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August 20, 2008 at 10:19am
August 20, 2008 at 10:19am
Well, it's been a few days or so since I last posted on this blog......
Most probably like everyone else, not a whole lot going on right now.....I am watching all the news coming out on a daily basis from the presidental campaigns...Democratic convention coming up starting on Monday, August 25th... Seems like in a lot of ways, the "Clintons" are taking over the show!! A whole host of "exciting" characters scheduled to "take the stage...". In case I do need something to help me sleep..I was glad to hear that "Jimmy Carter" was going to give a speech at the convention.....Borrrrrrrring.....and he is just so "out of touch" with reality!!! Good luch to the Dems.......lol.

I didn't have too much confidence in John Mccain winning the presidency a month or so ago.....but he is really comming on strong. He's just about "neck and neck" with "ole" Barrack....not a good sign for the Dems....Thank God, it looks to be going the way of the "Gore" and "Kerry" campaigns...only a bit worse, it seems, at this stage in the campaign.
I did watch the presidential "discussions" (I guess you might call them) at the "Saddleback Church", the other night. I think that this was best "display" so far in regards to the huge difference between the two candidates! Barrack Obama was his "typical" self - "politically correct" Waaaaaaay over the top....trying to be sooooo smooth (and, in my opinion coming off "slimmy" and "slick")...he just refuses to answer a question! He dances around the issues like "Fred Astaire"....
McCaine, on the other hand, simply tells it like it is....I think he sometimes comes off as a bit "brash" or sometimes says things that are used by the "media pundits" afterward to try to make him look bad....however, like him or hate him,the absolute "bottom line" is that John McCain is genuine
person....he is honest and sincere, and simply says what he means - we'll see if this helps him (seems to be)...most Americans are always saying that they want an "honest" candidate...well, we have one in John Mccain. Unfortunately (especially the politically correct, "far left" liberal wackjobs (and I mean that in the nicest possible way..lol) and even a lot of "normal" people really don't want to hear honesty and sincerity...they would rather latch onto mere "rehetoric" and Bullsh*t about "we can make a difference..." or "yes we can.." crap. That's not a policy or idea...it's simply slick and slimmy bullsh*t that Obama is trying to use to cover up his "true" agenda. The simple fact is that Obama is a "socialist" (at best) and WILL absolutely raise our taxes....significantly increase the size of government....and will hurt the average American working man and woman.
I do think the tide is changing.....I now think that maybe Americans are "smartening" up.. Personally, I would rather have a "genuine" and honest person as President as opposed to someone who has no "track record" and refuses to tell us what he thinks and what he would do.....
For the good of America, I'm praying for a McCain presidency!!!

Just another short subject.....
I have a home in Bradenton, Florida that we bought in April of this year (will be our "retirement" home and permanent residence within about a year of so....).
Was a bit on "pins and needles" over my first experience "worrying" about a hurriane coming close to where our home is located.
As it turned out, "Tropical Storm Fay" turned out to be kind of "dudd" .....thank God for that.
Although, we don't have any home owners insurance on the place as of yet, this latest experience has me checking out what it would cost to insure the place.
It might be a little expensive to insure the place, but it sure will provide a lot of "peace of mind".
Especially if the next "big one" turns out to be a "catagory 4 or 5"......

Hope to hear from some of you out there....whether you agree or disagree with my thoughts.

God Bless.........

August 11, 2008 at 10:25am
August 11, 2008 at 10:25am
I've read some interesting books lately.

One of the books is entitled, "Slave Species of god" by Michael Tellinger, is an interesting theory (?) that the human species was "created" by an alien civilization (the Annanaki) who came to Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago, and created a human "slave" species (human) for the purpose of mining gold here on Earth....this was supposedly an effort to save their own planet Nibero (?)
from extinction (using the gold to "seed" their planet's atmosphere).
A lot of the research and information he used to write this book come ancient
"Sumerian" tablets, which supposed includes many religious texts that were "decided" (by some of the the ancient Christian priests) not to be included in the Bible.
The book addresses such things as our "infatuation"/quest for gold....the references in the Bible to "many gods" and (one of the things I found particulary, I guess you could say, enlightening) was why the "God" of the old testament seemed to be so harsh...chose sides ("chosen people") and actively "spoke" and "appeared" to many, many of the people in Biblical times.
His "premise" is that these Annunaki were the "gods" of the Bible, "ruling" over their new slave species. (I have read the entire "old testament" and have always wondered why God would do a lot of the things he does in the Bible - I have always believed in a "loving" and benevolent God....one who would not punish his "creation" on a whim....and in fact, kill who civilizations of people simply because they "disagreed" or we "obstacles" for his "chosen people". It never made a whole lot of sense to me. Never mind, that all other peoples of the world who believed in different religions - gods - would be punished or ofter killed).
It is an intersting read for those with an "open mind". Not that I blindly believe everything in the book, but it does bring up a lot of interesting things.....
Mr. Tillinger does make the distinction between God (with a capital "G") and the "gods" of which he refers (the alien "Annunaki).
Any opinions? I'm sure that many Christians that believe the Bible word-for-word/literally, will find this to be "blasphemy"...It has always been my opinion that the Bible was written by "men" and that a lot of what is written in the Bible is "metaphor" and or, refers to actual things that were happening at the time (as opposed to things that are happening today - prophesies).

I'm just finishing up another book about 2012 - the Mayan Prophesies.
I found this book (at times) to be overly technical for the average reader (a lot of physics....quantum therories....etc...
It is certainly a "depressing" book, citing many, many different ways that the world, and our civilization will cease to exist on 12/21/12....(The Mayan's calendar/time, simply stops on that date).
The author goes into everything from the "massive eruption" of the under-ground volcano at Yellowstone National Park, to collisons with gigantic asteroids....none of particular pleasant or good for life here on Earth.
I have always found that 2012 and the Mayan prophicies interesting...
However, I do believe in "God" and simply don't believe that a loving "God" would allow all of creation to cease....just my opinion.
Although the book was interesting....it's a "bummer".
I don't know about the rest of you......I just couldn't sit around and "worry" about whatever catastrophies will transpire to kill us all off.....
The vast majority of "events" seem totally beyond our control, so, as far as I am concerned, I'll just "cross that bridge, when I come to it...."

Just some of my thoughts for the day.

August 6, 2008 at 9:43am
August 6, 2008 at 9:43am
Getting away from politics a bit......

I thought I'd give a few of my thoughts on the "other" topic that not's discussed with family or friends....lol.....religion.

I grew up "Methodist", and although I attended "Sunday school" weekly when I was a kid, as an adult, I am not active in the Church - in actuality, I pretty much don't attend church unless I'm attending a wedding or funernal..lol.
I have some major "issues" with "organized regigion" -primairly, that (in my opinion) the vast majority of "ceremonies/rituals" are mindless and of "questionable" relevance. I believe in God, but have never believed in a "vengeful" or "sadistic" god.....but a God of Love, mercy, fairness and support. I have read the entire "old testiment" and it if filled with accounts of a "vengeful/angry" god who plays favorites, uses "fear tactics" to control humans, makes "unreasonable" demands......in fact kills whole groups of people/civilizations simply becsuse they oppose or are obsticles for his "chosen" people. Frankly, I simply don't believe these accounts and stories describe the "true" God.....I believe the stories were written by men to control other men......I believe God is total love and does not chose sides or "punish" people for wrong-doing.

I did have a "bad" experience with the Catholic church many years ago - some friends of ours chose us to be god-parents for their son. To make a long story short, because we were not Catholic, the priest decided that we were not "worthy" to be god-parents, and chose "stand-ins" for us. In fact, it was made quite clear to us that we were "literally" not good enough to stand on "their alter". It was arrogant and, I believe, not what God or Jesus would have done.....it was simply a "man" or "group" exhibiting how they feel "superior" to everyone else.

