This is a test. |
balh blah ablan |
I am close to the end of bool two of the Song of Albion. The blind Tegid finds a grove that he plans to ordain a brotherhood of new bards. He was followed by a boy who wants to hear Tegid sing. Although he cannot see, he gets visions in his mind of the real world and also prophetic visual revelations. In the one of the chapters, follower of Llew, the original protagonist, comes from a settlement where the main bad guy has poisoned the waters of the follower’s province and beyond. Llew want to send water to the poisoned land. Tegid, the chief bard, is against this and warns Llew but he refuses his bard’s advice. On the journey, Llew is reunited with his dog and the young caretaker who freed him and his bard at one point earlier in the story. All the while Tegid’s apprehension mounts. Accept with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your soul. James 1:21 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. Romans 8:16 This book of law shall not depart out of your mouth. You shall meditate therein day and night. Then shall you make yourself prosperous and then you shall have good success. Joshua 1:8 His delight is in the law of the Lord. He does meditate day and night. Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Psalm 1:3 If you cry out for knowledge and lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver, if your search for her as for hidden treasures, then shall you find the fear of the Lord, then shall you find the knowledge of God. Psalm 119:130 That’s all I can clearly recall. Today’s service was good. It was about running the spiritual race. A lot of it was about discipline and direction. Pastor Jimmy addressed how if we get chastened by God for our wrongdoings were in good standing. But if we seem to get away with our schemes, we are in real trouble. So I’m aiming to submit to another publisher called Paraclette Press. They do have more submission criteria than Electio Publishing. But they will say if I am rejected rather than leaving me in the dark to wonder. I got their number but they are Eastern Standard Time. They are two hours ahead. They’re also off on weekends. I need to tell them that there submission link doesn’t work. Well, I’m off to do more formatting. Goodbye. |
I just spent about three hours doing a Cramp entry. It looks okay to me. I haven’t posted it yet. When my mind clears, I want to edit it - probably after this. Once again I got up early for yard work. My mom and I were checking the lines for leakage. We found a culprit and took care of it. I was out for two hours. I was unearthing a water tube. That is when we found the leak. It was relatively easy to get out of bed today at about 6:30 AM when my mom got me up. I originally was supposed to scrub the fountain with CLR. But my mom wanted to switch me for digging. This book of laws shall not depart from out of your mouth. You shall meditate therein day and night. Then shall you make your mays prosperous then shall you have good success. Joshua 1:8 But his delight is in the law of the Lord. He mediates day and night it. Whatsoever he doeth will prosper. Psalm 1:3 If cry after knowledge and lift up your voice for understanding. If you seek her like silver and search for as for hidden treasure. Then shall you come to fear of the Lord, and then shall you find the knowledge of God. Psalm 119:130 It is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you. Psalm 2:3-5 Let’s see…what to write? I changed my invisilign today. It’s really tight. It is the fourth set out of twenty. I texted Gio last night. He didn’t want to hear from me; I could tell. I asked if he wanted to come to my birthday celebration. He said to call him in June. I don’t think he’ll go. It kind of sucks being an outcast. But God loves me and that’s all that matters. I’m tired. I don’t know why. I have to pick something from the store for dinner. My mom just cooked a pizza but it’s a vegetable one. I don’t like those. So I’m still waiting for some sort of direction from God for the job thing and WA. Until then, I will continue with my regimen. Well, I’m tuckered out. Goodbye. |
For the third time my mom woke me up bright and early to do plant work – well the irrigation lines anyway. We totally unearthed one of the main drip lines on the inside patio. Next, my mom wants to trim the hedge in our front garden. I’m happy I am getting up so early. I hope it sticks; it gives me more time to do WdC stuff. Today I read for a little over and wrote for an hour. After this I’m thinking of doing a Writer’s Cramp entry. I dig the prompt for today. It is to write about the end of a long rainstorm. I can work with that. This book of laws shall not depart out of your mouth. You shall mediate therein day and night. Then shall you make your ways prosperous and then shall you have good success. Joshua 1:8 Do you not know whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that person’s slaves whom you obey? Whether of sin leading to death or obedience leading to righteousness. That though you were slaves to sin but God be thanked, you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine delivered to you and you became slaves of righteousness. I’m missing that one by some words. lol. Though they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption, by a person is