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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Missoula, Montana

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"In Lagada, la vita
"A radiant moon has set
"I, Katrina
"Mauve Mavis

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Doing and don'ting. A scene in 2nd person.
"In a garden of roses, baby
"Footprints in the snow, in memory of Nyia Page
"Poems inspired by maps. Remember 1963?



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
June 20, 2021 at 1:41pm
June 20, 2021 at 1:41pm
*Foldergr* Doorways I Haven't Opened

Windows I have yet to look through

"Why are you here?"

Kago-san poured the tea. No ceremony today, just answers.

"There are doors I haven't opened, and windows I have yet to look through."

Mrs. W.W.Walker turned at looked at the garden.

"It's peaceful here. Too peaceful. I want to know what Hoan is up to."

"I'd worry more about Li-Chen." Kago-san sipped. "Hoan is devious and powerful. We both know that much. She seems to know everything. There are no secrets kept from her." He paused and poured more tea. "Li-Chen are quiet. I suspect even Hoan isn't entirely sure what they are up to."

"I have visited the Mountains of the Mist."


Mrs. W.W.Walker raised an eyebrow to that.

"There are few secrets my lady."

"My lady!" Now Mrs. W.W.Walker guffawed like a sailor.

"But you act like one. Stiff as a pole. Black from head to toe. Metal spikes that say "look at me but don't touch".

"You'd die if you tried."

Kago-san stifled a laugh.

"A scion of nobility and the British Navy, perchance?"

"That's my husband."

Kago-san spilled a drop.

"I was born bossy and nosy. No doubt about that. But the British have spies enough. I care more about opportunities"

"Like tea."

"Yes, like tea. I could make my own money. I'd like that. But..."

Kago-san looked at her finery. Good cut. Fine silk. Black-on-black that tricked the eye up close.


"There's more going on here. There's only one tragedy I can't abide."

When Mrs. W.W.Walker did not reply Kago-san cocked his head and gave a look he had learned that begged to ask "what".

"Being bored."

"You must be happy then."


© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.168] (27.juni.2021)

approx. 275 words.

Journalistic Intentions  (18+)
This is for the journal keeping types that come to PLAY! New round starts July 1!
#2213121 by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik
June 20, 2021 at 1:40pm
June 20, 2021 at 1:40pm
*Foldergr* Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Zen dirigible

"We need to check everything."

"Everything's fine."

"No. WE need to check EVERYTHING."

Chok felt fine. He'd recovered from the krait bite. Hoan hadn't said a thing and even Li-Chen hadn't either. They were too busy. Chen was negotiating with Kago-san over which rice would be best and Li had her hands full with Mrs. W.W.Walker. But Poh wasn't taking any risks.

"Have you seen Hoan?"


"She's always up to something."

Chok thought about that while he checked all the valves. They seemed okay but Poh had bought new ones and... he couldn't have fun all alone so he'd humor Poh and make sure everything was as good as new.

"Maybe she's working on her chariot. It's been coughing like it caught a cold."

Poh laughed as he fingered the silk checking for holes and ran his fingers along the bamboo to make sure nothing had cracked. The idea of a rice-alcohol powered steam-cart catching a cold was too good an opening.

"Maybe you should check her out when we're done here?"

"Maybe you should hold this." Chok grabbed Poh's hand and placed it where it would do some good. "Just hold the valve like this." Poh blushed. Chok delighted in making Poh blush. It was so easy.

"There. I'll work on the rudder now." Chok still held Poh's hand. "Do you want to help me grease it?"

... "No... I'll check my camera to make sure it's ready."

Chok checked everything twice.

Poh looked unfocused. "We need to know what Hoan is up to."

"I'll go ask."

"No... that's fine. We don't want her to know what we're doing tonight. She'll try to get it out of us."

"She always does. The dragon is ready. I'm ready. Let's go."

