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Whether the writing blues the writing highs, or just a question, I will post it here.
Most of my blogs will likely be made from the comfort of my own home, sitting in whatever PJs I am currently wearing, with a cup of high-test tea to my left. Others will be made from the comfort of my local coffee shop with free internet, also with a cup of high-test tea to my left.

As I begin to build my writing business I hope to get feedback and support from fellow writers willing to guide a new writer. Much of my work will be professional projects for hire. Any writer must eat while she works on her Great American Novel.

Please drop in and say hello from time to time. Your thoughts and insights are always welcome. Tea not included.
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September 18, 2007 at 7:46am
September 18, 2007 at 7:46am
Anyone else ever feel like you work in the circus, juggling all these projects and clients. I sure do.Learning to manage your time and clients is a challenge.

Ooo am I tired this morning. I have a long day of juggling in front of me!
September 14, 2007 at 6:03pm
September 14, 2007 at 6:03pm
I get much more done when I'm home by myself. I suppose that is no surprise to other work-from-home freelancers, but it was to me. Luckily, Pru has a 2-week gig coming up so I'll get my non-school days to myself to be productive. I should be able to catch up on my stuff during that time. I also can make more time for personal writing. At least an hour a day to catch up on my personal projects is key to keeping up my momentum.

My current project list includes:
E.C. video to finish editing. Almost done! Expect to have draft to client next week.
M.R. NEW2 digitizing Tuesday and update script.
DOW tech script, prep for live event on 9/27
R.Pixel talk $$$ and research script background info - this looks to be a nice, lucrative job

Teaching projects include:
ENG111 and 112 - grade papers on Sunday and prepare quiz/notes for classes next week
Choose texts for creative writing/drama class for next semester by next Friday

Personal projects:
Finish Pruitt's kilt for tomorrow's Scottish games
Finish my own two skirt projects
F*%&)$ thank-yous from wedding
Continue personal essay series about Todd
Edit and revise "All Gone"
Research new writing publication opportunities
Teaching resume and research possible schools

Whew. I feel better just having written it down. No wonder I'm pooped.

Boy does this beer taste good.
September 13, 2007 at 3:25pm
September 13, 2007 at 3:25pm
I am working on producing a live event for a national organization that works on behalf of our nations wildlife. A very worthy cause, indeed! I have done hundreds of these kinds of shows in my 15 years as an Event Producer. But this time, I'm hired only to direct the show and to write the script.

At this point I'm working on those little welcomes and introductions everyone must do. Thankfully, I have two professional actors/talent and a few Congressmen up on stage. Professional talent can always be counted on to deliver your copy nicely and freely.

Concentration is at a premium for me. I deal with the cat deciding to lay on my notes and even on my mousing hand. But I still have trouble focusing on my actual work. For even more than 5 minutes at a time. I sat down to the computer at about 8:30am and have managed to complete my draft by 2:30pm. In the mean time, I've done 2 loads of laundry, showered, eaten lunch (and breakfast), signed up for the Stephen King newsletter and cleaned up the kitchen.

I did spend some time actually researching my work. I count that as viable work time. And when it involves watching segments of an Animal Planet show - excellentt!

Recently I have learned that some symptoms that accompany the 8 or so years leading to menopause may be part of my problem. Thankfully, the new hubs is very understanding and helpful.

The reality is, though, that focus and concentration have always been an issue. How do I train myself to do better?

Yes, I've tried yoga, and meditation, but I usually forget to do it. I don't put on the TV, music is limited, usually to anything without lyrics. I do my best work when I'm home alone.

My good writing sessions are fruitful and I feel great afterwards. Very refreshed. But getting myself to that magical place is very difficult.

I continue to seek out ways I can improve on this. Ideas welcome!
September 12, 2007 at 1:21pm
September 12, 2007 at 1:21pm
Recently I saw a post calling for submissions on Childhood Memories. Instantly I recalled the vision of my little brother heaving his dirty clothes of my bed, aimed at me, as part of our game "Clothes War". The urge to write it into a story was strong - so I followed my urge and wrote it out while on a plane.

