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Rated: 18+ · Book · Opinion · #2086593
Daily scribbles on writing and living. How to get rid of cobwebs in my brain. CLOSED.

I am over the moon with joy this morning, as I got an anonymous gift from a co-writer on WdC. I can set up a blog for the coming three months since someone paid for an upgrade. If you ever read this Anonymous One, thank you so much!

Many thanks to "Request An Upgrade From RAOK [E] I got an upgrade for two more months. That will enable me to write and review some more in order to earn my keep after that. *BigSmile*

cartoon on writing a blog Logo Blog@Work Logo Blog@Work Green Tara

I have to think about this for a moment. Don't want to rush it, don't want to solely vent or underestimate the value of a daily blog for my writing. So I will carefully try to explore what it will bring me.

“All my life, my heart has sought a thing I cannot name. Remembered line from a long-forgotten poem”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Hell's Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga

When I was a teenager, my little brother stole my journal out of my bedroom and read it. I was so disappointed and mad about his action, I destroyed my writing and have been struggling with the concept of conveying my inner thoughts ever since.

So, I will send my daily scribbles to the world. On How to get rid of cobwebs in my brain. To let in some air and rejoice.

For another clumsy attempt at writing, check out "All fingers and thumbs [18+].
I am a Rising Star from *StarY* Rising Star *StarY* Program 2016-2017.

Virginia Woolf quote

Comments, scribbles, and notes welcome!

Blog City image smallBCOF InsigniaBanner or header for 30DBC Welcome...Click here to join me!WakeUpAndLive

Thanks, 🌕 HuntersMoon for the teal awardicon.

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October 10, 2016 at 11:15am
October 10, 2016 at 11:15am
** Image ID #2099018 Unavailable **

*Right*What is the worst way someone has tried to scam or manipulate you?"JAFBG"   by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik

I was 15 when I had my first real boyfriend. He was a very handsome Indonesian-European boy, a so called Indo, who could play guitar, tennis, and draw cartoons. He was 18 at the time. He broke up after 1 ½ years or so stating I was a little bit cold (meaning I wouldn’t sleep with him, only kiss) and since I wasn’t prepared for it I was devastated. I cried the whole summer and wrote into my diary. But I got passed it and when I saw him again from time to time I was my old self and not interested in him any longer, which felt good. After 3 months into the breakup he showed up again wanting me back. He manipulated me into the new relationship by convincing me he would kill himself if I didn’t take him back. I believed him and we started over. I felt awful and very much responsible for his well being. Of course this didn’t work and in about two months I broke up with him.

A friend of mine had the same thing going with her relationship years later; also the threat to commit suicide if she was to leave him. I think it is one of the worst things you can threaten someone with. At that age I fell for it big time. Now I would say: if you want to kill yourself, go ahead, but don’t fuck with my mind. It is emotional blackmail of the worst kind.

October 10, 2016 at 6:28am
October 10, 2016 at 6:28am
** Image ID #2099018 Unavailable **

*Right*Prompt: Write about October.(BCoFs)

October is the month that it’s suddenly colder. We’ve had a beautiful Indian summer. Yesterday I was with family at the port of Hook of Holland, were you can see our industry and a beautiful skyline of Rotterdam, our main port. It was a wonderful sunny day at the beach, very agreeable. I think the last sunny day since the weather forecast is predicting colder weather. But I like October with its crackling dead leaves under the trees and its beautiful colors.

At WdC October is all about "Letters of Life, Love & Hope [18+] so I "Breast Cancer Awareness - Contest & More [ASR]. See this beautiful butterfly at the top of this entry. I have to go on my annual checkup tomorrow so I am a bit anxious. But it’s better knowing so I will go, reluctantly.

Furthermore, October is all about Halloween in several parts of the world. In my country we can buy the pumpkins and witches attached to this day, but the trick r treating is not fashionable here so I don’t really celebrate Halloween except on WdC.

I am going to enter "Invalid Item to get in the proper writing mood for Halloween. And I probably enter several opportunities for "SCREAMS!!! [GC] around the subject of Halloween and try to enter "'SCREAMS!!!' HALLOWEEN CONTEST! [GC].

*Right*Prompt: “It has taken me quite a few years to realize the fact that most of the thoughts in my head are not necessary.” ― Bert McCoy. My question is, how can anyone chase away those unnecessary thoughts? Do you have any ideas?(BC)

When I was in college I came across Zen meditation, where we practiced Zazen, sitting in Zen. A meditation form where you sit on a cushion, focus on a point ahead and focus on your breathing in and out, and counting. Every time you think something, you stop counting and start anew, still breathing in and out. It is an exercise to let all thoughts pass you by without going into the thoughts. So your mind is blank, you are one with your breathing. It is very difficult at first, but if you practice you notice you can shut out your thoughts in a way.

