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The daily assignments for PrepMo 2015
Let's see where this year takes us.
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October 8, 2015 at 10:10pm
October 8, 2015 at 10:10pm
Name: Erin Alma Baxter
Age: 54 years old
Occupation: Homemaker
Relation to main character: Mother
Physical Description: 5'3" tall with a willowy thin figure. Short cropped brown hair and blue eyes. She is the definition of a classic beauty and has a charming personality to match.

Name: Phillip Donald Baxter
Age: 54 years old
Occupation: Lawyer
Relation to main character: Father
Physical Description: 6'1" tall with a muscular figure and broad shoulders. He has a very intimidating face which he uses with regularity in the courtroom. Has rusty brown hair that will curl if not kept short. Has dark brown eyes and a very charming smile that he often uses to his advantage.

Name: Alyssa Christine Hildebrand
Age: 35 years old
Occupation: Family Psychologist and author
Relation to main character: Older sister
Physical Description: 5'8" with long rusty brown hair and blue eyes. She is a perfect mix of both of her parents and uses the classic beauty to her advantage when at work, but also has the benefits of the intimidating look from her father.

Name: Walter Shane Hildebrand
Age: 36 years old
Occupation: Head brain surgeon
Relation to main character: Brother-in-law
Physical Description: 6'4" tall with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. He has very sharp features and a serious face. He has a very toned body, that he deems very essential to not just his life but to his job.

Name: Wade Rueben Baxter
Age: 31 years old
Occupation: Lawyer
Relation to main character: Older brother
Physical Description: 6'0 tall with dark hair and blue eyes, with the same face as his father. He is much more slender than his father, but keeps his body just in the same kind of shape.

Name: Kelly Naomi Baxter
Age: 29 years old
Occupation: Homemaker
Relation to main character: Sister-in-law
Physical Description: 5'5" tall with short cropped blonde hair and blue eyes. She has a very beautiful face with delicate features. She maintains her appearance constantly in salons to please her husband and also works out to keep a slim figure (even during her pregnancy).

Name: Jacqueline Elaine Studebaker
Age: 27 years old
Occupation: Bank Teller
Relation to main character: Best friend
Physical Description: 5'6" tall with layered shoulder length brown hair and large green eyes and a full mouth. Thick in the waist with long legs and delicate shoulders and arms.
October 7, 2015 at 8:26pm
October 7, 2015 at 8:26pm
Gender: Females
Race: Caucasian
Age: 24-34
Home ownership: Renters, first home buyers
Employment Status: Part-timers/Full-timers
Education: College education
Income Level: $20k-$40k
Marital Status: Single

I believe that my novel will appeal to this particular audience because it’s been noted that young females love horror novels. I think with that along with the fact that there will be background information on Margot Baxter’s family, knowing little tidbits on past family members, will spark interest. There will also be a hint of romance between the two main characters that I think they will enjoy as well. I think they will enjoy the adventure and mystery of the horror and trying to figure out what it is that Margot’s ancestor started.
October 6, 2015 at 9:04pm
October 6, 2015 at 9:04pm
13 Curves

I. Introduce Margot Baxter/Sebastian Harper
         A. Teaching
         B. Parents/family
         C. Desire of learning family heritage
                   1. Parents talking about mom's connection
                   2. Dad's interest in Danbury name
         D. Sebastian's background
         E. Two characters meeting
II. Incorporate Danbury/Pleasantgate Point History
         A. Sebastian tells stories of family history
         B. Talk about history of Pleasantgate Point
         C. Talk about 4 co-founders
III. Exploring 13 Curves
         A. Reason for name
         B. Exploring the house
                   1. Finding more history
         C. Exploring the house a second time
                   1. Finding something in the basement laboratory
IV. Secret of the Laboratory
         A. Explain what secret is
         B. Why it's dangerous
         C. Researching secret
                   1. Francis Danbury disappearance connection
         D. Find out reason for Pleasantgate Point
                   1. Connection to disappearances
V. Fighting the Secret
         A. Margot's connection to the secret
         B. Sebastian helps discover a way to beat it
VI. All is right in the world
         A. Relationship between Sebastian and Margot?
         B. Burn 13 Curves to the ground
October 5, 2015 at 7:10pm
October 5, 2015 at 7:10pm
The Life and Times of Francis Danbury

Francis Danbury was born to William and Hilda Danbury of Providence, Rhode Island in 1832. William Danbury had owned a manufacturing plant which proved to be a gold mine to him during the civil war. Before then though, William Danbury was one of the most successful and rich people living in Providence at the time. Francis was the first of seven children that William and Hilda had. Unfortunately, Francis got to see three of his siblings die due to the Cholera Pandemic before they had even hit their teens.

