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Rated: E · Book · Philosophy · #1286551
It is created to have a self expression and the get the feedback from others.
it is a start up and I am delighted by the very word of Book... I own
June 16, 2009 at 1:43pm
June 16, 2009 at 1:43pm
The Time moves slow, when expectations are loosing intensity and there is a divide between say Heart and Mind, mental energies focused in too narrow range, and hearts keep on beating with its rhythms. There is a feeling of sinking in a stand still sea of time and it seems that time stream has left us. The self esteem hurt with the sense that what it is matter was Time and not self.

A perception of the time as one of its own kind is also difficult. The thinking pattern in great ways depends on the surrounding, relations, and most effective the Language in which we think the words meanings, meaning intensity, words sounds, the resolution of thinking and it has the inhibition effect on generation of altogether different ideas. The revolutionary thoughts come as a spark and fail in absence of the charge. It is difficult to sustain the very long chain of ideas without find the purpose in Life, most ordinary life.

Concept of happiness or at least mental peace is dependent on self more then surrounding. One needs to teach the Core of Mind to perceive the thing in happier way and able feel happy with the happiness yet to come.
But if is it about the winning every time with respect to fellow person, it is not the symptom of peace and can not be happiness. More you recognize your self with bigger group more you will be happy , because some of your group member will always happy and if you can able to feel your self as a continuum and conscious particle of universe , you will get the strength by every bit of its goodness, which has no ends. And the one can experience the timelessness, a stand still world where people make small moments like stars twinkles in sky, doing their bit of circus, making you smile on their sophisticated ignorance.

May 25, 2009 at 1:48pm
May 25, 2009 at 1:48pm
Writing of the Blog Entry has many purposes …

One of them to Change the date of Portfolio Folder of displayed items.


November 5, 2008 at 2:12pm
November 5, 2008 at 2:12pm
At any point of indecisiveness every one feels a build ups over mind. The subjects of build ups are sustaining by the individual value system. The important elements of builds ups are inherent contradicting elements, missing the required resolution of thoughts, wrong or missing assumptions. The question is, do the build ups have some universal sense of direction or alignment at individual and universal level. With the ease the answer for the both can be affirmative. In the case of individual it is obvious as the individuals are integrate part of the process and try to act accordingly but the results have some self-governing dimensions also and the achievements are not as per build up and acts. The universality of such build ups at macro levels have the advantage of results because it is the effect of cementing all the results of such build ups. So the reverse approach can work here . If we have reached to South Pole we must have move toward it. Both things can not true at least simultaneously, that is how failure can be defined. We are at some position and all were not successed as per build ups. Because both the cases are the components with greater degree certainty of final truth, there shall be some sort of their distribution along the time history.

Conversing the subject in desired direction (my) if the build ups can have a universal inclinations and acceptability the Wins are always assured. With history of Humans (out of Apes) can they ever evolve to such Degree…. Big Big No.

What to do about history when its act as barrier
The continuum with past had to compensate the continuum with future
People shall more worry about their children then for their no more fore fathers.

Small initiative in this direction, let it be any vague at the stage is not out of reality and we must move toward it.

October 29, 2008 at 11:23am
October 29, 2008 at 11:23am

How a subject can be an object. So to humans to work, imperfection is as important as the perfection. So happiness shall lies for every one even in mutual exclusive cases. But this is not the case. It is always Either OR and seldom Either or Or.

Let’s take the subject in more understanding way. Is happiness is possible for all; again it is yes and no. (This ghost seems to be stupid. the stupidity is not the sole property of human being, of course they sustain a larger part of it.) Ever on this earth anybody able to believe everything can be all right rather every thing will all right........That’s how Expectation differ from smaller word Hope

The theory of survival of fittest is extened to near genes carrier of organism, because of tendency to fight for one's own near and dear( being putting one self in danger in spite of favorable living conditions) and we have a larger version of it also They were and they are termed as civilization clash. It can not concluded how the potential for such clashes develop but they surface as soon as the lesser half can afford it

Perhaps we are deviating form the subject or the objectiveness of subject is at the stake.;

will be continue.......
October 29, 2008 at 10:34am
October 29, 2008 at 10:34am
I feel like to paint the area with black,thick black.... so much matter and no sequence. where to focus what to leave, happy with self but the self is not happy with me. But I know once I start ,some ghost writer will take over me and otherwise paint the area.i have a wrong habit for finding the purpose for everything.........with universal compatibility...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

its holiday for ghosts today!!