I would consider myself, simply, a child of God. I don't feel that I need anyone else (priest, etc...) to act as a "go-between" for God and myself. I believe God is love - that "he" forgives us for our short-comings (sins) - and that he wants the best for us. I don't believe that it makes any difference whether or not we take part in any "hocus - pocus" rituals or cermonies of "organized religion"
I believe it is absolutely simple - the Key: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Period! The end!

I belive that what happens in my lifetime is between God and me. I also believe that everyone will be somehow "accountable" for thier actions and deeds in this life - not by being "punsihed" by God, but by a "life review".....we will ultimately know and understand what we did "right" and what we did "wrong".......Karma.....

and then........there's the issue of "rebirth" or "reincarnation" - to learn the lessons that we need to learn.....(but that's a whole other topic...lol.)

Any comments?

Have a great day! and God Bless!
August 1, 2008 at 10:18am
August 1, 2008 at 10:18am
I do sincerely appreciate the response to my blog.

Today, here is some more of my "political" thoughts - views on the upcoming election.

Although John McCain is far from a true "conservative", he is without a doubt (in my opinion) the far better candidate.
I believe that the major issues of this election (at this time in history), include:
1. The economy, which includes the high gas prices as well as the "housing'
mess we are in.
2. The War in Iraq (and Afganistan)
3. Enviormental issues (including global warming)
4. The problem of illegal immigration.
5. Taxes
6. Health Care

I'm 53 years old, and I truly believe that this is single most important election of my lifetime!
The impact and ramifications of who is ultimately elected President will have significant and long lasting effects, both for my generation, as well as my children's and grandchildren's future.
In my opinion, we are already paying WAY too much in taxes - The government currently takes more 1/3 of my income - I believe that the answer is not more/higher taxes, but for the government to elimiate waste and effeciently utilize the tax money that they currently take from hard working American taxpayers!

The candidates views on the above issues are as follows:
1. The economy (and I'll include #5 Taxes)
A. Does NOT want to increase Taxes - would leave the "Bush" tax cuts in
1. Is NOT in favor of bringing back "capital gains" taxes in reference to the
sales of individual/primary residences.
2. Is NOT in favor of bringing back "inheritance" taxes under certain levels.
B. Would concentrate ecconomic "stimulus" efforts toward "small
bussinesses" and industry to help create jobs and "grow" the ecomony.
(a huge number of Americans derive their sole income from running small
businesses - they are the "backbone" of America).
C. Is in favor of more drilling/oil exploration at "off shore" sites and other sites.

2. The War in Iraq
A. Wants to "finish" the job we are doing there, to stabilize the region - Win
the war.
B. To assure a stable enviorment in Iraq - not allow it to become a haven for

3. Enviormental Issues
A. Work to improve, and address enviormental issues, including global

4. Illegal immigration
A. Although he states he wants to "stop illegal immigration" - is weak on this
point and does not go nearly far enough.

5. Taxes
A. Overall, reduce the tax burden on the American people.

6. Health Care
A. In favor of allowing "capitalism" and a "free marketplace" regulate and
reduce the cost of health care.
B. Continue to have the quality health care available in the U.S.
C. Work to assure low cost health care available to all Americans

1. The ecconomy (and I'll include #5 taxes)
A. Wants to eliminate the "Bush" tax cuts and INCREASE taxes across the
1. Wants to bring back "capital gains" taxes on the sale of private homes
a. Government will take a minimum of 30% taxes on the potential sale
of private homes - retirees planning on utilizing the "equity" in their
homes for a percentage to live on in retirement will be severely hurt by
this tax.
2. Wants to bring back "inheritance tax' for all Americans.
a. Will again cause Americans to have to pay huge taxes on all
inheritance - Often people losing "family' homes/farms because
they can't afford to pay the government taxes.
B. Would severely INCREASE the taxes on all small and large businesses.
1. Making it more difficult for businesses to expand and create jobs.
2. Decrease income potential for huge numbers of "average" Americans
who are already struggling with the effect of a poor ecconomy.
C. Is NOT in favor of new/additional exploration for oil in U.S. - additional

2. The Iraq War
A. Wants to pull out all American troops without regard for the
consequences for the region/Middle East - as well as the long term
consequences for American safety and security.
B. Lose the war and allow terrorist to take over region.

3. Enviornmental issues
A. Work to improve, and address enviornment issues, including global
1. Probably stronger and more effeciently than the Republicans

4. Illegal Immigration
A. Extremely weak on Illegal immigration - in in favor of "open borders"
1. Increased cost to Americans in government programs for illegal aliens
2. Severely reduce American safety and security - potential terrorism
3. Not address issue to foreign criminals entering the U.S.
5. Taxes
A. In favor of increased taxes across the board for ALL Americans
1. Take even more money away from already struggling American
families trying to make ends meet.
2. Create "new" government programs to significants "grow" the size of
the Federal Government - significantly increase costs to every
B. Wants to give a percentage of the taxpayer's money to foreign "third
world" countries (a budget line item). More tax increases for the
average "working class" American!

6. Health Care
A. Introduce "Socialized" medicine to the United States.
B. Universal Health Care would be astronomically expensive - the cost
picked up by working class Americans.
C. Reduce the availability and quality of health care (in general)
1. Create significantly longer wait for all medical needs with poorer
quality (just look to the north in Canada to see how it will be!)
2. Working class Americans will no longer be able to get quality health
care - will truly only be the "rich" who can afford "private" care.

To be completely honest, I am making my decision (and casting my vote) based on how I perceive the individual candidates will effect my life and my family's future. My "bottom line" is my WALLET. The plain fact is that under an Obama Presidency, I will have significantly less of my own money to make ends meet. With the terrible ecconomy, I (as all other Americans) have seen an incredible increase in the basic cost of living (gasoline...home heating oil leading the way - more than doubled from last year) - how is taking more of my money to "feed" ineffective and corupt government programs going to help me or other working class Americans?
I do not need or want to the government to "take care" of me! I, like most other "working class" Americans have worked hard all my life and taken responsibility for my life and my family's needs and future. I have done what I had to do to provide my family with health care - I haven't looked (with my hand out) to the government to provide it to me for free! I've worked hard to provide food, clothing, and necessities of life for my family, myself - NOT looking to the government with my hand out to get it all for free! I've worked to purchase a home and pay my bills, and have not/ am not looking to the government to "bail me out" for getting a loan that I had no chance of being able to pay off (living WAY beyond my means). I never felt "entitled" to have the government "support" me - I have taken the RESPONSIBILITY myself by working hard.

It's time that a large majority of the members of the Democratic party (liberals) start taking "responsibility" for themselves not expect the government to take care of them from the "cradle to the grave" - we are all "responsible" for ourselves and not "entitled to other people's money. Living in America means having "opportunity", NOT a "Free Ride"! This is the greatest country on the face of the earth! We have a better standard of living than any other country! We have significantly more opportunity for success that other other country! Let's all stop whining and take responsibility for ourselves!

I'm a U.S. Navy Veteran and I'm absolutely proud to be an American!


Barak Obama (and his wife Michelle) are "ashamed" of this country! They believe that we need to do whatever it takes to "please" and "kiss the butts" of Europeans and the rest of the world.
The fact is, Obams is a "Socialist" and clearly believes in the concept of "Maxism" and "Communism" - Certainly NOT "Capitalism", Free choice, responsibility for one's own actions, nor the "American dream". If elected President, he will damage (very possibly fatally) our America for generations to come!

I support John McCain for President!

July 31, 2008 at 10:37am
July 31, 2008 at 10:37am
Well, it's another day here in paradise...lol.

It's Thursday, July 31st, 2008 and it appears that I haven't had any views of my blog (never mind any comments). Maybe it was a good idea when I quit writing this thing on a daily basis.....what's the point if no one reads it?

I would love some of you "liberals" to respond to my last post! I'd love to get some honest views as to why someone would be a Democrat - more specifically, a "Liberal" Democrat. I for one, just don't get it?

