This is a test. |
balh blah ablan |
Oh it’s been so long! My mom and stepdad are on their vacation in Denver. I’m alone with the dogs. I don’t mind it though. They’re good little tykes. The part that is tedious if feeding them their bologna, crud that smells awful. I have to feed them by hand. But they’re so cute! For in Him you also trusted after you heard the Word of truth the Gospel of salvation. Having believed, you were sealed with the Of the promise of the Holy Spirit who is the guarantee of the inheritance of the purchased possession to the praise of His glory. Ephes. 1:13-14 I may have missed a word or two there. So I wrote for about an hour and twenty minutes. It looks good so far. I just got past an action scene with a sea serpent. lol. I believe I have about 2.5k words down. I am trying to master typing without looking at the keyboard. It’s annoying. I’ll get it though. When I do, I’ll get a lot more down and I’ll get fewer mistakes. It’s also more fun. It looked like it was going to rain at one point just fifteen minutes ago. I had to bring the stuff under the covered part of the front porch. It’s still a little overcast now. So I still need to get a site up for my book. I’m wondering just how to do that. There is a YouTube vid that shows how to set up a site with Hostgator. But I may want to go with Bluehost though. I’m still not that acquainted with WordPress though. It constantly makes updates and changes. They also have a plethora of plugins. I just have to play around with it. It could prove to be fun. Chad sent me another link. It’s about GTA. It involves Silver Surfer and Galactus. Weird. So I’m looking forward to my birthday thing on the first of June. The plan was to see the Avengers but almost everyone has seen it. So we may go see John Wic instead. I never cared for the movie series but others may like it. I don’t know the rating however. I just checked and it is an R movie. Perhaps we will see Avengers after all. lol. Honestly there is not much to see in theaters. I generally don’t watch movies or TV. I usually just watch whatever my mom is watching or if. And I don’t watch movies unless it’s my birthday and others want to see them. I am curious what the Avengers movie will turn out like. The ending of the previous one left me curious. What will happen to Thanos? Well, that’s it for now. Goodbye. |