Day SEVENTY NINE "Give It 100!
October 9, 2016 at 5:14am
October 9, 2016 at 5:14am
** Image ID #2099018 Unavailable **

*Right*PROMPT: Monday is Columbus Day in the United States- a holiday that some areas are no longer acknowledging , choosing instead to celebrate the heritage of the people Christopher Columbus first encountered. Should we still continue to honor Columbus in the US? And if you're not in the US, does your country celebrate similar holidays, either for the natives of your land, or for the person(s) responsible for discovering it?(BC)

No, we don’t have a similar day like Columbus Day or Indigenous Day. We have however a very bitter national dispute going on over Sinterklaas, celebrated on December 5 as a child’s fun day with the old white bearded Sinterklaas and his black helpers, called Pete’s are gifting gifts through the chimney. A sort of a thin Santa Claus. The dispute is about his black helpers. Some say this is racist because it is a white Sinterklaas and always black Pete’s. It reminds people of the slavery period. I don’t agree on that one, I think it’s just a child’s game and very much folklore in our country. But if everyone wants colored Pete’s instead of black ones, that’s fine by me. The dispute has gotten very ugly for some reason, with a lot of hate mails to both camps and demonstrations with people being picked up by the police.

Day SEVENTY EIGHT "Give It 100!
October 8, 2016 at 11:21am
October 8, 2016 at 11:21am
*Right*Prompt: Tell us about something you weren't supposed to know, but found out anyway. "JAFBG"   by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik

I’ve always wondered why I couldn’t get along with my late mother. I loved her very much, no doubt about that, but we never hit it off, we never became friends or intimate in our behavior. There always was a brick wall between us and I’ve hated her for that in my teens. Later, ofcorse, my relationship with her normalized but never was what it could have been. One day she told me the reason why, although we never spoke about it ever after that, and I am not sure till this day if she fully comprehended the impact of what she revealed to me at that particular time.

My parents stayed with each other till the end but were very abusive to one another. They fought and quarreled every day as long as could remember. So their relationship was very bad.

It was the time when my father was in the hospital, having a heart attack and getting treatment for it in my city Leyden. Because my mother wanted to visit every day she stayed over at my place for that period of time. We got to talking to each other, something we had never done before, not really. So she suddenly said to me that she was contemplating about getting a divorce. And I was like: really, at this moment in time, now that he is needing you the most to take care of him because he is sick? Why now? Why not done it years ago like I always was reminding her of that option over the years as she was constantly complaining to me about how bad their relationship was. Why now?! For goodness sake, that’s a rotten thing to do: leave a person while he is fighting for his life in hospital. Mind you, she threatened my father often to leave him, had the papers in her drawer, but never used them. And she was like: yeah, I got pregnant from you when we were engaged so many years ago, but it was during rape in the marriage.

And I was like: HUH! I am a product of rape? No wonder she has always disliked me in a way, I could feel that as a child ofcorse, but I never could point the finger at it as to what it was that made her not love me. Now I knew.

She never left him ofcorse, she and I never spoken about it ever again, but from that day on I was aware of the reason why she probably could not love me properly, I was the product of a bad encounter with her soon-to -be husband and she was reminded of that fact witnessing me every day in my youth.

I felt deeply moved and was feeling very sorry for her. It only was years later I suddenly reminded myself I could feel sorry for this for myself as well. It’s not a good feeling knowing your own mother has reservations from the day I was born. I know now why I never felt welcome.

I never told my father about this, it didn’t seem appropriate to do so. They both are gone now, so I have to deal with this notion myself. Can’t really talk about it with anybody so I thought to vent it here. It’s not that it bothers me at this stage in my life, but I am glad I know why my mother and I didn’t get along very well. She even asked my forgiveness at her death bed, I was there when she passed away. I like to think it was because of this. I forgave her ofcorse! She had to deal with lots of issues, one being a survivor from a Japanese war camp in World War 2. There is always some pain to deal with in life. I am just dealing with mine. *Smile*
October 8, 2016 at 9:32am
October 8, 2016 at 9:32am
I have a not so good weekend, am procrastinating the things in the house I have to do with great urgency, like doing those fricking dishes. I so do dislike that chore!
*Irritated* ** Just whining** The reason is "Letter to Cancer . Just saying. I am not in the best of moods today! That’s probably the reason I don’t make it this week at "I Write in August-September-October [ASR]. I cannot put myself in the position and mindset to write a story for SCREAMS!!! Too bad, but nothing earth shattering. I’ll come over that!

*Right*"There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment."~ Norman Vincent Peale. Do you agree or disagree? What makes you feel enthusiastic?(BC)

I am very enthusiastic about WdC, but that is a given! Furthermore I am enthusiastic when people behave like they care about things. I love commitment in people; it makes me happy they found something worthwhile. I am very enthusiastic about good poetry. I am an absolute beginner at writing poems in the English language and to fully grasp someone else their efforts to create great poetry is mind blowing to me. It makes me want to jump around and be creative myself. I love enthusiasm in others as well in myself. Without it Life is bland and gray, with it you feel alive and kicking. It is true magic and there should be more of it!

*Right*"My best friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read." Abraham Lincoln. What are your thoughts?(BCoFs)

I have a friend who does that and I am not fully appreciative of that fact. Usually I am like: thank you so much but I haven’t got the time to read it anyway. Also she has a completely different taste as to what I like and want to read, so her choice is usually not mine. It is very difficult to explain taste in reading and writing to people who are not writers or poets themselves. Like I definitely don’t like those self-help books. I understand the significance and all and there are millions who read it but I am not one of them. I think it’s because I grew up being a scholar and a scientist and those self-help books are all about the rule of thumb in every day practice. Very helpful probably if you are in some sort of crisis, but not for me. My best friend loves those books. So we differ on that. As we differ on a great many things, but she is still my best friend and I am very fond of her.

