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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1216860-JBryon-Life-and-Times-of-Me
Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1216860
The comments and opinions of me, J_Bryon.
The life and times, rants and raves of a married, 30-ish year old father-of-three from central Wisconsin. Some of the comments and opinions within my blog may be adult in nature so reader discretion is advised!
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July 9, 2007 at 2:21pm
July 9, 2007 at 2:21pm
Well, no news is good news as far as the incident between my wife and me and the Marshfield, Wisconsin Police Department.

Yesterday I pulled my daughters, in their wagon, in a parade for a neighboring town's community celebration. We were part the float our church had in said parade. How was it, you may ask? It was HOT! Low 90s and high humidity. YES! Gotta love it. Actually, it was lots of fun participating like we did. The girls threw candy from the wagon at the appropriate (and inappropriate) times. My son rode on the actual float and threw candy as well.

I learned something from walking the parade route. Now forgive me if I come off as a pig but if you are a female, with developing or developed breasts (small or large), do NOT sit on the curbs during a parade if you are doing this:
1. Wearing a loose fitting t-shirt
2. Wearing a loose fitting 1 piece swimsuit.
3. Wearing a bikini
or, and probably most importantly
4. Wearing a tank top (loose fitting or not & braless or not)
These items of clothing combined with the low angle of sitting on the curb and the high angle of people walking or riding in the parade leaves VERY little to the imagination of what the breasts of the previously mentioned women look like.
It was a good parade!

Which brings me to a comment about myself -I enjoy sex, I do. No doubt about it. I love sex with my wife and, let's face it, with all the other females I had sex with before I met my wife. I do, however, enjoy just seeing naked women more. This means I'd be completely satisfied seeing a woman naked, for even just a moment, and nothing more. My wife knows this too. She knows that when I am out and about, with her or not, I think in my head that I wouldn't mind seeing this women and that women naked. The same goes for watching movies or TV. I guess it's mostly because I am a breast guy. I LOVE tits. Let me see anyone's for a second, put them away, and I am good. I don't need to touch them or have a desire to have sex with the person to whom they belong. NOPE. A couple seconds viewing and that's it! And what's even better is they don't have to belong to someone with the stereotypical "perfect" body. Fat, thin, old, young...it doesn't matter to me. Small, large, sagging or firm...bring 'em on! I have to admit that if given a choice, ideally, the small and firmer the better. That would be what I'd choose in a perfect world. I'd rather have a firm a woman with an A or B cup than a huge but slightly to very sagging C or D or larger cup. And natural over silicon stuffed any day. (If you a woman and have pics of yourself and your breasts feel free to e-mail them to me! I know I'd enjoy seeing them!)

Thanks for reading!
July 5, 2007 at 10:00am
July 5, 2007 at 10:00am
Ever have to deal with someone who THINKS they are right no matter what anyone knows or says and won't listen to logic, period? Well, that was my experience yesterday in the parking lot of the Wal-Mart Supercenter in Marshfield, Wisconsin.

My wife and I decided to do a little shopping yesterday for a few food items and to do some specific item pricing. We also decided to take our two Chow Chows with us. It was around 80° so it was not hot by any means. We left our two front van windows down about 1/8 of the way and the two rear windows (vent style) completely open. We knew the dogs would be fine and, besides, we were not going to be in the store for very long.

After about 30 minutes of walking around the store my wife and I heard our names, incorrectly pronounced, being paged over Wal-Mart's PA system. We found out that there was a Marshfield cop at our mini-van and for an unknown reason. My wife and I then decided that she would proceed to check out our items and I'd, along with my youngest daughter, go out to our van to find out what was going on. As I walk out the front doors I see the patrol car and two cops standing in on the opposite side of the aisle that we were parked in but directly behind our van. When I get about 30 ft. from the van I make eye contact with the female officer who proceeds to ask me if the van is mine, to which I respond "yes", and to see some ID. I take out my license, hand it to her, and then the FUN starts!