Taking the risk of "beating a dead horse...", I'd really like to know why the Democrats are known as the party of the American "workers". It just doesn't make sense to me. It made a lot more sense back at the time of "JFK" Democrats - there were actually some "conservative" Democrats then. Some that cared about fiscal responsiblity - as opposed to (what appears to be) the viewpoints of todays Democrats, which seems to be what I would call, "the Robin Hood Syndrom".....lol. In other words, take "everything" from every hard working American, and give it to the "lazy slobs" who seem to only want a handout. They don't want to work, but would rather sit on their couches, watching TV, and live off the taxpayers....of course, buying the food - "food stamps" (which of course, includes their necessary "booze" and cigarettes), and all their other "necessities" of life off the sweat of the American Taxpayer. And, Hey, lets not forget our "obligation" to take care of (more handouts) all of the "illegal aliens".....
Where is it going to stop? Well, it's not likely stop under any form of Democratic president (especially Barak Obama....yikes, he's a full blown Communist!)

Although, I certainly do go along with "helping" those unfortunate souls who can't help themselves - those who are disabled, or otherwise, CAN'T work - NOT those who do not WANT to work.
So, other than the above, I feel, for the most part, I don't OWE anything to anyone! Not because you are a minority (any minority!). Not because you grew up in a disfunctional family! Nor because you are too LAZY to get up off your sorry butt and work - take advantage of the opportunities that this county has to offer! Not because you want to drink, take drugs, or have "irresponsible" sex and pump out babies that you can't possibly afford (but expect the taxpayers to pay for)!
And........don't even get me started on the "world" community! We owe our first (and pretty much only) obligation to American Citizens! Period! I absolutely do not believe that our government should take one nickel of my tax dollars to give to foreign countries! (I do not have any problem to providing aid for things such as natural disasters. But for emergencies only! )

Well, that's my rantings for the day........
Come on Liberals.....help me to understand why you think it's a good idea to have the government take ALL of our money to give to someone else - creating hardships for all of us hard working Americans - with the poor economy, crazy high fuel prices, etc..... I don't know about you, but I need the government to take less taxes so I can afford such silly things as fuel to heat my house this winter, or just gas to get to work.


July 24, 2008 at 1:01pm
July 24, 2008 at 1:01pm
Thought I'd give this "blog" thing another shot.....
I haven't written anything in about a year and a half...(whewwww, time sure flies...lol).
No one was ever reading it, so just wasn't worth it....see if I can drum up some readers....

Since I last wrote, my wife and I decided to forgo the "RV" thing after retirement - a bit of an issue with the fuel prices today! We have since purchased a home in Bradenton, Florida....with the great deals on real estate in the market right now, it was pretty much a no brainer. Can't wait to sell the house here in Mass. when I retire (580 days, but hey, who's counting...lol) and move full time down south. Will probably return up north for part of the Summers to visit the kids and family.
Certainly won't miss the "crappy" weather....the unfriendly people....and, most of all now, the rising cost of heating oil! A friend just filled up his oil tank - 275 gallons to the tune of $4.59/gallon......yep, $1262.00......that's obscene!! Seems like an awful lot of people are going to have a problem paying for oil this winter in New England and other colder climates....
With the theromstat set very conservatively, we usually use at least a tank of oil per month......I'm certainly getting ready to bend over in front of the oil companies this winter......probably cost me at least $7,000.00 or $8,000.00 to heat my home this winter.....almost more than my mortgage......it's a crime!!

Although during the "Primaries" for the Presidential elections, I was glued to the TV...I've just about had it with this election crap! Bickering back and forth.....all rhetoric and neither of the candidates seem to have an viable solutions for the ecconomic mess we are in......

I do have a serious question for any readers out there.....(particularly "liberals").

I'm been a Republican since I first was able to vote....and although I agree that George Bush has certainly made a mess of things....I simply don't understand (and never have) why the Democratic party is known as representing the "working man/woman"?
Looking into the proposed Democratic platform (and Barak Obama in particular), is a desire to do what I would consider "screw" the working man/woman?
1. Firstly, Obama wants to raise the income tax. Does anyone feel that we are
not paying enough in income taxes? It's already at least 1/3 of what we make.
I would really like to hear any opinions as to why someone might feel we
should be paying more?

2. Secondly, Obama wants (with help of the Democratic crooks in Congress) brings
back the"Capital Gains Tax" on the sale of a primary residence. This again is
proposed to be around 30%....we just got rid of damn tax (one of the good things that
Bush did). I can understand taxing "investment" properties or even multiple
or Summer homes. Investment homes create "income" and it's logical to tax
it. People who have multiple homes, certainly can afford to pay a little more
in taxes.....however....how is taxing a primary residence/ "home", helping the
working man/woman.....the little guy? I don't get it.....can someone explain it to me?

3. Thirdly, Obama wants to bring back (increase) the inheritance tax... the result
of this tax when it was in effect was to (again) force the "working man"/ little
guy to have to sell family properties, etc...because they couldn't afford to pay
the taxes on them. Can someone tell me how this helps the "working man/woman"?
Again, obviously, people who have a ton of money or are inheriting huge sums
of money should be taxed higher......but Obama is not targeting the "rich" but
instead, the little guy.
I do know that Republicans have tended to support big business/corporations....the reasoning behind this was to give tax breaks and to give business a boost...create jobs.....and enhance the ecconomy.....
I'm not a ecconomics major, however, I don't totally agree with this....I think the idea is good to a idea, but that it goes too far. But I do believe that the tax system should support entrepanuers....start up businesses...without small business (of which, a huge percentage of Americans operate...plumbers...carpenters...small store owners..etc..etc...you know "Working People")
I don't totally agree with the Republicans, but I certainly think they are the lesser of two evils?
I absolutely agree with "helping" people out...but only the people who absolutely NEED it...those that are disabled...or for some other reason, can't work. The Democrats have always been the party that offers free handouts - the problem is they are offering money out of the taxpayers pocker - it's not THIER money, it's OURS!!
I believe that about 50% of the people on welfare (Oh, wait, I think the call it "entitlements" now) are frauds and cheats - lazy slobs that would rather sit on the couch, watch TV and drink beer/smoke cigarettes than WORK - yeah, maybe that means taking a job that pays minimum wage - that's what they should be forced to do!! I (nor any other taxpayer) owes them a damn thing!! And of course, the way they get raises is to have more babies and let the government take care of them.
How is this helping the working man/woman? Can anyone tell me? It's all coming out my/your pockets. And it's the Democrats speerheading the "charge".

I believe people should have to do things for themselves - like maybe, make a living and support themselves and their families! Too many of these people are "green" with jealousy over other people who have "made it". The problem is that they don't want to have to WORK for it. And when the government gives them handouts - does not force them to take responsibility for themselves - it only perpetuates the problems and creates new generations that are dependent on the government. How does this help anyone?
And it has absolutely nothing to do with "race" or "ethnicity" or anything else other than laziness or a belief in "entitlements".

Soooooooo, all you bleeding heart liberals out there - please explain to me how the Democrats are for "us", the working folks of this country"
I simply don't get it.

I've also heard that the Democrats define "rich" as "...a married couple making more than $75,000.00 per year..." I don't know if they are stuck in a time warp from the 1920's...but the last time I looked, that WASN'T rich??
How about starting with the REAL rich......maybe someone making, oh say, maybe over $400,000.00 or $500,000.00 per year.......and today, even that amount might be considered the upper limits of the "middle class".
How about taxing "millionaires"...and closing some of the "loopholes" in the tax code....you won't find the "rich" legislators voting for anything like that!!

Well, enough spouting off for now.....I'm down off my soapbox........

I'd really like to hear from some of you liberals to (as Rickey Ricardo of "Lucy" show used to say) "splain" this to me......lol.

TTFN (Ta Ta for Now).