Day SEVENTY SEVEN "Give It 100!
October 7, 2016 at 1:19pm
October 7, 2016 at 1:19pm
** Image ID #2099018 Unavailable **

Hello, Cancer aka Death,

I am writing this to you, Cancer, in the stage where there is no cancer (yet). You only scared me last year because there were some irregularities in my right breast. After careful extra X-rays and a biopsy, they found nothing was wrong. So I got away with it. Pff. I dodged the bullet. I was so relieved because the mere thought of having breast cancer scared the living daylights out of me for a whole month. This year there was again an invitation letter for a bi-annual checkup. I thought I was brave enough to go, but I wasn’t and have postponed the appointment three times. I just canceled my next appointment today but have one now for next week. So what is the gain so far? I have to go in the end, haven’t I?

The reason I am scared shitless is that I made up my mind as to what to do in case I have cancer. I am NOT going to have chemo, that’s for sure, and I am not sure at all about the surgery either. I am living alone with no social network to rely on for my daily needs. I just don’t feel right about having chemo since my late mother had it for her (lung) cancer and a friend of mine had it for her (cervix) cancer. They both were very sick because of chemo and died anyway although they might have gained two years at the most. I am just not up to the sickness and devastation chemo can cause, I am that of a chicken.

That means, Cancer, if I have you it will be my death sentence since chemo is out of the question. Leaving surgery as the next best thing, but I didn’t allow myself to think about that option yet. Maybe there is no need to, but I am writing this letter anyway since it is a good thing to be aware of my options, so I come more or less prepared. Can you ever prepare yourself for this? I am not sure you can!

I now know why I postponed that last appointment. I was busy honoring Oldwarrior yesterday who died of cancer last September. I was a little depressed by that and was scared to go tomorrow. So I declined yet again. This is coming too close.

Anyway, I have a whole weekend to think about you messing up my life without even knowing if there is something wrong with me. In a way, you already dictate my life, which is not good at all. So I write this letter, venting, and allowing myself to really think things over since I am usually a chicken and an ostrich who sticks her head into the sand. I just wished I could wish this away, but I can’t. I have to woman up and face the truth next Tuesday. I hope I’ll be ready by then! I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

Word count: 497

Won 3rd place
Letters of Life, Love & Hope  (18+)
A writing activity in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month.
#1312275 by iKïyå§ama
SEPT 2016
October 7, 2016 at 6:17am
October 7, 2016 at 6:17am
*Right*Who said romance has to be boring? Discuss your favorite romance story.(BC)

I never ever read romance stories although I sometimes like to watch the stories of Daniella Steel that are on screen. In my teen years I read a lot of those romantic novels that you could trade in on markets here. I read a lot then but nothing has stuck so I honestly can’t answer this prompt very well. The best romance story I ever read would be probably Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. I loved it that they were in love and had trouble because of it due to their families. Other than that I don’t like to read about it, don’t know exactly why not. I sometimes watch Romantic comedy on television, that’s a genre that I sometimes like. I watched Pretty Woman several times, a story I really loved. About this sympathetic hooker who meets a business man and spends the week with him. Great story come to think about it and the two actors Richard Gere and Julia Roberts were awesome!

*Right*Storm preparations are necessary, what do you do to prepare?(BC)

We never have storms or hurricanes in The Netherlands so I would be at a loss here preparing for one. I have a flashlight in the house and that’s about it. If the electricity is down or I wouldn’t have any water what would I do? And I have a dog, how would I prepare for that if I can’t walk him several times a day? So I would evacuate immediately with my dog. Probably go to my stepmom’s house since she is the only one who can take guests, or go to a friend’s place in town. That’s about the best I can come up with. I am on the second floor in my building, so I would hope that is a safe place to be. I hope everybody in Florida (and Haiti for that matter) is going to be safe from hurricane Matthew. I know Dave has evacuated and Nixie is going to stay but prepared herself for the worst.

Day SEVENTY SIX "Give It 100!
October 6, 2016 at 1:14pm
October 6, 2016 at 1:14pm
Merit Badge in Honoring All Who Served
[Click For More Info]

In honor of  [Link To User oldwarrior]  - an inspiration to many in the Writing.com community. 
 "Use things and love people instead of using people and loving things." 
Rest in peace, good sir. *^*Salute*^*

I never knew him, Oldwarrior , only saw his name a couple of times (with that costimicon of a saluting soldier). I am sad he is gone. Cancer is an awful disease; it can take people away in a heartbeat or after a long illness. I remember reading his son's note last month and was thinking about him!

I found this on the Web and thought I share it with you. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/pontotoc-progress/obituary.aspx?n=eugene-ladnie...

In memoriam Old Warrior, may you find peace and beautiful stories to tell in Heaven.