The bitch then tells me to open my van door. I do that and then she asks me what the temp is outside. I pause for effect (knowning that my reply is going to be interesting) and respond to her, "Oh, I'd say around 80° or so". Hmm, I guess a better answer would have been, "Got a window outside? OPEN IT!" Or not. She then says, "Would you leave your kids in here?" I immediately reply "No". Damn it!! With hindsight being 20/20 I should have said, "No, I would never leave my children in any vehicle. I would hate to have my children kidnapped in your mighty city." The box then says, abruptly and still she hasn't felt the inside of the van, "Well, it's too hot inside her for your dogs. Please turn on the air-conditioning."

I roll down the windows to about 3/4.

"I just don't want you to come out to your van with two dead dogs!", she says in a matter-of-fact voice. Meanwhile the second cop appears in the passenger window. My dogs start barking. He says, "Would they bite me?" I tell him no as one of them is afraid of his own shadow and the other is so laid back that a stoner looks to him for inspiration. He then tells his cunt partner, "It's not hot in here by any stretch of the imagination". It doesn't faze this bitch at all! I try telling her that my wife has had dogs all her life and knows how to care for them. I get cut off by Officer Friendly's pie hole. "So have I and I don't want to see you with two dead dogs."
"What?" Did you just not hear your MALE partner? IT'S NOT HOT IN HERE! I tell her that we had the air on all the way here, a 20 minute drive, and have the windows open for the most part and with the tinted windows of the van it is NOT HOT IN HERE!
The bitch says again, "It's still too warm. Please turn on the air conditioning." FUCK ME!

I turn on the air...with the windows still down, door open. Hot air still being blown from her mouth.

By now I'm getting pissed.

After another minute or so of her shooting more shit out of her cocksucking, no, cunt licking mouth she hand me my license back. "Please leave the air conditioning on if you plan to run into a store when you have your dogs in the van.” she says. Huh? Huh? "Ok. The dogs are fine. It's not hot. I wouldn't have even brought them if it was going to be too hot. You damn, dumn BITCH!” on the inside. "Ok, ma'am! Thank you!"
Then, she tells me that we would find out tomorrow if we'd receive a citation or not. What, you can't give it to me now? Have you ever heard of this shit?

I guess someone put his/her nose where it doesn't belong. Then Marshfield's finest dyke bitch decided that she was pissed to be working on the 4th of July and try to flex her cunt muscles. Wasn't there any speeders you could be ticketing? Or how about some kids with fireworks you could be busting? Guess not!

So, we'll see what happens.

I'll keep you updated!
July 2, 2007 at 2:47pm
July 2, 2007 at 2:47pm
is the question I continuously ask myself every time my wife, whom I love with all my heart, decides to have an episode, or two or three, of anger and disgust and hatred towards me. She decides that this moment, or moments as it usually turns out to be, is as good of time as any other time, to discuss my shortcomings towards her. In other words, we have a "discussion" on why I can't be what she needs me to be. Actually, it's fight...no, a one sided fight with her doing 95% of the talking, yelling, name calling, etc. What's it all about? Well, where do I begin?

Most of the time is about why I don't do what she has clearly said I could do to show me I appreciate and love her. I hate doing housework. I find the monotony too overwhelming. I want to do it all but I just can't. I see what needs to be done and I freeze. I know that it would make life good for me but it doesn't matter. I see it all and I really do want to jump in but then I sense that it's going to take me a while and I make a mistake. I sit down or I go do something else. Why? Because I don't want to do. If I could just do something without being told.... Oh, I hate myself! I need to change my mindset. I need to take Nike's old slogan and make it my own. "Just Do It"! Or maybe even Larry the Cable Guy's catchphrase of "Git'er Done!"
She'll ask me why I do what I do and I don't have an answer for me. She goes to tears and I don't have any words for her. I really don't have any reasons or excuses, as she calls them, for my stupidity.