Francis excelled in his studies, but was a shy boy. He seemed to lack the strength and confidence that his father had, which was a frustrating point for his father, especially since it was known that Francis would take over the manufacturing company once his father died. Francis’ other siblings: Julia, Douglas, and Margaret, also excelled in their studies (and would also go on to Yale, Harvard, and Brown), but definitely took after their father in personality.

Francis’ mother often stood up for her son when necessary as she noticed he took much after her in personality and knew that he didn’t need to project to get what he wanted. She also knew, once Francis left for Harvard in 1850, that there was something deep and dark hidden in her son. Unfortunately for her, her husband didn’t believe in psychiatrists as he believed they were only for crazy people and no child of his was crazy, plus they were one of the pillar families of Providence and it would be bad for the people to see one of his children off to see one. Fortunately for her, Francis eventually went on to major in Psychology.

While Francis was at Harvard, he was known as quiet and didn’t make many friends, except one, a Jasper Reynolds, who hailed from Charlotte, North Carolina. To Francis, the South seemed as if it was a totally different world, even though he knew of slavery and even his father owned a few farms in the south in which slaves were the primary work force. Francis had never been down there though, none of his family had. Even his father had only been down there once, to a small town called Blue, about twenty miles outside of Goose Creek, South Carolina. His father would continue to make enormous profits from the large farm he owned until 1865 when it would be one of the many farms burned to ruins by William Tecumseh Sherman.

However, Jasper was, at the time, the closest person Francis had to a friend. He was a fellow Psychology major and very much the same personality that Francis had. They did eventually drift apart, mostly due to moving past graduate school where Francis would meet up with the men who he would create Pleasantgate Point with and found he connected with them on many more levels than he did with Jasper. Jasper would move to a suburb outside Baltimore and start his own practice there.

Francis moved onto Dartmouth and went on to get his Doctorate; it was here that he would meet Daniel Craig, Arthur Johnson, and Thomas McAntry. It would also be at this point where Francis would focus on that dark mass of energy and anger that his mother had noticed in him as a child and he would use it, along with the other three. It seemed though that the four of them seemed to bring out both the good and bad out in each of them simultaneously and a point could even be made that they became as successful as they did in their respective fields because of this.

The four of them worked exceptionally hard in their studies and then on Sundays they would get together to unwind from their strenuous schedules. From the outside, these men would look normal and inoffensive and it was the reason they found the wonderful wives they did. With the exception of Daniel, who didn’t marry until he was forty years old, the three others all found their wives during their time at Dartmouth; all respectable, upper-middle class women with respectable families and reputations. Not only this, but their wives were intelligent and strong willed as it was during a time when women barely graduated high school, much less went to college and even much less went to Dartmouth College.

Thomas McAntry was the first to marry. He fell hard for Charlotte DeAndrew, who was just four years younger than him and had graduated with a major of English. They married in 1860, when Charlotte was twenty-four and Thomas was 28. Thomas (and the others) had just freshly graduated with their Doctorates. Arthur Johnson had been enraptured by Amelia Schweiss, who at the time of his graduation was a junior at Dartmouth. She majored in nursing and graduated at the top of her class the following year. Arthur had wanted to propose then, but Amelia’s mother died suddenly and a couple of years passed before he proposed and she accepted. Francis Danbury was the next to marry at this time to Yvette Louis, who Francis had become obsessed with. There was a nine year difference between them and when Francis had graduated, Yvette still had two more years to go before she graduated and she told him under no circumstances was she to be married until then. It was another three years before he proposed as Yvette had majored in English and decided she wanted to teach and went for her Master’s in Education. It was then he proposed and they married in 1865.

The four men and their wives moved into New York, working in and around Cornell University and other Universities in the area. It was shortly after this, they all moved north to where they would establish Pleasantgate Point in 1867. It was late that year when Yvette found out she was pregnant. Pleaseantgate Point was incredibly small at this time, but there was a school where Yvette would teach at, along with Charlotte. There was a medical office, a post office, a grocery and feed store and there was Francis’ psychiatry office. They had brought a small gathering of people, around 200 and it was from here that Pleasantgate Point grew.

