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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1490764-A-Day-in-the-Life
by Alias
Rated: E · Book · Teen · #1490764
A blog on how my days are going! Sometimes my life could be a TV show, people say...
You've got one guy living in the middle of nowhere in love with a girl in the middle of another nowhere...and all the space inbetween! It's the crazy story of my life, her life, and all the stuff that makes it crazy!
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February 3, 2009 at 11:28am
February 3, 2009 at 11:28am
YES! My blog lives on! I'm pretty sure...either way, this is awesome! As a celebration, I'll give you these awesome quotes I made the other day! I think they're coll, anyway... :)

Give them a chance…to be happy.

Why can’t I sleep whenever I dream about you?

I keep thinking about that last night we were together and keep wishing it never ended.

Moon, please forget to fall down.

What’s wrong with loving people?

Could you stop breaking my heart? I’m running out of glue to stick it back together with.

Violins make me want to cry…almost as much as you do.

Do I really have a choice? I didn’t think so.

I envy Sleeping Beauty…the worst thing she went through ended up that she awakened to find her true love.

I want to fly. Give me my wings back.

I can’t help but let people hold my heart, even though it always gets shattered.

No matter how bleak things seem, I always have you.

My heart will wrench and break when I’m not around you.

Your voice is beautiful, but that doesn’t make up for not being able to see you.

You love me? I love me, too. But don’t worry; I love you more.

Wow! You actually can say those three words.

Good, you’re not like Cinderella. Who wants mice chasing after them all the time?

Why can’t stories go on after the happily ever after?

Silence is a sound. A sad one. A sorrowful one. But it’s still a sound.

You stop my heart. But it’s okay; I’ll let you do CPR.

For a moment, when you kiss me, there’s nothing else. No problems. No sadness. No evil. Just you and me. Just love.

I’ll always feel this way. Until you leave.

This is a love bipolar: with you I am living. Without you I am lost.

Play the game. It’s the only one where both sides win.

French is the language of love. My parents don’t want me taking it.

If French is the language of love, then what is Spanish? And Spanglish?



There are many songs…ballads, sonatas, symphonies, choruses, concertos, melodies, pieces, and…elegies.

Art is a language in itself. Learn it.

Give love a second chance.

Are you afraid? Good, cause I am, too.

People find it easy to hate me.

Is it bad for me to make calling you the highlight of my day?

If you were a dog, would you want to be dressed up all the time?

Yeah, the last one was a bit random…okay, really random. But who cares? Sue me?

No, I don’t have a lot of money so you can’t sue me. (Raspberry or whatever they call it.)

All you need is love. Now, why couldn’t they do more to the melody of that song?

Don’t ever dye your hair pink.

Purple…red…black…awesome colors. I should start using them more 

 Whoever created smilies is a genius 

People hate people who are different. I’d be afraid if we were all the same.

If you really hate them, cage them up. If they really hate you, they’ll cage you up.

What is it with all of this element stuff? Earth…water…fire..air…it’s awesome.

Of the elements…I am SkyFire.

Never let go of my hand. I’ve felt what it’s like to be without you once before, and I couldn’t bear to feel it again.

Locks are made to be opened. Keys are made to be swallowed.

What’s with 333 and 666? What’s 999? Or 121212?


Towns…little places where you cut down trees and name streets after them.

Be different! Make me remember you! Make me think in a different way!

Change people’s way of thinking; after a while they need to see things through a different mirror.

The Queen in Snow White was so narcisstic. Well, not really since she turned herself into a hag. She was just insane.

I never have too much of a good thing…unless that thing is you.

You need darkness to appreciate the light.

Eyes are the windows to your soul; open them.

Some people hate tears and they see them as weakness. I want to see them because they’re signs of love.

Hold that thought. And your breath. I’ll be back in an hour or so.

 Take each day for what it is: a chance to party. 

I know what you’ve seen may depress you, then make you laugh to yourself, then may make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but I just hope what you see has some affect on you for the better. I want you to see things differently…it may be how I see things, since I’m the one behind the words, but give it a chance. I want to change things.

I need to change things.


Take me the way I am.

Let me go the way I go.

Some people just don’t know how to take a joke. Some? Oh, I mean most.

