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Looks like I may have a ton of these, so this is collection 1 of Reflections
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WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - HiatusWelcome...

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"BOOK IDEA - The BelieversOpen in new Window.
"BurnoutOpen in new Window.
"1st Weekend Driving LYFTOpen in new Window.
"POF.comOpen in new Window.
"Roald Dahl's bday!Open in new Window.
"Just a thought. and reminisce London Terror AttacksOpen in new Window.
"Portfolio editOpen in new Window.
"EtcOpen in new Window.
"Chapter ?: Waking UpOpen in new Window.
"Whichever Way the Wind Blows blogOpen in new Window.
"A Storm Approaches blogOpen in new Window.
"The last time I... free write.Open in new Window.
"Allegiant: Spoiler AlertOpen in new Window.
"2 -Sunday Movie News Review and The Quills!Open in new Window.
"*Snow1*31-Day Winter Blogging Challenge starts Jan. 1!"  Open in new Window.
"20: Generation Z HaikuOpen in new Window.
"God's Not Done With Me Yet: Fact not ExcuseOpen in new Window.
"17: Button BuysOpen in new Window.
"The ExperimentOpen in new Window.
"Day 6: To V or not to VOpen in new Window.
"30 Day Blog Contest Catch Up!: Days 1-10Open in new Window.
"TCB: C? - Waking UpOpen in new Window.
"TCB to L.I.F.EOpen in new Window.
"Riches or Glory?Open in new Window.
"MixedEmotionsOpen in new Window.
"Adventures in Officeland!!!Open in new Window.
"Away We GoOpen in new Window.


*WIP = Work In Progress, as in "I'm not done writing this piece yet."
Image credits:
Current: Kinks: Up Do Inspiration  Open in new Window.
Last used: Florin-Chris @deviantart  Open in new Window.
Previous Pics:
Monkey (my cat) next to Redd's bottle, pc in background
Shadow falling off cliff
Search for "Another Earth".  Open in new Window.
or more specifically:
Lalaland.  Open in new Window.
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It's time to talk.  Open in new Window.
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January 31, 2014 at 8:10pm
January 31, 2014 at 8:10pm
Without knowing how much time you have left, would you be willing to reduce your lifespan by 10 years if it meant a significantly better quality (however you define it) to the remaining time you had?

Yep! Well, define 'significantly'. If I get to define it than yea, superb health and fiscal freedom for an extra mediocre decade? For sure. Now if I have kids and grandkids and all that, it may be a tough choice, but I like to think that my improved living situation would enrich their lives also, thus making it 'worth' the early home going....but then is that minus 10 years from a death of natural causes....or if I was cosmically destined to die at 50/60 then I end up dying at 40/50?!

That's too much thinking, I'm sticking to "yes"!

January 31, 2014 at 8:05pm
January 31, 2014 at 8:05pm
Without knowing how much time you have left, would you be willing to reduce your lifespan by 10 years if it meant a significantly better quality (however you define it) to the remaining time you had?

Yep! Well, define 'significantly'. If I get to define it than yea, superb health and fiscal freedom for an extra mediocre decade? For sure. Now if I have kids and grandkids and all that, it may be a tough choice, but I like to think that my improved living situation would enrich their lives also, thus making it 'worth' the early home going....but then is that minus 10 years from a death of natural causes....or if I was cosmically destined to die at 50/60 then I end up dying at 40/50?!

That's too much thinking, I'm sticking to "yes"!

January 30, 2014 at 9:36am
January 30, 2014 at 9:36am
Serial Prompt! Part Two Prompt for January 30, 2014:
Give me your best advice when trying something new. On the first day (yesterday), tell me the story of when you tried something for the first time and failed. What did you do after that? On the second day (today), tell me about a future plan to try something new (a New Year's Resolution perhaps?). We all know writing down our goals can help in motivating us to achieve them - so don't delay! Wink Your blogging peers will support you!

I've thought about competing in a Strong(wo)man competition before and after helping out with Prodigy Strongman (PS 2014) (circa "18: Quality Dreams/Honest NightmaresOpen in new Window.) I'm even more interested. Thing is when I do something, especially a competition (perhaps in part to my past exuberant failures at a young age, note yesterdays "Serial firsts: love and fear.Open in new Window.), I go all out, put my all into it. That means working out 4/5 days/wk minimum and purchasing all the necessary equipment (belt, chalk, arm/knee guards, maybe even tacky) including a gym membership.

With all the conflicting "let it go" vs. "stick with it" advice out there, how do you personally decide when to keep holding onto something and when to finally let it go?

