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by Angel
Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2106234
30 Days Blogging Challenge
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January 21, 2017 at 8:44pm
January 21, 2017 at 8:44pm
         Describe how any personality trait would/could look as a physical characteristic, and create a character who embodies or uses this to his/her advantage.          

In the village of Grunville, things were different than you would think.

Orloff was orderly in everything he did and said. He always wore a white coat and there was much speculation in the town as to what his job was. Of course, a white coat could mean a variety of jobs. Nobody ever found out.

Patrick was the most patriotic person the people of Grunville had ever known. His clothes always represented the country he was in, England, Scotland, Wales, or the Union Jack for Great Britain. Like Orloff, he was regimented in his walk, focused on where he was going. He had a habit of saluting everyone. This was a little quirky but people just sort of saluted back out of courtesy.

Cecelia was the essence of calm it was like there was a glow about her whole person. She oozed peace as if she bore a halo around her head. Her voice was always gentle with everyone she met; her children adored her, her grandchildren especially. You could see that whatever she had, they wanted some of it too.

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January 20, 2017 at 11:57pm
January 20, 2017 at 11:57pm
         On this day in 1885, the roller coaster was patented by L.A. Thompson. Tell us about a time you visited an amusement park.          

When my children were younger, I went to an unusual amusement park. It had a small roller coaster and other small rides. It wasn't a large place, however, in the centre of this place were two buildings you walked into and it was like going back in time.

The first one was a Victorian street with a very realistic horse standing on the street attached to a cart. You were able to go into the houses and see what the inside of a Victorian house looked like. There were figures in there, they made it look as if people were there going about their daily lives.

The second one I found quite disturbing. It was another street, this time it was set in World War II. A large hole lay on one side of the street as if a bomb had landed there and air-raid sirens were in the background. Lights shone up as if looking for aeroplanes in the sky and the only light you could see was from a shop. Of course, the shop would have been in darkness in reality. This shop had in its window so many original packages representing what would have been on sale at the time.

I have to say that these two places have stuck in my mind until the present day because of how real they felt.

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January 19, 2017 at 9:45pm
January 19, 2017 at 9:45pm
Normally a two- or three-sentence response to a blog prompt doesn't seem like much of a response to me (personal opinion, that's all)...but today, come up with a couple sentences using as many WDC emoticons in place of words as you can. Any subject, any topic, and they don't have to be related if you just wanna make up random sentences. Have some fun with this!

I'm *Proud* to be *CountryGB*. I *Heart* *Books2*, *Piano*, *Computer* and *Writing*.
I *Heart* *Choco*,*Cookie*, *CupcakeB* and *CoffeeP*.

I'm proud to be British. I love books, piano, computers, and writing.
I love chocolate, cookies, cupcakes and coffee.

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January 18, 2017 at 10:30pm
January 18, 2017 at 10:30pm
         What are some things you would put in a time capsule to be opened up one, twenty, and/or fifty years from now that shows the person you are today?          

I think I would put in several old phones so that the people in fifty-years-time who open the time capsule can laugh at the old phones we used. It reminded me of the stories that I've told my children and my friend's children. Stories of when I was young, I didn't have a landline phone in the house for much of my childhood, let alone a mobile phone; they, of course, weren't invented. My daughter finds it strange that mobile phones were invented in her lifetime; she's only twenty-seven. Therefore, by putting a few phones in they can see how they evolved.

I would also put in some family photographs along with some written history of the people in the photographs; who they are, a little about their lives, their schooling, and their jobs etc.

I would also put in some of my stories and poetry, just because!

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January 17, 2017 at 9:14pm
January 17, 2017 at 9:14pm
         What's your opinion on high school reunions? Have you gone to any? Why (or why not)?          

Here in the UK school reunions aren't as common as they are in the US. However, they do occur. I have to say that I wouldn't go to one because I didn't enjoy my time at school. I had very few friends during the whole of my senior school and I was very much a loner. I was bullied and I wouldn't want to face those people again, not because I'm scared now, just because I don't see the point.

