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Poetic Showtime
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A new name, writing poetry is the game

April 2020 challenge
For the month of April 2020 I will be writing a poem a day here, and thanks to a local writing group I joined based off of their prompts. Here's the first from them:
Day 1 - 1/30 Prompts:
Day 1/ April 1st 2020 Prompts ▼ Write a poem using the words: witness, cannon, jealous
Write an instructional poem, e.g. “How To…(fill in the blank)”
Write an Erasure poem (or “blackout” poem) with any text you want - a news article, a speech, music lyrics book passage, anything!
Write a poem from the perspective of a space you used to occupy often before the pandemic (your work office, your car, a bar/restaurant, a store, someone else's home, etc.)
Write a poem with the opening line, "If I knew…"
Write a Haiku about: Gratitude
Write a poem influenced/inspired by one of your favorite things to do
Write a poem titled, “Translation”
Write a poem using the words: bloom, technology, empty
Pink Power Ranger Bonus Option: Alter one of the prompts or combine two or more of the prompts or write about anything you want to write about or share a prompt you used/created.
Day 2:
2/30 Prompts!
Day 2/ April 2nd 2020 Prompts ▼ 1. Write a poem with the words: abandon, rival, living
2. Write a poem about a superstition you believe in, or don't believe in, or make one up, or use one your parents passed down to you.
(like how when you were little your mother used to tell you that if you didn't make your bed then your guardian angel would be sitting on the corner of your bed crying until you came home from school and therefore couldn't protect you while you were out in the world. (i.e. my mom)
3. Write an Ode to anything you want (bonus points for something ordinary/underrated/under appreciated -- But Christopher, what is an “Ode”? https://goo.gl/cIVZqz)
4. Write a poem from the perspective of an item in your fridge, or closet, or under your bed, or in your bathroom.
5. Write a poem that includes the line "except this time"
6. Write a haiku about trash
7. Write a poem inspired by a photo from this collection: https://www.erikjo.com/work
8. Write a poem titled, "Wait" - Bonus option: Try not to use the word "wait" or "waiting" itself in the poem
9. Write a poem with the words: exploit, avalanche, ripe
10. Three Little Birds each on my doorstep Bonus Option: Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or share a prompt you used/created.
Day 3:
3/30 Prompts!
Day 3/ April 3rd 2020 Prompts ▼ 3/30 Prompts
1. Write a poem using the words: born, muscle, teach
2. Write a love letter to a part of your body you like the least, or a unique characteristic about yourself (e.g. your laugh)
3. Write a poem in which you tell the “real story” of a: well-known historical or current event, fairy tale, urban legend, children’s book, comic book, or movie storyline-- reimagine the original/traditional story.
3A. Or, pick a story from your own life and write a poem where you reimagine and re-tell what could have happened/what you wish had happened.
4. Write a poem about something you did yesterday - the more ordinary, common, or "normal" - the better
5. Write a poem that begins with, "What you don't know…"
6. Write a haiku about: plans or planning
7. Write a poem inspired by a song you dislike
8. Write a poem titled, "Still"
9. Write a poem using the words: bridge, shoulder, multiply
10. I Got A Captain Planet Haircut Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day, or alter one of the prompts or combine two or more of the prompts or write about anything you want/need to write about or share a prompt you used/created.
Day 4:
4/30 Prompts!
Day 4/ April 4th 2020 Prompts ▼ 4/30 Prompts
1. Write a poem using the words: keep, acrobat, solid
2. What does it mean to you to fail? To succeed? Who defines, controls, holds power over these constructs? Write a poem about success and/or failure. Deconstruct the binary, Complicate the narrative.
3. Write a poem in the form of a screenplay
4. Write a poem where you use a weather pattern to describe a family member (fog, heat wave, hurricane, blizzard, etc.)
5. Write a poem that begins with, "Eventually, we…"
6. Write a haiku about: home
7. Write a poem influenced/inspired by the last show or movie you watched
8. Write a poem titled, "Trust Me"
9. Write a poem using the words: drop, engine, ten
10. Treat Yo Self Two Thousand Leven Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want or need to write about or share a prompt you used/created.
