Gratitude breaks the spell of Writers Block |
Staring at a blank page is like staring into a snowfield. The snow, untouched by civilization and unmarked by living creatures, blinds you for a few minutes, it glistens reflecting subtle shades of pure white and rainbows at odd angles. If you stare at the snow too long, you get lost in the interplay of light and shadow. As the day wears on, you become awestruck at the beauty of the snow's perfection. You marvel at the way an oak tree cast its ebony shadow across the pure white snow. You watch the tree's shadow change, grow and shrink, as Earth turns and the sun moves from morning to evening. If you stand out in the snow too long without moving, you risk snow bite or freezing. If you are fortunate, a red fox will walk across your line of sight. The fox will leave his footprints written in the snowfield. As you watch the fox move, the spell holding you in one spot staring at the snow is broken. You are free to go inside out of the cold and out of danger. I must say, writing 500 words a day isn't difficult, unless I'm attempting to write on a single subject. On Monday, October 28, 2013, I began posting my weekly goals at "Weekly Goals" . On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 I began keeping track of may accomplished goals in this journal. "O SON OF BEING! Bring thyself to account each day ere thou art summoned to a reckoning; for death, unheralded, shall come upon thee and thou shalt be called to give account for thy deeds." Bah'u'll'h The Hidden Words of Bah'u'll'h, Part I.'From the Arabic, #31, page 11 'Heinlein's Rules for Writers Rule One: You Must Write Rule Two: Finish What Your Start Rule Three: You Must Refrain From Rewriting, Except to Editorial Order Rule Four: You Must Put Your Story on the Market Rule Five: You Must Keep it on the Market until it has Sold' Robert A. Heinlein It is enjoined upon every one of you to engage in some form of occupation, such as crafts, trades and the like. We have graciously exalted your engagement in such work to the rank of worship unto God, the True One. Ponder ye in your hearts the grace and the blessings of God and render thanks unto Him at eventide and at dawn. Waste not your time in idleness and sloth. Occupy yourselves with that which profiteth yourselves and others. Thus hath it been decreed in this Tablet from whose horizon the day-star of wisdom and utterance shineth resplendent. Baha'u'llah, Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed After the Kitab-i-Aqdas, Pages 21-29: gr 32 I changed the way I did entries in this book several times. Beginning on March 21, 2018 the entries will cover the topics of spiritual, inspirational, and religions. However, the genres it will be under are Women's, Inspirational, and Spiritual with a tag of Religious. |
Jamál (Beauty), 5 Ayyám-i-Há (The Days of Há) 176 B.E. Sunday, March 1, 2020 Facebook Status Update On the fifth day of Ayyam-i-Ha, the wind sing through palm and pine carrying the joyous new of the approach of the Fast and Naw-Ruz. Gratitude List for 5 Ayyám-i-Há Today I am thankful ... ...that my Bank of America checking account isn't overdraw today. ...for the fresh brewed coffee I had this morning. ...that I was able to attend Devotional Services at the Baha'i Center today. |
Jalál (Glory), 4 Ayyám-i-Há (The Days of Há) 176 B.E. Saturday, February 29, 2020 Facebook Status Update On the fourth day of Ayyam-i-Ha, thick clouds hid the morning and afternoon sun, and encouraged prayer for assistance in proclaiming the joy of Ayyam-i-Ha. Gratitude List for 4 Ayyám-i-Há Today I am thankful ... ...for fresh brewed coffee on this cloudy winter morning. ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today. ...for the cinnamon roll I had with my coffee. ...that I was able to complete the article Millennials and Generation Z: Thank God They Are Not Like Me by Badi Shams. ...for the pizza I had for lunch. ...that I have 533 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the Arizona Sweet Iced tea I had for lunch. ...that I have 892,534 GPs in my Gift Points account. ...for the merit badges I received today. |
Istiqlál (Independence), 3 Ayyám-i-Há (The Days of Há) 176 B.E. Friday, February 28, 2020 Facebook Status Update On the third day of Ay y am-i-Ha, gray clouds hid the sky's blue beauty, but didn't prevent the sun from shining: I can't let tests and difficulties prevent me from proclaiming the joyful news of Baha'u;llah. Gratitude List for 3 Ayyám-i-Há Today I am thankful ... ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today. ...for fresh brewed coffee on this cloudy winter morning. ...that my SSI check hit the bank today . ...for the cinnamon roll I had to go with my coffee this morning. ...that I was able to pay the Internet bill today. ...for the Starbucks berry trio parfait to go with my breakfast. ...that I have 509 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the chief salad I had for lunch. ...that I was able to schedule my rise for Sunday, March 1 for the 10:00 AM services at the Baha'i Center. 7035 W. Oakey Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89117 pick up from home 9:03-9:33 pick up from center 11:42-12:12 |
