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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1435205
My daily / weekly blog ... on the stuff that happens in my life
I'm starting writing this online blog, at 27 years old & I am single. I've got a pretty amazing life and I love 99% of it! I've had an amazing last 3 years of my life and have found myself in the most extraodinary circumstances - learning a lot about myself along the way.

I've been told I am a funny sort - but none of it is intentional - I'm just me! Some of you will love me, some of you will hate me - either way I'm sure you will enjoy reading my exploits.

I'm embarking on a time now where I'm not too sure where I am going - summer is approaching and I'm now facing a period of time, where my friends are all running off to Ibiza for the summer, and I have decided to stay put here in England - for the time being - to try and make my mark on the world from here...
June 6, 2008 at 11:24am
June 6, 2008 at 11:24am
Wow, so i can’t quite believe Friday is here already ... this week has gone way to fast way too quickly. So far today, i’ve done sod all work, this is mainly due to that bugger of a social networking site ‘Facebook’ – note to self – i’m quite clearly in huge amounts of denial - it has nothing to do with the fact i’m tired / hungover and just being plain lazy !

This week has been really strange for me so far – Monday one of my best friends buggered off to Ibiza for the summer and i was feeling pretty shit and down that work / money commitments mean i wont be enjoying my summer out there with him – but nevertheless he’s gone and he is one of few who were remaining, about to depart for the white isle until September.

One of my closest other friends, is departing this very weekend, and its been making me feel a bit sad etc – not too sure yet what this summer is going to hold for me - there are like 3 of my friends left – who i socialise with regularly – you know those few peoples who are really on your wavelength so to speak.....

Except – whilst this imminent departure is making me rather sad... There’s something on the otherside niggling away at me........... I’m a fairly nice person – loyal , nice to my friends, passionate and most of all i like to think i’ve got respect for those who i choose to have in my life. I’m not saying i’m a saint – hell no, and nor have I always been of this mindset – but the person who I live with said to me the other day ‘ her going will be the best thing for you’ And you know what ...... I actually think she might be right.

Here’s why :

Quite clearly my ‘friend’ thinks I’m some sort of ‘C**t’ – sorry to have to use that word, but sometimes needs must, and she does think it of me – I know it – I don’t believe she has any respect for me either and I know for a fact she thinks I’m insignificant in comparison to her. I’ve never in my life met anyone who blames other people for pretty much everything – and can only see things from one point of view.... Please don’t get me wrong – I love this girl a lot – she is my friend, but I am really beginning to wonder if i actually do like her. I’m not going to sit here and write the ins & outs of stuff thats happened, but I know some of the things she has said to people about me – and quite frankly 99% of it is bullshit. People know me and people like me for me – its that simple, I’m honest, friendly and not a liar – i’m generous and i love my friends. In all honesty – it probably should be me sitting here destroying her verbally – but I’m not.

Last night, I kinda was getting the feeling that said person would be really happy for me to sit in UK all alone til September with no friends, because they are all out in Ibiza – now yeah for sure it feels pretty rubbish but there is nothing I can do, i’m not weak so I’m quite sure I will survive! It’s like I’ll be the outcast now, as I am missing out on this big adventure – and everyone will come home in love with her again – except thats not going to happen – because the trouble is when you lie to people and you slag other people off to them – however much ‘you don’t mean to be nasty’ you are NOT painting a very good picture of yourself. People can see through it – its that simple.

So anyhow, i’m going to be having my own little adventure – if I can ever snap out of this god awful mood i’m in due to a very random night – Thursday – Its Thursday Club don’t you know! Its all important start to the weekend, and usually means getting extremely pissed in a local crap little bar with everyone you know – all congregating – a little like a church of worship! And then falling into bed for 2 hours before getting up for the onslaught of a Friday at work!!!! So yeah that was last night as always drinking / taking pictures / messing around / having a cuddle with 2 of my closest friends after at his house and falling asleep at 5am .... to get up again at 7 ...... I might feel TERRIBLE now but you know what, I would not EVER swap those nights, not for anything..... I just totally need to SLEEP!!!!! (yeah, i know its cheating, but i need sleep!)

So – FACEBOOK ..... Yeah i’ve right got a little cob on with that at the moment!!! Don’t get me wrong, I Love Facebook, as much as the next man – but really rather disturbingly I came across a group on there the other day – ‘Airing dirty laundry / Overly dramatic status updates: Get a grip’

Let me tell you – this group has the most VILE creatures contributing to it. So someone updates their facebook – yeah ok – so it’s annoying a little when you constantly read those soppy arsed updates, but really people – give a fuck? – if it annoys you – hide them – simple as ..... So anyhow – some sad creature with (in my opinion) far too much time on his hands started up this group..... Everyone loves a little bit of Banter sure – but this group is getting way to personal .... I joined this group as I was intrigued as to what ‘Tom Willson, Hayley Louise Solly & the likes of Emma Wallace’ have to say for themselves – so heres the thing ... someone updates their FB Status and one of these fascinating creatures then ‘screen print’s ‘ it and copies it into MS Paint and then crops it and saves it and posts it in the photo gallery on FB – where they all then take the chronic piss out of these people who update their facebooks.... I ask you people – who really are the saddo’s? .................. Yeah – your in agreement with me right, the ones who go to all that trouble to post the updates in the photo gallery.