I auto thought of the 'Serenity Prayer' when reading this.
Specifically the first four lines:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

That pretty much sums it up for me. I don't see the two sayings to be contradictory or conflicting at all when applied aptly. If there's absolutely nothing you can do to change the situation: let it go. If change hinges on your action(s): stick with it.

*shrug* Easy prompt to round out an awesome month of return blogging! Think my blog chops are working again after such a long hiatus from LiveJournal  Open in new Window. Granted I feel I waned a bit lot towards the end but that's just cuz my brain muscles were over exercised after such a long break, much like my lower back since I haven't been working out regular; though I must say I was thrilled when it didn't bother me all day during PS 2014 or after (thanks to the epsom salt soak) but it sure was barking the night before when I helped set up; darn bottled water and crates of hot dogs.../runon.
January 29, 2014 at 9:19pm
January 29, 2014 at 9:19pm
Serial Prompt! Part One: Prompt for January 29, 2014 ("30-Day Blogging Challenge" ) is: Give me your best advice when trying something new. On the first day (today), tell me the story of when you tried something for the first time and failed. What did you do after that? On the second day (tomorrow), tell me about a future plan to try something new (a New Year's Resolution perhaps?). We all know writing down our goals can help in motivating us to achieve them - so don't delay! *Wink* Your blogging peers will support you!

In the fourth/fifth grade I won my classes spelling bee and was awarded the privilege to represent us in the school spelling bee. It was my first public speaking event I can remember. Parents were there and everything. No one wanted to go first so I puffed out my symbolic rooster chest and volunteered. I was the first one to spell a word....and the first one to sit down. Note to self: take deep breaths and remain calm.

What did I do after that? Well I became a writer of course. *Bigsmile*

Which is a more powerful emotion: love or fear? Why do you think so?

Oooo which is primary, the chicken or the egg? Again, perhaps not the best analogy but then perhaps maybe. I say love because I'd rather love than fear, but if you truly love someone won't you fear losing them? And fear is very powerful, but master Yoda said that breeds anger and I don't want to lose my arms and legs and have to become a black cyborg. But if you fear something is it because you love the opposite of what makes you afraid?

I choose love.
January 28, 2014 at 1:11pm
January 28, 2014 at 1:11pm
A genie has granted your wish to build your perfect space for reading and writing. What's it like?

Probably similar to the inside of a stereotypical genie bottle. Plush pillows and colors everywhere. A very creative space for a very creative place. Two different work areas, one for hand written work and crafts and another technology space for typing and graphic design.
Bookshelves on every wall but large windows in at least two, if not three of the walls.
Maybe even a hookah smoker *Pthb* Never done it but I was thinking about having some amazing incense/potpourri but then got to thinking about genies again and...yea I want a hookah smoker.

You're scheduled to have dinner with the five people you admire most in the world. Who are those five people (real, currently-living people only) and why would you want them there? Where would you make a dining reservation? Would you try and cook?

O wow, and here I wasn't trying to think that hard today....

I want to add my mom to the list but I think it would be best if she wasn't there because I'd be more self conscious and while she trust me to handle myself I know she too would be distracted, so she doesn't make this list.

Hmmm, O! Ok, I've decided. I'm inviting the 2 creators of this site, J.K. Rowling, Lynsay Sands, aaaand.....Trudi Canavan

SM and SMs because I'm curious about their story.
Rowling, because after watching a documentary on her I want to know more about what makes her tick.
Sands, because as we know I enjoy her Argeneau Vamp books.
aaaand Canavan because I also enjoy her series.

Not sure where we'd eat, but that's a lame answer sooo Probably a Japanese restaurant, I still have never done Hibachi before. I would just make sure we had privacy also.

No way I would ever try and cook. I did cook baked chicken wings, rice, and green beans/corn for a friend last night though! First time really cooked for someone. It turned out ok...but I won't be having dinner parties anytime soon.
January 26, 2014 at 11:54pm
January 26, 2014 at 11:54pm
Pick an article in the news that caught your attention over the weekend and tell us about it (or do a basic recap of the top news stories or bizarre stories of interest over the weekend).

O dear, not sure I can go back and find it but it happened last year and was about a 22 yr old mother covering up the murder of her 1 yr old toddler. I'm too jaded to be shocked per se but the horror/'is this really the world I live in' feeling never goes away.
Then of course there's that Bieber kid but that's really all I can stomach to even say about him.