Sometimes we have a similar "discussion" on why I complain about the things I do. My head works this way: I feel like I need something or I want something or I make a comment that something needs to be fixed either on the car or in the house. I know we don't have the money for, no matter what the issue is, it and it isn't going to get remedied. It's just isn't. And I don't let it go. I say it's reminding but to her it's nagging and I complain about it over and over and over. She tells me it makes her feel badly that she can't do anything about right now and that I should stop. Once is enough. But I can't. I have this uncontrollable need burning inside me to mention it. AM I JUST STUPID? Don't say it! DON'T! But I do and, well, HERE WE GO! Damn it! You big dummy! Why did you do that?! You knew this was going to happen, again!

Would my wife be better off without me? Except for the kids asking her what's up or where I am I'd have to say a resounding....YES. Yes she would be. Am I going to off myself? Nah, I enjoy living too much. Being a Christian I'm not going to kill myself. I'm NOT Catholic so I don't believe in the "Kill Yourself and You'll Go To Hell" CRAP. I'm saved. No matter what I do I'm going to heaven. Hands down, clear cut, no doubt about it. Read the Bible. It's in there. Same goes for getting a divorce. I ain't gonna do it! And I don't think my wife will ever do it either but I can't say she doesn't think about it. She's told me on more than one occasion that she considers marrying me one of her biggest mistakes. Yeah, she's said it. I guess I can do her a favor and hope I get into a wreck on my daily drives to and from work and NOT survive. I'm not going to try and find an accident but I may not do my best to avoid one if the opportunity comes knocking.

Oh, she'd be so much better off if I were gone. How would the kids take it? Well, my youngest daughter, who is 3, probably wouldn't remember me. No worries there. My oldest daughter, 5 years old, might remember me. But I'm sure she'd get over it...sooner or later. Now comes the boy. He's 8. Biologically, he's not my son but I've been in his life since he was 2. I'm the only "Dad" he has ever known. His biological father left my wife when she was 6 months pregnant and has never seen my son. So, I'm not sure how he'd take it if I were gone. He always wants to please his mother and make her happy and see her happy so I guess if it'd make him happy to see her happy I'm good with it. Will he miss me though? Probably. Deep down, however, would it affect him emotionally for the long-term? Doubt it. If anything he'd probably be better in the long run. What about our unborn child? Well, fatherless children are born everyday. He/she would survive. At least it would ever have been subjected to my stupidity and my wife's yelling. I can hope she'd find someone better so my girls would have a better father figure than myself. Would I be remembered? Honestly, I'd say my parents would for the long term and only until they are finished. That's it. I haven't created anything that would warrant a legacy other than my unborn kid and my girls. Any money my kids and my wife would get from me being gone would only last, at best, a short while. At least she wouldn't have to be put further in debt for a funeral thanks to my life insurance through my job.

Well, TTFN!
June 28, 2007 at 2:20pm
June 28, 2007 at 2:20pm
So, it's been a while since I last posted to my blog. The main reason behind me not adding to my blog is I only have time to do this from work. I know it sounds weird but just believe me, there are perks to working where I work and not having ANYONE of authority looking over my shoulder. Anyway, my work computer was having problems with Internet Explorer suddenly shutting down without warning. So, here I would be typing away here at writing.com or any other place and then *POOF*! All my work would be gone. It happened to me so often I said, "To Hell With It!". So, I just stopped doing anything important online until yesterday when I finally called my IT people and told them the problem. Of course I didn't tell them any specifics other than I couldn't start IE at all. Which was the truth. So, long story short, they fixed it!

What was the cause of the problem you ask? Um, spyware and adware. Yup, it was probably my own fault, but they don't and won't need to know that!

How has my home life been since I last wrote. Well, let me think for a moment....I guess it depends on who you ask. My wife would say nothing has changed, which is probably the overall truth. As of late we have been having sex a little more often. The last time was Tuesday night. It's becoming a little more work as the growing baby is taking more and more of the space of her lower abdomen. That normally wouldn't be an issue as she would just go on top except she hurt her ankle a few weeks ago and hasn't been able to walk normally. She's been to the doctor a couple times for it and the keep saying to don't over do it and they have given her two different braces to wear. She's not getting better quickly enough but we're getting by. She just can't be on top until then which really sucks as having her on top is my favorite position to have sex.