No one ever praises a writer?
#1490207 by Oldwarrior

October 6, 2016 at 3:46am
October 6, 2016 at 3:46am
*Right*You have the ability to make people fall in love with you, but only after you kiss them/ What creative way are you going to get that kiss that doesn't make you sound like a crazed fanatic? Knowing you have this power, would you kiss more than one person?(BCoFs)

What a delightful prompt! I think falling in love is the best. It makes people happy. All the stuff that comes after it can make it difficult but the actual state of falling in love is great. So I would kiss as many as possible, spreading joy and happiness around the world. In this day and age I would say I attach a kiss to my mail, or maybe attach it to a trinket here at WdC *Rolling*. I think I would blow kisses to people, very gentle so they first won’t notice it.

*Right*Prompt: Red skies at night, a sailor's delight. Red skies in the morning, sailors take warning. How does this apply to your life?(BC)

Shakespeare knew. He said something similar in his play, Venus and Adonis. “Like a red morn that ever yet betokened, Wreck to the seaman, tempest to the field, Sorrow to the shepherds, woe unto the birds, Gusts and foul flaws to herdmen and to herds.”

In the Bible, (Matthew XVI: 2-3,) Jesus said, “When in evening, ye say, it will be fair weather: For the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be foul weather today; for the sky is red and lowering.”

Weather lore has been around since people needed to predict the weather and plan their activities. Sailors and farmers relied on it to navigate ships and plant crops. https://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/mysteries/weather-sailor.html

To apply this to my own life is more difficult. I love red skies no matter what time. I think looking at the skies for warning is not my thing. I am always in awe looking at the skies, since it is such a humbling experience, and it makes me feel small and part of a greater scheme of things. Skies can be so beautiful it will take your breath away: during the day with the clouds and the sun, during the night with the stars and the moon. It also fills me with wonder and prompts me into thinking about what we are doing here on earth, what our function in life is and if there is a greater being such as a God looking after us. The Universe is there through the skies.

Day SEVENTY FIVE "Give It 100!
October 5, 2016 at 4:56am
October 5, 2016 at 4:56am
*Right*Prompt: Random words: garlic, invite, bitter, tower, evade, abrasive, brooch, promote. (BCoFs)

In order not to invite or promote the visit of ghosts and vampires in my tower of writing I clip on a brooch with special powers, put strings of bitter garlic on the walls and start to evade the question of abrasive poets. We can’t be nice all the time to everyone, now can we?

*Right*Prompt: "Fabric is my blank canvas and fashion textiles emerge as wearable art, touched by the possibilities of threads, beads and artful embellishments." If you are an artisan, you will get this. If not, write anything, you want about this.(BC)

I know nothing or very little about sewing cloths and stuff. In my youth I made some trousers from very upbeat and colorful fabric, but that was a long time ago. I admire it when people make their own clothing or artwork of fabric, but I don’t have the time or inclination for it. I do like beautiful fabric though, especially from Indonesia, India or Peru. They have beautiful rich colors and are a feast to the eyes. But I buy those things in shops or market places. *BigSmile*

Day SEVENTY FOUR "Give It 100!
October 4, 2016 at 1:37pm
October 4, 2016 at 1:37pm
*Right*Prompt: When you expect things to happen--strangely enough-- they do happen. ~ J.P. Morgan. Do you agree or disagree? Is this a norm in your life? Or do you fly by the seat of your pants? (BCoFs)

My sister, who is a Buddhist, would say: Throw it into the Universe and the Universe will answer. Expectation generates things to happen that is for sure. It leads to a chain reaction that sometimes is what you’d expect. But Life can also be very surprising indeed. I find living or flying by the seat of my pants very appealing since that entails more surprises, but ignorance has its side effects too. You can become a toy in Life’s game and we won’t want that either.

*Right*Prompt: What are your feelings about your comfort zone? Could you be happy to be living inside your comfort zone forever or would stepping out of it, at least once in a while, provide you with renewed energy and inspiration?(BC)

Since the past ten years I live inside my comfort zone, partly because I like it and it is convenient, partly because I can protect myself that way. But stepping outside your comfort zone is sometimes necessary to give Life renewed energy and oomph. It can shake things up and cause new things to emerge. Taking on this new librarian job I had an interview for today will hopefully provide that for me. I am craving for something new in my life, so I am expecting a lot from it. Also at WdC I am experimenting with different genres to write which is outside my comfort zone and I am having a lot of fun.

Day SEVENTY THREE "Give It 100!
October 3, 2016 at 6:22am
October 3, 2016 at 6:22am
*Right*Prompt: October is Sarcastic Month or National Sarcastic Awareness Month. Have you ever written a sarcastic character? Do you know anyone who is sarcastic? Is sarcasm another form of humor?(BCoFs)

Sarcasm is the use of irony to mock or convey contempt. It is therefore another form of humor. I have never written a sarcastic character since I think irony, humor and such are very difficult to master, in real life as well as in writing. If not mastered well it becomes all too soon nasty and not nice. Some people use it to conceal insults in a ‘funny’ way, usually not funny at all. Then the mood changes quickly from agreeable to downright uneasy and contemptuous. I usually stay away from sarcasm. However, when mastered it can be very funny.