In September of 1868, Franklin Theodore Danbury was born and Francis felt as if he was on top of the world. They had also finished the building of his estate outside of town on top of the hill that would become to be known as 13 Curves. The following spring, Yvette was pregnant a second time and actually had to take leave from teaching due to extreme morning sickness. They already had a nanny for Franklin and they brought in a nurse to tend to Yvette as Francis was terrified he would lose Yvette. Fortunately, once Yvette went into her third trimester, all of her ills seemed to disappear. That January of 1870, Yvette gave birth to Suzette Francine Danbury at 2:34 in the morning at the height of one of the worst snow storms the area had seen in decades.

A few months later, Yvette discovered she was pregnant for the third time and was terrified her pregnancy would be as bad as or worse than her pregnancy with Suzette. It wasn’t and went as smoothly as her pregnancy with Franklin had been. That following year Franklin was three years old then and incredibly intelligent for his age. He often had a tutor at home to go over his lessons and even a linguist that would come to teach him French and Italian a few days of the week. February 14, 1871, Yvette went through two days of labor to deliver Adelaide Olivia Danbury at 12:46 in the afternoon.

Francis and Yvette wanted more children, but after Adelaide pregnancy seemed to become more difficult. In 1874, Yvette found out she was pregnant but in only a couple of months she miscarried. The following year, Yvette became pregnant again and this time nearly went full term before delivering a stillborn son, which they named Peter Howard and buried him in the town Cemetery. It was two years later when Yvette became pregnant again and went full term to deliver Seth Michael Danbury in April of 1877.

It was also around this time that Francis and his brothers as he often called them to his wife (and of course with each other), they began their plan. They built their laboratories in their basements and often spent most of their free time there. Yvette hardly saw Francis after this point and she began to blame it on the miscarriage and stillbirth of their children. She knew he had taken it hard during these times and saw he had changed after them. After the birth of Seth, Yvette retired from teaching and fired their long-term nanny, to stay at home and be a mother.

When Franklin was twelve years old in 1880, Francis sent him off to a boarding school in France. Franklin was fluent in French and did remarkably well there. It would be here that he would meet his future wife (Rosalie Davis) and they would marry after graduating in Paris in 1887. Also in 1880, Francis’ father died of a heart attack and Francis was heir to the manufacturing business he owned, plus a slew of small businesses. Francis would hire a few men to take care of that aspect of business so that he could entirely focus on his laboratory work.

Francis’ free time was entirely spent in his laboratory, even to the point where he was considering selling off his practice in town to spend more time on his project. It had often frightened Yvette with whatever project he was working on, as he wouldn’t talk to her about it at all and often to seem more gruff and angry when he would come to bed. There wasn’t much for her to do or say about the situation as Francis pulled all of the strings. Her own father wouldn’t forgive her if she so much as inclined towards wanting to leave Francis. So, she kept quiet and tended to the children.

In 1885, just two years before Franklin would graduate from his private boarding school and get married (both Yvette and Francis knew of the nuptials and approved accordingly), Suzette was turning 15, Adelaide was 14 and little Seth was 8. Francis had gotten it into his mind to begin looking for suitable husbands for his daughters. Yvette was furious at this and tried to plead with Francis to deter from this. Yvette had wanted her daughters to be modern women and to go to college just as she had, but Francis didn’t seem to mind any of this. Yvette knew there was some kind of fear in him for this, just as shortly after this he wanted to send Seth off to France as well to the same boarding school.

He wanted his children out of Pleasantgate Point, but he wouldn’t tell her why. He eventually got his wish as he married Suzette to a Jefferson Danleavy the following year in 1886. They would go on to have twelve children, mostly due to the fact that Jefferson wanted six sons to carry the Danleavy name (Jefferson was the youngest of eight children and the only son). It was said by friends of Suzette’s that she fell in love with Jefferson the day her son Deacon was born as she saw the love he had not just for Deacon, but for her as well. The following year there was two weddings to attend, as Franklin married Rosalie in the summer of 1887, Adelaide was married to Francis Oliviar in the spring of 1887. Unfortunately, they were married only a few years before he was to get pancreatic cancer and die, leaving Adelaide with two year old son, Lewis, and six months pregnant with their soon-to-be daughter, Gwyneth. Not even six weeks after the death of her husband, her father set her up with Charles Frank and they were married before Gwyneth was even born. Charles treated Lewis and Gwyneth as if they were his own and loved Adelaide more so. They would go on to have six kids of their own.

