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by J.Ro
Rated: · Book · Personal · #1554325
Blog-Rolling as the Mood Strikes
Welcome to  RANDOM ACCESS:  Blog-Rolling as the Mood Strikes

Time was I couldn't be happy unless I was the entire chain and chain wielder.
Now, I am incredibly honored to serve as one magnificent link.

I have been linked to WDC and have since linked others.

This has not been random.
Coincidence serves the Grand Scheme.

By focusing less on the macro
and more on the micro,
I have come to believe
the Deity's in the details.

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May 18, 2009 at 1:59pm
May 18, 2009 at 1:59pm
Funny how I used to think my friend was a player.

Turns out I have been the player all along.

May 16, 2009 at 8:55am
May 16, 2009 at 8:55am
Three months ago, I completely lost interest in everything and everyone I used to enjoy.
I replaced those activities and people with exciting new ones.

Now, I am losing interest in the new ones. Faster and faster.
I have even lost my sense of humor. How did that happen so quickly?

Now my fear is this:
What happens when I am left with no interest in any activities or people?

Is that when we die?

Or does it just feel that way . . .
May 9, 2009 at 7:45pm
May 9, 2009 at 7:45pm
Emotional cocoons are underrated.
Thinking of signing another 10 year lease.

Ironically, i just tried to free a dove locked inside the screened-in patio of a vacant apartment. Stood there 10 minutes with the door open but it would not fly to freedom. Finally figured this aviary alter-ego would only leave if/when it was ready. So i propped open the door and returned to my own nest.

May 5, 2009 at 10:06am
May 5, 2009 at 10:06am
So I guess it's technically impossible to brew coffee by plugging in the can opener? I'm still waiting.

Same thing happens with my crockpot when I plug in the toaster.

Food for thought . . .

May 2, 2009 at 11:36pm
May 2, 2009 at 11:36pm
What the heck time is 61:21 o'clock????!!!!!!!!

It's when your dog flips the digital clock upsidedown at 12:19 AM.

Scared the hell outta me!
I was half-asleep and very fuzzy, so I just couldn't figure out
where I was supposed to BE at 61:21 o'clock.
Or even what DAY that was.

. . . silly dogs
May 1, 2009 at 12:38am
May 1, 2009 at 12:38am
Today I started training for my first night of drinking and dancing in 12 years.
Lots of lunges, push-ups and weight lifting.
Next week, I start training for the dance part :)
April 29, 2009 at 9:04am
April 29, 2009 at 9:04am
A special note of thanks applies to each of you dear readers in different ways.

On the occasion of my recent 1st place award in the WDC "Make me Laugh" contest, I wish to thank you for your major support of my minor piece about love.

I couldn't be more proud if this were a Pulitzer! Thus, the formality of my expression here.

In return, I would like to share with you Patanjali's amazing take on inspiration which I have somewhat dissected and itemized below:

"When you are inspired (in-spirit) and at one with God and some great purpose:

1) all thoughts break their bonds

2) the mind transcends limitations

3) consciousness expands in all directions

4) and you find yourself in a new and great, wonderful world.

5) Dormant forces come alive

6) and you discover yourself greater by far than you ever imagined before.

Inspiration is not just an idea. It is a signal that you are living your life as if you never left your source."


So may you all continue to be at one with your Source.

(Which is where I think the Jedi High Council was headed with that "force be with you" thing. Too bad their phrase never really caught on.)

April 28, 2009 at 10:26am
April 28, 2009 at 10:26am
SYNCHRONICITY strikes again!!!

Last week, I had an uncontrollable craving for OJ (even tho it honestly makes me sick) so I had to run out and get some.

Drank it - yumm - got sick - done.

Next morning, I was late for work 'cuz I got stuck at a zillion-car train entirely of Tropicana freight cars.

Got to work and attended an honors meeting. Noticed the monotone food array of carrots, cheese, mangos and other carotene-laden treats.

Lo and behold, the theme was:
"ORANGE you glad you're here".

Cosmic message or just plain freaky????


N E X T D A Y . . .


Note to God::

Thanks for all the clues about Oranges. I finally understand.

- AaaaahCHOOO!!!! -

Vitamin C, right?

Next time, send me a train of chicken soup cars. I'm a little dense.

April 28, 2009 at 10:01am
April 28, 2009 at 10:01am
MATING SEASON is in full swing! As I walked my dogs around the lake this morn, we saw fish, otters and cranes all getting it on.

Soon, a young man began to wave at me. Embarrassed, I ignored him and kept walking the dogs.

Then, my obvious admirer began to jump up and down to catch my attention.

This was growing more embarrassing by the minute. Had he no self-respect at all???
But more jumping and waving ensued.

Actually, this had now become somewhat irritating, and I had no visible route of escape either.

Finally, so smitten with me and unable to control himself, the man let out a blood-curdling shriek as he pointed to the water:

"A L L I G A T O R S ! ! ! !"


. . . thanks for the warning . . . ?

Just another example of my life as Lucy Ricardo :))

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