I tend to hide from the news. I know, not the most civically responsible thing to do, but it's all the same all the time. If I happen across it that's one thing, but seeking it out's another. I did spend some time last night searching court/traffic records for a few people I know. Who knew how fun public records could be!? *Angel* *Smirk* *Devil*

Which is worse: accidentally killing another human being, or fully intending to kill another human being and failing (i.e. by screwing it up, not by having a change of heart)? Why?

Intending and failing, because that means not only do you have intense hate toward this person, you'll probably be going to jail also. Least if it's an accident you may get away with manslaughter.
January 26, 2014 at 2:54pm
January 26, 2014 at 2:54pm
Sunday Roundup/Review

Anything you OC I can OCDo better, I can OCDo anything better than u you!

That's right, even though I started taking secret notes on the 24th in a private blog entry, instead of just editing it I've decided to delete it in order to keep things in line. I'm already not gonna be able to condense all these entries as I planned so I may as well keep the dates in order dag-on-it!

I know, I know, I'm not clinical or anything, but I reckon we all got a 'lil OCD in us somewhere's. Glad I recognize mine cuz it trips me out.

This week was actually eventful. I fell woefully behind with "30 Day Image Prompt Contest BookOpen in new Window. early on in the game. I'm still catching up, though I think I'm out of the running given my scores haven't been updated since Day 2 *shrug*

Unfortuantely I got all the way to Day 21 w/ "Blog HarborOpen in new Window. before losing my consecutive credit. Major bummer; it's like getting grounded as a kid when you'd rather just take the spanking and get it over with. Ok, maybe not 'exactly' like that, but u get the point.

Been having fun with "The Writer's CrampOpen in new Window. celebrating it's 12th birthday. Today's prompts kinda weird though ....they aren't pulling any punches. That's kewl, weirder the better.

Had a bit of stress earlier in the week when didn't know if had to pick up friend from the hospital. He's still there in the recovery wing and I'm supposed to get him this Tuesday now.

I signed up for a 2nd community group at church called "My Story Formed Life". Should be interesting and hopefully a nice counterbalance to Grief Group.

I finished White Trash Zombie Apocalypse by Diana Rowland in only 6 days! That's how I know I really got into something. Check out my product review.  Open in new Window.
Review of Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues  Open in new Window.

And of course there's been all the shenanigans involving killer WDC updates and challenges. Loads of fun.

This weeks fav highlighted entry goes to Prosperous Snow celebrating Author IconMail Icon's "Funny Friday: Never Travel Without Your Sense of DirectionOpen in new Window.. I'm happy to say I have a decent sense of direction during the day but at NIGHT!? Dear Lord.....and I am an avid Sunday Driver when the weather's nice and/or I've got cabin fever. No better way to learn the layout of the land than to get lost on purpose and attempt to find your way back sans GPS.


Do you believe in intelligent extraterrestrial life? Make your case, either for or against it.

Yea. Sure, Kinda....

I mean, it seems asinine to assume that we as humans know EVERYthing there is to know about the universe. We don't even know what all is in the ocean, how can we profess to be masters of the entire cosmic domain!?!?

So yea, it's entirely possible. Probable even.

N2S: Start using MSNs Pictured WIR again.
January 25, 2014 at 8:45am
January 25, 2014 at 8:45am
I'm officially grounding myself from bringing drinks into my bedroom. Knocked my earl grey tea over while twirling around to Diamonds Covers  Open in new Window. *LE SIGH*
Thank Bob it wasn't full and was already chilled off.
I partially blame The StoryMistress Author IconMail Icon cuz it was her fault I started falling down the YouTube rabbit hole of covers in the first place! ;-P See "Note: Pure beauty, that's what this is. Kina'..." for the proof!

At what point does a for-profit company have an obligation to the social good? If your job as a CEO is to maximize profit, at what point could you justify cutting those profits to accomplish something else like lessening environmental impact, keeping jobs local, etc.?

I dunno, I'm not a CFO or even an FO, my parents are the accountants. Hate to say it depends, but it does. How big is the company? What are we selling? What do we manufacture? What city are we in?
Let's assume we're a huge conglomerate in a relatively small town right outside a struggling metropollis like Detroit. I would do everything I could to 'give back' and help the community.

I'm a specifics kinda girl, so not being able to give ballpark numbers is bothering me. I don't think it's very business savvy but I'm gonna throw 30%-50% out there. Meaning, if my company makes a profit of 100 million a year, I would like to spend 30-50 million on a combination of Green sustainability  Open in new Window. and community outreach projects .

You are the architect of your dream house - describe your creation in detail.