March 28, 2008 at 5:29pm
March 28, 2008 at 5:29pm
Somewhere before I express if I could feel myself as an entity of universe, a part of bigger picture or I should say complete picture. Though I got some sense of it but the form I was not able to feel about. And now I feel Freeness is bounded in the body, Wondering of mind is just a small moments and has no comparison when a-free-will-out-body-sensation (calm).

The linkage with supreme will can be establish. However non scientific of illusionary it seem to be. The direction of all human efforts is to have a pleasurable state of mind for all and forever. All we try to do about is changing the world to suiting our own pleasure seeking mind. And all those efforts fall a bit short of requirements. The reasons we know. Its how all world establish to its present form and it ensures the continuity of the trends by strongly establishing the values.

And one can say in light vain ideas as express in starting point the just side effect of gene defect, or some hormones disturbance, say sleeplessness and so on.

Knowledge and nature are the only expression of supreme will. Technology have a sense of direction and it is well suited to direction of evolution of the worlds where the science and literature have those capacities to get the expression of Supreme will order.

Is the difference between Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Consciousness is element of Purpose.

Generally computer can do calculation faster then all but one or two persons of each country.

September 27, 2007 at 3:25pm
September 27, 2007 at 3:25pm
It is in continuum with my earlier entry. I have taken my own way and by doing so I am benefited at least in the short term , the future I had estimated that time is now a present and a pleasant present ,
My all effort were to induced the energy in the system, Attack the very nerve of the people which releases their energy .People and the system become more sensitive and proactive to solve the problems. IT works well but I do not but how to represent it. It is a burled viscous and little more dynamic approach.

After the raw energy inducement in system I need to take care the direction of energy flow in the useful way to the fullest of its potential again I feel I will be able to do it , But why so much of optimism and this is exactly my boss worried about me.
I have a known problem with me I am habit of solving the Nitty
Gritty of the system with the evolved approach I need to get into the system, Sometime I have work upon myself how and why to get into the otherwise stupid details of things.

August 16, 2007 at 3:03pm
August 16, 2007 at 3:03pm
What I am doing,
I am taking the things little easier but why, it may be because I am not able to handle the pressure well and I have made virtual world of my own.
Or I have some believing in my own empirical relations or the intuition
Or I have some believing in the destiny
Or every thing is happening as per the logical sense and it is the fault of other those can not see the simple truth.
Or I have additional ability to take the risk,
Or it is something that normal is not a comfortable for me.
But what is truth the more correct question is what will be the future. And with some limitation the future is truth That means the truth is yet to be define and as a special case the truth can be cook provided the intergraded can be managed, So different from common opinion will I be able to manage. I should, because It is my subject and I need to work in athortive way. No one else can do it better then me I have to believe me and I have reason to do so.
The drive is OK but I need to work out the strategy. I need to live in present and day dreams and other associated distraction should be avoided.
What else………….it is blank now.
The ability to explain and understand is differ from managing the show and quite different fro the ability to design the show.
It is the point where my mind has a slip……..it’s really a void… no direction, waiting for a surge.
This is the situation before staring a hopeless story of any kind.
But I will do something about
Need to create the live characters and the most important thing is to play my role as effectively as possible, lets set the ball rolling and rest can be take care of.

Better if I take my weekly off tomorrow.