Day 5:
5/30 Prompts!
Day 5/ April 5th 2020 Prompts ▼ 5/30 Prompts
1. "Writer's block" got you stuck? Pressed for time? Try out this 5-min writing exercise that's one of my favorite ways to get my pen moving! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Sz-KSV-1uibMLyNqltBOaBYt7TqdqxgJ
2. Write a poem using the words: swallow, hammer, stolen
3. "Etymology" is the study of the origin of words and the historical development of their meaning. Write a poem about the etymology of a word or words -it can be a word that’s meaningful to your identity, a memory, or random word you wish to explore. Consider these unusual etymologies ( https://bit.ly/2OnXbpv) and check out this online etymology website: https://www.etymonline.com/
4. Write a "found poem" ( https://goo.gl/4Mwnp2) using the nearest book, magazine, random news article online, or any text you want. Try finding inspiration in the first sentence you see when open up the text, or perhaps try grabbing random words and/or images from multiple sources.
5. Write a poem that begins with, "We used to..."
6. Write a haiku about: the morning
7. Write a poem inspired by the last thing you ate
8. Write a poem titled, "Here"
9. Write a poem using the words: whisper, practice, electric
10. In West Philadelphia Born and Raised Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want or need to write about or share a prompt you used/created.
Day 6:
6/30 Prompts!
Day 6/ April 6th 2020 Prompts ▼ 6/30 Prompts
1. Write a poem using the words: howl, fraction, extravagant
2. Write a poem about something you're an expert at (e.g. I am an expert in ending sentences because I know where to put the prepositions at.)
3. Write a poem in the form of a devotion or prayer
4. Write a poem from the perspective of your page
5. Write a poem that begins with, "I can't tell you"
6. Write a haiku about: regret
7. Write a poem inspired/influenced by your favorite piece/kind of furniture
8. Write a poem titled, "In the bathroom"
9. Write a poem using the words: defy, guest, meticulous
10. The Far Side Bonus by Gary Larson Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want or need to write about or share a prompt you used/created.
Day 7:
7/30 Prompts!
Day 7/ April 7th 2020 Prompts ▼7/30 Prompts
1. Stuck or pressed for time? Check out the second installment of this 5-min writing exercise!
2. Write a poem using the words: hold, stampede, radiant
3. Write a poem about what you wanted to be when you grew up (option: compare it to what you want to be now)
4. Write a couplet (or couplets) about a fear or fears (could be yours, or could be one of the many phobias that exist).
5. Write a poem from the perspective of internet browser and/or internet browsing history
6. Write a poem that begins with, "When it was over"
7. Write a poem inspired/ influenced by an animal you never think about
8. Write a poem titled, "Listen"
9. Write a poem using the words: rescue, orchestra, hesitant
10. You Probably Think This Prompt Is About You Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want or need to write about or share a prompt you used/created.
Day 8:
8/30 Prompts!
Day 8/ April 8th 2020 Prompts ▼8/30 Prompts:
1. Write a poem using the words: gather, accident, flawless
2. Write a poem in which you describe yourself without using “I, me, mine, my, they/them, she/her, or he/him”
3. Write a poem in the form of a table of contents
4. Write a poem that is a conversation or argument or debate between one part of your body to another part of your body (option: include more than two body parts)
5. Write a poem that begins, "Welcome back"
6. Write a haiku about debt
7. Write a poem inspired/influenced by lyrics that
get stuck in your head often
8. Write a poem titled, "For the Record"
9. Write a poem using the words: unlock, legacy, backwards
10. Steve Urkel Over Stefan Urquelle Every Day Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want or need to write about or share a prompt you used/created.
Day 9:
9/30 Prompts!
Day 9/ April 9th 2020 Prompts ▼9/30 Prompts
1. Uninspired by the prompts and want some help filling that blank page? Check out the third installment of this 5-minute writing exercise!
