew. It's a mess. But I got to see Zak at the meeting and that was good. Well, I have like 3 additions to make on campfires, so I better go get some stuff done. Talk to yalls later,

November 9, 2005 at 6:08pm
November 9, 2005 at 6:08pm
He asked me out! He finally asked me out!! I'm really happy. Last night at the meeting Zak and I were writing a note on his phone and he asked me out. I hope yall don't even have to ask what I told him cause of course (i think that's the wrong kind of course, but oh, well.) I said yes. It was great!! I'm so happy. Wait, wasn't the title of my last entry "Guess What!" too? oh, well. I'm too happy to care. I am finally going out with Zachary T. S.!! Talk to yalls later,

November 6, 2005 at 1:42am
November 6, 2005 at 1:42am
I'll give you one guess as to what I'm so happy about. You guessed it! You are now talking to the Muskogee County Sr. 4-H Queen! It was great. Ray, my escort, and I were crackin' jokes while we were in line and Zak came! We also went bowling afterwards and I wish I could show you the roll I did bowling. I did a kinda matrix back bend thang, threw the ball between my legs, fell hard on my butt, and got a strike! It was so much fun! Well, it's like 1 o'clock so I think I better go to bed. Talk to yalls later,


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1008897-Days-of-My-Life