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by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #1253431
Poetry in April -- in celebration
Daisies poetry signature

This is my Second Book of poems. I may not have eaten the plums from the icebox, but I am guilty of writing poetry without thinking too much, without laboring over words and lines.

This Is Just to Say

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

          by William Carlos Williams

You, too, forgive me for I only love the writing process; the result is secondary...And please never mind that I am also aping William Carlos Williams's false apology. *Wink**Laugh*


From where does the title Beetlebung and Kettlehorn come from?

The name Beetlebung and Kettlehorn has to do with ancient whaling practices and Martha’s Vineyard and Cape Cod.

During the nineteenth century, because of its dense white wood, the tupelo tree was used in whale oil casks made of copper. Beetle was the mallet made from the Tupelo tree and bung was the stopper in the cask hole. In Martha’s vineyard, the Tupelo tree is still known as the Beetlebung tree, and at Chilmark there, is a Beetlebung Corner, with shops at Chilmark Center, from where roads lead to other interesting points.

Kettlehorn, as well as being an ancient surname, refers to a piece of equipment resembling to but much bigger than a shoe-horn, used to stir the hot blubber and separate the fine oil from the denser particles. Whale oil was a popular commodity and, as a fuel, was used for lighting the dark, burning to provide heat and as an aid in cooking. After the whale was hunted, men in a boat cut strips of blubber from the whale's back, tied them together and rowed ashore. There the fat was cut into smaller pieces to be boiled into oil in large copper kettles.

In addition there exists kettle corn in Cape Cod which are corn chips fried in kettles and sometimes mistakenly called kettlehorns.

For some reason, way back when, the words Beetlebung and Kettlehorn were used together and, at one time or another, were given to shops and other things that go together as titles.

I adopted the name for my on-the-spot poetry in reference to the idea of blubber. *Laugh*

"Poetry the shortest distance between two humans"
Lawrence Ferlinghetti

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April 20, 2009 at 2:40pm
April 20, 2009 at 2:40pm
The slimy tools unravel themselves
while the spotlight attacks my eyes, and
the hygienist floats down to test
the quality of my flossing technique,
her mask and eyeglasses covering
the map of her face. Her hands descend
into my mouth as her metallic swords leap
and stab, slashing their way through
the jungle to find the bandits I hid
in there somewhere. Misery excites her,
and she opens her traps of fluoride,
grinding and rubbing, grinding and rubbing
into my gums. Then the churning water…
a cascade? But no, this must be water torture.
And the sound? Alpha Centauri expanding.
Meanwhile she complains. Seventy-five degrees
are not good enough for her swollen joints.
She wishes she could be in the valley
of Rio Grande under the hot sun,
I, too, wish she were there.

April 19, 2009 at 8:54pm
April 19, 2009 at 8:54pm
They burst forth
into the light,
disguised as choices
for shape and looks,
butterflies dreaming
inside a gilded night.
In their half-open eyes
winds and tides,
many a road, many a track,
a sunlit life.
The young girls strut
at the cusp of womanhood,
as this old one watches them
on TV, thinking,
when it matters,
at the end, the judge
will probably be a man. *Wink* *Laugh*

April 18, 2009 at 10:49pm
April 18, 2009 at 10:49pm

At four, she sneaked a sip
from someone’s beer;
at eight, an uncle
let her have some wine.
Funny, she never got tipsy then...
She cannot tell if she ever
lost her head
to anything liquid, except
the subtle rain,
the tones and shadows
on crashing waves,
and tears on friendly faces,
for she has tied her faith
to the affable bartender
pouring perception to
customers on swivel chairs,
who take in enchantment
to pass out on living, and
she inhales anise, rum, and gin
as if rose petals
while she pushes her broom
on the barroom floor.

April 17, 2009 at 6:58pm
April 17, 2009 at 6:58pm
The cake, out of the oven,
the icing, smooth,
just the way he likes it,
even if he can’t taste it
from thirteen hundred miles away,
but what the heck,
he is weaned for good
after he turned taller than me.
Now, his looks, still naïve,
find horizons of promise
while women around him melt,
and he still whimpers on the phone,
wanting to be himself,
with his books and scratchy music,
silently wishing for that extra slice.
Strange, how everything stays the same.
Strange, how everything floats away.