2. Write a poem using the words: hover, crowd, natural
3. Write a poem about what your fears were as a child and how they've changed now that you're older.
4. Write a Pantoum! (a what? https://poets.org/glossary/pantoum)
5. Write a poem from the perspective of your bank account
6. Write a poem that begins with, "Years from now"
7. Write a poem inspired/ influenced by your favorite game to play
8. Write a poem titled, "On Forgetting"
9. Write a poem using the words: run, science, guilty
10. Super Smash Brothers But Only the N64 Version Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want or need to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 10:
10/30 Prompts!
Day 10/ April 10th 2020 Prompts ▼10/30 Prompts
1. Write a poem using the words: fugitive, induce, delicate
2. Write a poem about some "weird" thing you do often, or a ritual you do in certain circumstances, or a routine thought you have that you never share with anyone else.
3. Write a Tanka! (a what? https://poets.org/glossary/tanka)
4. Write a poem from the perspective of you in the future to you in the present
5. Write a poem that beings with, "If you must"
6. Write a haiku about hands
7. Write a poem inspired/ influenced by one of your biggest pet peeves
8. Write a poem titled, "Electric"
9. Write a poem using the words: napkin, sweat, royal
10. Michaelangelo is my favorite Ninja Turtle Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 11:
11/30 Prompts!
Day 11/ April 11th 2020 Prompts ▼10 Days Down! Keep it up, y'all!!
(aka I'm DEFINITELY trying to catch up this weekend lol)
11/30 Prompts
1. Writing Warm-Up Exercise Number 4! Check it out if you're having a hard time writing and/or you're pressed for time: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i7PFLyFXXcmSee08Y9rpiiLNLkVpBS4g
2. Write a poem using the words: burn, luggage, obvious
3. Write a poem about another “you” existing in an alternate universe. Reimagine yourself, or the universe, or both!
4. Write a poem in the form of a remedy
5. Write a poem from the perspective of your favorite pair of shoes, or least favorite pair, or most/least often worn pair, or a pair you used to own
6. Write a poem that begins with, "The first time I…"
7. Write a poem inspired/ influenced by something you wear often
8. Write a poem titled, "Learning How to _________" (fill in the blank)
9. Write a poem using the words: dive, sidewalk, specific
10. IIIIIIIIIII Wanna Dance With Somebody Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 12:
12/30 Prompts!
Day 12/ April 12th 2020 Prompts ▼12/30 Prompts
1. Write a poem using the words: exit, muscle, automatic
2. Write a poem about your/their love language and/or invent your love language ( https://goo.gl/595Jyb)
3. Write a poem using anaphora: https://poets.org/glossary/anaphora - The term anaphora refers to a poetic technique in which successive phrases or lines begin with the same words, often resembling a litany. The repetition can be as simple as a single word or as long as an entire phrase.
4. Write a poem from the perspective of your bed
5. Write a poem that begins with, "The problem with…"
6. Write a Haiku or a couplet (2 successive lines of poetry) about: plants / a garden / grass / trees
7. Write a poem inspired/influenced by the time of day you like the least
8. Write a poem titled, "Lost and Found"
9. Write a poem using the words: chase, shelf, early
10. Beep Beep Who's Got The Keys To The Jeep Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 13:
13/30 Prompts!
Day 13/ April 13th 2020 Prompts ▼13/30 Prompts
1. Episode 5! Try out this 5-min writing exercise if you’re blanking out on what to write, or just want to try something new: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1I_0K6eF7vsX0MSnhcfeT9hnFFeWCFbjs
2. Write a poem using the words: spin, language, identical
3. Write a poem about the best or worst job you've ever had, or the best or worst thing you’ve done at at a job, or a poem about any experience you've had related to a job or job interview.
4. Write an elegy ( https://poets.org/glossary/elegy: The elegy is a form of poetry in which the poet or speaker expresses grief, sadness, or loss. The elegy began as an ancient Greek metrical form and is traditionally written in response to the death of a person or group.)