Franklin and Rosalie would go to have four kids, one of which would begin to spark the dark cloud that would forever hang over the Danbury name and cause all of their descendants to flee Pleasantgate Point. That will be told later. Seth was indeed shipped off to the same French boarding school that Franklin attended and also did remarkably well there. He would also marry a French woman by the name of Angélique Paquin, who lived in Paris and went to school there. They would marry in 1900 and Seth stayed in France for the rest of his life. The reason for this was the death of his father only three years prior.
1897 was a big year for the Danbury family, as Seth graduated from the boarding school only to stay on in France to be with his fiancée, who he would marry three years later. Yvette had decided at this point that she would go back to teaching part time as she hated having an empty house. None of her children lived in Pleasantgate Point, but in surrounding areas and it was difficult terrain to take so visits were very far in-between. Francis was still busy with his project, but his outlook was happier than it had been in decades and so was his relationship with his family. It would of course end with the unfortunate disappearance of Francis in November of that year. Yvette had to legally declare him dead after two years just to be able to pay bills and not become destitute.

She would go to France to see her son’s wedding and eventually moved all of her belongings there as she fell in love with the country and with a wealthy French man by the name of Jean-Marc De Saint-Pierre, who was 70 years old. They had met by chance at an event for Seth’s wife and became inseparable. They only married on the day he died, 19 years later, so that all of his assets would belong to her. Unfortunately, Yvette didn’t last much longer after Jean-Marc died, many saying she had died of a broken heart as Jean-Marc was the man she had longed for her whole life. As Jean-Marc had no children, the millions he had were left to her children and it was split amicably.
October 4, 2015 at 9:44pm
October 4, 2015 at 9:44pm
Margot bumped her front door open with one of four heavy tote bags that she lugged all of her school things in. She lumbered over to the couch and just dropped them, her forearms and wrists throbbing. Her purse had fallen from her shoulder and had gotten tangled in with the mess and she was too tired to free it. She walked around the coffee table and plopped down on her recliner, sliding out of her flats. The need to sit for just five minutes overwhelmed the need to take a hot soapy bath.

The day had been one from hell, ending with a parent who felt her Robert hadn't deserved the 64% on the multiplication tables test from the previous week. Felt that maybe she was just too harsh and should regrade the exam. She had stared at the door once the mother had left feeling bereft. This was the third grade right? Parents were making excuses already? She had believed the third grade was going to be the best to teach as they were still young and eager to learn and yet they understood they were in school and needed to pay attention. She still felt that way, but today was giving her a giant throbbing headache.

Sure it was Friday, but she had this week's tests and other things to grade. Her weekend was going to be busy and not in the way she wished it. She missed hanging out with Jacqui and Charlotte and doing their thing on the weekends. It seemed to become a quick update phone chats on the phone and she was feeling as if she was becoming her father in the way she let herself become so absorbed with her work. That kind of frightened her. She had always thought that if she had kids, she wouldn't be the way her father was, but at the rate she had been going for the last four months, she wouldn't meet a guy much less have children.

Sighing, Margot got out of her chair and headed towards the bathroom but stopped when she heard her cell phone go off deep within her purse, tangled with the tote bags. Of course. The phone stopped ringing just as she managed to get into her purse and put a hand on her cell phone. Then it started ringing again and Margot noticed it was her mother calling. A chill ran down her spine. Something was wrong.


"Margot? I...I..." Her mom was crying. She could hear it in her phlegmy wet voice. The chill seemed to be spreading. Was it her father? Maybe it was Alyssa or Wade? One of Alyssa's children? Her husband? Wade's unborn chid?

Realizing her legs were shaking, she sat down on the couch. Not paying attention to the fact she was sitting on one of the totes and that another of the totes, one that was filled with the "need to grade" papers in it (of course), had fallen to the floor and half the contents spilled out. "Mom, what's happened? What's wrong?"

"Your father. I...I think your father is cheating on me with his secretary from work."

Two things seemed to happen simultaneously: the chill dissipated and relief flooded her body but also there was a snap of anger that seemed to burn in the wake of relief. She wasn't sure who she should be angry at and suddenly that brought about clarity.

"What happened mom? What did you find?"

"I was unpacking for your father. I was bored and I like doing it for him. Not that Luisa wouldn't do a good job but—"

"I get it mom. What did you find?" Luisa was their housekeeper who worked for them five times a week and did their laundry and basic cleaning things. The woman was basically a saint in Margot's opinion.

"His clothes. On his clothes. Lipstick and...and foundation. I'd swear to the Pope it was foundation. It was on his collar and his pants. They smelled...a perfume that...that isn't mine."

