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by Jade Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E · Book · Other · #1523564
It's good to put your thoughts out somewhere where unbiased people can look at them.
It's good to be able to put your thoughts out somewhere where unbiased people can look at them and either agree or disagree with your opinions. It's a big difference from people who you know and see every day looking at your stuff.
May 7, 2009 at 10:49pm
May 7, 2009 at 10:49pm
You know, I've can't actually go back in time to prove this, but I've heard from people like my mom that school was not THIS hard when they were younger. That Calc was a senior's class. Not Pre-AP Calc as a Junior's class...

No AP classes with killer finals on top of AP tests (that you actually have to PAY for, by the way). Or extracurricular activities coming out the wazzu. Really, back then, you could get away with not going to college and still be able to get a decent job. Now, college drop out? Didn't go to college after you graduated? You have two options, online college or "would you like fries with that?"

And what is with all this mail from colleges? Don't they know that they are running about 2 years early for recruiting? Should I be sending in my applications? I'M NOT READY YET! Can't they get that?

Of course not. Because whoever said "you're only 16, you don't have to know what you're going to for the rest of your life," was LYING. That's EXACTLY what is required now. I'm just one of the lucky ones who knows what I like to do. I'm lucky... or not because now it's all about specialization, and the odds of actually making it in my field is about 4,000,000 to 1. Yay. Aren't I just lucky.

They even have things called duel enrolment and summer college classes for high school students. Who wants to be enrolled in high school AND college. ONE set of drama and homework obviously isn't enough. No, let's add COLLEGE on to that as well.

And then, when you freak out and start failing ONE class (even thouhgh you have As in most all the other ones) because you're so STRESSED (for other reasons outside school as well), it goes on your transcript for the entire college WORLD to see. Which is obviously bad because of the whole needing to go to college or ending up in a hat with a giant yellow M on it. Which in turn makes you (or me in this case, because this seems I'm no longer posing a hypothetical situation) more stressed because THEN how in the heck am I going to pay for college because GOD KNOWS I don't want to stay here for the state lottery scholarship?

Ya, it seems the educational system is becoming one big paradox. That's great; maybe the world USED to make sense?

Anybody have any thoughts on that one, because I'm drawing a blank?
April 24, 2009 at 7:25pm
April 24, 2009 at 7:25pm
When thinking about something with a sense of nostalgia, do you remember it happy so you can remember it with love and good thoughts in your mind? Or do you see it as happy times past that are now gone and therefore something to be sad about?

The second makes no sense. How are you supposed to go through life with any amount of new happiness if all you see is how sad it is that the old happiness is gone?

Live it up, have so many happy times that you can look back at older happiness and be glad that you had that experience; so that you can look ahead in anticipation or live for the present.

What’s the use in sulking in your own despair, for the same applies to unhappiness. Don’t dwell on it, just get past it. Learn from it. Make it into a happy time. Be optimistic, because lord knows the Earth is sick of pessimists.
February 24, 2009 at 10:14pm
February 24, 2009 at 10:14pm
Everything just looks better upside down.

For example, if you see the same mountains for years, they becomes unexciting because they're (obviously) the same mountain you've been looking at for years. But if you were to look at them upside down, all your preconcieved notions or clouding biases would go away and the image is fresh and new and beautiful again. You see the lines and colors for what they are instead of what you've seen for years and everything has new meaning.

And on a less serious note; it's just more fun to walk around with your head spun upside down, even though it hurts your neck. (not that I actually DO this...) :)
February 4, 2009 at 8:49pm
February 4, 2009 at 8:49pm
Have you ever taken a personality quiz that is DEAD ON? Me neither, though mine are usually pretty accurate.

It's actually kind of unnerving when the computer can tell you exactly how you'd react in a certain situation and be precisely correct. How analytical have we gotten that we can predict the outcomes of EVERYTHING? Well, maybe not everything. And maybe not always accurately.

For example, weather. How often is your weatherman completely correct? There have been commercials made that make fun of how OFF weather men can be.

Or people like psychiatrists who make a LIVING off of analyzing people's thoughts after speaking with them?

People don't like to be analyzed. Yet we have this curiosity to know just how much people can tell about us by just being around us.

Isn't it funny how some people don't like psychiatrists just BECAUSE they make them feel see-through? People don't like to be see-through, but we strive to see through people every day by just getting to know them. Trying to get to KNOW someone so well that we can predict their reactions. It's really funny how we have such a double standard, we want to be able to see-through someone but we don't want to be see-through.

Just, you know, pointing it out.
February 1, 2009 at 11:43pm
February 1, 2009 at 11:43pm
So, I started work at this gym. There was a dresscode at the gym that permited us to wear two things; a work-issued red shirt and khaki pants.

Well, who looks good in khakis? Very few people. So, naturally, I thought I looked gross so (again, naturally) I called upon my best friend to complain. I explained my delema to her and she proceded to reasure me that I probably looked 'sexy' in the khakis. Well... I didn't/don't, so we went on to argue about this for a while until she told me the next time to just think of them as my 'sexy khakis of sexiness' and everything would be alright. Well, she has made me need to giggle every time I see myself in the khakis.

Fortunately, they informed me of their mistake, and that the uniform for maintenence people is a black shirt with black pants... hallelujah, I've been saved from breaking out in laughter every time I go to wash the arobics-room windows... and the khakis are going right back to Ross's where I found them.

Don't get me wrong, they are cute khakis, but WHO looks GOOD in khakis? I don't even think they are flattering on models. The body might be good, but the pants aren't.

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