A Journal to impart knowledge and facts |
July 22, 2015 I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done. I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them. I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC. |
Here we are, half way through the month already! This is what I hope is a different sort of prompt. Almost everyone has them, so tell us about your favorite restaurant. In the past, mine have been Pappadeaux, Abuelos, Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, and others. Do you have any? Wow! July 15 is gone. June went this way too. Heavy storms every day. Thunder and Lightning. Even today it is overcast and I can hear electricity humming in the air. We haven't been out to eat since March 2020. We do pick up Pizza, or subs. There is good chicken takeout at a gas station in a nearby town. My favorite use to be Perkin's. They had a lot of menu choices. Also, no matter which direction you went to shop North, East, South, or West there was a Perkins nearby. One year we bought a calendar from them. Each day there was a different coupon for a special selection. And, they had a bakery attached so you could buy a pie and take it home for dessert. There cookies with a smile on them were well known around here. I don't even know if any of the restaurants exist anymore since Covid. Most of the time now it is a fast food place with take out. There are a lot of meals in the grocery stores. We bring some of them home when we grocery shop. Heavy rain starting. I may lose the WIFI See Ya |
There have been many influencers on you as you have aged. Tonight, write about the person who has had the greatest impact on your life. Even though there have been lots of people around me, who told me important things; I think the main influence has been libraries and the books that I've been able to read over time. At each stage in your time line you need people who understand, whatever has gone on during different historical moments. Because, meaningful people in my life have been hit and miss, while books have been actually more accessible than people on a regular basis, when you look at the way I grew up. History written by journalists can often shine light on a truthful non-biased account of a historical event, that has influenced or is presently influencing ideas worldwide. It also shows, how a news media account can be biased, if it does not have all the facts of any specific occurrence. People in governments write books about their own personal experiences within the realm of their job. Personal experiences help, when it comes to how others form opinions. If you know what was going on in a certain historical time you can understand better, what caused a certain age group to think the way it does. I took time after college to read more text books about the science of sociology. Just knowing how it was formed made an impact on how I seek information. As an example I will tell you about my Grandmother. My dad's mother was very outspoken about Catholics as a whole. She always seemed to be against anything or anyone whose history held the word Catholic. This was brought to my attention after I became an adult by family members who spoke about my Grandmother in an unkind way, because of her outspokenness about Catholic people. (people specifically aligned with the Catholic Church as members of that organizational way of faith.) If you look at my Grandmothers timeline you will find her formative years were during a time when the Catholic Church was having an impact within the USA by written articles attempting to influence the protestant church (articles were written by Males influenced by their faith inside Catholic Church) in the USA about different church doctrines. These articles were debated in local newspapers and distributed pamphlets, with many taking sides Catholic vs Protestant. The Catholic position at that time considered how difficult it was to raise large families and find jobs for males to support large families. There was an effort to influence lawmakers in the USA legislature and also to influence the Supreme Court to a way of thinking that would support the Catholic Church and its doctrinal stands in a larger way. My Grandmother's family was educated at the time. Grandmother attended college and was a teacher for a time. Her family was strongly protestant, and so her attitudes were formed from that social group. Nevertheless, I spent a lot of time as a child with my Grandmother and knew her as someone who cared about the welfare of people regardless of their church affiliation. She was willing to right wrongs when it was her ability to involve herself. And was a strong advocate for truthfulness. Unless you look into the truth of, whatever vs whatever, You may form opinions about what group to follow only to find out there is something not so nice driving the scenario. This has been apparent in many news worthy events in the last 50 years or more. I noticed, that in the recent coverage of the attack on the Capitol building. Many of those in the area after the attack was brought under control; were not aware of the planned violence. Demonstrators interviewed later, told reporters they were on the scene and surprised, when the violence broke out, as they were there only to demonstrate, not to break into the capitol building. Forming opinions in life means knowing the many sides of a story. You won't necessarily find it in your neighbors attitudes. |