Istijlál (Majesty), 2 Ayyám-i-Há (The Days of Há) 176 B.E. Thursday, February 27, 2020 Facebook Status Update On the second day of Ayyam-i-Ha the sun rose into a clear sky its beauty proclaiming to all: Happy Ayyam-i-Ha! Gratitude List for 2 Ayyám-i-Há Today I am thankful ... ...for fresh brewed coffee on this beautiful winter morning. ...that I have 15,200 in my YouGov account. ...for the doughnut I had to go with my coffee. ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today. ...for the pumpkin bread I had as my morning snack. ...that I have qualified for another year of free smartphone service. ...for the beautiful pleasant day because I can open the front door and turn off the heat. ...that I have 414 points in my Survey Junkie account. |
ʻIdál (Justice), 1 Ayyám-i-Há (The Days of Há) 176 B.E. Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Facebook Status Update Happy Ayyam-i-Ha! Let's celebrate the revelation of Baha'u'llah. Raise your voices in exaltation, Proclaim the joyous news to all: Happy Ayyam-i-Ha! Gratitude List for 1 Ayyám-i-Há Today I am thankful ... ...that I have 336 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the chocolates I had last night before bed. ...that my bank of America checking account is not overdrawn. ...for fresh brewed coffee on this chilly winter morning. ...that I could give myself an Ayyam-i-Ha gift of a 6-month premium plus membership. ...for the orange I had with my breakfast. Happy Ayyam-i-Ha1 Happy Ayyam-i-Ha! It's the most wonderful time of the year! A time to spread joy and cheer, a time to volunteer and visit old and new friends. Footnotes |
Fiḍál (Grace), 19 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Tuesday, February 25, 2020 Facebook Status Update I'm in a rut. I'm giving my muse a ladder. Starting tomorrow I'll be posting Ayyam-i-Ha poems instead of a blog entry. Gratitude List for 19 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today. ...for fresh brewed black coffee on this chilly winter morning. ...that I have 272 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the soup and sandwich I had for lunch. |
Kamál (Perfection), 18 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Monday, February 24, 2020 A Good Day2 It's a good day, the laundry is folded and put away-- at least for a day or two. It's a good day, the wind chill factor is within a tolerable level, at least while wearing a hoodie and a wool sweater. Gratitude List for 18 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...that I have 253 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the chocolate milk I had last night before going to bed. ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today. ...for fresh brewed black coffee on this cold winter morning. Footnotes |
Jamál (Beauty), 17 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Sunday, February 23, 2020 Facebook Status Update Ayyam-i-Ha approaches, the joy of giving and saying the prayer revealed for Ayyam-i-Ha Gratitude List for 17 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...for the chocolate milk I had before I went to bed last night. ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today. ...for the fresh brewed coffee I had this morning. ...that I have 19 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the beautiful blue sky and sunshine today. ...that I have $28.00 in my Send Earnings account. ...for the soup I had for lunch. |
Jalál (Glory), 16 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Saturday, February 22, 2020 February Rain3 Gray morning clouds foretell a chilly day and rain. Winter angels carry cold raindrops depositing them on Las Vegas sidewalks and streets. Gratitude List for 16 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...for fresh brewed coffee on this cloudy winter morning. ...that my Bank of America checking account isn't overdrawn today. ...for the tiny cupcake I had with my coffee this morning. ...that the money from PayPal hit my checking account today. ...for the rain this morning. ...that I have 9 points in my Survey Junkie account. Footnotes |
