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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1317094-Enga-mellom-fjella/month/9-1-2021
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Late autumn

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"Where grows the compost heap
"For Jeanette ... when she grows old
"Koan on an October sky

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Doing and don'ting. A scene in 2nd person.
"Even in chaos ... More hockey poems.
"A Thanksgiving Dinner poem and the WDC Zoo
"ENFP, what are you?



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
September 29, 2021 at 11:52pm
September 29, 2021 at 11:52pm
I responded to Elisa: Middle Aged Stik's entry "Some sense of accomplishment in "American Hot Shit [XGC] [edited]:

NaNo... November was seldom a good month for me to write. I have more than three pieces started, but three that are far enough along to read, edit, add, reread, reedit... wash rinse repeat. The mere thought exhausts me. Finishing one would be a great accomplishment.

People have encouraged me to run a contest instead of whining how some are run. (I have some legitimate concerns I still haven't put together to send to ___.) It's cheaper and easier for me to whine. Oh... I have the gps but running a contest can be similar to running a marathon. And judging is key. Finding judges who are mature, knowledgeable, willing and competent... maybe I'm expecting too much. Many competent people have moved on. *Sad*

I don't have what it takes. I can barely focus on the little I do now. Maybe a one-off. Limited in time to when I have time. On a topic I'm competent and comfortable with. With a judge or two to help that can handle GC without going into spasms. *sigh* Maybe at least one new black case out there who isn't already part of the "Club"?

Good luck on your writing endeavors. I have two days to tackle contest prompts if I so choose, if I get inspired, if... so many ifs."

These are my thoughts Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love. I should support you in contests geared to the mature adult crowd. I just don't know whether I have what it takes. Long term commitments are a real issue as I want to be traveling, and although I could host/judge/etc from elsewhere (many travelers work remotely) I'm not sure that that would work for me. At this moment I'd like to be sitting on a beach in Portugal scribbling my thoughts disconnected from the internet.

This is where I'm at today. That is subject to change.

~315 words
Posted in "Blogville

September 24, 2021 at 6:49pm
September 24, 2021 at 6:49pm
Thoughts for the September Edition of
Writing 4 Kids Contest   (ASR)
If you like writing stories and/or poems for kids, this is the contest for you!
#1999597 by Cubboo!

To Cubboo!: "Personally, I don't like 'birthday' as a prompt. It tends to bring up unpleasant memories and around here it's usually dealt with in a cliche way. So...

1. A story about how many birthdays are left instead of how many behind us. I'll be celebrating #12 as my family expiration date is coming up. Easier to blow out fewer and fewer candles each year.
"Only 6 candles? Why?" "I'm out-living myself. Next year it'll be 5. Each year it's getting harder to blow them out." "But what happens when you turn 80?" "Oh, my dear, I don't intend to live that long."

2. How did Benjamin Button celebrate his birthdays?
You look so young!" "Yes, I'm getting younger by the day."

3. What if birthdays came out of order?
"I'm 26." "But last year you were 10?" "Yes, a wonderful year; but next year I have to relive 13 all over again. I'm not looking forward to that."

4. If you were a mayfly would you be celebrating the hours?
"Noon! I'm 6 hours old. So few friends left. I need to find a nice shady branch to get out of this hot killing sun."

5. How many animals celebrate the seasons? If you have a pet, how many seasons have they survived?
"Tommie is 50 today." "50? That's older than you." "Yeah, she's starting to slow down." "?" "She was 6 weeks old when we brought her home in the Spring of 2009."

6. Do dolls have birthdays? Or other toys? What if the toy is an heirloom much older than you?
Teddy celebrated his birthday—again—on the top shelf of the closet in the children's bedroom. It had been years since one of them had taken him down and dusted him off. He would sneeze if he could.

7. Cultural differences. Some cultures don't celebrate birthdays, using name days instead... or just not celebrating at all.
I'm Steven. I'm Steve. I'm Stephen with a 'ph'. I'm Stephanie. Welcome to our name day, this 26th of December. [Stefania is September 18 in Poland.]