March 2, 2007 at 12:01pm
March 2, 2007 at 12:01pm
Well, here I am still stuck in this "hell" of a part of the country...the commonly call New England. I know I've spouted off about this before, but we woke up this morning to a lovely mix of 3-4 inches of snow, magically mixed with snow, sleet, slush, freezing rain.....I don't know what could be better than this??? NOT!!!
I called a buddy of mine from Bradenton, Florida this morning to "brag" about our fantastic weather....he told me he was "suffering" too....had to put up with cold weather of about 72 degrees and sunny.....don't know how he can possible stand it.....lol.
I still think that anyone who lives here in the northeast (and likes it) is in dire need of "electro-shock therapy"......

Had quite a discussion with my Mom lately about New England in general...Massachusetts in particular...
I spouted off that Massachusetts is a communist/socialist State, where people are encouraged to "leech" off the system and live off of other peoples money...welfare! they get money and "food stamps" so that can make sure they have their BOOZE and CIGARETTES all stocked up so they can sit around and loaf all week while other people work and pay for them to be able to do this.....and maybe have another kid of two so the system can increase they welfare payments......Our "New Buddy" Governor Duval Patrick is well on his way to "sucking" even more taxes out of us to pay for all the loosers!!
Both "DeVille" Duval (nicknamed in his first 30 days in office for leasing a Cadillac for about $1500.00 a month on the taxpayers...never mind his spending spree to redecorate the Governor's residence, buying "drapes" for a mesley $10,000.00....what a "fu**king crook!!!) and the communist democrats (legislature) that run this state are hot into cooking up ways to suck more taxes out of the people....They continue to raise taxes on business and then they wonder why businesses are moving out of this state in groves...and taking jobs with them. They actually are such morons, that they express disbelief at why businesses (and people) are leaving this state as fast as they can....I think they are smoking crack!!! In three short years, I can retire and leave the "comrades" and their communist ways behind...look out Florida and or Texas, here I come!!!

And, a serious question...I argued with my Mom that the people here in New England (for the most part) are A-holes....there are some nice people but they are far and few between. I was born and raised here, and I've never seen such "cheap", "arrogant", "bad tempered", "selfish", etc...etc...etc.... people....
My experience is that people are much, much, much more friendly in other parts of the country.
Here in New England, they also still have the "antiquated" political system call "town meetings"...in theory, all the residents of a community get together for several evenings and pass budgets and make decisions on running the town for the following year. In reality, only about 2-3 percent of the population show up, and 99 percent of those are the MORONS!!! some of them actually have graduated from the 6th grade......the stupidest thing I've ever seen.
Now, my dear mother says that I've just been a cop too long (I'm a police chief in a small Mass. town for those of you who don't know me) and have dealt with all the "undesireables" and "low lifes" of society for too long.....while this may be true, I still think that most New Englanders are the biggest A-holes in the entire country.......anyone have any opinions on this???

Submitted my poem for the poetry league this week...had to write on a random topic: the color GREEN....I thought that it came out pretty good...got quite a few good reviews, and actually got the most votes this week to make it to the "hall of fame"....a first for me.......yipeeeeeee.

Still considering heading down to Providence, R.I. on Saturday to the Camping and RV show....it's only about an hours drive.......have to see if the weather and roads have cleared up by tomorrow......

Also going to a comedy show tomorrow night....it's being put on by a company that doing a fund raiser for my police officers.....supposed to be pretty good/funny....I give everyone a review after I see it.

Well, I'm at work now, and it's lunch time, baby...so I gotta run.....
Hope everyone has a great weekend......

February 27, 2007 at 10:03am
February 27, 2007 at 10:03am
Haven't updated my blog for several days so I figured that I'd just better get in here and "git er done.... "..lol.

Well, a few pretty good days.....I had my birthday on Sunday...born February 25th, 1955 which makes me....let's see now.....oh, yeah.....52 year young....
pretty much enjoying life...probably as happy as I have ever been in my life...I do have so much to be thanful for....a great wife that loves me and supports me (and always has...even through all the B.S. I've put her through in my life).....three great healthy kids....20, 18, and 16...they are the joy in my life.
Just took my youngest son on his "road test" at the RMV yesterday...I had taken him on Friday, and although I thought he did fantastic, the trooper failed him because he didn't perform the "three point turn" in exactly three points...however, he was driving a Nissan pickup truck...it was a snowly narrow road...he made the turn in four points...the trooper praised him for a good job...not panicing and using good judgement, and then promptly failed him......what the "F"?....(and with me being a police chief, ya think that might have pulled some weight?? nope...lol)
Anyway, he took the test yesterday (and I thought did worse than Friday) but he passed....I was so happy for him...it is traumatic to fail a drivers test at his age...I know, I failed mine the first time too.....but, that was a few years ago now...LOL.

Just finished a pretty good book entitled "Secret" (can't remember the author off hand)...was a non-fiction book basically about "manefestation" or that we ARE and GET what we think about...thoughts are things....that what we get in our lives (everything) is a direct result of what we think about (and literally bring into our lives)...one of the premises is, that no matter what we think about, we get....when we think about what we want = we get it.......when we think about what we don't want = we get it.....supposedly, thoughts can't distinguish between 'want' and "don't want"....only that on which we concentrate and think (I do know that all the golf psychologists I have read kind of say the same thing...for exampe: If you don't want your ball to go into the water or the woods...just concentrate on where you do want the ball to go...concentrate on a target....don't say "I don't want the ball to go into the water...because so as shooten, that's where it's going....and I can attest to that...LOL....anyway, I digress......)
Anyway, I do recommend the book...it's fairly short and easy read....some good advice.

Really looking forward to getting through this New England winter....it's really been a pretty mild winter and I've still paid, probably, about $3,000.00 in fuel costs already.....I'm ready for Spring and some golf....yipeeeeee.

On Sunday (My birthday...lol) my wife and I drove down to Worcester (about 40 miles or so, south) and went to a couple of RV dealerships...still looking and "dreaming" of the RV we are going to buy in a couple of years when we retire and we are able to travel and become full time RVers....We both have been doing a lot of reading and researching the internet (sites...forums...chat rooms...etc...) getting as much information as possible....getting all the info so we know enough to know exactly what we want when it comes time to buy.
We have pretty much made up our minds on a fifth wheel travel trailer and dual wheel truck to pull it, but we are still looking at some motorhomes....both have their pluses and minuses....
A fifth wheel and diesel dually...there seems to be more room in the trailer than in a motorhome (with the multiple slide outs)...fairly easy to pull with the right tow vehicle (we have been looking at the new...2008...Ford medium duty truck F450 diesel.....big truck...to the tune of about $60,000.00+..) probably the same fuel/gas usage as the motorhome...all in all....this is probably the cheaper route (the fifth wheel probably around $70k and truck $60k...so around $130,000.00.

The motorhomes that we looked at (and had what we wanted) were pretty much around $180k.....then we would have to get a "toad" or a second vehicle to tow behind, to use when we are parked (so as not to have to unhook, and drive around a 40' motorhome ) when going to the store or sightseeing. So we would definately be looking at well over $200k. The advantage of a motorhome is that it is self-contained...a passenger(s) can use the bathroom..kitchen (refrigerator)...and even a TV while driving....
There is not as much room in a motorhome (as we will be literally living in it year round), but yesterday, we did find a couple that were really nice....
I guess we'll just have to keep going on our research and, hopefully, in three years when we retire, we'll have made up our minds (based on facts)...think we might slide down to the Providence, R.I. Camping and RV show this weekend....Providence is only about an hour or so from us.....and it is fun looking at all the different units and dreaming.......lol.
Anyone have any firsthand knowlege of fifth wheel trailers or motorhomes??

Actually pretty nice weather here in New England (Massachusetts) today.....for winter, that is....probably in the high 30's...kind of partly sunny......MELT SNOW MELT....lol.....Come on, Srping......that damn Penn. groundhog had better be right about an early Spring......lol.

Well I guess I shoud get some work done today......was doing some "reviewing" of some of the writing here at WDC earlier this morning....
Also did submit my entries for the poetry leagues weekly "battles"...I would appreciate all of you going to the "poetry league" here at WDC...and then to "battles" (just go to search) and checking out my (and all of the entries) and voting for which one you think is best....
Well, Ta Ta for now........