Margot stood and began to pace her living room floor. How dare he? Anger seemed to fill her and she wasn't sure where or what to do with it. Her mother lived and breathed Phillip Baxter and owed her good life, the upper middle class stature to him. She had never had to work once she'd married him. Margot and her older siblings had gone to private school and never had to worry about student loans when they went to college. There had never been a worry in their life. They had moved out of downtown Albany to the more expensive richy neighborhood of Bridgeton and that's where she had lived until she'd moved to Pleasantgate Point.

"Have you confronted him?" She wanted to know what he had to say for himself.

"No, not yet. I...I just found it this morning. I wanted your opinion, advice."

Sighing, she sat down on the arm rest of her recliner and rubbed her forehead. Even though she was the baby and nine years younger than Alyssa, her mother would always call her and ask for advice or just to talk to and vent on. Margot had always wondered if it was because she was the last unattached child. Alyssa married Walter just before she got her doctorate and then gave birth to their daughter shortly after. Wade had always desired to follow in their father's footsteps (with some encouragement by not only dad, but by grandfather as well) as far as being a lawyer and then in the process married his longtime girlfriend, Kelly and now within the next month or so, were expecting their first baby (Davis Dylan). They were all involved with their careers and their families and she wasn't any closer to family life than she was finding love. Either way, she enjoyed having the closeness with her mother she hadn't had much growing up.

"Mom, you need to ask him about it. You need to find out what happened."

"It seems pretty apparent what happened, Margot Louise."

There was some of her mother's fire back in her voice. The despair seemed to only be at the edges.

"Mom, if it's apparent, then you need to leave. You could come stay with me at my place and—"

"No! I-I will talk to him. As much as this hurts..."

Margot stood and walked into the kitchen, grabbed herself a glass tumbler and filled it with some water. Taking a sip she set the glass on the counter. "You need to know your facts mom. You know as well as I do that his appearance is just as important to him as that valise he carries around. You need to talk to him and hear his side and talk it out and see where you guys stand." Biting her lip she looked out the small window above her sink at the small backyard she owned. "Are you going to tell Alyssa and Wade?"

There was silence for a few moments. Long enough that Margot was afraid her mother had hung up on her. "Not yet. They have so much going on...and Kelly is due at any moment..." There was another long pause. "I will have a talk with your father. It feels so surreal, Margot. I know there isn't any perfect relationship out there, but I thought I did well as a wife."

Her heart felt heavy in her chest. The anger seemed to flame up at the soft voice her mother used. She hated that her mother felt her life was her father's hands. Her mother hadn't worked in over 30 years and the only experience she possessed was two years as a waitress. There would be no way her mother could survive on her own, not without a man. That hurt her more than she realized. "You did a wonderful job as a wife mom. You're a great mom too. Just...you need to talk to him. Find out what's going on. Call me when you've talked to him, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you Margot. It makes me feel...better to be able to talk to you. I felt foolish that I should have to call my youngest child for support, for advice and that I didn't have a friend or a close sibling that I could call instead. Thank you for making me not feel silly."

Margot downed the rest of her water and kept staring out the window. Her mother had hung up, but she just kept staring. The view outside began to blur and then she shook her head and sighed. She had a bath that was now desperately calling her name and work that needed to be graded and lessons to be planned. Life needed to keep going, regardless of how boring and plain it was at the moment. Setting the tumbler in the empty sink, she set her phone on the counter and then walked out of the kitchen and down the hall to the bathroom.
October 3, 2015 at 11:23pm
October 3, 2015 at 11:23pm
Name: Margot Louise Baxter


Birthday: April 24, 1989
Place of birth: Albany, NY
Parents: Phillip and Erin Baxter
Siblings: Alyssa (married Walter Hildebrand) née Baxter, Wade (married Kelly née Lance)
Economic/social status growing up: Upper middle class
Ethnic background: Caucasian (mix of English and German)
Places lived: Albany, NY (until 1994), Bridgeton, NY (until 2015), Pleasantgate Point (current)
Education: Masters in Childhood Education
Favorite subject in school: English
Jobs: Third grade teacher
Salary: $55,500/yr

Friends: Jacqueline Studebaker, Kevin Thomas-Hambert, Charlotte Kennedy
How do people view this character: Stubborn, kind-hearted to a fault, intelligent, sassy/sarcastic
Lives with: By herself with two cats
Wishes to spend time with: Her mother
Who depends on her and why: Her mother emotionally. She's the baby of the family (unattached and no children) and her mother believes that her husband is cheating on her.
Dating, marriage: Unattached, last boyfriend was eight months prior to the beginning of the story.
Children: None
Relationship with God: Atheist.

