This is a test. |
balh blah ablan |
I just did three small poetry reviews for the Anniversary Reviews. I plan to do at least three a day. I edited two chapters which took me about 50 minutes. It’s coming along. My mom still needs to read some of my chapters. I’ve read almost every novel we have at the house. I wonder if my mom has ordered my books for my b-day on the 6th of June. I’ve read Byzantium twice. As for now, I think I’ll read the how-to-write book I have. I also have The Elements of Style which is more of a guide than a book. Two people responded to my HUB post. I’m waiting for Matt to give me an awardicon. He’s’ not as active as he used to be – too busy with college. It’s good he’s working so studiously. I think he said he is studying chemistry and research. That’s hard stuff with all that math. I couldn’t do it. LOL. I prefer the arts than the sciences. This obvious considering WdC is a big hobby of mine. I’m tired. I feel like a nap. The insurance photographer came and went. It took no time. My mom is still dealing with the fountain pump. She plans to inspect it after I drain the fountain pool a little. I’d love to see it working again. It looks cool with the lights under the water at night. I got up at 10 am and did my readings. After two cups of coffee I listened to four songs on YouTube. After that, I did the three reviews. I need to do three for the next four days for the MB. My reviews will be brief like how most of the mods do theirs. I texted Dan about an hour ago. I’m still waiting for a reply. I’m sure he’ll get back to me. Jim will be at his second job at Albertson’s for today and tomorrow. Jim offered to take my mom out to lunch - with me of course. I think she likes the Cheese Cake Factory. We ate there fairly recently though. I’ll suggest BJ’s. That’s a nice place. Chad keeps spamming me with a lot of “anti-“ stuff. The last one was a spiel against the movie Infinity Stones. It said it sucked. That is one side of the spectrum. My friend Gio said he liked it. I heard the same bashing content in some links about The Black Panther. I saw it and I liked it, so did my mom and Jim. Chad can be belligerent sometimes. And he can ramble. Dan said he was going to Utah to go off roading last Sunday. He said he would let me know if he was going to church tonight. I don’t know what he could be doing. I’ll keep waiting. Well, that is it for now, Goodbye. |