April 16, 2009 at 2:36pm
April 16, 2009 at 2:36pm

You are the whirlwind.
Books, keyboard, Orange Crush,
laughter, crises, depths,
you go foraging as if
fungi in the forest.
Then, in a moment, magic
opens your eyes, and you fishtail,
transforming into human flesh,
to imagine what it could be like
in Morocco or in Afghanistan to live
through a day at sweet sixteen.
You sense that silence can be
a fatal choice, and in your jalopy,
you wonder what you can give or if
you can rev any faster. Still,
you cannot tell between here and there
or the future and the past; so
you ask yourself if you should
jump from the world’s edge,
while Diana Ross sings,
“Do you know where you’re going?”

April 15, 2009 at 1:36pm
April 15, 2009 at 1:36pm
Like an Olympian god, you lord over
my purse, but chicken-hearted to the core,
you stall in seizing fly-by-nights
and Ponzi’s of the world.
Those who have a say quiver with fear
to look into you, and I’m too scared
to look out of you, after
I’ve been to your strip club twice
where threats--clinical and somber--
beat like drums, as if I’m not
taxed enough by my own expectations.
Yet, “I’ve grown accustomed
to your looks,” not in a sing-song way
but akin to pain or pitiless allergies.
What if the monster that lurks in me
swallows you whole, or what if
I just flattened your face?
Would you dare call my name?

April 4, 2009 at 11:49am
April 4, 2009 at 11:49am
                    “Age appears to be best in four things, - old wood best to burn,
                    old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read.”
Alonso of Aragon

Over the hill you wander,
rising, playing timeless games
with no measurable dimension
and the strangest outlook, to find
your breath unheard, and you rest
your head inside the place your trail led
where only you’ll know you are in slow gear
where your poems sleep with old wine
to dream themselves awake
and you slump over The Idiot
in front of the ashes, like
being filmed in a clip
in the late night show, until
an usher enters to address you.
This will be the moment you’ll understand
you were only on the screen
for a flash when you meant to be shiny
but you were just lusterless, and
all you can do will be to leave
after the usher and your old friends.

April 2, 2009 at 12:39pm
April 2, 2009 at 12:39pm
An old crow pecking
at dead bark,
she rakes lifeless leaves
left over from fall,
as she holds on
to fragments of regret.
Her baby grandson
she couldn’t see once more
before he was shipped to Iraq;
her best friend Joan, unrecognizable
at the old folks home;
her husband’s clothes
she meant to send to Goodwill
after the funeral; and
how could she break
her favorite mug, in rage?
Just the ways of life,
nothing to dread.
her sudden shriek
the unexpected pain…
The rake has cut
into a spring bloom
with abrupt brutality,
a parting so painful
for her soft heart.
“Why isn’t anyone here
to protect the flowers?”

April 1, 2009 at 9:49pm
April 1, 2009 at 9:49pm

A cool plan!
So you’ll start small, stretching
to firm up the tummy;
cellulite galore
in need of a fat ban.
“I’m not hungry!”
Affirmations do not work anymore.
Too effing flabby, gotta get
the body in shape.
That said,
only the insane
would scheme such a thing,
while half-asleep
and prone,
and still in bed.


Having lunch with friends
who float on Beaujolais,
with confessions that smell
of methane from the burning
around the landfill.
They search you for what
you’ve got. Slouching toward
your plate, you admit to envy,
your coveting Martha Stewart in
a struck-by-lightning, housewifery moment.
Laughter ringing wild, your words
come down, drifting like
some new off-human species.


You walk in the mall and buy
stuff from Borders,
downsizing, forty percent off,
even if, under economy’s gales,
you act a rock but feel
the cry of the waves.
Then, inside the GAP, a little girl
smiles and waves at you…you think;
her image, certainly you’ll keep,
for nothing else today
can match up to that,
a child of the stars shining
her light from her pearly whites.


The boldest thing you did today,
as you turned people’s wits inside out,
was to eat an apple with
two breadsticks for supper,
while others feasted on
chicken cutlets and macaroni.
Luckily, the crowd
did not turn on you, but
your own battlement tactics
will, for you know
how much you’ll devour
after everyone sleeps.
"Only a fool --like you--
tests the depth of the water
with both feet."