5. Write a poem from the perspective of your trashcan
6. Write a poem that begins with, "In the event of an emergency…"
7. Write a poem inspired/ influenced by a season you don't experience, or a season you don't like, or a season that holds a particular meaning for you
8. Write a poem titled, "Vs." (or "Versus")
9. Write a poem using the words: introduce, planet, simple
10. Life is like a hurricane here in Duck - Burg Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 14:
14/30 Prompts!
Day 14/ April 14th 2020 Prompts ▼14/30 Prompts
1. Write a poem using the words: replace, window, ambitious
2 .Write a poem where you use a geographical feature as a metaphor to describe a friend
3. Write an epistolary (a what? https://poets.org/glossary/epistolary-poem)
4. Write a poem from the perspective of your closet
5. Write a poem that begins with, "When this is over…"
6. Write a haiku about sleep
7. Write a poem inspired/ influenced by the last headline you read
8. Write a poem titled, "Go"
9. Write a poem using the words: announce, stomach, glorious
10. The Land Before Time Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 15:
15/30 Prompts!
Day 15/ April 15th 2020 Prompts ▼15/30 Prompts
15/30 Prompts
1. Pressed for time? "Writer's Block" got you stuck? Check out episode 6 of our 5-min writing exercise! Link: shorturl.at/CKRV9
2. Write a poem using the words: remake, factory, rebellious
3. Write a poem about your name. Consider writing about the etymology and/or meaning of your name, a specific experience tied to it, your parents' reason for choosing it, or simply what it's meant to carry your name.
4. Write a poem in the form of a resume
5. Write a poem from the perspective of a poem you've already written -- perhaps it's speaking back to you as its author, or perhaps it's speaking to the rest of the world. Consider whether or not the poem agrees with the way you originally wrote it and/or your intentions.
6. Write a poem that begins with, "Confession…"
7. Write a haiku about hunger
8. Write a poem inspired/influenced by an object that’s right in front of you or nearby
9. Write a poem titled, "Break"
10. Hello All You Cool Cats And Kittens Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 16:
16/30 Prompts!
Day 16/ April 16th 2020 Prompts ▼16/30 Prompts
1. Write a poem using the words: sniff, system, expensive
2. Write a poem that is a list of commands or declarative sentences.
3. Try writing a Ghazal! (a what? https://poets.org/glossary/ghazal)
4. Write a poem from the perspective of your washing machine
5. Write a poem that begins with, "First of all…"
6. Write a haiku about traffic
7. Write a poem influenced/inspired by a food you can’t eat because you’re burned out on it or a food you can’t get enough of or a food you're allergic to.
8. Write a poem titled, "Almost"
9. Write a poem using the words: repeat, blanket, faithful
10. Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 17:
17/30 Prompts!
Day 17/ April 17th 2020 Prompts ▼17/30 Prompts
1. Try out episode 7 of our 5-min writing exercise! Y'all know the drill with this one :) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bzRGXuS8bisARAa0Db8rhJZsQCTH4cDu
2. Write a poem using the words: open, example, imaginary
3. Write a poem about what your least favorite subject in school was/is
4. Write a poem in the form of an incantation ( https://poets.org/glossary/incantation)
5. Write a poem from the perspective of the sidewalk
6. Write a poem that begins with, "This is the part where..."
7. Write a poem about your favorite music/artist/band/song/genre -- it can be an ode, erasure poem from song lyrics, response poem, found poem, or anything you want
8. Write a poem titled, "For your consideration"
9. Write a poem using the words: pretend, plot, silent
10. The Ghost of Christmas Past Participle Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 18:
18/30 Prompts!
Day 18/ April 18th 2020 Prompts ▼17/30 Prompts
1. Try out episode 7 of our 5-min writing exercise! Y'all know the drill with this one :) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bzRGXuS8bisARAa0Db8rhJZsQCTH4cDu
2. Write a poem using the words: open, example, imaginary
3. Write a poem about what your least favorite subject in school was/is
4. Write a poem in the form of an incantation ( https://poets.org/glossary/incantation)
5. Write a poem from the perspective of the sidewalk
6. Write a poem that begins with, "This is the part where..."
7. Write a poem about your favorite music/artist/band/song/genre -- it can be an ode, erasure poem from song lyrics, response poem, found poem, or anything you want
8. Write a poem titled, "For your consideration"
9. Write a poem using the words: pretend, plot, silent
10. The Ghost of Christmas Past Participle Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 19:
19/30 Prompts!
