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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1539983
hehehe be warned this is my blog...O.O...*screams*
ok so before you start reading this i should warn you about this as it is my blog but i want to see your reactions........

so i am a really strange person as anyone who knows me should know...i can hold full on arguments with myself...wtf??...i talk to myself all the time and can remember weird facts and strange things more easily than i can remember to do homework or important stuff hehe lol...i love music, reading/writing, the internet, and random stuff, lots other stuff but i can't be bothered to write any more atm...

i love vampires and some random days i think of weird words that sound totally awesome and i'm just like "thats gonna be my word of the week..." i nicknamed my friend Eli "illegitimate"...then "planet"...wtf???...i love the word illegitimate.

i have an imaginary frog called Goozmo whom i have posted some - 1 unfinished but with more on the way ;) - short stories about, he is indestructible and cool. I used to have imaginary friends lol. i spend most of my time at school daydreaming - in classes other than English, Science, Health and Sport - or laughing and talking with my best friend Kirsty - in maths, multimedia, visual arts, german *shudders* and any other unlisted class and lunch and recess - English and Science are my fav classes, multimedia would be if we had Ms V instead of a friggin pedofile *shudders again*.

I live in Australia - because Australia is awesome ;) - , Victoria, and yes i do like vegemite ;)

I am a really weird kid - already mentioned but i am trying to make sure you don't read my blog but oh well - , i spend most of my time on the computer or in my room, i like the darkness and wish i was a vampire, i get called nerd half the time and emo the other half and just plain weird every other time :), i always - yes always - correct spelling mistakes, which is bad because the aforementioned best friend kirsty is terrible with spelling, i just can't help myself and have earned many whacks from it lol.

I am a perfectionist in everything except keeping my room clean :)

listing my fav books would take to long but here are my authors - The late Robert Jordan :(, Laura Black, Emily Rodda, Isobelle Carmody, Tim Lebbon, there's alot more but oh well...

ok one more warning, I am gonna list my dreams in here O.O *screams* ahhhhhhhh, i'm scared already lol. And just to make sure you take that into account I shall list one of my old favourites in here...

Jack Sparrow and the Leprechaun - Monkey...hehehe...

So what happened was...Jack Sparrow was on a ship...the old sort of ships like those used in Pirates of the Carribbean, he was sitting on deck with a navy officer at a small round table about the width of ones arm, they were gambling or something of the sort and the navy officer pulled out a medallion, it was an anchor medallion approximately the size of ones palm, it was on a keyring with something else.
Suddenly Jack said, "Hey, that's mine"
The navy officer replied, "No it's not, it's mine."
"Yes it is the Leprechaun Monkey gave it to me." Said Jack.
"The Leprechaun Monkey?" Questioned the navy officer, beginning to doubt Jack's sanity.
"Yes, can't you see him dancing around the table?" Asked Jack, totally sure of his sanity,
The Leprechaun was dancing around the table wearing a green vest, a top hat with a clover in it and playing an accordian. He ended up on top of the table sitting there with no accordian *gasp*.
The problem was only Jack could see the leprechaun monkey, well and me but i don't count lol.

The End

Now do you see why I warned you?, so continue at your own peril and questioning of sanity ;)

Now I am going to do random facts about myself when I feel like it ;) lol.

1 - My nickname is Waldo lol
2 - I have an 8 GB USB
3 - Right now I am listening to Vision Valley - The Vines
4 - I am descended from the Celtic's and am currently doing a project on them for this reason
5 - My labrador is called Bill and he is the cutest little puppy ever - that would be true if he were actually a puppy and little
6 - Assassin's Creed is the best xbox 360 game ever
7 - I am wearing a green wrist band that I have only taken off 3 times since buying it at Byron Bay about 3 months ago
8 - My last slave died of hypothermia...thought i might record that for next time my mum asks ;)
10 - Rise Against is my fav band atm
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August 27, 2009 at 5:27am
August 27, 2009 at 5:27am
saw Urthboy the other day at melbourne writers festival it was pretty cool, he inspired and me and i wrote some lyrics, i've written a song each night since then which is cool, that equals up to three songs haha
Aussie hiphop .x
August 22, 2009 at 5:17am
August 22, 2009 at 5:17am
soo i have been playing sims 3 lately, i made a 4 story house lol ;) and i have been listening to Drapth alot, love aussie hiphop its the best :D
August 7, 2009 at 4:20am
August 7, 2009 at 4:20am
i am so fucking pissed right now i have to spend the whole fucking weekend AT HOME. You have no fucking idea how pissed off i am about that :@ Ahhhhh i want to fucking hit something..aka..my mum.
August 5, 2009 at 11:08pm
August 5, 2009 at 11:08pm
oh oh and i bought the first novel in A House Of Night, very good book, seriously addictive getting some more tonight :). Also i am starting a book about vampires to write lol, i should finish a book before i start writing new ones but oh well lol. And The Ascendants of Estorea by James Barclay is good, Cry of the Newborn - the first book in the series - is starting to get really addictive lol. I am reading 3 series of books by dif authors at the same time haha lol
August 5, 2009 at 11:05pm
August 5, 2009 at 11:05pm
had some seriusly fucked up dreams last night lol i can remember the one where we were like in a mini plane for some reason and the pilot was trying to take off and along the runway we could see other plane crashes and stuf >.< and then a voice said "The pilot is worried because if the plane does't take off over this cliff than its a 5 metre drop into the ocean...but that was on ginormous cliff it was more like 50 metres lol
August 1, 2009 at 6:50pm
August 1, 2009 at 6:50pm
so the only thing i have to write about is the fact that i have nothing to write about >.< hmm its a cliche lol
July 24, 2009 at 3:10am
July 24, 2009 at 3:10am
i got some new books from borders the other day :D they are by James Barclay, cry of the Newborn and the other one in that series, tell me if you'e read them, i just started nd they are pretty good so far :)
July 15, 2009 at 4:52am
July 15, 2009 at 4:52am
woot i'm back, An American Haunting is the best and scariest movie ever :D i love it ♥
June 30, 2009 at 12:37am
June 30, 2009 at 12:37am
bhgrd so bored................................................its holidays atleast yay!!! :)
June 23, 2009 at 2:49am
June 23, 2009 at 2:49am
umm i need to start writing my books again >.>
I am doing a project on The Knights Templar for English, i am doing an info book on them :) they are cool :D

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