Chok and Poh, rose in Li's three-seater, 禪宗飛船 [chánzōng fēichuán] zen dirigible that was tethered to a pole like a kite. It was past midnight, an hour when no one notices, calm by moonlight, no one suspecting that anyone would be out. If anyone did look up they would only see a blue-green dragon (青龍 Qīnglóng) and swear that they needed to cut back on the sake.

But, Mazu (媽祖), Goddess of the Sea, had caught a cold, went south and took a nap and the mô-sîn-á [魔神仔], mischievous tricksters, were out and about.

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.166] (26.juni.2021)

Journalistic Intentions  (18+)
This is for the journal keeping types that come to PLAY! New round starts July 1!
#2213121 by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik


With this, the book details two types of personalities: those who are interested mostly in gestalts (romantic viewpoints focused on being "in the moment", and not on rational analysis), and those who seek to know details, understand inner workings, and master mechanics (classic viewpoints with application of rational analysis, vis-a-vis motorcycle maintenance).

禪宗飛船 [chánzōng fēichuán] zen dirigible; 飛魚和龍 fēiyú hé lóng (flying fish and dragon) Bluegreen Dragon (青龍 Qīnglóng). Chok-Poh's flying-dragon airship is a silkpunk qinglong.

Bamboo frame, covered with silk, a helium bladder to help it rise. A release valve to slowly descend, a parachute of woven silk (mandatory equipment in case it crashed), shaped like a cigar, a baffled "tube" running though it from mouth to anus to control speed, a ridge to right it, feet and flippers of fish and dragons to steer it. Just a toy-for-boys, of no real use. Chen and Li found another use... and intended to blackmail a ...

Silkpunk story follows "Krait Bite" found in "Krait Bite or Bright Kite? [71]
June 20, 2021 at 1:27pm
June 20, 2021 at 1:27pm
*Foldergr* Holy Motors

圣车 [Shèng chē]

Hoan's chariot coughed. Either the rice wine was too rich or hadn't been filtered. She sent a message to Li-Chen. It wouldn't do to be without her own transportation. Her secrets depended on it.

Within an hour Chok and Poh showed up.

Hoan looked from one to the other. They went nowhere without the other. She waited to say something. Let them stew in their own juices. Would serve them right for snitching on her.

Chok looked down. "We don't have much time. Mrs. W.W.Walker is snooping around and we need to snoop on her. Our bosses' orders."

This made Hoan smile. Yes, let them stew.

Poh grabbed Chok's hand. Chok shook. Hoan stopped smiling and stared at Poh.

"What is really going on?"

"There have been strange foreigners in town. We're not sure from where, but they spoke to Mrs. W.W.Walker in a language she didn't understand."

"But the look on her face..."

"Yes, she blanched whiter than clean rice."

"Then she went into Kagamoto's and sat down."

"And drank two shots of sake."

Mrs. W.W.Walker was no stranger to a stiff drink, but... "Go back immediately. I can make do."

"Thank-you. We brought some fresh rice-alcohol blessed at the Kagi shrine. Chen thought that that may solve the problem."

Chok and Poh hurried off hand-in-hand.

Yes, serious problems.

Without Chok to help and Poh to hinder Hoan decided to clean out her four wheeled dragon herself. She dumped out the alcohol. She cleaned out the tank, checked the filter, put in a clean one anyways. She'd carefully watched the mechanics at Holy Motors. So easy to do. They ignored her. Now she did as much as she could without asking for help. Fewer eyes, ears and noses that way.

She put in the new fuel, checked the water, put on a new black silk-dress and her best feathered hat. Blessed or not she started her dragon without a cough. Yes, she grinned, she was blessed.

She headed towards Kagamoto's.

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga [178.159] (22.juni.2021)

About 330 words as of 6/22.

Journalistic Intentions  (18+)
This is for the journal keeping types that come to PLAY! New round starts July 1!
#2213121 by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik

The Bard's Hall Contest  (13+)
OCTOBER! Something Horror this way Comes!
#981150 by SpookyBee

© Copyright 2024 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1317094-Enga-mellom-fjella/day/6-20-2021