January 16, 2008 at 2:38pm
January 16, 2008 at 2:38pm

                   dog language---just having fun

The dog talks in silence
with a stare that breaks in-
to my awareness,
his tail changing
the direction of the air
in the room and
his ears twitching as if to say
he is my guru, as he leads me
to Nirvana
or to the leash that will
lead him to something red
like a hydrant.
So he can let go
and relax,
once more,
with the renewed grace
of an avatar incarnate
to guide and educate
this human apprentice
with telepathic tutoring
to acknowledge the need
for a full bowl
of Kibbles and Bits.

August 11, 2007 at 8:44pm
August 11, 2007 at 8:44pm
The northern rim
of summer
the inverted bowl of night
in a crystal's pattern
on the glistening shore
as the world stands
thrashing about
in perspiration,
while some contemplate
the future of their
daily bread in vain,
and others,
the luminous soul
of the universe,
inconsequential couples
engrave love
in each other’s starry eyes,
holding the light
of the moon.

August 11, 2007 at 8:43pm
August 11, 2007 at 8:43pm
A chunk of gold
from a newly excavated ore,
I am a hit!

Still, I shall need an alloy
--an ally really--
to make me stand up
without the cane,
for now I can endure
the heat or the ice
or the tightness
of any storm,
and my eyes see
without the light
or the glasses.

Pleased with what I can remember,
delighted with what I forgot,
the tasks I used to complete
I don’t need to start.

I do not plead, or apologize,
or state my case,
and I do not whisper
to balance my breath,
but I yell to raise Cain,
and throw away

For I am a newborn
into old age,
my metal. (mettle? *Wink* )

August 11, 2007 at 8:42pm
August 11, 2007 at 8:42pm
The resolute shellfish,
closing itself,
as if to reject air,
or to deny any exchange
of meaning with the eels.
It thinks it can live like this
with the hardness of its crust
hiding its inner softness,
so private only the pearl finds out
when it rents its cushy
apartment for its weighty body
to sink in
to mark its days
until the clam digger
breaks through
its lustrous slumber.

August 5, 2007 at 6:00pm
August 5, 2007 at 6:00pm
Imagine dipping, by Jove,
into the energy
of a deep crystal glass
as its wine seduces
and the vivid bands play
a celestial tune
since the helix of light
gyrates in and out of the
dark somber rings,
feeling guilt and strength
at the same time.
Then, messengers from
many moons
and significant dreams,
seek out…me,
a woman so resolutely antique
rising from her fetal position
to a slow dance back into
her unknown origin.

May 16, 2007 at 8:55pm
May 16, 2007 at 8:55pm
On your first day under the sun,
burnt too badly by afterbirth pains,
you type away your dreams;
while you could do a zillion other things,
nothing else gets your motor going.

For the petals you scattered,
they say, “God’s Will.”
You ask, “Is it?” when you see the tears
inside rainbows that stain the sky,
which curtains trillions of soiled suns.

Your gypsy hands click clack
on the keyboard
--a sorceress taking refuge
in a place of calm--
where the best in your kind
are now but shadows.

Prompt: “The best in this kind are but shadows.”
Shakespeare --A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Act V. Scene 1.

For "Poets' Practice Pad

May 9, 2007 at 11:30pm
May 9, 2007 at 11:30pm

My words
of glacial drift
as if torn apart
from a continent
of artsy people,
on their death march
with ashen faces
praying for
grace, so
I may lock them
away inside
my wooden chest
in order not to
mock them.


Someone said
do not knit
for a lover
until you are
sure of him.
But I knit
and purl,
knit and
purl with
two needles,
using feisty
red illusions
for yarn
and wrap their
strings around
my fingers until
the blush
on my skin
fades to
May 9, 2007 at 11:25pm
May 9, 2007 at 11:25pm
Not all is of the wind
erasing the sand
when it brings voices
of the past with thorns
blooming, like mistaken tunes.
Thirst torments,
begging for a drop
as I walk by
clouds of silence,
and I stare
at the ominous horizon
where the ocean,
for re-plotting,
surveys its coordinates,
the waters of death ready to charge
at oblivious shores.
May 9, 2007 at 11:24pm
May 9, 2007 at 11:24pm
So difficult those--others--
invading my shoulders
with their weight,
while their rebukes
blind the view,
just when I am about to live…

Their floating mouths
join ghosts with orphans
of dead dreams, and then
they cower and wither
like fallen petals,
but when I search for
their true whereabouts,
I find them hiding in agony
inside the hospice of my heart.

Prompt: “Hell is--other people!” From No Exit by Jean Paul Sartre

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