Poetry, sensational thoughts, wherever my muse wants to take me. |
Welcome to... Poetic Showtime ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ~~~~~~~~~~~ A new name, writing poetry is the game April 2020 challenge For the month of April 2020 I will be writing a poem a day here, and thanks to a local writing group I joined based off of their prompts. Here's the first from them: Day 1 - 1/30 Prompts: Day 1/ April 1st 2020 Prompts ▼ -- Day 2: 2/30 Prompts! Day 2/ April 2nd 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 3: 3/30 Prompts! Day 3/ April 3rd 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 4: 4/30 Prompts! Day 4/ April 4th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 5: 5/30 Prompts! Day 5/ April 5th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 6: 6/30 Prompts! Day 6/ April 6th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 7: 7/30 Prompts! Day 7/ April 7th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 8: 8/30 Prompts! Day 8/ April 8th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 9: 9/30 Prompts! Day 9/ April 9th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 10: 10/30 Prompts! Day 10/ April 10th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 11: 11/30 Prompts! Day 11/ April 11th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 12: 12/30 Prompts! Day 12/ April 12th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 13: 13/30 Prompts! Day 13/ April 13th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 14: 14/30 Prompts! Day 14/ April 14th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 15: 15/30 Prompts! Day 15/ April 15th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 16: 16/30 Prompts! Day 16/ April 16th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 17: 17/30 Prompts! Day 17/ April 17th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 18: 18/30 Prompts! Day 18/ April 18th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 19: 19/30 Prompts! Day 19/ April 19th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 20: 20/30 Prompts! Day 20/ April 20th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 21: 21/30 Prompts! Day 21/ April 21, 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 22: 22/30 Prompts! Day 22/ April 22, 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 23: 23/30 Prompts! Day 23/ April 23, 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 24: 24/30 Prompts! Day 24/ April 24th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 25: 25/30 Prompts! Day 25/ April 25th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 26: 26/30 Prompts! Day 26/ April 26th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 27: 27/30 Prompts! Day 27/ April 27th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 28: 28/30 Prompts! Day 28/ April 28th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 29: 29/30 Prompts! Day 29/ April 29th 2020 Prompts ▼ Day 30: 30/30 Prompts! Day 30/ April 30th 2020 Prompts ▼ A poem a day thanks to
~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my poetry collection. All poems, all sorts, some prompts and some just me. Fingers just itching in response There are some peeps I would like to thank for the shift in this collection of mine. Cinn has seriously drugged my muse with all sorts of inspiration. Charlie ~ Elle Fivesixer and their poetry are all like a hit to my brain. These poems can and will be very 'adult themed' because I'm twisted like that. In my mind I use curse words as if they are verbal venom for me to sling. Sometimes nothing feels quite as good, like a fine wine sliding down your throat. I'm going to be doing that in here and it will fill up with dirty thoughts, poems, and debauchery. Thank you so much goes out to the badass and hilarious, 🌖 HuntersMoon for the unexpected award icon. I'm like a human barracuda I love shiny things. I have so many poems just wanting to burst forth into black and white on the screen. I couldn't ask for a better group to fall into for how much I'm itching to tap my fingers against these keys. I'm all sorts of wrong in all the right places. ~~~~~~~~~~~ This is involved in the give it a 100! deal:
Let's hope I can keep up with my goal of 100 poems in a 100 days. My muse has been a happy little camper and less bitchy so I thought I'd take advantage of that. Challenge accepted: First day is June, 18th, 2016. Finish up day should be September 26th, 2016. Update and Done: I'm finished! September 26th, zero leave days, until I decide to hit another 100 days with this. Here is my accountability:
As well as: "30 Day Image Prompt Contest - CLOSED" Anywho, welcome to this look into my mind. I hope you enjoy! |
“Reticulum of the Wrist” 9-3-20 Dancing in the reticulum of my wrist, bones contracted like a bird made for flight and fancy hips the movements of happiness personified by the joy exuberant in the heart driving hands to topple over each other like a destination being the journey of how to physically embody the sense of music mating with skin streaming through bloodstream to make standing an impossible task when the movements of music beg for your bodies continual transit being a transaction that never processes fully only gets put on hiatus then continued later. ___ Prompt: for 9/3, September 3rd: PROMPT DANCING IN AN UNUSUAL PLACE - can be literal, metaphoric, surreal, whatever you want. For:
Click image to go to 2020 Writing. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |
The unwinding of muscles bound to bind me like ropes causing a pushy pully system that sets taunt and tidied without ever relaxing my shoulders to ears where they stand end on end to listen for danger that has already since passed. Complexities dance on the tongue sweet licorice root setting a twang upon the back of my tongue settling digestion to a rumble. Peppermint cooling on tops of lips parted to taste and partake it with a sip. The heat of ceramic wraps itself lovingly around my palms seeming to set fire to the need to use heat to relax the beat of my heart into a steadiness so far apart from the time before this one, great sip was taken by parted lips. A sigh escapes, the admittance that I am but a day finished afternoon creeping into evening light spreading like a kaleidoscope of colors as my taste buds dance with the trance of tea spreading from mouth to my throat and stomach to the hum of my throat swallowing each gulp like the satisfaction of a day well done. --- Prompt: Prompt: Tell me about something you love to do to relax. For:
“Lightning and Thunder. Thunder.” 7-7-20 The taste of electricity like a metal in the mouth mainly coppery in texture and feel. The touch of reverberation like the earth moving under your arches making spine coil in preparation of the necessary action to follow. Lightning flashes first the light preceding the sound of a rumble or crackle of static electricity making your hairs stand on end. It’s instinctual to bunch muscles in a coiled piston for the feel of how it reacts and enacts change and flight or fight following the senses tuning into it with each rumble, crackle, snap or thunderous growl like a thief in the sky it brings about daylight tonight and during the action of rain is calming the skies howling at the clouds splitting open with Thor’s hammer it demands attention, hairs on end standing awaiting the debate of whether to stay or flee. --- Prompt: "Thunder" - you must use all 5 senses and do not use the words see, touch, taste, hear, smell or feel. It doesn't have to be weather-related For:
My excitement like courage jitters jiving and a shudder euphoria begging to meet veins. --- 24 Syllables Prompt: Euphoria For:
The arrow sang from the sinew of the bow created to clarify the possibility of an answer I relapsed in love as it struck the arrow’s head embedded to sink inside my heart and tread deeper in the veins bleeding out words aspiring to be the definition of poetry in motion. -- Prompt: Use the following 3 words within your poem. Bold them for the judge! - Arrow - Clarify - Possibility For:
A solivagant status bounding past states conspiring to stay steadfast in the strides of her flight. — For:
24 syllabes Prompt: Solivagant |
Red is the color of my life it stands for passion blood wetting the pavement from how many times I tested my mortality after the fact. It is the feel of my veins on fire ridden with anxiety’s desperate touch singeing everything around it like a fire out of control. Sometimes, I like to write myself as blue, a sense of calm the ocean’s never-ending rhythm playing on a repeat of crashing waves trying to find that calm to the fire that stokes and tricks me into choking on my words when I want to share them. Red becomes me a hint of my passion burning like fuel in the oven of my soul stoked by the survival game I keep playing after I brought about a second coming with my life through the blood of my past spilled for too many days. I want to pretend to be blue to be rid of anxiety to hear the crashing waves be my call to home yet I can’t deny my phoenix upbringing that brought about who I am today let me just say I am red, passion, desire, flames of higher burning through my veins like liquid fire just waiting for a spark to ignite it. -- 1st Poetic Version ▼ ---- For: Quilli ☕'s
Poetry Prompt Week #5 Week 5 / June 29 Write a poem inspired by a color. Any color, poet's choice. |
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Prompt #2 She comes to me clouded in darkness worn as a cape and her beauty astounds it is where you are both lost and found. Ravens serenade her at night a song made for her alone, and how can you be the embodiment of dark while creating so much light in your wake? As you move, moonbeams shine from the tail of your coats and you are draping the ground in the light of stars creating constellations in the wake of your footsteps. Your footsteps create doorways to new worlds and when her arms wave the air parts and bows in homage to the strength of your touch, the delicateness of your black magic you make every time your lips part you’re singing spells and they don’t mind being entranced by your words tracing lines down their spine into mouths parted made to take the deposited words for them to taste she is their awakening their welcomed demise as the sun rises her moon still shines. — 36 Lines Made for 🌑 Darleen - QoD 's birthday month and off her prompt For:
Always such a pleasure to enter |
They looked like bowing trees hands held always, he stayed quiet while she spoke in a grandeur of tone used by women that ruled their household. He loved her without question, amazed by her ability to conquer this world and claim it as her own. He was the quiet to her loud, the calm to her storm, the ever ending to her story age adding to time passing something out of stories, made to be realized by life and made into hands like a craftsman with clay. --- Line Count: 15 Lines Prompt: ROUND 40 Write a poem about a couple that you admire.