She also has been having some significant problems with her gall bladder. She hasn't had a normal gall bladder for years. No a major problem but more of an "inconvenience". We have always just had to buy low fat meats for her. Well, a couple weeks ago she had really bad pains in her stomach and was sick every morning. Normally she would not worry about it and just chalk it up to Morning Sickness from being pregnant. But these occurrences had been harsher, more frequent and they'd last all day. Turn out my wife has gall stones and her gall bladder, in so many words, is shot. So, she was given a couple options on what to do. One would be to have it taken out now with a slight risk of losing the baby in the process. We vetoed that option. The second option is to regulate her fat intake very, very closely and control her gall bladder problem with diet. Really it was an easy choice as she has been doing that for years now, except now we have to do more closely. Basically, she has to limit her total fat intake to 45 grams a day. If you know anything about the amounts of fat in the food we all eat 45 grams is not a lot at all.
If you don't believe me take a look at the packaging your food comes in. Take a look at the fat content per 1 serving and then take a look at how much a serving a this food actually is. We have discovered with most foods a serving isn't very much at all. We got a book that shows the fat, carbohydrates, and calories of most foods people can buy and for nearly all of fast food and "sit-down" type restaurants. (I don't have the book here but I'll get the name and add it later.) This book is incredible and, well, it really makes you think about what you eat and how much you eat each day. It's actually almost scary.

Money. We don't have any extra. Our mortgage (which includes escrow for taxes and insurance) went up nearly $100 a month and will remain there until early next year. It leaves very little left over. SUCKS! It's a good thing I like to use Vaseline for my masturbatory practices as it also makes the ass raping each month a little easier to take! lol

Well, I need to get back to work.

I'll try to get back to updating this blog more often.
May 3, 2007 at 9:40pm
May 3, 2007 at 9:40pm
It's been a number of days so I feel that I could write a bit, ok?

Went to my parents this past weekend. 3 hour drives are not usually fun but going down Friday night wasn't too bad. It was just me and my youngest daughter. She tries so hard to hold meaningful conversations with me...but most of the damn time I can't understand a word she is saying. Well, a should enjoy this time while I can.
While down at my parents I went to see a buddy and his wife whom I hadn't seen in nearly a year and a half. He and I watched the NFL draft. It was a simple but a good time
April 25, 2007 at 11:58am
April 25, 2007 at 11:58am
Has anyone seen this video of our great American Border Patrol?
It's humorous in a Benny Hill sort of way!
Go here: http://www.break.com/index/united_states_border_patrol.html
April 23, 2007 at 3:04pm
April 23, 2007 at 3:04pm
So, today is Monday. My family had an interesting weekend. Actually, the interesting stuff started Thursday night.

I don't know if I've mentioned this in the past but my wife (with help from me and other members of our church) basically run the local food pantry based out of the church my family belongs to. Every Thursday our pastor gets food and other items donated to the food pantry from a local Target store. My wife and I (with the distraction of our 3 kids) then come in Thursday night and restock the shelves with ht e items that we received in that day. Well, to make a long story short, my youngest daughter was <i>"helping"</i> us when she grabbed a box cutter and proceeded to slice the tip of her left index finger about 1/4 off. She bled like a twice stuck piglet! Needless to say that area of the human finger is filled with small capillaries and is sometimes difficult to get to stop bleeding, which it was, thus forcing us to make a 20 miles trip to the Emergency room. We were thinking stitches and tetanus shot. Nope! Just a semi-well taping job and no shot. All the drama and very little to show for it except some tape and bloody gauze.