*Right*Prompt: “In so complex a thing as human nature, we must consider, it is hard to find rules without exception.” George Eliot. What do you think makes the human nature more interesting: its compliance with the rules or its deviations into exceptions?(BC)

I think that it is very astonishing that the human race usually tends to follow rules. If not it would be kind of a mess. And societies functions because people are compliant with the rules. Billions of people go to work every day, think about that, in itself that is astonishing. But the great things of the world are created because some individuals dare to do things different from the rules. Because they think outside the box they become audacious and new things see light. So I tend to say that both makes the human race interesting.

Day SEVENTY TWO "Give It 100!
October 2, 2016 at 5:09am
October 2, 2016 at 5:09am
*Right*Prompt: When you were a kid, who did you most want to be like when you grew up? Was it particular athlete, a television or movie character, a superhero? Maybe even a family member? And in what way(s) did you emulate them?(BC)

I can’t remember much before the age of eleven, I think I blocked out the lot, but what I do remember is that I always, like ALWAYS was reading.

So in a way I became all those other characters every day.

I read everything that was available to me, from the extensive library of my dad’s, the public library, the school’s library and beyond. I swallowed books. It started at the age where my father would tell stories, using a book, and me reading that story at a very early age when most kids couldn’t read, only to find out that if they put the book upside down I would read it too. I just had memorized the story *Rolling*. Reading became a refuge place for me, undisturbed in my own world. I loved reading!

Day SEVENTY ONE "Give It 100!
October 1, 2016 at 2:28pm
October 1, 2016 at 2:28pm
*Right*Prompt: Most of the happy people I know do one thing really well. Think about the people in your life do you agree or disagree? What do you think inspires their happiness? What do you do to inspire your own?(BcoFs)

I wouldn’t know really since there are not that many happy people in my life. Happy is too strong a word to describe their well being. In Europe we tend to express less happiness as in other parts of the world I sometimes think. As if we are gloomier than the rest of the world. I associate happiness with Americans for some reason. They seem to be happier than people in my immediate surroundings. Happiness has to do with feeling lucky and being in control of your life. Of having a place where you belong and you have set your boundaries to keep yourself happy. I inspire my own happiness when I am in the flow of writing and am losing all counts of time, than I am feeling happy. Happy creating something that didn’t exist prior.

*Right*Prompt: When humanity has to leave earth to live on the moon, you panic. Nobody knows that you are a.........!(BC)

When humanity has to leave earth to live on the moon, you panic. Nobody knows that you are a Moonbeam.
So when I should return to the Moon I would turn into a Moonbeam again and lose my human form. I wouldn’t want that so I opt in staying on Earth, I think there always will be people who don’t want or can’t leave because of special work (assisting the billions on their journey to the Moon for example) or circumstances. So I would try to find a job that can keep me on Earth for as long as possible. If I was forced to leave I would try to go to another planet instead, hijack the shuttle and settle on Kepler-452b, an exoplanet outside our solar system that is very similar to the Earth and has been recently discovered.

Day SEVENTY "Give It 100!
September 30, 2016 at 5:26am
September 30, 2016 at 5:26am
*Right*On this day in 1911, the first movie stuntman was hired as a stand-in for The Military Air-Scout. Tell us about a time in your life when maybe you could've benefited from having a stunt double...bonus points if you make me laugh!) 30-Day BC)

Years ago I was beaten up and harassed by a criminal family. I wrote a winning poem about it "PREVAIL [18+]. That was a time when I wished I had a double taking my place. In my teens there was a double in my town since a few friends would come up to me and said they had seen me there and then when I was absolutely sure it couldn’t have been me. I never met that other me.

*Right*I am very excited to announce FiveSixer is joining our awesome team of leaders. He will be sending out prompts for Sunday's for those avid bloggers seeking inspiration. Let's give him a warm welcome! *Heart*

Curiosity killed the cat. Write about what the cat was investigating... *PawPrints* *PawPrints* *PawPrints* *PawPrints*(BC)

Awesome that FiveSixer is joining Blog City next to 30-Day Blogging Challenge. His prompts are always good for a thought provoking entry.

Proverb: being inquisitive about other people's affairs may get you into trouble.
The proverbial cat was investigating the meaning of life. In doing so he listened to what people said to each other. This eavesdropping got him into trouble. They let the dog out on him and he was chased into the woods never to be seen again.

*Right*Describe a typical day in your life as if it were a legendary epic. Here's your moment to wow us *BigSmile*(BCoFs)

One of those days in the life of WakeUpAndLive️~scary 2024

In the middle of the night
spending a few minutes at my desk
before turning into the sack again
Dog took my place in the comfy bed
**shoving him aside**
In the early morning looking at
prompts on my computer screen
Interrupted by taking the dog out
My first meet with the outside world
**What’s the weather like?**
A quick breakfast, a cup of coffee
then back to the computer
All day, writing, reviewing
having fun. Pretty much
the same lately - I love WdC!
**The coffee machine is in overdrive**
Sometimes I take the bus
to work
Sometimes I do groceries
in the shop
Sometimes I eat
at a friend’s place or
go to a movie
But always I come home
to a computer screen
that invites me
to show my best.

