My thoughts released; a mind set free |
Since this is the last day of 2024 I wanted to post one last entry for the year. But, when a person doesn't have much going on, it's difficult to write anything. I do have some things going on, and even ongoing, but they are personal problems and issues that I doubt you want to read about. Hell, maybe I should write them out, then you can comment about your own problems and issues showing me mine aren't worth fretting over. I could also write about the weather, it's been pretty mild and nice lately, but it's also been overcast and/or foggy. We did get some bitter cold early on, and we had about a half a foot of snow, but the cold turned warm enough to melt off most of the snow. I would say it's been a beautiful December, except for the lack of sunshine. Now, the month comes to an end as does the year. But, who picked January to start a new year? I speak from a person living in northern Minnesota where January is the coldest month of the year, and it's even possible to see the temperature remain below zero (Fahrenheit) for the entire month. Hell of a way to start a new year! It's now 4:30 in the afternoon and it's getting dark. Sunset is still an hour away, but with the heavy, low clouds, even the few minutes more of daylight we've gained are in vain. I can see why many people in this area suffer from seasonal depression this time of year, the days are short, there's little sunlight, and it's too damn cold out to enjoy the sun when it does shine. And, that's not to mention all the added costs of living in the cold and dark, or the extra problems we must endure and/or overcome. I should be in the doorway screaming into the growing dusk, "Why the hell do I live here?" But, I have lived other places and by my choice moved back here. It's difficult in the dead of winter, but I love Minnesota (the state, not the liberalism). Besides, no matter where a person resides, there are always problems to overcome and things we must put up with; here, in the north land, I know what to expect and how to deal with it. It's like I've said for many years now, no matter where you go, there you are! I wish all of you a very wonderful New Year's Eve and hope all your wishes for the new year come true. |