Have a great day!!

February 21, 2007 at 5:23pm
February 21, 2007 at 5:23pm
Well back here on Wednesday....had a meeting today and it got out early, so got home around 1:00PM......another half a day.....I hate that...lol.

Getting ready for my bowling night...bowl every wednesday night....seems like the old team is like a roller coaster...we seem to eiither do really really well or really really bad.......it's been kinda stinky the last couple of weeks...hopefully we can turn it around tonight......it's even been a little warmer that last two days (relatively speaking, that is, for the north east....still hate this part of the county...just too damn cold, that's all there is to it......I think the temps might have actualy reached the 40's today.......whooped dee doooo)

Did enjoy the long President's Day weekend...again, just too short,,,,only Wednesday and already counting the minutes till next weekend.....it's a special one......my birthday......I'll be 52 on Sunday....really gettin to be a old Geezer ain't I???? LOL.

Well did try the photo thing.....I can't believe how damn technologically challenged I am.....when I tried to put a pic on/in my port...fist got an error message stating that the pic was too large...went in and resized it...tried to upload it again...error message said it couldn't find the image...well, I thought to myself, hey, maybe I just didn't save the photo when I resized it...sooooooooo went in and resized it again (made sure this time)...tried to upload again...the site still couldn't find the photo (even though it was in the upload box?? figured maybe I had to exit out of my photo software (which I'd minimized) so I did......went back in and tried to upload the pic again and ??? what do ya know, another error message that the photo size was too big....oh well, that's it......I give up...wave the white flag...
I hate it when the computer wins......

Read a couple of RV books lately...I'm stilll dreaming of three years from now when I can retire..sell the house....buy a truck and trailer and just travel with my wife....the books were on the different types of RV's ...all the plusses and minuses...what to look for...options...etc....also, a lot of information on which States were the best to "home base" out of...income taxes, registration and insurance costs..etc...so far, I'm stilll leaning towards Texax......I kinda always wanted to be a real live TEXAN....Yippee Yighhhh Yoooo (or something like that...lol)

Also saw a couple of pretty good movies over the weekend...dvd's....saw "Departed"..really good cop show...with the Mass State Police, no less (I'm a Mass. Police Chief for those of you who don't know me) I do have to say they even really had the accent down pretty damn good.......
Saw "The Guardian" with Kevin Cosner.....I liked it.....lot of action...I usually like most of the stuff Cosner is in......Also saw "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" I kind of enjoyed it, but it was really really bizzare ..but a fun kind of bizzare,,,I give it an overall "B" (a solid "A+" if ya watch it after popping some muchrooms.." lol)...Also got the movie "Black Dahalia" for my wife...we had high hopes for this film, but I have to say that it really SUCKED!!!!!!! (in other words, I wouldn't recommend it...lol)

well gotta run off to the lanes......here's to three good games....lol...


February 21, 2007 at 5:23pm
February 21, 2007 at 5:23pm
Well back here on Wednesday....had a meeting today and it got out early, so got home around 1:00PM......another half a day.....I hate that...lol.

Getting ready for my bowling night...bowl every wednesday night....seems like the old team is like a roller coaster...we seem to eiither do really really well or really really bad.......it's been kinda stinky the last couple of weeks...hopefully we can turn it around tonight......it's even been a little warmer that last two days (relatively speaking, that is, for the north east....still hate this part of the county...just too damn cold, that's all there is to it......I think the temps might have actualy reached the 40's today.......whooped dee doooo)

Did enjoy the long President's Day weekend...again, just too short,,,,only Wednesday and already counting the minutes till next weekend.....it's a special one......my birthday......I'll be 52 on Sunday....really gettin to be a old Geezer ain't I???? LOL.

Well did try the photo thing.....I can't believe how damn technologically challenged I am.....when I tried to put a pic on/in my port...fist got an error message stating that the pic was too large...went in and resized it...tried to upload it again...error message said it couldn't find the image...well, I thought to myself, hey, maybe I just didn't save the photo when I resized it...sooooooooo went in and resized it again (made sure this time)...tried to upload again...the site still couldn't find the photo (even though it was in the upload box?? figured maybe I had to exit out of my photo software (which I'd minimized) so I did......went back in and tried to upload the pic again and ??? what do ya know, another error message that the photo size was too big....oh well, that's it......I give up...wave the white flag...
I hate it when the computer wins......

Read a couple of RV books lately...I'm stilll dreaming of three years from now when I can retire..sell the house....buy a truck and trailer and just travel with my wife....the books were on the different types of RV's ...all the plusses and minuses...what to look for...options...etc....also, a lot of information on which States were the best to "home base" out of...income taxes, registration and insurance costs..etc...so far, I'm stilll leaning towards Texax......I kinda always wanted to be a real live TEXAN....Yippee Yighhhh Yoooo (or something like that...lol)

Also saw a couple of pretty good movies over the weekend...dvd's....saw "Departed"..really good cop show...with the Mass State Police, no less (I'm a Mass. Police Chief for those of you who don't know me) I do have to say they even really had the accent down pretty damn good.......
Saw "The Guardian" with Kevin Cosner.....I liked it.....lot of action...I usually like most of the stuff Cosner is in......Also saw "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" I kind of enjoyed it, but it was really really bizzare ..but a fun kind of bizzare,,,I give it an overall "B" (a solid "A+" if ya watch it after popping some muchrooms.." lol)...Also got the movie "Black Dahalia" for my wife...we had high hopes for this film, but I have to say that it really SUCKED!!!!!!! (in other words, I wouldn't recommend it...lol)

well gotta run off to the lanes......here's to three good games....lol...


February 21, 2007 at 5:23pm
February 21, 2007 at 5:23pm
Well back here on Wednesday....had a meeting today and it got out early, so got home around 1:00PM......another half a day.....I hate that...lol.

Getting ready for my bowling night...bowl every wednesday night....seems like the old team is like a roller coaster...we seem to eiither do really really well or really really bad.......it's been kinda stinky the last couple of weeks...hopefully we can turn it around tonight......it's even been a little warmer that last two days (relatively speaking, that is, for the north east....still hate this part of the county...just too damn cold, that's all there is to it......I think the temps might have actualy reached the 40's today.......whooped dee doooo)

Did enjoy the long President's Day weekend...again, just too short,,,,only Wednesday and already counting the minutes till next weekend.....it's a special one......my birthday......I'll be 52 on Sunday....really gettin to be a old Geezer ain't I???? LOL.

Well did try the photo thing.....I can't believe how damn technologically challenged I am.....when I tried to put a pic on/in my port...fist got an error message stating that the pic was too large...went in and resized it...tried to upload it again...error message said it couldn't find the image...well, I thought to myself, hey, maybe I just didn't save the photo when I resized it...sooooooooo went in and resized it again (made sure this time)...tried to upload again...the site still couldn't find the photo (even though it was in the upload box?? figured maybe I had to exit out of my photo software (which I'd minimized) so I did......went back in and tried to upload the pic again and ??? what do ya know, another error message that the photo size was too big....oh well, that's it......I give up...wave the white flag...
I hate it when the computer wins......

Read a couple of RV books lately...I'm stilll dreaming of three years from now when I can retire..sell the house....buy a truck and trailer and just travel with my wife....the books were on the different types of RV's ...all the plusses and minuses...what to look for...options...etc....also, a lot of information on which States were the best to "home base" out of...income taxes, registration and insurance costs..etc...so far, I'm stilll leaning towards Texax......I kinda always wanted to be a real live TEXAN....Yippee Yighhhh Yoooo (or something like that...lol)

Also saw a couple of pretty good movies over the weekend...dvd's....saw "Departed"..really good cop show...with the Mass State Police, no less (I'm a Mass. Police Chief for those of you who don't know me) I do have to say they even really had the accent down pretty damn good.......
Saw "The Guardian" with Kevin Cosner.....I liked it.....lot of action...I usually like most of the stuff Cosner is in......Also saw "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" I kind of enjoyed it, but it was really really bizzare ..but a fun kind of bizzare,,,I give it an overall "B" (a solid "A+" if ya watch it after popping some muchrooms.." lol)...Also got the movie "Black Dahalia" for my wife...we had high hopes for this film, but I have to say that it really SUCKED!!!!!!! (in other words, I wouldn't recommend it...lol)

well gotta run off to the lanes......here's to three good games....lol...


