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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1317094-Enga-mellom-fjella/day/6-1-2021
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Missoula, Montana

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"Tales told over scones and hot tea
"Boise City
"Wheat penny

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Doing and don'ting. A scene in 2nd person.
"When is it proper to tell someone you love them?
"Footprints in the snow, in memory of Nyia Page
"Czernina (Dirk's-blood-soup?) and Murv Jacob's mural



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
June 1, 2021 at 4:23pm
June 1, 2021 at 4:23pm
Ah... Willie

Do you want jam or peanut butter on your toast?


You can't have both. Which do you want?

I'll have the toast.


Here. It's barely burnt. I scraped it.

Have any butter?

Ran out of that three months ago.

Toilet paper?

Don't be cheeky. Leaves work just as well. We eat less; we poop less.

Can I have another piece?


How about some water?

Just a gulp or two we're getting low.

You could go out and melt some snow.



It's June.

It snows sometimes in June.

The thermometer says it's over 90 outside.

We missed spring?

Yep. Straight to summer.


What is that sound?

Why do you think I'd know?

You know everything!

Says who?



Perhaps I should peek out.

If it's anyone we know ask them if they have toilet paper. And butter. And...



It was the mailman. Left us a paper of ads.

For me too?

Yeah, it has my name 'or occupant' on it. I guess that would be you.

I have a name.

Yes, I know.

So... use it.

Ah, Willie... Here. Take it.

Toilet paper! Butter is on sale! And oranges... it been soooo long... can we go get an orange?




Pretty please?

I guess if there's a flyer the store must be open. Get ready to put on the space suit. We don't want to get infected by the aliens.

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.93] (29.juni.2021)

~230 words

The Dialogue 500  (18+)
Dialogues of 500 words or less.
#941862 by W.D.Wilcox

Story <500 Not a vignette! JUNE PROMPT/ You've been living in your underground bomb shelter since the Covid outbreak with your imaginary friend, Wilson.

June 1, 2021 at 4:13pm
June 1, 2021 at 4:13pm
The Prompt Me Contest  (13+)
Weekly winners will have a chance to win the monthly MB give-away!
#2000519 by Cubboo!

Due Saturdays 10pm. MST.

1. POND [92.1]

1a. Once I was immortalized when a frog jumped in startling a poet to comment on my splash. I'm an ancient pond-in-waiting now. Who will fall in and be inspired by my stench and muck?

1b. I sit here like most ponds. Ignored while filling up with rain, visited by what lurks at my edges as the land begins to cry out in drought. The eyes, those doleful eyes, and tongues lolling in thirst.

lc. No one visits me. But the monster in my depths is curious about dry land. And me, a Lonely Pond, intends to go with him.

1d. Sally stared across the pond while loons began to croon. She wished to join them. Once a siren always a siren, her grandmother had told her under a crescent moon. She jumped in and began to swim.

1e. Grubby looked at the scum covering the pond. He cleared one spot to gaze at himself in the black water's mirror. Not bad. I can go another year without bathing.

1f. If he hadn't driven into the pond, accidently, on purpose, he wouldn't be stewing in the sauce now, would he?

1g. The ice thickened throughout the week. By Saturday the crisp cold air drew the skates and mittens. Picken's Pond had always looked forward to this time of year. Patrick, gazing up from the depths, agreed.

1h. Crack. Petra panicked as the ice threatened to give way. Who would take of her mother? She focused on the shore of the pond, hugged her favorite tree when she reached it.

1i. Waterlilies circled around the depths. The frogs lay still on their pads. Mallards flew over with reverence. All bowed to Lotus as she gathered her strength from the muck to rise above it. She was Queen of the Pond.



*2a. Dumbo came in to have his ears adjusted. They were stuck in reverse. "Can you make them go in all directions? I want to hover like a hummingbird."

*2b. At the Dawn of Understanding you visit us and give us hope. Enjoy the nector of the day. Oh Hummingbird, don't fly away.

*2c. A shimmer streaked across the yard from a patch of hollyhocks to poke its beak into a trumpet flower vining over the backyard gate. Patches meowed. Is it you, Anna or is it Rufous? Ruby at the hummingbird feeder wants to know.

*2d. "Yes, I impaled him. Yes, I sucked all the blood out of him." Interviewing Vlad's pet hummingbird was proving to be interesting.

*2e. It happened at Hummingbird and Lilac. Spot and Tiger got into a spat... until Officer Pete the showed up and shooed them away. "Nothing to see here folks." He folded his irridescent wings to take notes. Anna, the local hummer, appeared to be in shock. Ruby was dead.

2f. Gosh, I could've had a V-8. Said no hummingbird... ever. The queue at the feeder was getting restless. The males were flashing their sequins. The beasts were ravenous.

2g. "I want to fly like a hummingbird and sting like a bee." Mabel snorted. "You can start by getting your fat ass off the couch and bring me a..."

*2h. The vesper bells announced the hour as four o'clocks spread their frilly skirts, flashing red and gold at each client passing by. Fred kept watch. Louis, the local bad-ass saberwing, was sure to show up.

2i. A whirr of wings shot past. You think your so smart. Camille smirked and clicked her "hummingbird" setting, not hearing the crack of a stick behind her.

2j. After the hurricane 8 were gathered... cheep tsew cheep tik-tik tsew... the hummingbirds twittered to entice a mate. It was going to be a long wait.

*2k. He embroidered each throat in ruby red, each wing in irridescent green. He had promised his sister a shawl of one hundred hummingbirds. They twittered too late, too late, too late.

*2l. Ruby Lee told Ruby Mae that Ruby Grace had gone missing... and the hollyhocks too! The Hummingbird Society was shocked. They called Inspector Rufous James to investigate.

2m. Sheila planted trumpet vines and lupines, set out hibiscus bushes and hanging pots of petunias and fucshias. When global warming brought the hummingbirds to Anchorage she'd be ready.

2n. The buzzing in his ears startled Miguel. He had arrived from Boston just in time to see the flight of hummingbirds outside his new beachside condo in Greenland. They were on a mission.

3. BASEMENT [92.3]

3a. "Abase not thyself." I let out a maniacal laugh. Chained to the basement wall it was all I could manage as a window squeaked open.

3b. She opened up the letter. She hadn't been abandoned, as her father had once told her, in the bargain basement bin.

3c. In the back of the basement a closet, behind old tools a hidden door, on the other side of the door a passage way... and a distant light wavering.

3d. When the basement flooded Floyd lost his man cave and his manhood. He cried like the little boy who watched his playhouse burn down.

3e. "Let's go downstairs where it's cooler." Mike and his friends continued their session of D&D in the basement until the ground shook and the house caved in.

3f. Below the basement parking lot a sub-basement, below the sub-basement... "How many levels does this go down? It seems to be getting hotter."

3g. Kai and Mork searched for a local Rage Room. They found a Basement Escape Room instead. Curious they entered...

3h. Susan and Kelly wandered from basement to basement. Curious places filled with odds and ends. They had been banished from the attics by the Headless Ghost.

3i. I was visiting Italy and curious. "This basement seems ancient", I whispered to myself. "That's because we're catacombs and you're stepping on my hip."

3j. No one went to the basement. A monster lived there. And as long as no one bothered him, Noel didn't mind a bit.

3k. Jedekiah read the directions again. Go into the closet in the basement and knock. He frowned. Someone's trying to scare me again.


© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.92]

© Copyright 2024 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1317094-Enga-mellom-fjella/day/6-1-2021