Day SIXTY NINE "Give It 100!
September 29, 2016 at 9:48am
September 29, 2016 at 9:48am
*Right*The Wildcard Round! Today's winner, from a Virtual Dice draw, will win 5000 GPs! What book (or books) in your TBR (to be read) pile are you most looking forward to reading, and why?(30-Day BC)

The Ode Less Traveled, Unlocking The Poet Within, by Stephen Fry. I ordered this paperback after referral from Christopher Roy Denton to get me more acquainted with metre and rhyme in poetry. Because I am from abroad I seem to have another rhythm in speaking out loud poetry, therefore messing up the iambic pentametre a lot. Bob suggested reading this gem of a book in order to get it right.

I already read the Foreword and its three golden rules: Take your time (in reading poetry slowly); don’t be afraid (about meaning in poetry) and always have a notebook with you. It is a must-read for every poet I think, and I am looking forward to the rest of the book.

*Right*Prompt: What is your best recipe for a fall weekend outing?(BC)

Onion soup, French style.

Melt the stick of butter in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onions, garlic, bay leaves, thyme, and salt and pepper and cook until the onions are very soft and caramelized, about 25 minutes. Add the wine, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer until the wine has evaporated and the onions are dry, about 5 minutes.

Discard the bay leaves and thyme sprigs. Dust the onions with the flour and give them a stir. Turn the heat down to medium low so the flour doesn't burn, and cook for 10 minutes to cook out the raw flour taste. Now add the beef broth, bring the soup back to a simmer, and cook for 10 minutes. Season, to taste, with salt and pepper.

When you're ready to eat, preheat the broiler. Arrange the baguette slices on a baking sheet in a single layer. Sprinkle the slices with the Gruyere and broil until bubbly and golden brown, 3 to 5 minutes.

Ladle the soup in bowls and float several of the Gruyere croutons on top.

Alternative method: Ladle the soup into bowls, top each with 2 slices of bread and top with cheese. Put the bowls into the oven to toast the bread and melt the cheese.

Very easy to make, enjoy. *BigSmile*

*Right*The New York Times series "36 Hours" provides profiles and thirty-six-hour itineraries for must-see sights and spots in cities all over the world. Write your own "36 Hours" piece about the city you live in now, or one in which you became well-acquainted with in the past. Include main attractions, little-known locales, shops to browse, and places to eat or find entertainment, connecting each of your recommendations to a personal anecdote or memory.(BcoFs)

The Hague, The Netherlands, city of Peace and Justice.


The Hague, the city of 1 million inhabitants, including the suburbs, and the city where I was born in the past century and where I chose to live again for more than 10 years now. I love this city that’s the fourth in seize of the nation, because it’s friendly, not that big and has a lot to offer.

Museums are plenty here.

1. Mauritshuis: The 17th century Mauritshuis, which originally served as a residence and hotel for high-placed guests, is located in the city center of The Hague. Today the building houses the top museum for 17th and 18th century art. Its collection includes some 800 works by a variety of artists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llqnDU6lp8M

2. ‘Gemeentemuseum Den Haag’ (Municipal Museum The Hague) is an authority in the field of art and fashion. The museum has the world’s biggest Mondrian collection, which includes the famous work Victory Boogie Woogie. Just as spectacular as the collection of Gemeentemuseum Den Haag is Berlage’s dazzling Art Deco building which has been home to the museum since it was completed in 1935.

3. Maurits Cornelis Escher was a graphic artist, who lived between 1898 and 1972. He was an absolute master in drawing impossible situations and optical illusions. ‘Escher in the Palace’ (Escher in het Paleis) is a permanent exhibition in a former palace of the Royal Family in the historical heart of The Hague.

4. Every year, GEM organizes around seven shows that concentrate on Dutch and international contemporary art. All kinds of media are represented in the exhibitions, such as video, painting, sculpture, drawing, film and photography.

5. Museum Meermanno opens up a world of books that you have never seen
before. The history of written and printed books is explained in detail in Museum Meermanno. You are taken by the hand along century-old prints, writings, bindings and bibles. In addition to a medieval collection, Meermanno features an extensive collection of books from 1850 to the present.

6. Museon is a popular science museum in The Hague. The museum is founded on the idea that you learn faster if you can test the theory that you’ve learned in practice. Museon’s permanent exhibition is Your World, My World, where you can discover how life on Earth came into being.

Madurodam: The Netherlands in miniature world. Discover Holland's Highlight's and Heritage. There is so much to see, discover and do at Madurodam. You become acquainted with the stories of the Netherlands in a surprising way. The models are exact replicas of special buildings and objects, on a scale of 1:25.
There are many interactive activities where, for example, you can step into the role of a lock keeper, dike guard, pilot or machinist. The Madurodammers, the little inhabitants of Madurodam, come to life using video screens and you discover the fascinating stories of the Netherlands.

The city center has lots of places to eat, drink and watch people passing by at terraces. The Square (Het Plein) is a place where I go often when it’s beautiful weather, you can have a drink, something to eat and enjoy yourself.

Inner Court - Hall of Knights. Step through the famous entry gate into the historical Binnenhof (Inner Court) in the heart of our democracy. This is the place where the most important events in the nation's history took place. It is also where the future is created. The Inner Court in The Hague is studded with monumental old buildings testifying of eight centuries of governing in the Low Countries, but it also has several ample open spaces, all freely open to the public. The Binnenhof is a must-see if you're in The Hague. Take a stroll through the courtyard and admire the fairytale-like splendor or take the time to take a tour through the various halls. You won’t be disappointed!