February 20, 2007 at 2:49pm
February 20, 2007 at 2:49pm
Well back to work after the long President's Day weekend....these holiday weekends never seem long enough, do they??

Going out to my attorney's office this evening at 5:30PM to get my taxes done....I'm hoping that my wife and I fare a bit better than we did last year...we both has some issues last year as to what we were claiming for dependents (mistakenly using too many dependents for weekly tax deductions) which made us come up short on the total amount of taxes we paid ....needless to say, we ended up paying Uncle Sam about $2500.00 last year....Ouch, that hurts!!! LOL.
We adjusted our number of dependents to zero...and we paid the college tuition for two of our kids...and should have additional energy credits for replacing all the windows of our 11 room (100 year old) Victorian home, and had insulation blown in......aside from the tax credits, the house is a lot warmer this year (and I sure wouldn't have wanted to see what it would have cost to heat the house if we hadn't done it...with the cost of fuel oil this year....probably gonna cost us a good $3000.00 to $4,000.00 in heating bills this year, and that's probably about 1/2 what it would have cost without the improvements......We had to take an equity loan to pay for all of it, but in the long run, will definately be cheaper...also increases the value of the house (which we plan to sell in about three years when I retire...)

Warmed up a bit here in New England today....was a virtual heat wave up into the mid 30's.....Yipeeeeee...well, at least better than the single (and below zero) temps we've been having for the past several weeks.....it's just been "F"ing cold....LOL.

I believe I've finally "got" the right way to place photos on this site...I've wanted to include a photo of me in my port, but being extremely technologically/computer skills challanged, I've had to have help from a few of you here, as well as my wife....should have the pic(s) uploaded soon....I don't know about you all (or is that "Y'Alllllll") but it just seems nicer chatting to someone when you have an idea what they look like....just makes it more personal.....
(I still have a problem with trying to downsize one photo that I wanted to put on this site....way way too big...but haven't figured out yet how to reduce it in size....is a pic of me in uniform (police) at a charity event...The Jimmy Fund walk in Boston (the main charity of the Mass. Chiefs of Police Assoc. as well as the Boston Red Sox...)...was going to send the pic to my wife and let her do it, but believe it or not, it's too big to send through my yahoo email...I have up to 10 megs...buts it's bigger than that....haven't figured out what to do with it yet....

Well, gotta run for now........
chat with ya soon...

February 13, 2007 at 1:01pm
February 13, 2007 at 1:01pm
Having some computer problems....have had to write this blog entry/update a couple of times now...hopefully this one will be successful...

I've been really happy with this winter (here in New England) so far this year....been pretty warm and NO SNOW (Yeah!!!!). That's all about to change however...have a big snowstorm coming in tonight and tomorrow....they are predicting 12" - 18" of the white stuff here in Central Massachusetts...I guess the party's over...LOL. Seriously, I guess, the ski areas have been hurting and there are a lot of people who need the income from plowing here in the Northeast, so I guess it will be a welcome thing for them.... Happy Freaking Valentine's day.......LOL.

Have my annual physical on Thursday (actually been two years)...should come out pretty good....been feeling excellent lately (although just came down with a serious head cold last night..)...I quit drinking - it will be two years on February 15th....also quit smoking (again - had quit for 15 years) last October....I'm just entirely waaaaay too healthy....
That's ok...will be retiring in three years and will be getting a pretty good pension from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts...gotta make sure I stick around for a while so I can collect the "commonwealth's" money for a good many years to come...

Finished up my entry for the weekly Poetry League "battles"...my topic this week was "Beautiful Flaws" which, in actuality, is a better topic that some of the bizzare topics I've been drawing lately.
I did seem to have a bit of a "creativity" problem...or so I thought...I finished the poem, sent it in for the deadline of Sunday night at midnight...I didn't think it was particularly good...but when "revisiting" it, it actually seemed pretty good....has anyone else experienced this?? Writing something that doesn't seem all that good when you write it, but looking at it later, it really does seem good?? I find this happens to me a lot when looking back at my notebook for a month or two back..some of the stuff I wrote that seemed like "junk" at the time, seems really good....Hmmmmmm very weird....

My youngest son will be getting his drivers license on the 23rd of this month....been through it a couple of times before so I shouldn't be having too much more of my hair turn gray (what's left of it, that it...LOL)....As with all my kids, I told him that I would pay his auto insurance for the first year....I don't know too much about other States, but the good Ole Commonwealth of Massachusetts really rapes young drivers...his car is worth about $1,000.00 and his first year of insurance is estimated at 1,800.00...just another Mass. ripoff.....also, we see all those cute TV ads for auto insurance here is Mass...but, wait, Mass. only allows about 3 companies to business here in the state...soooooo, the Geico lizard might be cute, but we arn't allowed to purchase the insurance here in this State.....just another Mass. ripoff.....lol.....why in Hell does anyone want to live here....can't wait to retire and get out!!!

Well, gotta run....happy Valentine's Day to all.....

February 9, 2007 at 2:41pm
February 9, 2007 at 2:41pm
Keeping with my efforts to update this blog on a more regular basis.......

Brought my wife to have an endoscopy yesterday...she's been having problems with her throat so they decided to "scope" it out....left work around 1:00PM to get her to her appointment...was told it would take 2 1/2 to 3 hours, so I scooted across the street to a Barnes & Noble book store...Although I'm sure she didn't have all that much fun, I was pretty happy passing the time away drinking Starbucks coffee and reading.....was able to check out a couple of books on Fly fishing (used to do a lot of fishing as a kid....going to try to do a little more this year....) a book on golf (putting actually...never can have too much golf instruction...lol) and one book on RVing (for those of you who don't know, my wife and I are planning to be full time RVers when I retire in three years..sell the house, buy a truck and 5th wheel travel trailer, and just be gypsies traveling around for a couple of years....my kids said "but Dad, you'll still have your cell phones and we can find you, right??" and I said, "yes, you can call us, but by the time you get there, we'll be gone....yeah, I know...cruel...LOL)
Actually, my wife fared very well in the endoscopy...had light anestisia (SP??) and didn't remember a thing....just woke up hungry and a little tired.

Had to go to a wake last evening....I hate those things...this one was even worse, as it was for a child/baby. A daughter of a friend of mine had a baby girl that was born with some serious birth defects (can't actually remember what it was, but was genetic)...the baby live for 2 1/2 months. Deaths are hard anyway, but this is the first time I've ever had to go to a child's wake (been very lucky...I'm 52 years old and this was the first one.....hope it's another 52 years till the next one....won't have to worry about it).

Been having a little fun with a couple of my cousins....Although they were born and raised in Massachusetts, they both moved to Florida and lived there for 15-20 years, and both have returned to live back in this "communist" State. They used to say that they would never move back here, but now, it's all praise for Mass. and everything wrong with Florida. Also, any of you that know me at all, know I hate this State (I've challenged my two cousins to come up with anything that Mass. has that's not better in Florida....except family...and I forbade them to use the "Oh, isn't the snow soooooo pretty" or "Wow, isn't the fall foliage/leaves soooooo pretty" that's enough to gag a magot...just send me a post card....lol.
I also told them that I will really really miss shoveling snow up to my armpits...and paying $800.00 to $1000.00 a month to heat my house....not to mention the "liberal" communists that live in this State (I have absolutely no use for Senators Kennedy and Kerry...my favorite communist comrades.......Taxachusetts...
OK....enough venting for now......I'll let you know if I get any good responses from the cousins...