I would like someone to tell me why they have school reunions, is it to get together with people they once knew or is it to show off as to where you are now. Are those who struggled now trying to outdo those who were the popular kids? Why do we feel the need to do that, why can't we just leave school behind us and get on with life.

I am concerned that if children at school are so traumatised by school that they feel the need to keep returning to see the same people, just to see if they've outdone them yet, then surely there is a serious problem in our schools. Surely, school should just be a part of our life from which we can move forward with good memories. If this were to be the case then there should be no point in keep returning to reunions unless it's to remember good friends, then wouldn't we just keep in touch with them, either in person, on Facebook or other Social Media sites that are now available.

I haven't ever gone to a reunion and I don't plan on going to any if they happen to come my way.

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January 16, 2017 at 9:48pm
January 16, 2017 at 9:48pm
         Actress Ethel Merman, born on this day back in 1908, once said "I can never remember being afraid of an audience. If the audience could do better, they'd be up here on stage and I'd be out there watching them." How does this quote relate to your blogging? Do you write for any particular audience?          

For this blog series, I've written for anyone who's interested. The themes are varied so I think that they will appeal to different people depending on the theme for the day. I did start a blog outside of this site, with an ADHD theme. I didn't know how to reach people with it, though, and I got more involved with WDC so I stopped writing it. It is still something I want to do, write a blog where people with this condition can come and discuss the positives of ADHD, and the negatives if necessary, but mostly the positives. So many people, those with it, and those who don't have it focus on the negatives, that I thought it was about time that someone pointed out the positives. It is something I will focus on one day when my ADHD brain lets me get round to it!

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January 15, 2017 at 10:41pm
January 15, 2017 at 10:41pm
         The Sunday News!
I love McDonalds' Chicken McNuggets. I would probably still eat them if you pulled a gun on me. Your grubby gun-toting fingers won't dare pull a trigger on my enjoyment. What food item would make you stare down the barrel of a gun and be like "Nah bruh, I'm busy here on this..."?          

Well, I have to say that the only thing that I would make me say 'Hey dude get that gun out of my face cos I'm busy' is Chocolate. Any chocolate, I'm not overly fussy, it's something I avoid and as long as it's not in the house, I'm fine. Sadly, as soon as it's in the house it's gone. Therefore, if I had a guy or girl with a gun aimed at me, it would be 'Hey, at least have some respect for the chocolate'.

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January 14, 2017 at 10:23pm
January 14, 2017 at 10:23pm
Creation Saturday! You're all talented writers, of varying backgrounds and abilities. As we near the halfway point of the month, take some time to look back at your entries.

Create a poem inspired from your entries this month. Any style or form (or none at all). Pull lines from all of your entries thus far and see what happens. Obviously you're free to add/subtract words from lines that don't seem to fit the narrative you've come across when compiling your thoughts; this isn't meant to be a summary of the month to date, but a writing exercise.

Piano at four
No lessons at eleven
Accordion at lunchtimes
I loved it, learned fast
Music, solely enjoyment
Always learning

Going home is safe now
Not always the case
Once just a house
Memories blocked
What went on?
Behind closed doors

Deteriorating mind
Surgery needed
Away from home
Return to work
Return to Life

Short day trips to France
Then Paris via the tunnel
But places never to go
Japan, hunting whales
World War II we know
Needed for food, not now.

I felt I'd never be a writer
Or what I'm certain I could be
I was out of my depth
I couldn't do it, or can I?
When rejection comes
I'll face it with Grace

Walking through my Port
I was confused
By disorganisation
Now progress, evident
I've built on what's before
I now write in new ways

Now, New Year's Eve, I'm alone
So let's try something new.
Put our government
In Trafalgar Square
Filled with bird food
Send the pigeons there

Oh, I can't see it,
Our Wi Fi is down.
What am I going to do?
Reading, housework, games.
Just leave it all at home
Meet friends and family.

Travel by electric car
Perhaps completely clean
Only if powered
By renewable energy
Power today, pollution
Nuclear, Coal, the same you see.

How do I win this?
I'm not the sort to cheat
I am competitive.
I could say it's moved
I could change my name
Give me less competition.