"I'm 9 today." "What kind of cake are you getting?" "No cake?" "No, we don't celebrate birthdays." "Why?" "We don't celebrate birthdays because we believe that such celebrations displease God." [Jehovah Witnesses for instance]

8. Not all cultures start with zero. A child turning 1 is said to be turning 2. As in... entering their second year. They were 1 the day they were born.
"I'm 21 today." "But your birth certificate says you were born September 2001." "Yep, that's when I turned 1." [In South Korea you are 1 when you are born. On January 1st you become 2, even if you were born the day before.]

9. What if your day is on a taboo date or shared with an important event? I have a friend whose birthday is 9/11, and another named Merry whose birthday is the 25th of you-know-what.
"My name is Merry, spelled M, E, R, R, Y." "Like Merry Christmas?" "I'll grant you one guess as to which day I was born."

10. What about conception date. Anyone who grew up on a farm might be able to explain that to urban folks.
"Hannah's conception date is my birthday." "How do you know?" "That's when my boyfriend made me a woman." "Are you sure?" "Once was enough... and never again."

~550 words
Posted in "Blogville
September 23, 2021 at 1:28pm
September 23, 2021 at 1:28pm
For everything there is a season. Planting, weeding, harvesting. Festivities, taxes.

For some there's a weekly rhythm. Some even take a day off!

I was forced into a rhythm when I was in school, when I worked, when I was homeless.

Now I have no reasons to maintain a schedule. These days, I'm running out of rhythm.

When I travelled (note past tense) I had to be aware of other peoples schedules and rhythms.

Trains, planes and buses left whether I was ready or not. I missed a few. It can get costly. Even when it wasn't quite my fault. The plane missing connections in Narita comes to mind.

Accommodations also have rhythms. Thinking of staying 3 days or 4? Better to book 4. There's no guarantee that a bed will be available for an extra day the day before. O Ljubljana!

And staying with others means accommodation to their daily routines. *Smile* Even in hostels one must consider the habits of others. Lights on; lights off; early departures; late arrivals.

Which belatedly gets to my point. The Season of Covid has erased my rhythms. I tried to establish some sense of what day it was. Not quite successful. Thursday was my day to meet friends at The Break Espresso. Did I go today? Nope.

Here at WDC we see how fellow writers have been affected. Elle - on hiatus is taking a break. blimprider tried to but is doing a reset instead.

Me? I've been burnt out for quite awhile. Random thoughts and jottings? Sure. Focus for a short poem or prose? Not a problem. Anything more?

So... I desperately need a break. I wrote down my reactions to some news that unsettled me so that I could write a blog in response. I just can't seem to focus enough to write anything coherent.

So do I take a break? And for how long? Normally, I'd be traveling and that provides a break with new thoughts and experiences to write about. And yes, I still dream-travel and prepare; but ... what about WDC?

It's so hard to get restarted once one stops. I kept a daily journal for almost 17 years. Over 50,000 pages. I have had nothing to write about this past year. I mean to say that 'sitting in my room' does not make for riveting reading.

I've almost disappeared from bookfaze. Very few have noticed... yet. I could disappear from here with barely a rumble. InRealLife I might be missed (emphasis on might). I disappeared from certain social circles years ago.

To disappear or not. That is the question.

Taking a break may be a good option.

~435 words
posted in "Blogville
September 21, 2021 at 2:55pm
September 21, 2021 at 2:55pm
I love this room. I live here in an oak drawer stuffed with papers. So cozy with candles casting a rosy glow on my mistress as she sits there each morning on the edge of her high back chair. Their fragrance lingers in the air.

But today my mistress slumps, wrapped in her nightgown of gauze, her copper hair hanging, barely awake.

She isn't prepared for the telegram.

One never is.

She gazes at a stack of letters tied with a blue ribbon, the pink petals painted on panels not muttering a word.

I... I am summoned and gently lifted from my refuge.

No tick-tock of a clock notes the passing seconds as she stares at the void, eyes vacant beyond tears.

Her warm hand cradles me as the candle weeps. We who bear witness say nothing. What can we say to our somber young mistress. There's no consolation to overcome heart-rendering words once they're read and digested.