Friday: While driving my 1987 Buick Century to work at 7:50 AM CDT(don't laugh...it runs VERY well and has only 120,000 miles and was FREE!) the belt tensioner decided that now was the time to brake thus removing any and all tension from the serpentine belt. Now if you know anything about cars you will know that ANYTHING that requires any power from the engine via this belt to operate will cease to operate without the belt working. Well, everything did stop operating except the engine. I had NO alternator, no water pump or power steering. So, about 4 miles from work, I pulled over, stopped the engine, called my boss(es), and started walking the remaining distance to work. Fortunately, one of my bosses came to pick me up and decided that since I didn't turn around and just call it a day that she'd just pretend that I made it work as normal and I wouldn't have to make up the time that was missed.
So I get to work, call the sheriffs department so as my car wouldn't be towed, contacted the repair shop we use and told them what happened who in-turn arranged to have my car towed in and proceeded to let me know exactly what was wrong with my car and told me that it would be done by 9:00 AM the next morning. Grand total of parts, labor, towing and tax? $309.37. All things considered, not too bad.

Saturday: My family and I went to a Children's festival at one of our neighboring town after we picked up my car. There were dozens of children's activities to participate in being put on by local churches, day cares, youth organizations and similar. One of the things to do was try out instruments witht he assistance of high school students. My oldest daughter tried out a trumpet and trombone. While demonstrating her lung power on the trombone, a reporter/photographer from the daily newspaper took her picture. So her pic is now in print and on the web!
Later in the day my brother-in-law came to visit for the first time in nearly a year with his "new to us and due in July" pregnant girlfriend. Let me say this...we have met two other women he has dated and she is by far the smartest and best looking. They stayed until yesterday afternoon.

Sunday: We decided not to go to church as we still had company. Also, in order for my brother-in-law to make the 2 hour drive back home we needed to change the oil in his g/f's car and as an added bonus, try to figure out why her car was overheating. So, we also decided to full the car's cooling system. I had never done that before but I knew there was a kit a person could buy to help with this job. Very easy and I highly recommend that anyone needing to do this GET THIS KIT AND DO IT YOURSELF! Saved my brother-in-law probably about $70! So, we did the oil and coolant and low and behold...no more over heating! How 'bout that?!

Well, this was my weekend. Not a bad time except for the money we spent on my car and that the weekend was only two days long.

Oh, I have to give notice that I will probably NOT be renewing my paid membership by May 15, 2007 at which time my membership level will expire thus forcing me to go back to the FREE membership level. I'm not quite sure what exactly this means but I am sure I will not be blogging anymore. So, if anyone would like to help me out and donate GPs to help me keep my status, I'D GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!
April 18, 2007 at 2:50pm
April 18, 2007 at 2:50pm
How's it going everyone? I hope evreyone is doing well and loving his/her significant other. I wish that the weather is great wherever you may be and that you are happy, healthy, and safe! I also hope that you DON'T personally know anyone or know someone who knew someone personally who was killed at Virginia Tech this Monday. My condolences go out to you if you do over this completely tragic waste of life.

Well, I am VERY confident that this is indeed NOT a false alarm and, in fact, my wife of nearly five years is pregnant with our third and her fourth child. As by her genes, she is already starting to show the physical characteristics that she is "With Child". I really, really hope that our child will be a boy. Although my wife does have a son (and I do consider him my son as I am the only father he has ever or will ever know) I want so desperately to have a male that actually shares my DNA. I have two daughters. I think that is enough. Oh, let's be clear that if we do have a girl I will still love her to death and will not be unhappy but just a little frustrated that things didn't turn out the way that I would have liked.

Oh, things are looking up! My parents took out a loan for my wife and me to help get our house out of foreclosure! Thank God! The power in the belief of the Lord Jesus has, again, shown to be true! My wife and I have been praying constantly that this would turn out fine and it appears that it will! AMEN!

I think spring has finally made a return to Central Wisconsin. About damn time. I want to work in my yard so badly I can almost taste it.

If you are married or have a b/f or g/f or have a fuck buddy, how's the sex been lately? I hope it has been good. My wife has been ill with "All-Day" morning sickness and sex hasn't been high on her list of things to have or do this past week. I'm fine with it as I've been masturbating to keep myself in check but I still miss the warmth of my wife's now pregnant body.

