This is a test. |
balh blah ablan |
I did not go to the gym again. I did have a good quiet time. I went over some verses we did not go over on our sheets we got. Last night we went over the subject of the apostasy that will happen on earth. One way it is defined is leaving behind one’s religious beliefs and going to another. We prayed over two young ladies last night. One dude told how he encountered an angel. I brought the subject up. I need to get prayed over for my anxiety. Rob, the teacher, dropped me off and said he would next time with the whole group. I hope and pray I’ll conquer my episodes. Lord, be merciful with me. I got through two chapters of the book I’m reading. It took an hour. I have two chapters left I think. The protagonist and the antagonist are finally about to meet. I last left off when the protagonist‘s son is being saved by the antagonist’s niece. She also found out he killed her father. The antagonist is a psychopath who wants to kill all the infidels (non-Islamic people) on earth. Jim should be back from work soon. He works so hard. He is usually off from his evening job at Albertson’s on Wednesdays and Thursdays. He starts his day job at Caesar’s Palace tomorrow. It’s still too hot to go to the store for soda or whatever. I need more salsa for my eggs. The only way to get stuff from the store is in the early morning. That is why I must go to the gym. I should be getting a reviewing MB soon. I’m excited about my bro and his family coming to town for Thanks Giving. Jim applied for a vacation about two weeks ago. I don’t know when it is. I think he said it would be before they come. I wish I could drive and have a job if it were not for my anxiety. I really hope I find both from this class. What else? Can’t think of anything. Well, I’m stumped. I think I’ll do a review. Goodbye. |