See me there, now gripped by her hand, wondering whether I'll be called upon to end her despair. I recoil at the thought.

         one shot fired
         which way it's aimed
         we don't know

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga, P.O. 22, [178.232.gz]

Invalid Photo #1062218
'Telegram' by Louise Max-Ehrler (1894)

~190 words
September 15, 2021 at 11:59pm
September 15, 2021 at 11:59pm
I do not want to write a blog.

There's nothing to write about that pertains to me. My life has been boring for such a long time.

But the rice is cooking, so... I made a mix of rice and lentils, added lemon pepper, garlic parsley, and the onion and green beans I had boiled with lavender. I try not to cook the same thing twice. I use whatever mix of spices comes to mind. Or whatever's suggested by googling.

When I go to Thailand I'll have to try pig's brain, steamed egg, bingsu. All the dishes I've seen in the Thai TV series I've watched. I'll learn how to say "no chili peppers", ไม่มีพริก ครับ, "mai nee prik krap" (always be polite).

I'll have to smile... all the time.

I'll never be allowed to show anger. This reminds me of Costa Rica. *sigh*

I'll have to forgive myself every time I make a mistake. That could be daily.

November would be nice.


That's also a good time to visit Bengaluru in India.

So I repeat myself. I've written about this before and will again.

When I send postcards and post pictures I'll feel alive again. I can tell y'all about how places sound, taste, feel and smell. *Laugh*

TV series are nice but they can't bring you the experience of stinky tofu (which tastes much better than it smells).

In the meantime, I'm learning a lot about Thai Culture by listening and watching Thai TV. I'm also watching "Let's Learn Thai", which has a whole series based on colloquial language used in BL series (Season 9). This is the very first episode of Season 1 (it begins with politeness):

Ah... my late dinner is done and fortunately so am I.

~290 words
Posted in "Blogville
September 1, 2021 at 10:25pm
September 1, 2021 at 10:25pm
Ogni Pietra
Sinful Passion
Confessa and Diva Dance
Love is like a Dream
Opera 2
Autumn Strong (秋意濃 Qiū yì nóng)
Love of Tired Swans
The Show Must Go On.
Qaraǵym-aı (Niña de mis ojos, Apple of My Eye)
September 1, 2021 at 9:56pm
September 1, 2021 at 9:56pm
SOS d'un terrien en détresse

In French! This is the first of many Dimash perfomances that I have watched. It has a sci-fi motif. A lonely spaceman or someone left behind. The "story" is one of heart-break and Dimash delivers. His ppp and fff, his chest, mixed and falsetto voice glide from one to the other. His "bird-twitter", his crescendoes, his belts in the soprano range and how he then soars an octave... or two. And yet at the end softens to a breathy voice that caresses like a whisper.

Linor Oren is a professional voice teacher. I love her response. *HeartO**HeartO* This was the first time she heard Dimash and you can see the shock and delight in her face. The range! The voice! In other videos she talks about his breath control, how he seamlessly switches between styles and use of his body as an instrument.

Ah... WDC... This is definitely sci-fi-fantasy.

The Science Fiction Short Story Contest  (18+)
A contest inspired by the serious need for more good sci-fi
#2140378 by BlackAdder

I searched "abandoned" in the sci-fi and fantasy genres:

""Marking Time""   [13+] by iKïyå§ama
"Homecoming"   [13+] by Chris24
"The Things They Abandoned"   [E] by Vacant Vagrant
"Alone - Published"   [E] by Tadpole1
"Chapter 1: A New Beginning"   [13+] by Gabogame3

well-read 'oldie' "Starship Sentry"   [E] by Jack Goldman

My poem: "Zmitri"   [13+] by Kåre Enga in Montana

Barrel of Monkeys  (E)
An annual interlinked musical blogging challenge! Runs every September.
#1987725 by Jeff

This is the uninterrupted original:

7 Entries · *Magnify*
Page of 1 · 10 per page   < >

© Copyright 2024 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1317094-Enga-mellom-fjella/month/9-1-2021