Ashes to Ashes…why not make something out of all those ashes? Nice texture…

Distortion Pedal! Distrtin!


You should join The Super Awesome Organization.

Scratch that—join the Super Organization of Awesome People (S.O.A.P.!)

Give people a chance…to smell good. Use Axe!


See ya guys another time...hopefully tomorrow (is that part of the quotes or part of the blog? The world may never know...)
February 2, 2009 at 12:53pm
February 2, 2009 at 12:53pm
I have no idea if this thing still exists or not...my upgraded membership has expired and now I'm not supposed to have a blog but here I am! ? ! I don't know what to think...

Well, today I just recieved notice that a piece of my artwork got a prize from the Scholastic Foundation and is ranked around 3rd place in the tristate region of Northern KY, Southern OH and Southern IN. I'm kinda proud of myself! But I'm lad the talents were given to me to begn with :)

Well, I don't really no what to put...I'm so confused to even think. I'm going to go to art club and work on my new canvas...(I'm working with graffitti rite now) and then guitar practise. That's it for me today! Check out my portfoliothingy! See ya!
December 2, 2008 at 10:47am
December 2, 2008 at 10:47am
Everything's pretty much same, repeptitive, same-old-same-old. Boring...yawn. I'm tired of this tedious lifestyle...I want a change! Pretty much, I want out of school, but that won't be happening for a while. For now I'm focusing on all my arts: drawing, guitar, and writing. And I'm also surviving the Japan-Ban my grandparents have put n me. Not all of them wanted to side with Hitler in WWII. It was just the leader at that time. The common people did not want to go to war! It's amazing how one person's actions can change people's attitudes so much.

There's nothing really wrong with it. I think they have some good stories and stuff. Some people thinks its creepy...some people don't like it...but that doesn'tm atter. America is free.

I'm sorry, I just don't feel like typing now. I'm tired. YAWNYAWNYAWN.

BTW, i found this awesome site called FIREHOTQUOTES.COM! my friends made it. they're cool.

Well, the book fair's at school, and I'll probably go buy a PATD poster. That's t for me. See ya!
November 30, 2008 at 12:55pm
November 30, 2008 at 12:55pm
Wow, it's been so long since I've been able to get on WDC! It feels so good to be home! :) Well, I'll have another entry to The Lost World coming up, more to Living with the Dead, hopefully start Cafe' La Misico, and maybe even a new story! A lots instore for December!

I've got to go again, but I'll write more sometime!
November 20, 2008 at 10:47am
November 20, 2008 at 10:47am
I really do not feel like writing about this, but as this is a blog its my duty to, I guess. Last night was so crazy, though...

Well, I called Nicole and we were so happy to talk to each other again. We spent all the time we could on the phone before my grandparents forced me to get off. Well, during that call she invited me to go see Twilight with her...and I LOVE THE BOOKS! They are awesome! Iread the fourth one in one day! Have I said that before? haha.

Anyway, I go to ask my old people (grandparents) if I can go. Thay said...dun-dun-dun. No. nononononono! Argh! Why wont they let me go? Grr....they won't let me go see it with any of the 5 GROUPS OF PEOPLE THAT WANT ME TO GO WITH THEM!!!

So, I go back up to talk with her, but then I gotta get off. I'm mad at not being able to go, not because of the movie, but because I can't see her. What do my grandparents say to this?

"Well you're gonna be dissapointed!"

WHAT THE HECK! I wanna see the girl I'm in love with but you dont care!!! I cant tell them anything though because if I say I love her to them they'll just think that its teenage crap but I do!!!! Whenever I'm around her I actually feel good! Whycant I see her?

This is a loadful of crap. I hate it.

November 19, 2008 at 10:46am
November 19, 2008 at 10:46am
Well, right now iv gotten 20 emails in a matter of 5 minutes. Yeah, things are crazy. I've also gotten invited to go to the SAME MOVIE at least THREE times already! I'm popular... :)

I can't wait for twilight, itl be soooooooooooooooooooooo awesome! I have the movie book, I've read all four books (i read the 4th one in ONE day) and at lunch there's pretty much a twilight club. I listen in a little, I guess.