Disclaimer: With the anniversary of Dad's death around the corner, prepare for an overabundance of Daddy Issue Memories.

This prompt auto made me think of the dream house my Dad was always talking about building, shame it never got off the ground, it woulda been sweet.

One thing I loved about his design idea was the indoor/outdoor pool. You see part of it was inside the house and the other part was outside (self-explanatory) BUT the two were connected by a series of underground pipe tunnels that flowed throughout the house. Nice right? I was digging it. So yea, I'd do something like that on the ground/basement floor.

Not sure if I want two (or even three) levels or not. For sake of this entry I'mma say 2 levels not including a finished attic and basement. First level is living space: living room, dining room, laundry room, 1/2 bath and state of the art kitchen with plenty of space for a 8 person table and island.

2nd floor, 5 or 6 bedrooms, it's a dream so lets go with 6. 2 on either side of the hall across from each other, each pair shares a joining bathroom. 2 master bedroom/suites, one on each end, for a total of 4 full baths upstairs. Attic is play/animal area. Lots of toys/kid friendly technology set-up.

Basement, 2 huge offices set to either side that double as library/craft room, remaining space can be divided into movie/game area, partition can be moved to open for home theater. Projection based visual entertainment. Furnished bar and maybe a personalized pool table.

"Dream Home Ideas"
Google  Open in new Window.

After some deliberation I have decided to forgive The StoryMistress Author IconMail Icon for making me spill my tea earlier. Especially since her "Note: *Clock2* 24-HOUR MEDIA PROMPT *Clock2*..." prompted me to complete "Another Mad DashOpen in new Window.. *Starstruck* #imagiver
*Quill* As my first lesbian erotica I like it because I was able to be more 'extreme' with girls; I don't like for my men to be as passive/nice as Amelia or as aggressive/mean as Brittany

Note to self: Need to start checking WD more often....
January 24, 2014 at 12:36am
January 24, 2014 at 12:36am
Note to self: Take the time to turn OFF any radio/music playing in the background of your laptop BEFORE taking it to the library, especially your work PC b/c it takes for ever to boot up and you have to enter a password. Also, the mute keyboard button is to the right of the keyboard, not hidden amongst the F keys. *Facepalm*

What is the most absurd or ridiculous thing that has ever happened to you while traveling?

Probably the repeated occurrence of me forgetting things, after the 2nd/3rd time of forgetting toiletries, undies, and/or a proper selection of clothes, I find that to be rather absurd and ridiculous.

There have been countless times when I've visited an area with multiple relatives and I ended up house hopping a ton and consequently left my suitcase at the previous house.

Or times when I wanted to go out and do something a bit dressier but I didn't have slacks or shoes. That's the worst part of traveling, especially in the winter, shoes/boots are bulky and I usually end up going without.

The craziest things to happen out of my control while traveling are undoubetdly the lack of planning on the hosts behalves. I never complain because I feel if I didn't/don't want to step up and do it I really have no right to whine when things don't go as planned.
Granted I have a most irrational fear of ever planning anything for the simple fact that in order for things to run 'smoothly' depends on the cooperation of all involved, and that's just a headache I don't want/need.
Still, when the cousins wanted to go out after my moms 50th birthday party in Atlanta, Big Cuz Dave could have done a MUCH better job of getting us from place to place. It never fails, whenever I'm out w/ fam my age we spend just as much time riding around as we do going places. In the words of the illustrious Tom Haverford  Open in new Window.: "This is Chronicles of RiddICULOUS !"

Are you an older sibling? Younger? Middle? Only child? How do you think your birth order has affected who you are today? If you could change it, would you rather have been born in a different order, as an only child, etc.?

Was wondering when we'd get to this. I'm the oldest of my mother's 2 kids and the lovely/dreaded middle child of a large blended family.

I think I'm exactly where God intended me to be, and I'm not saying that as an uber devout xtian or anything, no I seriously believe that.

My younger bro Mack and I have the same Mom. He's the only sibling I have spent my entire childhood living with growing up. I like the older bro/younger sis dynamic and hope to have a son first if/when I have kids, but God knew what he was doing when he put me ahead of Mack. I love the boy, he's the #1 man in my life when I don't have a significant other, but dang. I've seen his dynamic w/ our little sis and yea....glad I'm older.