Istijlál (Majesty), 14 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Thursday, February 20, 2020 Gratitude List for 14 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...for fresh brewed coffee on this beautiful winter morning. ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn. ...for the breakfast pastry I had with my coffee. ...that I have 902 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the banana I had for my first breakfast. Istiqlál (Indepence), 15 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Friday, February 21, 2020 Facebook Status Update It 's Friday, I've survived another week. Yesterday, the plumber came and fixed the shower-tub, so that it no longer leaks hot water into the tub. Gratitude List for 15 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...for fresh brewed coffee on this beautiful winter morning. ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today. ...for the doughnut holes I have to go with my coffee. ...that I have 1,000 points in my Survey Junkies account. ...for the Banana I had for my first breakfast. ...that I have 14,700 points in my YouGov account. ...for the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I had for lunch. ...that I was able to transfer $10.00 from my PayPal account to my checking account. |
ʻIdál (Justice), 13 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Wednesday, February 19, 2020 Wednesday Afternoon4 A pristine blue sky, and a slight chill in the air engenders thoughts of spring, while encouraging gratitude's prayer for another interesting winter day. Gratitude List for 13 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...for fresh brewed coffee on this beautiful winter day. ...that my Bank of America checking account isn't overdrawn today. ...that I have 649 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the doughnut holes I had with my coffee. ...that I got a good night's sleep last night. ...for the banana I had for my first breakfast. ...that it is a pleasant day so that I can keep the door open. ...for the peaches and yogurt I had for breakfast. Footnotes |
Fiḍá (Grace), 12 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Tuesday, February 18, 2020 Inspiration5 Inspiration falls like the spring's warm rain when I read the words of Baha'u'llah. Gratitude List for 12 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...for fresh brewed coffee on this beautiful winter morning. ...that my Bank of America checking account isn't overdraft. ...for the doughnut holes I have to go with my coffee. ...that I have 14,200 points in my YouGov account. ...for the banana I have for my first breakfast. ...that I was able to finish Discovering the Hidden Words by David Langness. T his is the first article in the series Unearthing the Hidden Words . ...for the doughnut I have for my morning snack. ...that I have 607 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the merit badge I received today. Footnotes |
Kamál (Perfection), 11 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Monday, February 17, 2020 Chocolate Questions6 Can you see the taste of chocolate? Can you hear the sound it makes as it melts in your mouth? Can you feel its silky radiance as it flows down your throat? Gratitude List for 11 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...for fresh brewed coffee on this beautiful winter morning. ...that my bank of America checking account is not overdrawn. ...for the doughnut holes I had to go with my coffee. ...that I have 426 in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the Starbucks yogurt I had with my breakfast. ...that I have $6.68 in my Vindale Research account. ...for the good nights sleep I got last night. Footnotes |
Jamál (Beauty), 10 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Sunday, February 16, 2020 Winter Memory: The Wind7 It began by whispering through the olive tree, it shouted through the stone pine limbs, the windchill froze the marrow in my bones, and sent ice spiders crawling up my spine. Goose bumps rose on my bare arms, and not even a sweater could warm me; I remembered winter in Oklahoma. Gratitude List for 10 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...that I have $4.38 in my Inbox Dollars account. ...for fresh brewed coffee on this beautiful winter morning. ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today, ...for the doughnut holes I have to go with my coffee. ...that I have $6.51 in my Vindale Research account. ...that I was able to finish The Myths of Hell and Eternal Damnation by David Langness. ...that I have 404 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the merit badge I received today. Footnotes |