Overall outlook on life: Realist
Does this character like herself: For the most part yes, she is very confident in herself though there are moments where she is afraid she hasn't lived up to her father's high standards. Her sister has a PhD in Psychology and has written three books, married a brain surgeon and has managed to raise three children. Her brother a lawyer working at their father's firm, also married with a baby on the way. When he finally accepted that she wanted to teach, hoped she'd become a professor at a prestigious university. Instead, she wanted to teach children. She isn't married and doesn't have a serious relationship.
Optimistic/pessimistic: She sees herself as a realist, though she tries to keep positive about the outlooks of things.
Morality level: She tries to do well and give back when she can.
Confidence level: 8/10

Physical appearance

Body type: Willowy thin
Height: 5'4"
Head shape: Gently oval
Eyes: dark brown
Nose: slender and sharp
Mouth: Heavy lower lip
Hair: Dark curly brown hair that goes to her mid-back
Skin: bisque
Tattoos/piercings/scars: She has her ears pierced three times in both ears and a scar on her chin from a childhood accident.
Voice: smoky
What people notice first: Her eyes.
Clothing: Her casual clothing is a blend of bohemian and indie, but her work is more sophisticated and classical.

Name: Sebastian Lincoln Harper


Birthday: September 14, 1983
Place of birth: Syracuse, NY
Parents: Dylan and Samantha Chase and Victor Harper
Siblings: Greggory (married Janice née Applewood) Harper, Mallory (married Lucas Billings), Charlotte (married Jackson Phillipe) née Chase, Elizabeth (married Tucker Douglas) née Chase, Jerome (married Kelly née Landon) Chase
Economic/social status growing up: Middle class
Ethnic background: Caucasian (mix of English, Irish)
Places lived: Syracuse, NY (until 1989), Shelton, NY (until 1997), Watertown, NY (present)
Education: Bachelors of Family History (Genealogy) from BYU and Bachelors in Business. Also certified with the APG and the Board for Certification of Genealogists.
Favorite subject in school: History
Jobs: self-employed; Family Genealogist
Salary: $72,000

Friends: Travis Darling
How do people view this character: Professionally: Gentle, encouraging, a listener. Personally: Stubborn, a brooder, a loner
Wishes to spend time with: His dog
Who depends on him and why: No one
Dating, marriage: Unattached, a few months since last relationship. Relationship lasted a couple of years and had been pretty serious.
Children: None
Relationship with God: Atheist.

Overall outlook on life: Realist
Does this character like himself: Yes, overall. He is proud with what he has been able to accomplish on his own and that has become successful doing it.
Optimistic/pessimistic: The grey area in between.
Morality level: He's a good guy who has a hard line between knowing right from wrong.
Confidence level: 9/10

Physical appearance

Body type: Lanky
Height: 6'2"
Head shape: rectangle
Eyes: Sea green
Nose: Greek
Mouth: On the thin side
Hair: Brown
Skin: Lightly tanned
Tattoos/piercings/scars: His right ear is pierced (a thin silver loop) and has a scar on his left knee.
Voice: Fruity
What people notice first: His smile.
Clothing: His style tends to run on a professional casual with slacks and button up shirts.
October 1, 2015 at 9:42pm
October 1, 2015 at 9:42pm
         Margot Louise Baxter: 26 years old and the great great great granddaughter of Francis Danbury, one of the four founding fathers of Pleasantgate Point.
         Sebastian Harper: 32 years old and a genealogist and family historian that Margot has hired to do a family history and family tree on her family.

         Margot has always been curious about her family and that her great great great grandfather was a founding father of Pleasantgate Point. She has also heard the dark rumors that surround the found fathers, especially her great great great grandfather. She wants to learn the truth and hires Sebastian Harper to find it out, plus she wants to explore the old family homestead, which hasn't been lived in since after the mysterious death of Francis Danbury's grandson in 1917 and then when Francis' son and wife who lived in the house both died in an automobile accident in 1928.

         Margot and Sebastian begin to learn what the founding fathers were up to and the reason that Pleasantgate Point was founded. They also realize that the reason also still exists deep under the family homestead.

         The secret hiding inside the family homestead, plus some of the residents of Pleasantgate Point who are trying to get Margot to stop researching her family.

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