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Rated: ASR · Book · Religious · #2112404
Celebrating the two hundredth Anniversaries of The Birth of Baha'u'llah and The Bab

In 2017 Baha'is around the world will celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of the Birth of Baha'u'llah. Then in 2019 they will celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of the Birth of the Bab. This journal will contain poems and prose inspired by these two anniversaries. In addition, I will include thoughts and poems inspired by the scriptures revealed by Baha'u'llah and the Bab.

Before Naw-Ruz of 2015, the Baha'i or Badi calendar "was synchronized to the Gregorian calendar".1 After Naw-Ruz of 2015, the date of the vernal equinox was established as the birthplace of Baha'u'llah which unlocked the Baha'i calendar from the Gregorian calendar.2 Because of this the dates of the celebrations are now calculated according to the Baha'i/Badi calendar instead of the Gregorian calendar which was the case before Naw-Ruz 2015.

Twin Holy Days
Celebrated on the fist and second day following the eight new moon after Naw-Ruz

The Celebration of the Birth of the Báb occurred on October 21, 2017.
The Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb will occur on October 29, 2019
Born: 1 Muharram 1235 AH - 20 October 1819
The Bicentenary Celebration of the Birth of Bahá'u'lláh occurred on October 22, 2017
The Celebration of the Birth of Bahá'u'lláh will occur on October 30, 2019
Born: 2 Muharram 1233 AH - 12 November 1817

Centenary of the Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Baha

More information as 2021 progresses.

Links to Articles
Articles in the Huffington Post

Baha’is Prepare for Bicentennial in 2017   By Shastri Purushotma (December 30, 2016)
Baha’is To Celebrate “Twin Holy Days” For First Time Worldwide   By Shastri Purushotma (November 5, 2015)
200 Years Since His Birth: Who Is Bahá’u’lláh?  by Genevieve Seri (September 9. 2017)

Articles in Baha'i Chronicles

The Short Obligatory Prayer
Revealed by Bahá'u'lláh

"I bear witness, O my God, that Thou hast created me to know Thee and to worship Thee. I testify, at this moment, to my powerlessness and to Thy might, to my poverty and to Thy wealth.
There is none other God but Thee, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting."

Prayers and Meditations by Bahá’u’lláh, CLXXXI

The Remover of Difficulties
Revealed by The Bab

"Is there any Remover of difficulties save God? Say: Praised be God! He is God! All are His servants and all abide by His bidding!"
Selections from the Writings of the Báb

Prayer for America
Revealed by 'Abdu'l-Baha

"O Thou kind Lord! This gathering is turning to Thee. These hearts are radiant with Thy love. These minds and spirits are exhilarated by the message of Thy glad-tidings. O God! Let this American democracy become glorious in spiritual degrees even as it has aspired to material degrees, and render this just government victorious. Confirm this revered nation to upraise the standard of the oneness of humanity, to promulgate the Most Great Peace, to become thereby most glorious and praiseworthy among all the nations of the world. O God! This American nation is worthy of Thy favors and is deserving of Thy mercy. Make it precious and near to Thee through Thy bounty and bestowal."
Baha'i Prayers

1  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bah%C3%A1%27%C3%AD_calendar
2  ibid

