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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1113635-Letters-to-Myself/month/3-1-2025
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Rated: E · Book · Other · #1113635
Entries from my journal

There’s a beautiful pink and blue marbling going on in the sky directly
out my window as I sit here in the office sharing my day with you. It
was another bitter cold one with hints of winter-to-come around the
edges. We’ve been using both our heaters; one in the office and the
other either in the living room when we’re watching TV or in the bedroom
when we go to sleep at night. We would not be able to function without

This morning, at six o’clock, I got up to clean the house. Because I
was doing physical work, I was comfortable in a pair of shorts and a
summer top, but as soon as I was finished, or if I had stopped for even
a moment, the cold crept in like the damp air off a frog-freckled lake
at dusk.

While Normie worked listing items on Ebay, I spent my time playing the
piano, reading animal stories, and taking care of the house. It was a
quiet day in that regard; staying home for the most part. I did get to
the library for a few hours when Normie had to leave the house on
errands, but otherwise it was a day spent mostly in the quiet and the
comfort of our little home.

There was a certain chore I could have gotten stuck into, but there’s no
pressing urgency, so I just put it out of my mind. It involves finding
a new home for some extra stock we have lying around. We’re running out
of space, so it’s more a matter of imagination and ingenuity than
anything else at this point.

I suppose you wouldn’t know that using the names John/Jane Doe to
represent an unknown identity is not used in Oz. Instead, they say John
or Jane Citizen. Isn’t that interesting?

I happened to get online rather late today, since Normie had so much to
do on Ebay, and it’s only getting later, so I best be closing this
missive for the evening.

So, as the darkness sweeps over the marbled sky, dousing the pretty
colors and turning everything black, I’ll be saying Aussie ya sometime
tomorrow. Oh, wait, the evening is not quite over yet. Normie just
invited me to join him in a walk to the Eagleby Plaza. I’ll have to
bundle up. I’m sure it’s nippy out there!


I’ve been working on some etudes, nocturnes, and preludes I’ve assigned to myself on the
piano. A couple of these pieces are works I had learned years ago but need some serious
brushing up on. The other two are brand new pieces composed by Frederic Chopin. I am
familiar with these two particular pieces only by melody, not via the physical mechanics in
which it takes to master them on a musical instrument, so although I’ve heard them before, I
have never played them.

Normie and I took a walk to the Eagleby Plaza early this morning while the temperature was
still only fifty degrees and the air was downright freezing. The crystal atmosphere
resembled Decembers I’ve known in Ohio and I half expected to find frozen patches lying
around the curbs as we turned corners and passed fields of pungent gums and waving palms.

The stark clap of our footsteps on the hard concrete, combined with the harsh sunlight,
brought memories to mind. I find it hard to believe that in America, where you are, May is
full of spring warmth and anticipation of an even warmer summer while our merry little month
of May is busy preparing us for the freezing cold winter that’s honing its icy claws,
waiting to pounce on us in the not too distant future.

I don’t mind. In fact, I look forward to the brittle mornings and gelid evenings we’ve been
experiencing lately. Since there’s no ice, no snow, no blizzards to worry about, let the
cold weather prosper. I like bundling up against the frosty air and the absence of humidity
is not hard to take.

Tonight’s supper will have Betty Miller’s Chilly Burgers on the menu. Not as sloppy joes,
this time, though. I plan to pour the delicious meaty meal over steamed broccoli and
tomatoes. Normie said it sounded good. I hope it is.

Well, as this day begins to pull its chilly cloak down around us, Ill be saying my fond
farewell until tomorrow around this time when I’ll be back with hopefully something more
interesting to write about.

Until then, may your day bring you adventure and excitement so you’ll rush to write it all
down and share it with me. I would like that. But if not, and your day waxes redundant and
mundane, with nothing more to report about than the weather, well I would like to hear about
that too.

So, either way, Aussie ya tomorrow with my ears on.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1113635-Letters-to-Myself/month/3-1-2025