Jalál (Glory), 9 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Saturday, February 15, 2020 February 1: "The Soundtrack of Your Life Challenge: Day 1 - One God" February 2: "The Soundtrack of Your Life: Day 2 - Blessed Is The Spot" February 3: "The Soundtrack of Your Life: Day 3 - Motherless Child" February 4: "Soundtrack of Your Life: Day 4 - Black Coffe" February 5: "Soundtrack of your life: Day 5 - Bridge Over Troubled Water" February 6: "The Soundtrack of You Life Challenge: Day 6 - Amazing Grace" February 7: "Soundtrack of Your Life Challenge: Day 7 - Have You Heard?" February 8: "Soundtrack Challenge: Day 8 - One Hundred Thousand Veils" February 9: "Soundtrak of You Life Challenge: Day 9- Star Spangled Banner" February 10: "Soundtrak of Your Life: Day 10 - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" February 11: "The Soundtrak of Your Life Challenge: Day 11 - The Twist" February 12: "The Soundtrak of Your Life Challenge: Day 12 - Cool Water" February 13: "Soundtrak of Your Life: Day 13 - Battle Hymn of the Republic" February 14: "Soundtrak of Your Life Challenge: Day 14 - Prince of Peace" February 15: "The Soundtrak of Your Life: Day 15 - Try a little Kindness" Gratitude List for 9 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...for fresh brewed coffee on this beautiful winter morning. ...that my Bank of America checking account isn't overdrawn. ...for the doughnut holes I have to go with my coffee. ...that I have 389 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the chocolate chip cookie I had as my morning snack. ...that I have 3,173,709 GPs in my Gift Points account. This is what is in my best interest to do: To pray, To work, And to bring myself to account each day. This is what is in my best interest to do: To pray, As if my prayer were the catalyst For success. This is what is in my best interest to do: To work, As if my work were the mechanism For achievement. This is what is in my best interest to do: To bring myself to account each day, As if my accounting were the channel For accomplishment. Footnotes |
Istiqlál (Independence), 8 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Friday, February 14, 2020 Gratitude List for 8 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...for the yogurt I have for my morning snack. ...that my Bank of America checking account isn't overdrawn today. ...for fresh brewed coffee on this beautiful winter morning. ...that I was able to finish Advance Permission, Appropriation and Sacred Indigenous Knowledge by Christopher Buck & Kevin Locke. ...for the doughnut holes to go with my coffee this morning. ...that I have 264 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the cereal and milk I had for breakfast. |
Istijlál (Majesty), 7 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Thursday, February 13, 2020 Winter Evening9 A chill in the air The sun sets leaving behind Winter's afternoon Gratitude List for 7 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...for the peaches with whipped cream and toast I had for breakfast. ...that my Bank of America checking account isn't overdrawn today. ...for fresh brewed hot coffee on this beautiful winter morning. ...that the #12.52 from PayPal hit my checking account today. ...for the breakfast pastry I had to go with my coffee this morning. ...that I have 102 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the Lorna Doone shortbread crisps I had for my afternoon snack. Footnotes |
ʻIdál (Justice), 6 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Wednesday, February 12, 2020 Winter Afternoon10 A peaceful morning becomes a tranquil afternoon, with a blue sky and bright sun: winter's gratitude. Gratitude List for 6 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...that I could transfer $12.52 from my PayPal account to my checking account. ...for fresh brewed coffee on this beautiful winter morning. ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today ...for the breakfast pastry I have to go with my coffee. ...that "The Red Dragon's Castle" was featured in "Fantasy Newsletter (February 12, 2020)" . ...for the good night's sleep I got last night. ...that "Life Lessons" was featured in "Poetry Newsletter (February 12, 2020)" . ...for the Lorna Dune Short Bread Cookie Crisps I had for my afternoon snack. ...that I have 64 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the 3,168,268 GPs I have in my Gift Points account. ...that I have 13,600 points in my YouGov account. Footnotes |
Fiḍál (Grace), 5 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Tuesday, February 11, 2020 Gratitude List for 5 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...for the doughnut holes I have to go with my coffee this morning. ...that I have 1,252 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for fresh brewed coffee on this beautiful winter morning. ...that I have 3,117,288 GPs in my Gift Points Account. ...for the Arizona sweet ice tea I with my lunch. ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn today. ...for the merit badge I received today. |
Kamál (Perfection), 4 Mulk (Dominion) 176 B.E. - Monday, February 10, 2020 Gratitude List for 4 Mulk Today I am thankful ... ...that I have 811 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for fresh brewed coffee on this windy winter morning. ...that I have $3.88 in my Inbox Dollars account. ...for the ham and cheese sandwich I had for breakfast. ...that I have $27.49 in my Send Earnings account. ...for the chewy chocolate chip granola bar I had for my morning snack. |