Day 19/ April 19th 2020 Prompts ▼19*/30 Prompts
1. Episode 8 of our 5-min writing exercise! Y’all know the drill – give it a try if you’re feeling stuck: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TgNlnbPqbSlPXBpyfiBkR5UaafAmB7bn
2. Write a poem using the words: supply, creator, jagged
3. Write a poem that talks about the things you wanted for your birthday when you were younger vs. the things you want for your birthday this year/now. It could be when you were 5yrs old vs. today, or be about the different stages/ages of your childhood, to high school, to college, to now, and even stretch into what you think you'll want as you get older.
4. Write a poem in the form directions on how to get somewhere (literal or figurative)
5. Write a persona poem (a what? https://poets.org/glossary/persona-poem)
6. Write a poem that begins with, "You are trying…"
7. Write a poem inspired by something that made you laugh recently (or something that always makes you laugh)
8. Write a poem titled "What if"
9. Write a poem using the words: share, rhythm, belligerent
10. Carmen From “Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego Was Actually Only And Always Located In San Diego Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or combine two or more of the prompts or Create/share a prompt or Write what you need to write today.
Day 20:
20/30 Prompts!
Day 20/ April 20th 2020 Prompts ▼20/30 Prompts:
1. Write a poem using the words: separate, suggestion, necessary
2. Write a poem using auto-type on your phone. Use an opening line prompt (today's or a previous day's) and/or a word from one of the 3-word prompts. This auto-typed line could be your opening line, or a line you incorporate somewhere in your poem.
3. Write a poem in the form of a nutrition label and/or a list of ingredients.
4. Write a poem from the perspective of your blanket
5. Write a poem with the opening line, "Apparently…"
6. Write a haiku about summer
7. Write a poem inspired by a picture from your childhood (share it as well if you want!)
8. Write a poem titled "Please"
9. Write a poem using the words: wander, machine, middle
10. You're Doing So Much Better Than You Think You Are Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 21:
21/30 Prompts!
Day 21/ April 21, 2020 Prompts ▼21/30 Prompts:
1. Write a poem using the words: return, garbage, generous
2. Fill out one or several of these online Mad-Libs and use one or several of the generated lines somewhere in your poem. http://www.madtakes.com
3. Write a poem dealing with numbers or math
4. Write a poem in the form of instructions to a game
5. Write a poem from the perspective of one of the planets
6. Write a poem that begins with, "What this means is…"
7. Write a poem inspired by an embarrassing moment
8. Write a poem titled "I tried"
9. Write a poem using the words: balance, oven, shallow
10. I judge people based on which Aunt Viv they preferred in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 22:
22/30 Prompts!
Day 22/ April 22, 2020 Prompts ▼22/30 Prompts
1. Write a poem using the words: request, passenger, second
2. Write a poem that gives advice or write about advice you most often give and/or advice you least often follow
3. Write a poem about an anniversary that isn't romantic
4. Write a poem that is a response to a previous poem you've written in 30 for 30
5. Write a poem opening with, "What you need to know is…"
6. Write a haiku about letting go
7. Write a poem inspired by something you used to think (or a belief you held) before quarantine
8. Write a poem titled, "The Gospel according to_________" (fill in the blank)
9. Write a poem using the words: offer, title, true
10. Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 23:
23/30 Prompts!
Day 23/ April 23, 2020 Prompts ▼23/30 Prompts
1. The 10th and final 5-minute writing exercise this month! Y’all know what to do: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TUm0_MID3Lne2-A1wbzXkRe6xGnu8ca8
2. Write a poem using the words: divide, brother, daily
3. Write a poem describing all the best things about yourself (bonus option: avoid turning it into a self-deprecating poem, or a poem that turns dark)
4. Write a poem in the form of a to-do list
5. Write a poem from the perspective of your window blinds
6. Write a poem beginning with, "I don't worry about…"
7. Write a poem inspired by the last time you were physically injured (could be big as a broken bone, or a small as a hang-nail)
8. Write a poem titled, "Pause"
9. Write a poem using the words: fold, music, diligent
10. Take A Look, Its In A Book, A Reading Rainbow Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 24:
24/30 Prompts!