Well, I might possibly in a way be able to see twilight with either Nicole or Catie. It'll be easier for me to go with catie, though...I hope we go to the same theatre, though. With Nicole, there has to be a lot of planning because of livving fars aways...and I get to call her tonight! YES!

Oh! Iasked Catie out! Things are kind of weird, though...shesays I should tall my stalker I don't like them and that she wants to wait till after Christmas...i don't get that at all! Well, I'll work on it.

No idea what else to talk about...


see ya guys.
November 17, 2008 at 9:29pm
November 17, 2008 at 9:29pm
Okay, I had to leave really fast, so here's some other stuff on whats up today.

I'm so happy for my story THE LOST WORLD! It has 60 views now, and maintains a 5-star rating! I'd love for my blogger buddies to read it. You should also check out the forum scribbles, also by yours truly. And, to top it all off- my portfolios been viewed 299 times since its birth! One more and happy 300th viewing! :) I'm happy. If I never got my writing out, I'd probably be even mor insane than I am now.

It was the same for Emily Dickinson. She sent her poetry to a publisher, and he loved it. Problem was, though, she was BEFORE her time, so the people wouldn't understand it as mucg as we do now! He didn't publish it, but she wa just happy that she had someone read it. And now...after her death, she's famous and being blogged about on a computer-something she'd never even dreamed of!

Well, that's it for me and my inspirational stories. See ya next time!
November 17, 2008 at 10:49am
November 17, 2008 at 10:49am
Woohoo! I'm happy! Last night I was dancing in my closet (yeah, so what if I'm insane?!) because of all of it. I'm finally home after two grueling weeks of travel and tension, including being unable to talk to Catie or Nicole much! But last night I called Nicole and we both were going crazy (to see this, look at entry 7). she told me something that if I asked her friends they'd totally back her up that she went insane saying that I hadn't called her for a while.

Well, I was traveling, I didn't know if could use the phone, so I went a total of five days without talking to her and we went insane. Wow. It's fun, though.

And I'm riding the bus with Catie again! I'm so happy...I gave her the third season of INUYASHA, the best show on the whole planet. We're just dorks that way together, but it's cool. I go hang out with her between all my class changes. Ohh... I'm running out of time. 1 min. b4 the bell rings! Okay, well, I gues I'll see you guys later! Comment and say hoo u think I should go with: Catie or Nicole.
November 14, 2008 at 9:00am
November 14, 2008 at 9:00am
Things are sooo creppy with a stalker, a girl you like, and another of each at different schools. Why is this place so freakin weird? First, my stalker here asked me out a couple days ago and I said no, but she still likes me! Whats up with that? She still follows me in the hallway all la-de -DA-Dun-dun....grrrrrrrr..the sopa opera ness. And I have another stalker at the middle school, but she's not as bad...i actually want to be friends with her. We've got a lot in common and wahtever.

But I also like this chick in the same grade as my first stalker who acts like my second stalker but I like her more than both, and to top it all off, there is the girl that goes to a catholic school that is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awsome!!!!!!!! But we can't ever see each other and our relationship is so confusing I can't even tell what's up and down! So that's why I like the one at this school, but I know I'll always like the catholic school one! and my stlakers are going to get jealous if they find out....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...GRRRRRRR!!! its sooooooooooo confusing, i can't make sense of it it

I......really want some chocolate! oh! i forgot a coke in my locker yesterday! It's probably really warm...yuk. o well. caffiene. I have money for linch, today, 2!!!! YES! But wait...my friend can't hook me up with a novel today! She always lets me borrow her graphic novels (my first girl i like, not the stalkers or the catholic one). Shes not here today. Sob.... RRRAAAWWRR!

I can't stop typing! It's addicting! What do I do? Well, whatever. I don't care. Wow, I don't sound emo at all. :) Well, whatever. i'm usually happy. but you know what;'s weird? You never find guy romance writers. it's just unheard of and then theres...me. Does that make me some kind of super freaky...freak? I don't know,. what I really want (besides love, of course) is to fit in.

isn't it funny how the things you want most usually don't happen? Does that mean every romance novel is a lie!?? IT BETTER NOT BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will not let love be a lie! I swear to find the keys and open the hearts of people! That's my purpose in life!

