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by Aradne
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1010479
Not interesting at all. Just like me.

In a text-based world, I'm beautiful.

My favorite things in life:

         *waking up from a good dream with that good feeling that comes from good dreams.
         *banana paraphernalia (chips, smoothies, ice cream....)
         *knowing that I am understood.
         *good pens/pencils
         *writing down my thoughts
         *conversations of the deep sort.
         *spending time with those that I love.
         *a cleansing bunch of noise once in a while
         *quiet the rest of the time
         *blogging my lil heart out
         *noticing the little things that generally don't matter.
         *being just a little bit different
         *pretending to be a poser

"You must do the things you think you cannot do."
-Eleanor Roosevelt.

This is straightforwardly me.
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December 6, 2005 at 4:30am
December 6, 2005 at 4:30am
ten firsts:
1. best friend ? Juanita. (I don't remember her last name)
2. screen name? devinebratt
3. piercing? Ears, I was 12
4. crush? Maybe Mike Chase?
5. cd? The Ariel soundtrack.
6. car? haven't had one yet.
7. love? Never been in love. *Wink*
8. stuffed animal? Lucy, a bear my Aunt Karen gave me.
9. pet? Minnie Mouse, a kitten.
10. word? The first big one was 'lollipop'. My first sentence was, "Hi Mom." (i was repeating after my older siblings)

nine lasts:
1. alcoholic beverage? Chocolate liqueur, at least 2 years ago.
2. car ride? From the mall, yesterday.
3. movie seen? Shrek. LOVE that movie.
4. phone call made? Home.
5. cd played? Not sure... Prolly Cheapskates.
6. bubble bath? This summer sometime.
7. time you cried? A day less than a month ago.
8. kiss? virgin lips, honey.
9. ice cream? chocolate chip cookie dough

eight have you evers:
1. dated one of your best friends? In elementry school.
2. been arrested? no siree
3. skinny dipped? *Blush* Yes.
4. been on tv? not that i know of.
5. kissed someone and then regretted it? Nope
6. had a sex dream about someone? Nope.
7. had sex? no siree.
8. walked in on your parents having sex? Not specifically, no.

seven things you are wearing:
1. My new pink boots.
2. My work uniform
3. Puppy-dog pigtails
4. My key. (it's on a necklace)
5. A black hoodie
6. My contacts.
7. Purple (but otherwise plain) underwear

six things you've done today:
1. Gone to 3 classes.
2. Helped my roomie with her spanish
3. gone to a spanish group meeting
4. finished a debate in spanish
5. worked
6. chatted with darnell

five favorite things:
1. prayer
2. hanging out with people
3. getting good grades.
4. writing.com
5. xanga

four people you can tell almost anything to:
1. Hannah
2. Annabelle
3. Gwen
4. Lank

three choices:
1. black or white? black
2. chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
3. hot or cold? cold

two things you want to do before you die:
1. pray one more time (at least)
2. feel really happy again.

one thing you regret:
1. ...email me if you really want to know.
December 1, 2005 at 3:48pm
December 1, 2005 at 3:48pm
No, seriously.

Not many issues get me going. I'm not a bleeding heart, save the world, icky chick.

But just this once, will ya help? It doesn't cost anything. Just:

1. Click the link.
2. Wait for the ribbon to draw the world.
3. Click a spot on the map.
4. Choose a reason why you want them to donate.

They'll donate a dollar for each person who does this today.

December 1, 2005 at 3:10am
December 1, 2005 at 3:10am
Ever have someone decide to 'take care' of you when you don't need the help, and in so doing, overlook someone who could use the boost?

I've needed help lots in my life. Most of you who read this can attest to the fact. I could go into stories, but there's no real need.

For once in my life, I'm content. This semester has been one of the best times in my life.

And suddenly everyone wants to help me.

And no one sees the REAL need around them.

Take a deeper look, folks. (Not you specifically, dear reader. Just those who need to)

I thank everyone who has ever helped me. (I'd name ya, but that'd take all night....)
November 27, 2005 at 9:18pm
November 27, 2005 at 9:18pm
I had no morsel of turkey this Thanksgiving. None whatsoever.

I had a 'Lumberjack Slam' instead. *Wink*

The 4 children my mom has who still speak to her all got together and we celebrated at Denny's. Classy, I know.

And other than that, my week was uneventful; the highlight being my Pastor using the phrase, "This lovely, nay, spiffy woman..." *Laugh**Laugh**Laugh*

It struck me as funny, but I always laugh at things that 'aren't funny'.
November 22, 2005 at 5:57pm
November 22, 2005 at 5:57pm
I hate you. You never raise my allowance. You expect me to be in bed by 4:30am every night. I work 3-6 nights a week. I have 14 credit hours and 3 non-credit hours of school.

I can't take it, I'm running away.

Not really. I'm just going home for Thanksgiving. Don't expect me to be haunting you for a few days! Happy T-day, all!
November 21, 2005 at 3:53am
November 21, 2005 at 3:53am
I am jealous of my best friend. Jealous of almost everything she's got.

And I don't tell her things any more.

I'm jealous of her parents. They care and are invested in her life.

I'm jealous of her boy. I don't want that specific boy, but I do want a good one like that.

I'm jealous of my best friend for really dumb reasons. I need to grow up.
November 19, 2005 at 7:45pm
November 19, 2005 at 7:45pm
Just take a glance at #54.

What the hell is wrong with me?


I have no reason to be so ansy. That's not even a word.

I'm pacing and being jittery. What is this?
November 19, 2005 at 12:20am
November 19, 2005 at 12:20am
Although I don't think it'll register with you how good of news it really is. (To help out, I'll post a bit of background)

My dad is a good person who's made bad decisions in his life. Without going into embarrasing detail, I'll just say that the last I heard of him, he was neither living at a homeless shelter or his ex-girlfriend's house. No one knew where he was. (He was also broker than I'd EVER care to be)

Today was my brother's birthday. Dad gave him a call. It's the first time I've heard from him since he called and left a message on the machine for my birthday back in July.

I was really worried about him. Apparently, he's going to Louisiana to help rebuild there. Which means that he'll have a job.

He hasn't had a real job for longer than a few weeks since I was in elementary school.

I'm so happy. Even though I didn't get to talk to him, I'm really happy.

I can't tell you how happy I am.
November 18, 2005 at 9:22pm
November 18, 2005 at 9:22pm
"I'm here waiting for something new to break my heart. I'm doing way too much thinking.... It's tearing me apart. Will you catch my fall?"

These lyrics pretty much sum up this week.

No one thing is bugging me. A few minor things, that's all. A good cry would make me feel better, but nothing is there to push me over into tears.

I'll just mope around until Thanksgiving. Family always makes me cry, they just don't know it. *Smile* *cynical chuckle*
November 16, 2005 at 8:06pm
November 16, 2005 at 8:06pm
Sometimes things start staring me in the face.

So, way back even before junior high girls, I sometimes went to church. Just often enough that my mother could be seen as 'that great Christian woman'. Her excuse for usually not going was all of her kids.

Anyway, there was a clic of girls in the church; marci, kelly, danielle, and a few others whose names I've forgotten.

What are the chances that kelly would decide to come to school here, 500 miles away from her hometown? Not only does she go here, but she's in one of my classes, occasionally makes up a lab in my lab (and sits in my spot while she's at it!!!), and she occupies a classroom right before mine, so I'm constantly passing her on my way in.

She doesn't remember me. All the times that she and her friends me sad, even made me cry, and she doesn't remember me. That's the great irony of life.

I dunno. I think God keeps reminding me of how much I resent her because he wants me to forgive.

And I should forgive. But where do I even start?

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