My brother is currently in Iraq as a Medic with the Army. He is very dear to me, and I have plenty of fond (and not-so-fond) memories of growing up with him. In an attempt to amuse myself, feed my writing urge, and share with him some of my best memories, I have decided to compose a series of essays about these memories. My eventual hope is I'll publish them, but in the meantime, I think the compilation will make a fantastic gift to my parents for next year's anniversary.

If I'm really lucky, he will have time to write some of his own.

He's been over there 2 weeks and I already miss the booger!
September 5, 2007 at 10:29pm
September 5, 2007 at 10:29pm
Today I'm looking for good writing prompts I can use to brainstorm a story line. I have writing fever, but with no regular time scheduled at the same place (or computer) it's become even more difficult to discipline myself. Any suggestions out there?

I will be spending some time on a plane and in a hotel room over the next few days and intend to spend that down time working on a writing project. Where to go for unusual writing prompts? I have inklings of writing a book. (Don't we all?) But quality time to concentrate is at a premium. I welcome the 2-hr flight to Atlanta for the time I can spend reading or writing.

What do other writers do to stay motivated when work takes them from place to place?
September 2, 2007 at 3:25am
September 2, 2007 at 3:25am
A very healthy 7 years is a great showing for such a cool website. I have enjoyed it so far, although I don't write nearly enough, and have recommended it to my students.

Keep it up!
August 13, 2007 at 1:41pm
August 13, 2007 at 1:41pm
My husband and I are both in the video production business. My work, is more managerial. I write, produce, organized, etc... He, however, is a camera guy. His work is more day by day. He just finished shooting a 5-week independent film. It was awful, from my perspective, but of course he loved it.

I wonder about other spouses in similar types of work. Where your spouse is all but gone for extended periods of time and you develop your own routine. I have always been happy with my own company. I liked being single.

But how do you start over, in a sense, with someone you have seen only fleetingly for several weeks? I made some positive changes to my work schedule and intend to keep them. I don't want to slip back into some of my former bad habits.

I suppose it helps having an office to come to when I need it for work. That song keep popping in my head... "getting to know you, getting to know all about youuuuuuu!"
August 6, 2007 at 8:19pm
August 6, 2007 at 8:19pm
I wish I had a dollar for every blossoming writer who felt trapped in work they do not find fulfilling. How does one overcome these feelings of need? I suppose I can go back to my writing magazines and writing books for inspiration, but how to land that first assignment.

My writing books all make it sound so easy. But good things never come easy. I welcome all bits of advice on this one.
July 27, 2007 at 11:31am
July 27, 2007 at 11:31am
I just used Final Draft for my first time. Has anyone else used it? It was remarkably easy.

How do other writers handle those sections where you don't know exactly what happens next. I used the ACTION heading to just paragraph out the jist of what we needed to see.

Ino ther news, I'm learning that a quiet solitary space seems to be the best for me when working on a writing project. I was amazed at how quickly I could knock out my 10 minute video script. I'm sitting in my hotel room, looking out at the Atlanta traffic on I-75 and am surprisingly at ease and focused.

Too bad it's time to go!
July 26, 2007 at 9:32pm
July 26, 2007 at 9:32pm
Oh my, a month since my last short entry. I love writing, but how do I let the time slip away. What is the secret that keeps writers writing and me away from the keyboard? I know I lack focus and am easily distracted. How to fix it?

Yes, I try setting a certain time each day for writing, but in a small apartment, how much I can concentrate depends on who else is around? Is my husband up and about? Are the neighbors blaring their music again? Has my cat decided she needs extra love and to sit on my keyboard so I can pet her?

Perhaps I need to try heading back to the local coffee shop. I could write for 2 hours. That is how long the battery on my laptop will last. Twice a week? Can I do it everyday?

How do budding writers create self discipline within themselves when so much is around to chase your focus away?

I am open to ideas.

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