What are you particularly passionate about within your career/job? If you are retired, what were you passionate about in your job when you retired? {{/b}c:grape}from which you retired? With horse training it is get the horse to rely on and trust the rider. In teaching riding and handling it is kindness to the horse and safety rules for the handler and rider. In dog grooming it is grooming without pain. A lot of deep grooming is removing mats. For specific breeds of dogs it is getting the pattern right. (Listen to the owners they know what problems they may be encountering.0 In the chair factory it was learning and using the machinery properly: mostly I ran dowlers. In the donut shop it was cleanliness, proper counting, don't keep the customers waiting. Raising sheep and dairy goats and milking goats for the product to use in our home it was learning everything biological about ruminants. Keep them healthy and keep to a schedule. SEE YA! |
Share with us a little-known fact. It can be about anything at all. Feel free to use Google to find one to write about. https://www.media.pa.gov/Pages/game-commission-details.aspx?newsid=479 Tests for Toxins, Parasites, Bacterial infections, and other health problems are being done on wild birds. An unusual amount of birds have died of some type of infection The Pennsylvania Game commission has asked people to stop putting out feed in bird feeders until the cause of deaths in the bird population has been addressed. For more information you can go to the link at the beginning of this message. apondia#1781748 |
We've all had them, good and bad. Write about the best boss you’ve ever had. I was hired at the donut shop where I was employed in 1993. The woman who hired me was going to school to learn business management. She was understanding and efficient in her job. When she graduated from school she left the job for another position. The shop went down hill from that time on. The new manager was very good at keeping the shop running, but not able to find good help and deal with the politics within the system. Good management seems to really matter. |
Women: What is your makeup routine? Men: Tell us about your daily routine to prepare for the day. I don't have a makeup routine. Plus--I think the way the prompt is worded it appears kind of sexist. Not using makeup for me is not because of any presumed spiritual reasoning. Not using makeup does not make me a man. Unfortunately, for the prompt, I have a daily routine to prepare for the day, that does not have anything to do with makeup. Yep! I'm female and glad of it. I think it's time to read the other prompt answers. Maybe someone will have a clarification of this prompt that appeals to my natural nature. |
You’re out with friends for the evening and have ended up at a Karaoke Bar. You’ve all agreed you will sing at least one song. What song will you sing? Why that one? Probably won't happen: Nevertheless: I use to sing this to my horses when I was doing morning chores. I changed the lyrics to green bird has spoken. I had a lilac crowned parrot that could talk. She was basically green but had beautiful shades within the basic coloring. She was over 50 years old when she died. I still miss her. or this one: Because I Just love the sincere might and volume expressed when this is sung. Music runs the world. At one point I believed we could have stopped Covid dead with the right sounds. |
Here in the United States, we're celebrating our independence today. Is this a special day to you? Will you do anything special? Have we as a country forgotten what this day really means? Yes, I know, several questions there. (If you do not live in the United States, please apply this prompt to the day your country celebrates as Independence, or a similar holiday.) Answer as you wish please. It is going to be quiet for awhile here. I was babysitting a pit bull and a mastiff for a couple weeks but they have gone home now so, it seems quieter with two dogs than four. As for July 4th we are going to cook out. Tonight we will watch the capitol celebration on TV which we always try to do. The program is a good reminder of history within the country and has entertainment values. Other people in the area started their celebrations with percussion bombs, which I dislike because, if they are to close, it shakes the house. Also, because it frightens pets, livestock,, and wildlife who may be experiencing the atmosphere percussion. The definition of percussion means striking one solid object against another to create sound waves. In this case it is atmosphere waves which can cause a lot of damage. I guess in the case of the people setting off the bombs it symbolizes their freedom in some way. Personally, I prefer quieter celebrations. When I was in grade school classes put on plays about pilgrims and the settling of the colonies in what is now the USA. I think, because of this style of teaching, how our constitution came about and how the USA was settled are embedded in my memory. So, when July 4th rolls around it is a holiday taking place in the summer and I usually contemplate it's meaning. I feel the country is still fighting for "of the people by the people". Maybe it always will be. There is a need to remember and to incorporate versatility for lifestyles. Instead of being simple, freedom and how to keep it, is a complicated situation that takes lots of thought to bring wise views to the subject. Happy independence day. I'm thankful for a day of rest and peace. |