Day 24/ April 24th 2020 Prompts ▼24/30 Prompts
1. Write a poem using the words: reuse, minute, heavy
2. Write a poem in which you personify your hometown
3. Write a poem that is a list of lies
4. Write a poem from the perspective of your bathtub
5. Write a poem opening with, "The problem is…"
6. Write a haiku about silence
7. Write a poem inspired by something in your life that didn't turn out the way you expected
8. Write a poem titled "I Give Up"
9. Write a poem using the words: shape, breakfast, new
10. Super Mario Kart Rainbow Road Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 25:
25/30 Prompts!
Day 25/ April 25th 2020 Prompts ▼25/30 Prompts:
1. Write a poem using the words: rise, title, quiet
2. Write a poem about an ending in your life that started a new beginning
3. Write a found poem using your last 10 Facebook/Twitter/Instagram posts - or - use the first 10 posts you see when you open up one of your social media apps - or - go to a public figure's social media page and use their last 10 posts.
(Refresher: Found poems take existing texts and refashion them, reorder them, and present them as poems.)
4. Write a poem from the perspective of another planet -- consider writing about or "to earth"
5. Write a poem with the opening line, "It was supposed to be"
6. Write a haiku about winning
7. Write a poem inspired by a thing that elicits a vivid memory -- think through the five senses, e.g. a specific song from 2011, the smell of burning toast, champagne-colored Ford Tauruses, the sound of a whistling tea kettle, the rush of air from a passing subway car, etc.
8. Write a poem titled, "The First Day"
9. Write a poem using the words: enjoy, table, awake
10. Coming out of my cage And I've been doing just fine Gotta gotta be down Because I want it all Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 26:
26/30 Prompts!
Day 26/ April 26th 2020 Prompts ▼26/30 Prompts:
1. Write a poem using the words: drink, rules, gracious
2. Write a poem about a scientific law, or the science of anything, really. The way a weather pattern forms, the evolution of a species, the behavior of certain cells, the body’s response to certain stimuli -- try looking up fascinating facts in science!
3. Write about a superpower you wish you had
4. Write a poem from the perspective of streetlights -- consider your current street, the street you grew up on, or streetlights of a specific place.
5. Write a poem that begins with, "In the beginning…"
6. Write a haiku about language
7. Write a poem inspired by an experience where you were wrong
8. Write a poem titled, "A History"
9. Write a poem using the words: allow, laundry, more
10. Mattress Firm, Where It's Easy To Get a Great Night's Bonus Option:Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 27:
27/30 Prompts!
Day 27/ April 27th 2020 Prompts ▼27/30 Prompts
1. Write a poem using the words: jump, country, tired
2. Write a poem that lists 10 interesting facts about yourself (optional: make one of them false and consider including that one is false in the poem)
3. Write a poem that tells a story backwards
4. Write a poem from the perspective of the house you grew up in
5. Write a poem that begins with, "I'm not going to…"
6. Write a haiku about staying
7. Write a poem inspired by chores
8. Write a poem a poem titled, "Deadline"
9. Write a poem using the words: shrink, answer, late
10. Slide To The Left Slide to the Right Criss Cross Criss Cross 12 Hops Now Y’all Everybody Clap Your Hands Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 28:
28/30 Prompts!
