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by Lucie
Rated: E · Book · Emotional · #1280027
Not an ordinary day. Appreciation. Live life to the fullest each & every day
“The day started off ordinarily enough.”

As per usual the alarm went off at 6.00am as it did each and every weekday.  Drowsily she fumbled, hitting the snooze button. Drat, another day. 

Ten more minutes then I’ll get up and still make it to work on time.  Lying in bed she wondered when things were going to start slowing down at the office.  It had been really hectic the last few months.  Musing to herself “You’re not exactly a spring chicken anymore, it’s no wonder you’re feeling tired; never mind, you’ll be able to take some leave when the students go on holiday and give your old body a really good rest.”

Wearily dragging herself out of bed she shuffles to the kitchen.  A cup of freshly brewed coffee is what she has on her mind right now that should give her the kick start she needs.

Waiting for the coffee to brew, she heads for the bathroom, showering washing her hair she starts feeling more refreshed almost ready to face the day she thinks to herself.  Coffee, blow-dry the hair do the face and you’re ready to run.

Intermittently sipping at her mug of steaming coffee, blow-drying her hair.  Almost done,  just a touch of make-up.  Now, what shoes to wear? It’s going to be another one of those up and down the stairs days and then the student concert later tonight.  Groaning as she rubs the small of her back - the flat black ones should do the trick.  Bending down to retrieve them from the cupboard, she feels a wave of dizziness wash over her as she straightens up.  Damn, that must be my blood pressure playing up again, really need to make time to go away on holiday and rest, rest, rest.  Soon, ok, soon.  Yeah, that’s what you’ve been saying for the last two years and there is never a good time to go away.  Listen missy, your body needs to start listening to your head, you can’t carry on like this much longer, ok, ok enough already!

Mentally she starts ticking off everything that needs to be in place for the concert.  Music stands, tickets, cash box, assistants, snacks, drinks.  Oh dear how in earth could I have made an appointment to see the doctor today of all days, I really must be going crazy, no you are not!  You made the appointment more than a month ago, how were you supposed to smell that a concert was going to be held when they decided on it at the last minute?  Get a grip on yourself and stop behaving like a baby, it’s probably nothing serious, anyway, that’s easy to say when all I remember the doctor saying “we suspect acute angina”.  You do know what that is don’t you?  Of course I know what it is “possible heart failure”, great, really great! Oh shut up already, I really don’t need all this nonsense going through my head.  Just go away and stay away, this is a totally ridiculous conversation.  Getting me all stressed out for no good reason.

Focus and move, give Paul a missed call and get him to collect you and get yourself in to work, there’s a hell of a lot to be done.  Another busy one!  Right, moving, get the cell, calling Paul, coming around lying on the floor, now what the hell happened here?  Oh no … excruciating pain in my legs, pulling into spasm, toes curling painfully, can’t get up off the floor.  Can’t move, now I’m really petrified, heart palpitating wildly, feels like it wants to climb out my chest, head feels like it wants to explode.  Thank God I’m still alive.  Are you sure you want to be alive?  What are you mad?  Of course I want to be alive!  Sure?  You can’t even move, stressed out for no good reason hmmm?  So what do you think happened to you?  I have no damned idea, just leave me alone, I’ve got a splitting headache, I don’t want to talk to you anymore.  Eyelids feeling like lead, can’t keep them open.  Head pounding, pounding, pounding, feels like I’m drifting away.  Don’t know if I’m coming or going.  The thought flashing through her mind, “not an ordinary day after all”.  Then she knew no more. 

Bright, white glaring lights, staring down on me.  How could this be, how did I get here?  This must be a figment of my imagination.  My mind playing tricks on me or am I going crazy?  I need to get out of here “fretting” there’s a concert on tonight, have to make sure everything is just right.  Stop right there you aren’t going anywhere!  Leave me alone, I have urgent things that I need to do, don’t you dare try and stand in my way, there will be hell to play!  You can’t keep me away.  Really, is it more important than your health?  It’s time to slow down – just listen to you, you’re going mad.  Oh shut up, you’re the one that’s driving me crazy! 

The doctor arrives, “we need to do some tests, something is drastically wrong, and your ECG is way out of kilter. A scan or two should give us a clue”.
“Your heart is fine, we’re somewhat puzzled.  More tests to do to determine what your body is going through”.

More tests done!  When will they be through?  It’s driving me crazy not knowing what is going on.  No – shut up, don’t you start again I don’t want to talk to you.  Enough is enough at the end of the day.

The doctor comes back, he tries to be gentle, but the truth is the truth and the boat gets rocked.  “The prognosis is not good, your aorta has cut-off just below your kidneys, you have no blood flow to either of your legs and it’s been like this for quite awhile.  This is an emergency, we need to operate immediately and try to restore your blood flow, if that doesn’t work, we’ll have to amputate. 

That’s when our world came tumbling down around our ears.  Paul and I looked at each other totally shattered … not knowing what the outcome would be.

Definitely, not an ordinary day at all!

Words of Advice: 

Slow down and smell the roses, appreciate each and every day and live life to the fullest.  You never know when your time is up.  Appreciate the person you are with. 

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