Have good one! (And if you already have a good one, I hope you can either get a bigger one or a better one!)
April 11, 2007 at 10:36am
April 11, 2007 at 10:36am
I know! Again, it's been a while since my last entry. I just haven't had too much ambition to write lately. Besides, I do all of my writing at work as the connection to the 'net is 100 times faster here than at home AND I've been very busy lately at work the past couple weeks but I will give it a "slight" go today.

First off...the weather. What can I say!? Two weeks ago we had temps near 80. Since then it's been daily highs in the 20s and 30s and now today...IT"S SNOWING!!!! Son-of-a-bitch-bitch-bitch!! December = no snow. April = SNOW! Oh, piss on it!

But I have some good news, too. After many, MANY attempts and one false alarm in January (pause for effect) *Wink* My WIFE IS PREGNANT!!!!!!!! *Wink* As Howard Stern once said, "It must have been my super sperm!". Yup, it must have been! Our calculations indicate it will be born near Christmas. Baby presents are now being accepted. Please conatct me for the details! lol

Unfortunately, we are currently having some financial difficulties. Because of past situations our house is being foreclosed but all is not lost as we are working on the situation and hopefully it will be remedied soon. I'll keep all those interested abreast of the situation.

My son's birthday was Monday. The 'ol boy is 8! Man, do I feel old. He's becoming such a big guy.

Well, time to go do some more work. Have a good one. Oh, and how about some comments, eh? I'd appreciate it. :)
March 26, 2007 at 10:41am
March 26, 2007 at 10:41am
Yup, it is time again for another blog entry. I've been away for the blogging world for almost three weeks and I've decided to add on.

Well, my wife and I still aren't pregnant and it's not for the lack of trying. I have to say I really want a biological son of my own but I don't know if we really should have another child. A couple weeks ago now my wife and I discussed about maybe us both going in to get a full check-up/physical to make sure we are both up to par as far as our baby making functions are going. I haven't scheduled anything yet and I don't think my wife hasn't yet either. We don't want to nor would we anyway want to go to a fertility specialist as our insurance probably wouldn't pay for it. So, we've decided that we'll keep trying, and often as we can, and if we conceive...GREAT, but if not...Oh well!

This past Tuesday my wife and kids went to visit my parents for a couple days. As I said they left on Tuesday and came back on Wednesday night. So, I had the whole house to myself....except for our dogs. I then decided to try making a e-stimulation machine for my masturbatory pleasure. I used an old stereo. I have to say that although it created some nice electrical pleasure on my penis but I have to say it didn't bring me to an orgasm. It didn't work well enough. It did however leave me aroused enough that when I did "finish" later, I had an ENORMOUS orgasm! INCREDIBLE! And just a great amount of cum!

The weather here has been great the past few days. It's been in the 60s and 70s this past weekend. But it's going to cool down again here in the next couple days. FIGURES!
So, in the nice weather Saturday my son and I went out on "poop" detail. We spent about and hour and a half picking up dog poop from our yard. It had been building up since around Christmas so it was about time. We filled about 3 1/2 Wal-Mart bags full of Chow Chow shit! Our dogs, Freak and Geek, are crap machines!

I also installed wiring, conduit and the mounting hardware for a ceiling fan, along with the actual ceiling fan, this past weekend. I installed it in our living room which has NO wiring in the ceiling. I was able to do the install using hardware that taps electrical service from an existing outlet then runs wiring on the outside of the walls and ceiling to a junction box of light box that installs on the outside of a ceiling. No knocking holes in walls or ceilings. Let me tell you, it installed very easily and looks professionally done. The fan also has NO wobble or shaking. None at all!

Watched a race yesterday. Bristol! Probably my favorite track. Jeff Gordon, my favorite driver, finished third and took over the points lead. His teammate, Kyle Bush, won the race. It was actually the first race this season that I watched the majority of. It was nice.

Oh, if you know me you will know that I am a huge follower of the HBO series <i>The Sopranos</i>. The show has been off, except for re-runs, for almost 2 years but will be coming back for it's final 8 episodes on April 9! YES YES YES! I can't freaking wait!

Well, I must do some work now.
Take care!

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