Day 28/ April 28th 2020 Prompts ▼28/30 Prompts:
1. Write a poem using the words: accept, circle, abundant
2. Write a poem detailing instructions for someone who’s been hired to impersonate you (optional: title the poem, "How to be me" and/or give your impersonator a mission or objective)
3. Write a poem in the form of a thank you card or a card expressing condolences (option: consider addressing the card to yourself, or to something inanimate, or to an animal)
4. Write a poem from the perspective of the most recent thing you forgot to do, or a chore/task you often forget, or an item you misplace often, or something that you've lost and cannot find/never found
5. Write a poem that begins with, "You need to decide…"
6. Write a haiku about breathing
7. Write a poem inspired by a time when you completely changed your perspective on something. For example: changing your opinion about a particular food, shifting your political views, viewing someone differently, viewing a relationship differently (romantic, friend, family, relation to self), changing your mind about a book/movie/show, etc.
8. Write a poem titled, "One more thing"
9. Write a poem using the words: undo, visitor, comfortable
10. Science Doesn't Care What You Believe In Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 29:
29/30 Prompts!
Day 29/ April 29th 2020 Prompts ▼ 29/30 Prompts:
1. Write a poem using the words: keep, dance, vigilant
2. Write a poem about reincarnation -- what or who do you think you were in a past life?
3. Take an earlier poem you've written and instead of writing a response poem, write a version that poem from a different perspective.
4. Write a poem from the perspective of something in your closet that isn't an article of clothing
5. Write a poem that begins with, "I heard somewhere…"
6. Write a haiku about leaving
7. Write a poem inspired by something or someone that brings you joy
8. Write a poem titled, "Push"
9. Write a poem using the words: undo, teacher, sacred
10. Reptar Bonus Option: Use a prompt from a previous day or Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Write about anything you want to write about or Share a prompt you used/created.
Day 30:
30/30 Prompts!
Day 30/ April 30th 2020 Prompts ▼ 30/30 Prompts!
1. Write a poem using the words: smuggle, philosophy, extravagant
2. Write a poem that is a love letter to yourself
3. Write a poem about poetry (ars poetica! https://poets.org/glossary/ars-poetica)
4. Write a poem from the perspective of your pen
5. Write a poem that begins with, "If this is the end…"
6. Write a haiku about resilience
7. Write a poem inspired by the dreams you remember the least, or a recurring dream you used to have/currently have, or a recurring feeling you have in your dreams.
8. Write a poem titled "Not Yet"
9. Write a poem using the words: promise, magnet, backward
10. It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye to Yesterday Bonus Option: Use a previous prompt Alter one of the prompts or Combine two or more of the prompts or Create/share a prompt or Write what you need to write today
A poem a day thanks to
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This is my poetry collection. All poems, all sorts, some prompts and some just me.
Fingers just itching in response
There are some peeps I would like to thank for the shift in this collection of mine. Cinn  has seriously drugged my muse with all sorts of inspiration. Charlie ~  Elle  Fivesixer  and their poetry are all like a hit to my brain.
These poems can and will be very 'adult themed' because I'm twisted like that. In my mind I use curse words as if they are verbal venom for me to sling. Sometimes nothing feels quite as good, like a fine wine sliding down your throat. I'm going to be doing that in here and it will fill up with dirty thoughts, poems, and debauchery.
Thank you so much goes out to the badass and hilarious, 🌖 HuntersMoon  for the unexpected award icon. I'm like a human barracuda I love shiny things.
I have so many poems just wanting to burst forth into black and white on the screen. I couldn't ask for a better group to fall into for how much I'm itching to tap my fingers against these keys.
I'm all sorts of wrong in all the right places.
This is involved in the give it a 100! deal:
| | Give It 100! (13+) Write daily on Writing.Com for 100 days and earn an exclusive merit badge! Start today! #1974137 by ruwth   | .
Let's hope I can keep up with my goal of 100 poems in a 100 days. My muse has been a happy little camper and less bitchy so I thought I'd take advantage of that.
Challenge accepted: First day is June, 18th, 2016. Finish up day should be September 26th, 2016.
Update and Done:
I'm finished! September 26th, zero leave days, until I decide to hit another 100 days with this.
Here is my accountability: |  | Invalid Item  This item number is not valid. #2087756 by Not Available. |
As well as:
"30 Day Image Prompt Contest - CLOSED"
Anywho, welcome to this look into my mind. I hope you enjoy!