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by Rhyssa
Rated: 18+ · Book · Contest Entry · #2081410
my entries for the Construct Cup
It's that time again. Time when I lose all sense of proportion and sanity and agree to write a poem a day following prompts exactly as given by our fearless leaders (aka Ren the Klutz! and fyn . I may not survive. But I will do it anyway, mostly because I can't imagine anyone having this much agony fun without me.

Come join us! We have cookies. And possibly, straitjackets.

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April 22, 2016 at 2:47am
April 22, 2016 at 2:47am
when the year is almost spent
her winter fingers fail,
then west wind is quickly sent
and takes her hand, his one intent
to dance and warm her so the scent
of spring will soon prevail.

they dance, unseen, a simple form,
but each step gives her strength.
and as they move the wind breathes warm
the north wind calms his last great storm
and colors burgeon, now reborn
they peek from melting banks.

the snow recedes, green grasses shine
the trees restore their green.
her steps make myriad seeds align
and follow, leaf and bloom and vine
their blossoming by her design
a renaissance all see.

and songbirds carry out the tune
she echoes through the earth.
I follow ‘neath the vernal moon,
and through the sunlit April noons,
I smell her, now, as springtime blooms,
and hope for my rebirth.

line count: 24

Prompt for: April 21, 2016
April 21, 2016 at 1:22am
April 21, 2016 at 1:22am
east of Memphis,
the Wolf’s current stops,
breaks into the placid
explosion of life
that is the Ghost River.
I found it, one summer day.
paddled in a canoe through
unchartable channels
lined by river reeds.

cypress stands loomed tall,
their bases pale where
floods have worn their bark away.
I reached to touch them,
felt their scars, marveled
at the juxtaposition between
smooth and rough.

reeds and pond scum
dyed the river
in shades of moss, hiding
fish and snakes
that shared my road.

there was no stillness,
no silence there. shrieks of birds
and buzzing insects
sang a constant melody
that washed at my mind,
freed me from the stress
for an hour or three.

sometimes, when I’m home,
and the sounds of the highway
jar me awake, I remember
the song of the swamp.
I dream the Ghost River.

line count: 33

Prompt for: April 20, 2016
April 19, 2016 at 9:21pm
April 19, 2016 at 9:21pm
between one moment and the next
spring ends the death of winter
with willow fronds,
catching on every tree
until they are painted greens.
elevate your face.
the first warm rain soaks the air,
warming the world into
whites and pinks
and blues and yellows until
blossoms burst forth on every fruit tree,
on every azalea bush,
between the long thin
hope of daffodils.
breathe deep.
the air is thick.
tiny white petals float on every breeze
and pollen is visible.
it coats every surface
in green, wafts up
with every footstep.

Prompt for: April 19, 2016
April 19, 2016 at 12:14am
April 19, 2016 at 12:14am
I sit in the window
watching your taillights disappear
on the wings of the storm.
you left me.
the ice creeps within,
surrounding me with its
frozen protection.

through dry eyes I see them,
tiny lilac flowers
clustered at the end of each branch
as though huddling together
against the ice.
they shine.
each hapless blossom
covered as though dipped in wax,
the layer of ice beautiful,
even as its brittle cold kills.

we are doomed.
no icepick can free us,
thaw our tender petals,
free the scent of spring
with its warm, healing presence.

an owl glides through the night,
lands on the branch,
its talons cruel.
it stares at me through the window
in cruel judgment.

the owl floats away.
the bush shakes.
the lilac shatters.

line count: 30

Prompt for: April 18, 2016
April 17, 2016 at 5:04pm
April 17, 2016 at 5:04pm
it’s a mug filled with
the rotten choler of obligation choking me,
coating my tongue with its putrid stench
until my every word tastes of it.

it’s a tower fortress
the moat clogged with a hill
of vegetable slime and rotting fish
until there’s no escaping the stealthy figures
worming their way in.

it’s being buried in an avalanche
of little odors—rotting eggs and tar
and fetid breath—accumulating in a miasma
that surrounds me until my every deed is owed.

it’s lending my heart
into careless, indifferent hands
and receiving a shoe full of dung in return.

it’s hurting.

it’s falling for you,
again and again
and expecting you to be different
this time around.

line count: 21

Prompt for: April 17, 2016
April 17, 2016 at 1:23am
April 17, 2016 at 1:23am
she lingers on antique pages
between archaic sentences
and simple words that illuminate
the patterns of her days. her troubles.
her joys. the day she lost her gloves
in the garden because she wanted
to feel the soil pass between
her fingers and the sun in her hair.
her mother scolded the sun baked
freckles that appeared and treated her skin
with a mash of asparagus and lemon juice
that tinted her cheeks pale green.

she was in the last echoes
of childhood, her hair still caught
in a braid straight down her back,
in that cusp before she would become
a woman, ready to tie it up. she refused
to let the boy, the one who sat behind her
in Sunday school, know
how often his name graced
her pen, but she was certain she
was meant for him when he
became a man.

day by day her life unfolds,
her dreams winging through the years
until April twenty-third, eighteen-thirty-eight
when she disappears, her voice
muzzled, and blank lines
cover the unfinished journal
with questions answered only
by an angel in the churchyard
and a story of a storm and a swollen stream
told to her sister’s
great-great grandchildren.

line count: 34

Prompt for April 16, 2016
April 16, 2016 at 1:23am
April 16, 2016 at 1:23am
since that day,
I spend my every April
contemplating might-have-beens.

you would have been four
this year. you would have
snuggled under my heart
for long moments
before abandoning me
to play cars
to watch cartoons
to slip unseen into the kitchen
and pour dishwashing liquid
across the floor.

you would have sat there,
looked up with gleeful eyes
because you knew it was
forbidden, and I would try
not to laugh
as I cleaned up you
and the floor.

you would have picked
your favorite book,
pretending to read to me
with your little finger
tracking memorized lines,
and I would smell
the soap in your hair
and wonder how your feet
had caught so much dirt already.

you would have chosen friends
and opened gifts
and the house would have rang
with the sounds of little children.

instead, I blow out four candles
with thirty-nine year lungs,
and sing for you,
hoping the echoes reach
where you have gone.

Prompt: 15 April 2016

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