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January 13, 2017 at 8:18pm
January 13, 2017 at 8:18pm
         On this day in 1854, Anthony Faas of Philadelphia, PA, was granted the first US patent for the accordion. He made improvements to the keyboard and enhanced the sound. Do you play or have you ever played any instruments? If not, what's one you'd like to learn? Bonus Points today for sharing a favourite song of yours with us that names any instrument in its title.          

Well, I was thrilled when I read this because I learnt something I didn't know. You might wonder about the excitement. I have been playing the piano since I was four; I had lessons but never took any exams. The last time I was graded was when I dared to go back to piano lessons at the time my children were learning. I was told that I was about a Grade 6; theory wasn't so great. Long and short of this was that I hadn't played the piano since I was eleven. So, you might wonder, how did I get to Grade 6 if I hadn't played for such a long time?

At the age of eleven my piano teacher left, no I wasn't that bad, she had a good reason, I wasn't the problem. I was left without a piano teacher; all the piano teachers' books in our town were full. A friend of mine mentioned to me at lunchtime in school, that she was going to Piano Accordion lessons. I asked her 'what is a Piano Accordion', she said 'come with me and find out'. I did and the rest, as they say, is history, I was hooked.

Every weekend I would take home a twelve bass accordion from school and practice. I'm sure I drove people mad but I loved it. The advantage I had was that I already knew the keyboard, this made learning so much quicker. At thirteen, I was asked if I could play for our local 'Over 60's Club'. I was so nervous, I'm sure they could see me shaking from the back of the room. They had a whip round and I went home with five pounds. That was a lot of money in the Seventies, especially to a thirteen-year-old.

I remember playing for family, my Uncle asking me one day if I could play 'Far Away'. I told him that I didn't know that one. He quickly replied 'you go down the bottom of the garden and play down there'. It's a good job I knew he was joking!

At the age of about sixteen or seventeen, I was working in a Music Shop and I was approached by a man who asked if I could start an Accordion Band to play in our local Carnival. I spoke to a couple of friends who I'd had lessons with, it turned out that they knew people who also played. They in turn also knew people and this was how our first band came into being. Sadly, I was to leave the band two years later as I was seriously ill.

I did, however, help start another Accordion Band later on, along with one of the members of the original band, by now disbanded. Eventually due to the ill health of several members, this band too faded away gradually. I now have a new venture; I have recently joined a Folk Band. I am now in my early fifties, shall I say, and I was able to say to my children that I was going out on a gig; my son, especially thought that was brilliant. So, perhaps now you can see why I was so excited about the theme of today's blog

I also have to say that I did take up the piano again, I play in Church and at home, both I enjoy immensely; my theory is still something that is need of improvement but I have to say that in my mind when it comes to music enjoyment is the important thing.

You asked about a favourite song with an instrument in the title and it has to be Billy Joel's Piano Man. This isn't just because of the title but because within the song itself there is an accordion player. Great sound in this song, piano, piano accordion and harmonica.

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January 12, 2017 at 10:10pm
January 12, 2017 at 10:10pm
As I take a walk through my Port, I find it's a little disorganised. This is because it's taken me a long time to figure out how to use Folders. I managed Books without problems but Folders confused me. Now if I get time I would like to organise my work into Folders if I can. I do have my older work towards the bottom of my Port, holding up the column so to speak. As we learn how to write in new ways, or improve our writing, we build on previous work. This means that the oldest work seems appropriate to be at the bottom waiting to be worked on, improved on, like a cornerstone.

I like to have my awarded pieces in the highlighted area, although, at this point, I have my Rising Stars Work here in all its forms. The Folders and Books are at the top reflecting collections. It's not only that I've a reason for collections being at the top because they're the same in nature, such as my 100 days completion books for example; it's just that it shows how much I've learnt to use the tools here on WDC. I love learning, it doesn't matter what it is, it's just the ability to find out new things in life.

I think that if you would walk through my Port, the word that comes to mind is progress. In addition, what hits me is variety, from poetry to short stories, comedy and suspense. It is a real eclectic mix of writing. I have to wonder what someone would say if people looked into my brain!

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