Sabrena and David are my "step-siblings" for explanations sake. They are my blood/soul little sister and older brother for all other intents and purposes. David is 3/4 years older than me (and I'm 3/4 yrs older than Mack! perfection...) and lives in Chicago (where I was born!). He lived with us (Mom, "Step"Dad, me and Mack) for a couple of years while his mom went through a kidney transplant. Dave's the bestest older bro a girl could ask for: he's attentive, sweet, protective, and an amazing listener. Only thing about Dave is he has the 'retard' male aspect of assuming his siblings are better off w/o him. Meaning he doesn't feel the need to keep in contact as much (or at all) as he should, so it's up to me to visit and call and etc.

Long story a bit longer, I have some hangups with our Dad that led to me believing that the oldest should always take the initiative to contact the younger. Meaning I feel more obligated to call my younger siblings more and feel my older siblings should call me more. Make sense?

Sabrena  Open in new Window. is the only biological daughter of my "Step"Dad/Big Mack. She was also the illegitimate offspring product of my Fathers sordid extramarital love affair. Longer story shorter, she's 2/3 yrs younger than Mack and she's awesome. My relationship with her is one of the biggest reasons I don't believe in coincedences and God doesn't make mistakes. This can be tricky cuz I think my Dad was a foul-slimy-pathetic@$$ muthaf#$er for doing that to my Mom (twice no doubt) but I wouldn't trade 'Brena (or David) for the world. How's that for a mindf$k?

Next is my adopted older sister Monica. She's David's age and is technically Big Macks niece. Next to Lil Mack, she lived with us the longest growing up. Those were a crazy 4/5 years I'll tell ya that. But again, wouldn't trade her for the world.

Lastly are *Katie and Kevin. They are the younger daughter and older son of my Biological dad Bill. I met the 3 of them when I was a Junior in Highschool, so 16 yrs old. Katie was 3/4 at the time, she's 13 about to turn 14 now. Love that chick, she's so bubbly and happy but I see a ton of myself in her personality (and Bills for that matter). I don't know Katie and Kevin nearly as well as the others but Katie and her mom Jackie came to visit me this past summer! We had a ton of fun and I always do when I go visit them too.

Kevin is the same age as David and we've only chatted a handful of times. He's the boisterous/aggressive (non-physically) sort that doesn't mind giving his opinion regardless of how it may make you feel (granted I'm going off one particular convo we had about me dating a much older guy). He's not a bad guy but he and Bill have this annoying habit of trying to treat/talk to me like I'm the daughter/sis that grew up around them. I was a fully formed woman when they came into my life and as such know they have to earn my respect and consideration. Needless to say, we don't have the tightest relationship, but I don't blame him for that and a majority of my frustrations are with our shared father. But that's for another prompt. *Bigsmile*

* "Katie" is still a minor and so I've decided to not reveal her real name.
January 23, 2014 at 8:23am
January 23, 2014 at 8:23am
If a cataclysmic event wiped out 90% of the world population (equal proportions of all races are wiped out and all races have some surviving representatives), would humans be better off in the long run (having the opportunity for a fresh start) or would the state of the world remain much the same as it is today?

Ummmm, hmmm. For the first time I really don't know. I mean there are so many factors: Are the survivors friendly? Do they have pertinent skills?

Let's assume the remaining 10% are good at surviving; sure, I think humans would be better off for a while. Perhaps 2/3 generations maybe, but sooner or later things would go back to "normal". I mean what's so great about today anyway? Christian rapper Lacrae had an insightful post the other day, something to the affect of "People keep saying the world has gone to hell. I don't ever remember it being a perfect place." And there was a collage of four pics representing the native americans, slavery and a couple other not so great things. Need I mention Cain and Able?

So yea, I"d like to say humans would be better off....but as long as there are humans there will be good and evil.
Do you believe in divorce? Do you think the present-day prevalence of divorce has made it easier for adults and/or children to deal with when it does happen?

Oi, another loaded question.

Short answer:
Do I believe divorce should be viewed as an option? No.

Do I think extenuating circumstances arise and divorce should be considered? Yes.

Long answer:
What a perfect question to ask 5 days after my 1st and only boyfriend/holder of my V-card just got married. Not to mention, while helping out with PS2014 last weekend I found out that since I last saw them, 2 guys are currently separated/getting divorced and 1 that I thought/assumed was already married/with someone is now dating one of the workers. And of course there's my other gym friend that's currently dating a married woman whose divorce is eventually supposed to be finalized this month. Crazy thing called "love" huh?

No I don't think the influx of divorcees makes it any easier. More accepted and giving us more people to relate/talk openly to? Sure.

To not 'believe' in divorce sounds very ignorant and 1950s, but to rely on and consider it an option....I think that's just sad.

Ok, so maybe that wasn't such a long response.

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