Have you ever seen the wedding planner? It's a movie. The wedding planner should have a romantic life, but she doesn't have a husband. That's how I feel like, except I don't have a girlfriend. I could...(stalkers) but I'm not that desperate.

Or am I? don't worry, I'm not. Oh...I'm so on a sugar high or something. I have no idea what's going on. Let's see...yesterday what happened? I gues I have short term memory loss or something. Well, after school I went to church band practice but I guess it was cancelled. Oh well. we went back and for some reason got on the subject of Obama.

Ooo! there's this new little game thing on this little website thing that my friends found. It's SUPER OBAMA WORLD! I haven't played it, I don't have time. I have too much stufgf going on to...to...breathe! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow...am I suicidal or something? Not really!

I really want to do art or music or something right now. No idea why. I know writing is an art, so I'll just keep on typing! But the bells about to ring.

Why does our lives at school have to be governed by the bell? A bell to enter school...to ebneter class...to get out...five minute wrning...one minute wrning...GRRR! Curse the bell!! who needs the bell? Well, i do. I usually talk to me firends waaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much. Oh well. .Nothing really matters to me,..........Bohemian Rhapsody moment. It's a good song.

Wow....looking back at this...I must be bipolar or something.

AHH@! I looked behind me and somebody's playing Super Obama World!!! TOO COINCIDENTAL!! Another! Obama is taking oveR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boredom...boredom...boredom...boredom....argh.....let soemthing happen!!!! Does anyone have a lighter??? HAHAHAHA!!! just kidding. I'm not an arsonist like my friend who is looking at me and is to the right of me...JOSH MCENTEE!!! I f I spelled your name right. Oh well. IDC....if you don't know what that stands for it means i don't care!!! i dont care, idont care, i dont care, i dont care!!!!!! thats from POorak and Beans, by Weezer. Wow...today is very song-y.

Whatever. Bye folks at WDC!
November 13, 2008 at 10:40am
November 13, 2008 at 10:40am
Alright! Time to let the little nerdy secret out: I love the Japanese stuff! I live in it! Konichiwa, my friends! Well, I'm not that bad. I'd like to visit there someday and I love the stories they have in manga/anime or whatever.

My favorite, even though it's kind of old, is Inuyasha. The stopped making the TV show so I try to read the books. Here's one little part of it: Inuyasha loves Kagome AND Kikyo. Kagome loves Inuyasha...Kikyo 'loves' him too...and Kikyo hates Kagome. It's too much to explain right now but...

I have a Kikyo and Kagome! Of course, you guys know Nicole, but there's someone else I kind of possibly like too...Catie Clark. We've got a lot in common, and she's nice. She's close to being pretty, but not quite there yet. I don't judge by looks, but I'm saying she has potential. But she's extremely nice and all, so she's cool with me. But then there's Nicole, and...I have no idea what to think anymore, because of the whole phone conversation and the night under the bridge and the U.S.S. Nightmare...

Nicole, Kelly, Ryan, Becky, Kendra, Noah, and I went to this haunted house-haunted ship sort of thing. It was crazy. We were all so scared we grabbed onto each other's shirts (mine got extremely stretched) and had this whole cha-cha line going through the ship. They pushed me to the front and we were the very first people to go in, so I got hit with everything. We finally made it to one room (the body bag room...oh joy...) and settled down. So what did we decide to do? Count to see if everybody was there. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and...8. Well, too bad there were ONLY SUPPOSED TO BE 7 OF US! We went all insanely pshyco and ran out of the joint. It was great. Afterwards, we were cold, so what did we decide to do? Go get ice cream (yes, I think our brains were still flipped out by the whole haunted ship experience). Nicole and I spent a little time alone together, but not much. We had six people chasing after us the entire time.

Well, now that that's done, I have to say I like Erin more than Catie...but that's only because of the memory. I know in a little bit I'll start liking her more again. Probably when I go to her locker (we share a locker now. I've got 3!) But I know Nicole will always have a piece of my heart...whether she claims she broke it or not, that freaky little...GRR!

Catie is much nicer than Nicole when it comes to this sort of thing. Maybe I should ask her out sometime...but I don't know about Nicole...I'd feel...a little guilty, I guess. But why would I? She's only one girl. She doesn't matter...

Oh, I can't lie to myself that much.

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