During a tour by ProDemos, take a look inside the House of Representatives. Climb the stairs to the Hall of the Knights with its many historical details and view the throne on which King Willem Alexander delivers his royal speech on Prince's Day.

The Hague is the city of peace and justice because the international Peace Palace is located here. The Peace Palace is an international law administrative building in The Hague, the Netherlands. It houses the International Court of Justice (which is the principal judicial body of the United Nations), the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the Hague Academy of International Law and the Peace Palace Library. The Palace officially opened on 28 August 1913, and was originally built to provide a home for the Permanent Court of Arbitration, a court created to end war by the Hague Convention of 1899. Andrew Dickson White, whose efforts were instrumental in creating the court, secured from his friend American steel magnate Andrew Carnegie US$1.5 million ($40,000,000, adjusted for inflation) to build the Peace Palace.

Last but not least, The Hague has a coastal line Scheveningen, where you can stroll at the beach near the sea. My earliest memory of it was when we were taken to Scheveningen by my dad’s co-worker. He gave us apples to eat and afterwards I wanted to bury the apple core into the sand. But the co-worker of my dad made us eat the whole apple, core included. I was seven or eight at the time. Suffice to say I didn’t like that.

Day SIXTY EIGHT "Give It 100!

September 28, 2016 at 8:16am
September 28, 2016 at 8:16am
*Right*War Chest Wednesday! We're gonna do something different today, being that it's the last Wednesday of the month. Of the seven themed days each week, which ones are your favorites and least favorites? If you could change one, what would you put in its place? Keep in mind it would have to be something you could potentially get four entries a month from, and people around the world would be writing for it.{30-Day BC)

I like Motivational Monday because of the quotes. I don’t like War Chest Wednesday much, since they come from a pool and sometimes they have been used recently. If I would change it I would change it to something about the writing process itself. Weary Writing Wednesday. A question or a comment on the writing process be it plot, setting, character development or anything that comes to mind. Or about the different genres of writing. How do you make a good romance story, or a good suspense story? I would love to read others about those subjects.

*Right*Prompt: Do you remember your first car? What kind of car was it? Did you give it a name?(BC)

The first car I owned was together with my then boyfriend. I had trouble passing the exam, theory was always a hit but practice was a real disaster, I passed after the fourth time!! It had cost me a fortune I can tell you. My boyfriend and I had a green Skoda. We trade this in for a Ford Escort and later a Ford Taunus. After I split with him my very first car I owned at my own was a black Honda Civic with the possibility of an open roof. I loved that small car. I had a big yellow smile sticker (they were hot in the 70ties and 80ties) at the driver‘s door. A very outspoken sight. I can’t recall I gave the car a name. But it was definitely a ‘him’.

*Right*Prompt: September 28 is National Good Neighbor Day. Write something about a good neighbor or how to be a good neighbor.(BCoFs)

I am a bit ambivalent about this prompt. Good neighbors are a blessing, but I am not that fond about meddling neighbors so they have to be kept at a distance. I like to greet them, talk to them if there is time and help out if there is a need to. But other than that the best neighbor is the invisible neighbor. I don’t mind living sounds, I live in the city so noises are always there, but I hate it when they play loud music or quarrel a lot in public. My direct neighbors don’t do that but I had a young couple living across the street always fighting each other. Those girls were very bad for each other, the police visited very often because there was always something the matter. They moved eventually and now it’s quiet in the street again. I love quiet!

Day SIXTY SEVEN "Give It 100!
September 27, 2016 at 5:48pm
September 27, 2016 at 5:48pm
I just want to write in my blog. I never do that anymore because of the prompts, but I thought this was an excellent occasion, namely…there is nothing happening at all in my personal life and I am kinda bored tonight. So here goes…

I am on this site for only four months *Shock* this Saturday, and it feels like forever. I am already that addictive to Writing.com, I really wouldn’t know what to do without it. Every morning I look at the three prompts for the day and think about it for a short while, but mostly I write directly my entry without much thinking. I try to enter one contest a week due to "I Write in August-September-October [ASR] and I write a minimum of six reviews per week due to "Simply Positive Review Forum [E]. So this is my normal activity on the site. I play some scrolling games in the messenger and I frequently visit the newsfeed. I think it’s essential to look at since a lot of the important notices are featured there. I like to be informed of what’s going on.

So far I have given 246 Public Reviews, given 9 Merit Badges, reacted on 800 Forum Posts, did 2 Interactive Chapters, and 7 Product Reviews. I accumulated 60 Merit Badges myself. I am busy with short stories and poetry and have four blogs with two real active ones and two just on the side.

I have met some wonderful people on the site of which I will name one: SB Musing . She is this wonderful strange figure from out of space that has her own very unique voice and is making me laugh a lot while reading her work. Although a lot of it isn’t funny. But she can write. I am extremely glad I found her as one of my web buddies.