I don't know if any of you out there are interested in RV's but I found a great site.....RV-Dreams.com The site is run by Howard and Linda who lived in Kentucky and were working in the corporate world...they decided it wasn't for them, and sold everything, bought a 5th wheel and have been traveling for almost two years now. The site has everything from what kind of RV's to buy, to financal/budget information on full time RVing, info on campgrounds, Insurance costs, which States are best to base out of...etc...I also enjoy their daily journal of their activities....also Howard is a pretty good photographer and includes a lot of his pics in the body of the journal/blog (that is what has kind of given me the idea of possibly putting some pictures in my blog here....does anyone know of or have seen anyone here using photos in their blogs...?? If not, maybe I'll have to utilize a different blog to try out the photo thing

I am looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend....been a LONG week....

Have an appointment in a couple of weeks to get my taxes done...tried today to get a 1098T (?) from the local college that my kids attend (attended)...this is a tax form that shows how much tuition and or which fees are tax decuctable....I was told that I had to get "permission" from my kids to see their financial records....had quite a battle with the bursor's office...told them that I pay the damn tuition bills...but to no avail...was told it was against federal law for them to disclose anything to me....needless to say, I got squat!!!

Another thing about New Englanders....about the most unfriendly people in the country....arrogant...rude...unfriendly....
Try driving on the roads up here...crazy, unfriendly, rude drivers...would just as soon run ya down and flip you off, as look at you.....(and why again would anyone want to live here??) But, I digress....venting again....LOL.

Well, I guess I've taken up enough space....

Be back again tomorrow for another exciting edition...



February 7, 2007 at 1:45pm
February 7, 2007 at 1:45pm
Gonna try to keep up better with this blog.
Weather is a bit better up here in New England (Yeah, right...it you're a Polar Bear...LOL) I think the temps might have actually reached the mid-20's today...whoopeee a heat wave....lol.

Been way way way too cold lately....besides the fact that I don't ski...snowmobile...or "enjoy"any other winter sport (give me golf and palm trees any day...LOL) I think a person has to be a bit of a masochist to like this part of the country...it's good thing though, I'm retiring in three years and I don't need any more people down in Florida, where I want to be.....my beaches and golf courses are alreay too crowded!!!

All these Yankees can have the "Oh, isn't the snow pretty" or "Arn't those fall leaves "so pretty"....you can have all that SH**T as far as I'm concerned...gimme white sandy beaches, palm trees, and golf courses any day!!!!

I'm retiring in three years, and after than, I never want to see another snowflake for the rest of my life (ok...maybe in a post card or email...lol).
The plan is to sell our house (here at the North Pole) and buy and RV....and just travel for at least a few years...when the temps get below 75 degrees.....time to move father south.....we'll be learning to say "hope Ya allll (or however you spell it) are enjoying the below zero weahter...not to mention the $400.00 every two weeks I've been paying for heating oil...(the oil companies are bandits...preying on people who need to heat their homes for the winter...luckily, I can afford it, but I know elderly people who have to chose between eating and keeping warm...)

Sure don't have to worry about that in the south...(can buy a lot of AC for $800.00 a month...and that's keeping the house at 68 degrees...sheeeeech)

I am going to try and figure out this site and then try and spice up my blog by insereting some pictures amongst the test...Is there anyone out there who can tell me how to insert pics between text here in this blog (if it can be done here at all?) Show You all some pics of the frozen tundra up here......lol.

I thought the superbowl sucked...really didn't care one way or another who won, (although I would have like to see Manning get his ass handed to him for beating the Pats...however, I degress...lol) I thought both teams played terrible...probably one of the worst superbowls I've ever seen (next of course, to the 1985 Patriots vs. Bears where the Bears absolutely destroyed the Pats....thought I'd just bring that up myself, before some other wiseguy did...LOL)

Also, I don't know about anyone else, but that halftime show was absolutely terrrible...Prince absolutely sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Even Billy Joel was lousy singing the National Anthem..)
the whole night was a disappointment......what a waste of a night....

Sent in my entry this week to the Poetry League "Battles"...(you can find it here at WDC by typing in "poetry league" into search and then clicking on "poetry league battles"....my random topic to write on this week was "Flashes of a Whirlwind" whatever the hell that's supposed to mean...lol. I gave it a shot by writing about/trying to describe a "tornado"...if you get a chance, check it out and let me know what ya think (anyone here can cast a vote for the poem they feel is the best...with an explanation of why, for the vote to count)...
I started this poem on Saturday, and finished it up after the "craperbowl" on Sunday night......don't think it's one of my best, but have had a few nice comments on it (from those friends of mine here at WDC, but hey, they like me and often times "stroke" my ego just a bit...lol) Take a look and zip me a critique if you get a chance...I'd really appreciate it...

will be heading off to my "bowling night" tonight...bowl in a league on Wednesday nights...we bowl ten pin (which is pretty rare here in New England...most bowling here in New England is "candlepin" which I've discovered, most of the rest of the country has never heard of....candlepin uses small balls about the size of grapefruits...and tall skinny bowling pins...Yikeeees leave it to New Englanders to even "F" up Bowling....LOL.
My team is doing pretty well (at real bowling...lol) and, I think, we are currently in 2nd place...whopeeeeee.

Sure hope that damn groundhog is right, and it's an early spring..(sorry back to complaining about the New England winters...LOL)

Looking forward to the debates coming up when the 2008 presidential elections get into full swing....Hillary..holy sh*t...we can only pray to God that she doesn't get in...I honestly believe she could actually ruin this country permanently in a short 4 years...make the "Fall of Rome" look like a kid's birthday party....Hopefully, I can get an honesgt liberal (if one actually exists....lol)
to have some intelligent debates over this in the coming months....

All I can see with liberals is that they want to increase my taxes 3-4 times what they are now, so they can make sure all the people on welfare, and of course all those illegal aliens, don't have to work and can make sure they can buy their booze and cigarettes each week (but enought of this......save this debate for another time...LOL)

Well, gotta run for now.......I will try to keep my blog up to date...it was suggested that the blog would be more interesting if I made it more personal...so here it is...raw, and right off the presses......let me know what ya'llll think...(whoops, spelled it different...well, you know what I mean)

Feedback welcome..........


February 6, 2007 at 1:56pm
February 6, 2007 at 1:56pm
Have been pretty lax in keeping up with my Blog over the last couple of weeks.
It's been extremely busy lately, as I work for a municipality in Massachusetts and we are right in the middle preparation for the new "FY2008" budget. The town runs fiscally, from July 1st through June 30th.
Just about prepared and ready to go, so hopefully things will slow down a bit.

I don't know if you have a chance to check out the weekly "battles" for the poetry league here at WDC....each week, we are paired up against another poet (by rankings/standings) and we write an original poem on a radomly assigned topic...We have three days to write (poems are due on Sunday evening - posted Monday mornings) and everyone here at WDC is allowed (and encouraged) to cast a vote for which poem that they think is best. A vote does (supposedly) require an explanation/review as to why you have chosen the poem you have chosen....
It is a lot of fun each week, and does force me to write at least one poem per week.....
Check it out if you get a chance.

Although it was one of my "new years resolutions", I haven't had a chance to sit down and really get into the nitty-gritty of this site....really check out all the the "tools" and different things that be done on the site.
I would like to figure out how to put pictures on some of my posts/in my port/etc..., create additional folders within my port (different types of writings/dates and times, etc...).
I do tend to have problems with computers...I'm certainly not a "computer guy"...I can run them (usually) and that's about it....lol.

Well, that's about it for today....

Will try to update more often.....

Have a great day!!

January 20, 2007 at 4:56pm
January 20, 2007 at 4:56pm
Thought I'd throw out a few comments about police officers...

As some of you are aware (if you read my "250 things about me" in my port, that I've been in law enforcement for over 30 years. I am currently a police chief in Massachusetts and will be retiring in a couple of years...

I found that a friend here at WDC put some comments into the daily blog about an incident involving a "relative" which alldgedly involved the inappropriate behavior of a couple of police officers....of course that began the diatribe that ALL police officers are "bad" guys... all are arrogant, abuse power, are rude, insensitive..etc....Although I am well aware that there are "bad" cops out there (as there are "bad" people in any occupation), I was a bit offended that all police officers were lumped together in this catagory.