I listen to music to drown out my thoughts the treble of the tone causes a tremble in my bones and I don’t know if it’s anxiety or if it’s my prescription to prevent this feeling and the Doctors say they don’t want me in the hospital right now rushing me out like a bag of bones looking to expose the loopholes in what they did to try to cure me when my body gave in to the overwhelming weight I carried and so the serenade tries to bring serenity to me and it comes and goes with the radio waves trying to give me an escape while I’m trapped in a prison of skeletons and a ribcage expanding and depleting all the same even when life doesn’t feel like it’s happening I happen to keep moving despite the pain of my breath rattling in a cage like a convict why does my body not feel like a home at times and too much like home, other times, that’s the price of mental health when it’s not convenient to treat in our current environment I keep self-prescribing songs to make me reconcile what this day will give me today. |
I awakened with spring she held my body in the sunshine the brightness enrobing me in a cloak of rays and radiance, I refused to rid her season brought about my birth brings death with the renewal of life. I am but spring in my name in the movement of my dance hips swaying with the flowers taken by her breeze, I ask her to enrich my soil with her water to fertilize my thoughts with rain I shall bring bright humidity to her awakening and bow to her gracious grace. -- Prompt: Spring Awakening Line Count: 15 Lines Word Count: 101 words For:
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The beach’s sun opens heat waves mirages contain monsoon moments brought back by bright light humidity held alluding to languorous times sweat beats brow saturated glowing intent. --- Form: The Star Sevlin ROMPT DESCRIPTION (You don't have to use all the words or include them in the poem): BEACH, HUMIDITY, SIZZLING, MONSOON, BRIGHT, SUN, GLOWING, LANGUOROUS For:
About Star Selvin ▼ Click image to go to 2020 Writing. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |
"Melody of Shadows" Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy? The lyrics singing out, music notes dancing around my head like something out of a cartoon and I reach out to touch something anything, to solidify myself in this here and now, but then and when I do the music plays like a prescription made for my lips alone to open, swallow and taste the flavor of songs, Queen playing the crescendo of a battle zone ending where explosions happen and your breath is knocked out of your lungs like a fall you can’t quite recover from, fully. Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy, caught in the semblance of reality a melody of shadows dancing against the walls mimicking the sway of my body as a welcome mirror to create something feasible with the unreasonable it keeps belting out the tunes though no one seems to hear, except those acute enough to catch past the song’s solo. — 25 Lines Also made into this:
Click image to go to 2020 Writing. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |
20 for 20 Weekly Prompt #3 Write a poem based on the word, “both” - If you’re feeling stuck, check out Option A - If you’d like more direction, check out Option B - If you’d rather write on a different prompt, pick one from the 270 we used in April (see the full list in the “files” section of this group) Starting next week we want to introduce a poetry partner system -- be on the lookout for a separate post to sign up! ---------- Option A: Use this quick writing warm-up as a way to think about how you could approach your poem: What is the first thing this word makes you think of and/or feel? Based on your answer to number 1, list the following: - 1 memory or idea - 2 people or places - 3 emotions - 4 objects Don’t worry if you weren’t able to list the exact number for each — pay attention to how you reacted to the word and let these responses inform how you might write your poem. ---------- Option B: If you’re looking for a little more direction, consider the following: What are the definitions for this word? What is the origin of this word? How might you write a persona poem based on this word? Or from a perspective other than your own? What comes up when you google this word? How might you write an ode, an epistolary, an elegy, or a list poem based on this word? What other forms of poetry could you use to write a poem based on this word? What might it look like if this word were the title of your poem? What might it look like if you used this word in your opening line? ---------- Option C: Write a poem on anything you'd like, and/or choose one of the 270 prompts from our April 30 for 30 (full list is in the "files" section of our group) |
Wings spread like sunshine she settles like dew upon the grass rebounding. -- Syllable Count: 17 Syllables Haiku form Written for:
I’m the dark side of the moon you’re the rays of the sun bright and bounding brilliant and rich with promise you’re the home and shelter to my uncompromising beginning and the ending to my long haul days and in ways, I can’t explain the comfort I receive in home not being a place, but a being so mirrored by my own likeness my skin cold like a snake reptilian in nature while your heat, nature, like a rock for me to lean on when nothing seems right set me straight, give me satisfying solace. — Line Count: 18 Lines Words: 109 Prompt: Home is where the heart is For: "Poetry Topic of the Month Contest" |
Dear Mother, I heard you might be achieving a goal of money deposited for a brief moment I thought this might give you happiness finally, fist-pumping in the air and then I realized money isn't the issue it's the lack of connection your fear of humanity "people will screw you, it's not a matter of if but when," you always taught me to fear humans like a virus that might infect me take all that matters leave me a husk then have the wind take my remains with it to another place I've found the opposite. Humanity is kind, giving me what I didn't ask providing provisions before the need left my lips men, leave their cars to help me with my tires without a pleading look just because it's the right thing, it's the right thing my father getting this inheritance I don't know if this means happiness I hope it does I hope you achieve I don't know how to help on my side, so I socially distance watch the future in the present right now. -- Prompt: April 22 prompt: poem in the form of a letter |
It happened swift muscles detaching a chip is taken off my ankle bone breaking me in as I fell down tumbling over stairs to fall broken a living, breathing ragdoll with stitches strewn all about. April 14 prompt: "break" a sonnet somehow |
He was supposed to sweep in prince to her princess charming to her charmed by the disguise of another name she didn't know she has to do the saving sweeping herself off her own feet wiping the pretense, the makeup, the other side of what the world wants her to be the box made to her was too small so she made her shape not quite straight not quite curved but her design they say he's supposed to save you she told them, I only save myself. Prompt- April 6 prompt: Bring in the plot of a novel or story |