July 28, 2007 at 5:03pm
July 28, 2007 at 5:03pm
Can I perceive my self the part of universe independent of the social configuration and the psychological entity I am .How I am connected to the universe…. Why I need to have a connection ….
What I want to prove in the end the this session That I can move the thing or least forecast the thing or can co- relate the things/events more acceptably, but why at all the question arise now …. This may be the my way to fulfill my interest……… the interests those are not much differ from many others or it may not be clear at this stage.
I can see the stage when all tongue twisting and high sounded phrases will fall short of the thought moment and one need to go with the feel and the experience one is subjected to.
So I can land on Mars surface scan the surface or can feel the gravity waves and feel the distribution corresponding to the half- proved formulas. Who will believe it or how can I believe it. What are materialistic and Spiritual (not religious sense) preparation are required to take such exercises. It may prove my own foolish paradise but it has salability and I have nothing to loose. If in the end it proves to be system of complete foolishness…. I have still reason to be happy because it is Complete….if. I am accepting something It must have some acceptability The major part of the experience looses in translation in language because the language embedded with filtration process Because it develop through process and it will not support too many ideas and it inherently contradict them.
One need to have some symbolism that mind should accept due the its own inclination or the social order and then let mind to flow with imagination and mental picture so formed can be decoded to more physical forms .What should be the target form the whole exercise… Peace and prosperity for the whole human race.

We are not sure if the peace and prosperity have a single meaning for world or it has got its due importance in Supreme Will Charter .Or the issue is too small to have any impact in universal order. Some religion have the extensive system for the symbolism and there lies thousand of years of believing (it is not in Genes). I am also belongs to those people though not sharing the common belief SO FAR.

I will try to follow something on those lines…
July 8, 2007 at 3:13pm
July 8, 2007 at 3:13pm
There lies a supreme Will, there is law of Entropy. And we have a starting Point that is the Big Bang it may not big enough that time but now it is really big
The supreme will had created the entropy because it solves the most important purpose of creating the necessity of change. The big bang had created the world with enormous energy but the Entropy was on the work at same time, it is the supreme Will that had to devised the system of dynamic component required for the resetting the order So it has created the Living molecule with consciousness These living molecules contains DNA and RNA they serve not only life code for the molecules but also the code for the civilization as a whole. By the process of natural selection it has created the Personalities and leaders and with rough estimation... the followers and that’s how we reach here, where we are now .There was a need for dynamic order after Big Bangs and the living molecule that was the products band it self is develop enough to take care of the universe .There is hardly any deviation in order due to the Entropy and there is all likelihood that our science will catch the levels when we will able to do a sort of Universe Engineering to keep the order and to help the civilization to move in the direction of the supreme will. So very purpose of our being is an instrument to keep that supreme wills order. Now who is prime the will, we conscious human being or the universe or they all are one and same.
July 5, 2007 at 3:47pm
July 5, 2007 at 3:47pm
How can one prove whether God does exist or not, who is managing the world to the minutest level, our science is just what we were able to explore of the existing ready made world. We the human know how much effort and time it take to make something to work and there exist a world beyond imagination. A very big system and nothing contradicts anything else and all the answers can not provided with the Big Bang or the Evolution alone. There must be the agency which must have not only design the world but also maintaining the Rule .Our science teaches us to prove every thing and believes on nothing. Do we follow the rule in out personal life, why we do not believing in the God..Beacuse the very expression of the God changes with time or say technology which is more visible and thus trusted so we can not trust the God of older time because the stories that we read out contradicts with the technology we are living by. So God need to change His form now …. What it can be…… it can be my own enquiry.
I need to understand why at all I am interested in the existing or the non existence of the God and which side I am inclined or it is a chemical or social- pschyclogical stage of mind, but there must be something more then that. There lies a whole science of meditation and other concentrating techniques and again the firm believing in the system is must to follow the technique . I can say there is a entity that is as close to god as much one can feel it but there are enough reason to see that there is no God or his governing ethics are different from us or we expect the God to follow our ethics if not our expectations and his laws are still big enough to understand

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