Of course there are more people to mention: Marci Missing Everyone was my mentor for a few weeks while in the spotlights as a newbies showcase. She made me a perfect signature and graced me with two awardicons for my poetry blog, since one of them vanished because I stupidly deleted and purged a whole blog with thirty five entries. *Shock*. Dave is there as my teacher in the poetry class I do and Christopher Roy Denton never forgets to react or reviews my poetry entries.

I have to thank all of them. They made my time thus far a great one. And I am not planning on leaving yet, this site has become literally my second home. So that makes me in debt to The StoryMaster and The StoryMistress . They have created this wonderful safe and friendly place where the world is at my fingertips.

Since entering I have found my Muse again, she was in hiding for a long period of time but now she is back. And I hope she is here to stay for good. I really love it here. *BigSmile*
September 27, 2016 at 6:18am
September 27, 2016 at 6:18am
*Right*Talk Tuesday. Are your neighbors’ genuinely good people, or bad people? And please cite an example.(30-Day BC)

In my apartment block there are a total of six households. I am very lucky with my neighbors since they are all friendly and nice people. We greet each other, talk to one and other and help when necessary. My neighbor next door died a few weeks ago and I am a little bit anxious as to who is coming to live next door. In my (rough) neighborhood there can be very anti-social people who make a lot of noise and create mayhem. Since I am lucky with my neighbors for the past ten years I hope there will come a nice family or a couple. But I have to wait and see. Above me there is a Muslim family of seven. I never hear them, apart from normal living sounds, and they are all very nice. If something is the matter we can discuss things. It is all very harmonious and pleasant. I hope that will continue.

*Right*Prompt: Once a year you switch bodies with a random person who is best in the world at a certain skill. The wrinkle in this scenario is you can't change back until you discover what the skill is. You've been this random person now for a month, are you worried yet? What's your game plan?(BcoFs)

I should be somewhat worried after one month, the skill hasn’t shown yet. I think I should examine his or her surrounding and the people closest better. Are there no clues in family structure, friendships, behavior and routine? Is there no diary or calendar I can read into as to what this important skill is? There must be items in the house that give me a clue. If this person is the best in the world I should Google him or her and find out more. I should look at this person’s physic, his or her work and impact on other people. Or I just ask people what associations come up when this person’s name is mentioned.

*Right*Prompt: Jane Austen was one of the first authors to examine the effects of socioeconomic pressure on personal relationships. Do you think the same socioeconomic pressure may still mess up personal relationships in our day?(BC)

I think it depends on where you live. In the Western world socio-economic differences are less than in earlier times. But in a country like India there is still this cast system where people of different casts don’t interact and don’t mingle. I imagine that is so in other countries as well. In my world socio-economic differences hardly play a role anymore, so they don’t mess up personal relationships any longer.

Day SIXTY SIX "Give It 100!
September 26, 2016 at 6:19am
September 26, 2016 at 6:19am
*Right*Motivational Monday! Author T.S. Eliot, born on this day in 1888, once opined, "Where is all the knowledge we lost with information?" What do you think about that? Is it possible now, in this age of information so readily available at our fingertips, that we can have access to too much information at once, and not be able to gather as much from it? Are we ever at risk of knowing too much for our own good? And how much do you think is enough (versus too much) when it comes to your own writing?(30-Day BC)

I think I know nothing much, but can find all the information I need. I think we got lazy with all that information at the tip of our fingers. Knowledge has to do with taking time to search, swallow and make memory tracks inside your mind. We never have the time to do this nowadays and rehearsing is not fashionable. Everything has to be quick, quicker, quickest. Sometimes I think we are at risk of having too much info, since not all the information is healthy for us or is something we need to know or can do something about. I used to be a news buff, before I joined WdC, now I am spending so much time at WdC I sometimes forget to watch the news. I know a few people who stay away from the news because it depresses them too much, but that is going too far for me: I like to know what is going on in the world. As a writer there is never enough knowledge or information to gather, since we can use almost anything. We as writers are omnivores!

*Right*Let's try something a little different today. I found this prompt on Daily Teaching Tools. Prompt: "Write a thank you note to a friend who gave you onion and garlic-flavored chewing gum."(BcoFs)

Thank you for this onion and garlic-flavored chewing gum. I get the hint you don’t want to kiss me, and that is fine by me. As long as you stay my friend. Sincerely yours.

*Right*Prompt: Cryptomnesia is a certain type of a memory bias where a memory is mistaken for imagination. It is said that this happens to writers quite often. What do you think about this memory quirk? Have you ever written something that you didn’t know at first if it was a memory or a derivative of it or totally your imagination?(BC)

I think it is difficult to distinguish between memory and imagination sometimes. I sometimes dream very awkward dreams with scenes I have never encountered before, but it has to be inside my mind to be there in the first place. So sometimes I don’t know if it is a memory of times gone by or imagination at work. “The belief that a thought is novel when in fact it is a memory” is indeed something that occurs a lot. I didn’t know there was a term for this. Since this is merely an unconscious process I don’t think I can do anything about it, but be very careful with what I am writing. It may not be that original. As a matter of fact I think originality is something that is overrated. Nothing is original nowadays. But we put things together in a newly fashion and call it our own.

Day SIXTY FIVE "Give It 100!

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