Anyhow, back on with why this group has proper fucked me off today. I’ve got a few mates who have been put in the gallery of shame!!! O yea!! Really like .... and then I see the things people have written underneath such like ‘cunt’ ‘I want to shoot her in the face with a shotgun’ and various other delightful things – for simply updating their status with ‘....... is thinking .... .and it hurts..... ‘oh and another one saying ‘......thinks SATC was brilliant – Charlotte got pudding in her Prada – LMAO’ What complete sad fuckers .... and i mean come on ‘shoot them in the face’ is rather harsh... these people are VILE!

The comes the case of my lovely friend Clare-Louise – she’s a glamour model and yeah she’s had a boob job .... HER CHOICE .... So she is being vilified by these people on this horrible childlike FB group – with some of the following comments:

She loves the pain really..attention seeking hoe bag!!
Fuck me. At least it draws the attention away from the face. Thats got to be a good thing.
Take away the face, and it improves the body as a whole.

Oh and i think they also used the word ‘Cunt’ in there again ....

Nice people you can find on Facebook like.

So here’s how i see it - not one of those imperfect sad pathetic losers who spend their days vilifying people on facebook – need to step outside their little ‘bully’ bubble – have a bloody good look at themselves – when they are perfect – then they can do whatever they want. The trouble is, for them, this is their entertainment – I don’t envy them, i feel sorry for them ..... Perhaps i should take them on a messy night out with me and show them what living is all about????? Either that or stick them in a K Hole, take pictures of it and the facebook tag them so the world can really see them in a mess!!

Rant Over ...

I wonder if i will get any man action this weekend?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I think there is someone in the pipeline I shall just have to see – I’m right fancying a little smooch though tomorrow night! Oh an a right nice cuddle somewhere too..... Better not put it on my facebook though! I don’t need another person calling me a C.U.N.T do i !!!!! lol
’m now gonna run off and tear the absolute arse out of this weekend – Monday I will surface with a nice run down on the trouble i’ve got myself into this weekend!

Big Love
ME x
June 5, 2008 at 5:40am
June 5, 2008 at 5:40am
So then, I've decided after much consideration that I would start publishing my blogs online, seeing as now most of my friends have left myspace, where i was writing a weekly blog, to play on facebook - that i was letting myself down a little bit by not writing about me and my so called life!!

Facebook, lets get this straight SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO needs its own online blog facility. But it doesn't so i'm not going to lose sleep over it, i'm gonna blog here for a little while, and see the reaction i get. Ok so I'm told that my writing style is somewhat funny - but thats too my friends, nothing i say or do is intentionally funny - but it seems thats how i come across.

Ok so it may just be fair for me to quickly introduce myself to you all.

I'm 27 - yeah jesus, where did 10 years of my life go!! I live outside of London, and I am happily single. I say I'm happily single, because, for some people this being single malarky isn't always by choice, nor am i 'anti' relationships, but I am single and I like it.

I'm an ordinary girl (or woman as people call me now, due to the whole 27 thing) but I live an extrodinary life. I don't want to be famous, I can't sing, I can't dance, I don't act, I don't want to be a Wagabee (yeah you know that, Wannabe Wag - 'Wagabee' copyright - ME 2008) I'm not impressed by money, or that glamourous WAGStyle (lifestyle) - each to their own, and i'm not condemning people or slagging them off - but its just not what I am about. I like my anonymity - except my job and where i live mean that a lot of people know who i am - which kinda sucks on the whole anonymity thing........

So why is my life extrodinary? hmmmmm - keep reading as i post and i guess you might find out!

I'm REAL - thats all i can say, not in the way you've all probably heard 100 times before, but in a ok so i kinda fuck up sometimes way ... I've got feelings, they get hurt, I like people, I have insecurities, I love my family and friends, and most of all i've got opinions & they are high!

I don' know what I'm gonna write specifically, probably it will be about the craxy antics of my life as they happen - My writing style can be a little dry in humour, I am a funny person, infact so funny sometimes I make myself laugh - i pull no punches i just write stuff as it comes into my head .... thats about all really sometimes it makes sense, maybe other times it doesn't - either way its a good read - or so i'm told!

I love music - I love Ibiza - I leave my heart there every year .......

I've always thought I was destined for GREAT things you know - like something big was going to happen to me - FATE plays a massive part in my life - nothing is down to chance - it really isn 't - things are meant to happen to you - like I know things have happened how they have so far cos thats how it was meant to happen. I'm not a lucky person, luck is finding £20 in a pair of jeans you'd forgotten was there - things like that don't happen to people like me. You will all see that pretty soon.

For now though, I'm off - its nearly 5pm and i've got a life to go and live!

But Welcome to My World, I hope you enjoy it !

ME x

© Copyright 2008 IbizaDreamer (UN: ibizadreamer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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