Personally, I think that any police officer should be held accountable for their actions...we are held to a "higher standard of behavior" than ordinary citizens and frankly, that's the way it should be! All appropriate disciplinary action should be taken if it is proven that an officer behaved inappropriately....if they have engaged in criminal behavior, they have the "book thrown at them" it has to be this way, to keep the public trust.

Unfortunately, I find that for a majority of people, the problem is that they are not willing to take responsibility for their own actions.
Just about everyone I have ever met,, has their "bad" cop stories...
It usually goes something like this: "You know, my brother got stopped by this cop the other day...what an"A-hole"...he was only going 2 mph over the speed limit and the cop gave him a $100.00 ticket....
UmmmmmmmmHmmmmmmm, I see.....
In the instances I've looked into, Brother "Joe" for some reason failed to tell you that he was actually going about 20MPH over the speed limit, in a school zone, with the lights flashing and kids everywhere (Yep, confirmed pretty much by the school crossing guard who couldn't believe how fast the guy was going...thank God the cop was there...some of those kids could have been killed)....
And Oh Yeah....Joe forgot to tell ya that when the cop walked up to the window, good ole Joe started yelling "What the F**k you stopping me for? Don't you have anything better to do...like going after some real criminals instead of harassing me? What's the matter, you didn't get your free coffee and donuts this morning??? (yep, the crossing guard and a couple of parents heard this exchange too)...
Gee, I can't imagine why the cop didn't just give Brother Joe a warning....what a "A-hole".....
But the truth just doesn't make as good a story...and brother Joe wouldn't be a "victim" then, would he,...people just automatically believe the worst, without any facts or proof whatsoever...

Seriously, very very few people will take the time to fiind out the truth...get the facts....I have politicians say to me that they have received complaints about "those cops"..doing this or that.....
But you know, when I ask them: Specifically which cop?? When and where did this happen? Is there any evidence....any witnesses....they just haven't bothered or found it necessary to have any facts...any rumors...hearsy....second or third hand is good enough...
You think that maybe one of them might have heare of the U.S, Constitution...that any citizen is "innocent until proven guilty"...
Is there anyone who, if accused of wrong doing, would not want to be "tried" on the facts of the case...to be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt"..Instead of the court of public opinion???

Cops are like anyone else...they are human beings...if you treat them with respect, they will treat you likewise....
If you give them a bunch of crap, well, quite frankly you deserve what you get....

Just an opportunity today to vent.....LOL

Any other opinions welcome...

January 18, 2007 at 8:36am
January 18, 2007 at 8:36am
Good morning to all.......

Just having one of those "periods" where the "old creative juices" don't seem to be flowing all that well...As I assume it is with most writers, my creative "flashes" tend to come in bunches...I'll get ideas and write 4-5 of what I think are really good poems, and then, have some "down time"....oh well, guess I'll just have to deal with it....lol.
I am trying to widen my horizons here in 2007 and try writing some "different" type of things...different forms of poetry....I have been reading a lot of different types of poetry (lot of poets here on WDC) and have gotten some great ideas.....some of the people here at WDC are just such good writers/poets, etc....it does amaze me that some of the writers here are like "machines"....they just keep pumping out all this writing on a daily basis (most of it, really good stuff..)

We were having a really great winter here in New England (although, I'm sure the skiers and snowmobilers wouldn't agree...lol) it's been in the 50's and 60's and even close to 70 here and there which is unheard of for January in New England...but back to reality...been in the teens, the last few days....oh well, just have to wait for spring....

well it's off and running for the day.....

January 15, 2007 at 9:52am
January 15, 2007 at 9:52am
Well, it's about 9:00AM and I'm just being lazy today on this day off...
Watched the New England Patriots beat the San Diego Chargers last evening (although, truth be told, the Chargers actually outplayed the Pats and just mad too many mistakes....oh well, good for us...it's on to Indy next week).

Submitted my entry in the weekly poetry league "battles" and, for some reason, had a really had time with it this week. My assigned topic was "Always On My Mind"...one problem was that all I could think of was the Willie Nelson song by the same name....makes being creative a bit harder. I've also found that having (at most) three days to "create" poetry under the gun is not the ideal way to write...create "art"....having a short timed deadline can make the writing (at least this weeks writing) "forced" and is not conductive to "good" poetry....I seem to either "be in the flow" or
"not in the flow" when it comes to writing. this week it seemed it was more of the latter....oh well, see what happens (I was up against one of the top poets too...hmmmmmmmm wonder how he made out?? LOL)

The weather up here in New England (Mass.) is crappy this morning.....freezing rain/sleet. I can't complain too much, it's really been an incredibly warm winter...no snow as of yet....Yeaaaaaaaah!!! I HATE WINTER and I HATE SNOW!!!!!!!lol. I know the skiers and ski areas (not to mention the guys losing money on snow plowing) hate this, but hey, I absolutely love it. As I have mentioned before, I have 3 years until retirement and then it "outta here"...sick of living in the "ice age"....will be off to Florida to enjoy sunshine all year round and all the die hard New Englanders (Yankees...lol) can have this s***T....I told all my family and friends that they can send me a post card (or email) with a picture of snow on it..that will be as close as I ever want to come to it...after retirement...

Will have more time to write after retirement...when work doesn't get in the way...LOL

Ta Ta for now....love to chat with you, so send your comments...


January 11, 2007 at 8:31am
January 11, 2007 at 8:31am
Well, it looks like everyone survived and made it through to the New Year...2007.

I'll be trying to get a little more interest and activity on this "blog" this year. If anyone has some suggestions as to how to increase traffic here, I would certainly appreciate hearing them....I have already gotten a few ideas here and there which, hopefully will make this blog a bit more interesting.

I work in municipal government (Massachusetts...I'd try and keep it "low key" but any of you who've read my "250 things about me" in my portfolio, know (along with 249 other useless pieces of information about me) that I'm a police chief...hope that doesn't scare anyone away...I'm just a regular guy...I am available to answer any of those "sensitive" law enforcement questions that anyone may have....lol...just think of me as a kind of a "dear Abby"....LOL.
It has been really crazy at work for the last couple of weeks....budget time and just spending all day "crunching numbers"...
Still doing the "count down" to retirement....just three years, one month, fourteen days, 8 hours and 23 minutes...but, hey, who's counting...lol.

I joined the poetry league group here at WDC...each week we are paired up against another poet in a "battle"...we are assigned a random topic each week (on Thursdays) and a finished poem (any type or style you desire) is due by Sunday evening...I believe we now have 12 members (anyone can join) so there are 6 battles each week. Anyone at WDC can vote on the six poems in each of the battles, but are asked to provide a "review" and reason why a certain poem was chosen over the other, as well as to help out the author/poet like all the reviews here at WDC. It's been a lot of fun so far (we are in our second week)...stop by and check out the weekly "battles" if you get a chance.

Soon as some of my workload subsides, I do want to try and learn a little more about this site...all the available tools, etc...I'd like to get a bit more organized and utilize some different folders...I'd also like to look into the photo capabilities of the site and include a photo here and there with some of my poetry....

I just found out that I'm going to be a grandfather....first one....due in August....I'm very excited, but just too damn young at 52 to be a grandfather...LOL. Told my wife that I may have to trade her in, because I know I'm waaaaaaaaaaay too young to be married to a grandmother..LOL.

Some of the suggestions I got were to "personalize" this blog more....well I'm trying to do a bit more of that...will contine on (again when things slow down some...in a week or so).

I'm am going to be trying to write 1-2 new poems per week..my goal is to have written at least 100 new poems this year (2007)....see how this works out for me...LOL.....

Well, I gotta run...one of things I enjoy is meeting new people (friends) and finding out about them....I'd love to hear from you and we can start a running dialogue...

Have a great day and as Arnold says "...I'll be back..."...lol.


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