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#556. Title of the Bab and Baha'u'llah
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#546. Divine Physician
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#545. Healing Scriptures
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#544. The Great Beyond
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#543. Construction of the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Baha
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#542. Prayer of Thanksgiving and Praise
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#541. Baha: The Most Great Name of God
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#540. Surrendering All to Baha'u'llah
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#539. Happy Ridvan
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#538. Joyous Naw-Ruz
ID #1029291 entered on March 21, 2022 at 8:54pm
#537. A Prayer of Thanksgiving to Baha'u'llah
ID #1029236 entered on March 20, 2022 at 5:04pm
#536. Happy Naw-Ruz
ID #1029191 entered on March 19, 2022 at 8:43pm
#535. Scriptures Revealed by The Bab and Baha'u'llah
ID #1028925 entered on March 15, 2022 at 9:43pm
#534. We Are Not Alone
ID #1028881 entered on March 14, 2022 at 1:57pm
#533. In The Day of God
ID #1028878 entered on March 13, 2022 at 9:37pm
#532. Titles of Baha'u'llah
ID #1028736 entered on March 11, 2022 at 7:16pm
#531. Inspiration
ID #1028698 entered on March 11, 2022 at 4:30pm
#530. Hallelujah
ID #1027295 entered on February 24, 2022 at 9:58pm
#529. My Heart Listens and Speaks
ID #1026311 entered on February 8, 2022 at 8:59pm
#528. The Call of the Divine Beloved
ID #1026247 entered on February 7, 2022 at 5:50pm
#527. I Will Follow Baha'u'llah
ID #1026238 entered on February 7, 2022 at 1:19pm
#526. Revival
ID #1026236 entered on February 7, 2022 at 12:16pm
#525. Arise
ID #1025597 entered on January 30, 2022 at 1:21pm
#524. The Healer
ID #1025511 entered on January 28, 2022 at 6:07pm
#523. Hasten to Proclaim
ID #1025489 entered on January 27, 2022 at 1:05pm
#522. Walking With Baha'u'llah
ID #1025195 entered on January 22, 2022 at 1:12pm
#521. Humanity
ID #1024674 entered on January 18, 2022 at 4:55pm
#520. The Tongue of Poets
ID #1024620 entered on January 22, 2022 at 7:30pm
#519. The Candle's Sacrifice
ID #1024619 entered on January 14, 2022 at 12:59pm
#518. A Poet's Destiny
ID #1024615 entered on January 14, 2022 at 12:41pm
#517. Meditation on Heavenly Melodies
ID #1024549 entered on January 13, 2022 at 3:26pm
#516. Raining Down
ID #1024517 entered on January 12, 2022 at 12:30pm
#515. Baha'u'llah's House
ID #1024415 entered on January 9, 2022 at 5:13pm
#514. Echoes of Faith: Progressive Revelation
ID #1023917 entered on December 31, 2021 at 4:05pm
#513. Divine Physician: To Baha'u'llah
ID #1023554 entered on December 26, 2021 at 1:59pm
#512. The Central Figures
ID #1023358 entered on December 18, 2021 at 5:33pm
#511. The Pivot of Unity: The Covenant of Baha'u'llah
ID #1022794 entered on December 5, 2021 at 4:50pm
#510. Lean On Me: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1022131 entered on November 24, 2021 at 2:32pm
#509. 'Abdu'l-Baha's Legacy
ID #1022072 entered on November 23, 2021 at 4:36pm
#508. The Purpose of Life: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1022012 entered on November 22, 2021 at 2:46pm
#507. Exemplar: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1021975 entered on November 21, 2021 at 2:45pm
#506. Role Model: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1021880 entered on November 19, 2021 at 11:44am
#505. All Embracing Love: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1021809 entered on November 18, 2021 at 1:35pm
#504. 'Abdu'l-Baha Revealed Prayers for Us to say for our Parents
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#503. Glimpses of Glory: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
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#502. Meeting 'Abdu'l-Baha Face to Face
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#501. Magnanimity: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1021608 entered on November 15, 2021 at 2:59pm
#500. Contentment: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1021541 entered on November 13, 2021 at 6:04pm
#499. 'Abdu'l-Baha's Desires and Prayers
ID #1021461 entered on November 13, 2021 at 5:29pm
#498. The Candles of Unity: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1021401 entered on November 13, 2021 at 12:17pm
#497. I No Longer Walk Alone: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1021340 entered on November 11, 2021 at 4:56pm
#496. Meditation on Seven Devine Attributes: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1021237 entered on November 11, 2021 at 12:16pm
#495. Meditations on the Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1021186 entered on November 9, 2021 at 2:25pm
#494. An Inscription in an Old Bible That 'Abdu'l-Baha Wrote
ID #1021182 entered on November 8, 2021 at 4:30pm
#493. 'Abdu'l-Baha The Apple of Baha'u'llah's Eye
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#492. 'Abdu'l-Baha Answered Some Questions
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#491. Drops in the Ocena of God's Word: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
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#490. Sand Painting the Events of 'Abdu'l-Baha's Life
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#489. Father of the Poor: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
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#488. A Meal with 'Abdu'l-Baha
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#487. 'Abdu'l-Baha: Peacemaker
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#486. Always With Us: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1020473 entered on November 1, 2021 at 5:05pm
#485. 'Abdu'l-Baha: The Epitome of Baha'u'llah's Teachings
ID #1020468 entered on October 31, 2021 at 12:08pm
#484. 'Abdu'l-Baha's Unifying Presence
ID #1020439 entered on October 30, 2021 at 9:26pm
#483. Beatitudes: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1020372 entered on October 29, 2021 at 6:57pm
#482. The Musician's Art: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1020335 entered on October 29, 2021 at 11:19am
#481. Words of Wisdom: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1020239 entered on October 28, 2021 at 11:56am
#480. Spiritual Food: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1020178 entered on October 27, 2021 at 8:13pm
#479. His Mark on History: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1020110 entered on October 26, 2021 at 6:14pm
#478. The Aroma of Roses: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1020097 entered on October 25, 2021 at 4:31pm
#477. Lighthouse: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1020029 entered on October 25, 2021 at 1:37pm
#476. The Path of Grace: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1020008 entered on October 24, 2021 at 2:00pm
#475. A New Cycle: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1019913 entered on October 24, 2021 at 12:12pm
#474. Saying Grace: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1019910 entered on October 23, 2021 at 4:31pm
#473. America's Destiny: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1019781 entered on October 22, 2021 at 5:50pm
#472. Generous Heart: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1019716 entered on October 20, 2021 at 10:00pm
#471. Be Happy: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1019683 entered on October 20, 2021 at 12:55pm
#470. Herald of Peace: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1019661 entered on October 19, 2021 at 10:23pm
#469. Artists Celebrate the Life of 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1019604 entered on October 19, 2021 at 6:46pm
#468. Love's Magnet: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1019603 entered on October 18, 2021 at 11:30pm
#467. Qualities for Prayer and Meditation From 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1019502 entered on October 16, 2021 at 9:15pm
#466. Holy Places: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1019286 entered on October 13, 2021 at 8:16pm
#465. Meditations on the Titles of 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1019037 entered on October 13, 2021 at 7:48pm
#464. Nothing Impossible: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1019016 entered on October 9, 2021 at 2:58pm
#463. Listening to the Voice of 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1018548 entered on October 2, 2021 at 9:29pm
#462. Genethliacum Ode To the Birth of 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1018081 entered on September 28, 2021 at 8:43pm
#461. Walking the Mystical Path: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1017719 entered on September 23, 2021 at 2:32pm
#460. Always With Us: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1017473 entered on September 15, 2021 at 10:19pm
#459. Divine Itinerary: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1016557 entered on September 14, 2021 at 1:09pm
#458. Beautiful Prayers: To 'Abdu'l-Baha
ID #1016370 entered on September 1, 2021 at 9:39pm
#457. 'Abdu'l-Baha Demonstrated Baha'u'llah's Teachings
ID #1016197 entered on August 27, 2021 at 1:29pm

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