overcome, by whom he is brought into subjection. For once they have escaped the pollutions of this world by the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be entangled in them again, the latter is worse than the former. For it would have been better not to know the way of righteousness, than to have known and turned from the command delivered them. But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: a dog returns to its own vomit and a sow having washed, to her wallowing in the mire. I think I got that one down. The entrance of thy word giveth light. Psalm 119:130 It is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you. This is the 2nd day that I skipped on the PS4. It feels nice. Plus MK 11 is taking more of the fighter players. This young chick I see sometimes tells me it is a good game. I told me about DBFZ and she heard it is good. Summer has arrived. It is hot out there. I should be able to hoof it to the gym and leave the house at like 6 AM. I just want this garden stuff to get taken care of already. At least I’m getting up early. I’m kind of relieved. I won’t be sedated for my wisdom tooth extractions. The idea of being put to sleep unnerves me. Instead, I’ll just be numbed. There is an issue with the billing; Culinary was charged as my primary insurance when it is not. Other than that, we have a $50 out-of-pocket charge. I need to learn to delegate time. I find myself sporadically doing stuff in WdC stuff Wealthy Affiliate. I need to do research on my “niche” as they call it. Well, that’s it for now. Goodbye. |
Hello world! God just got me out of huge sticky situation. For over a week, my mom and I have been trying to get my med script to the pharmacy. Monday was my last full dose. My mom had been trying to get the script to the pharmacy for days now by phone. We did a last minute walk in at 2:47 PM. The doc’s office accepts walk-ins until 3 pm. We barely made it! So my mom and I sat down for about ten minutes. Then she walked to the counter and told I just needed my script refills. Right then and there this chick named Patricia called up my pharmacy and sent it to them. Wow! Patricia has always been on top of her game. Then she printed out my blood results. The only thing wrong was my glucose level. It was high. However, the meds do not affect that level type. This book of laws shall not depart out of your mouth. You shall meditate therein night and day. Then shall your ways be prosperous and you shall have good success. Joshua 1:8 Bust he delights in the law and meditates on it day and night…whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Psalm 1:3 The entrance of thy Word giveth light. Psalm 119:130 It is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you. Proverbs 18:22 I missed some words here and there I think. So I went online last night about Christian Faith Publishing. I went to this site called Writers Beware. The lady who co-posted the whole blog, said she got lost of complaints from people who have published with them. In the site was a forum post. The vast majority of them were negative. I emailed the same lady who co-posted the blog. She suggested a few self-publishers specifically: Create Space, Amazon, KDP and IngramSpark. They have good reviews. I watched a YouTube video comparing CreateSpace and IngramSpark. At the end IngramSpark won the battle. I set up an account with IngramSpark. Well, I have one more step left; I have to confirm my account in an email I got. Before I confirm, I will look up a few more things first like reviews for both publishers. I read and wrote today; no games this time. The last time I played, the number of people in the lobby was much less than before. I think it is because MK 11 came out. It’s too violent for me though. I hope it eventually losses players as the months progress. To be honest, I lost interest in MK a long time ago. lol. So my Thrice Prompted story is going well. I’m almost at 2k words. And the tale is at the end. I was worried it would go too long. Now it may not be enough. lol. So I’m thinking of getting a job at either CVS or Walgreens. There’s a location for each store by my house. Both are not hiring to the best of my knowledge. However, there is a Walgreens in Centennial Center and one more farther across Ann. I’ll call them soon. I got up early to do yard stuff; particularly the drip pipe in one of the garden beds. We had to take off the small nozzle plugs on the little pipes attached to the main one. They were really stuck on hard. Well, that’s it for me goodbye. |
This will be short as it is almost 7 PM. I got out of bed at about 11 AM. Jim was watching TV at the moment. I had my coffee as usual. I was going to have my quiet time in the computer room. Eventually Jim got dressed for work then left. This book of laws shall not depart out of your mouth. You shall meditate therein day and night. You will make your ways prosperous and then you shall have good success. I just got that one down today. I’m trying to do just that mentally. He will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. I got that one from prior memory. lol. It is related to that other verse though. I did hit the PS4 but for a very brief time. After that I read for an hour. Then I wrote for roughly forty minutes. I’m trying to get back into the groove of writing daily at least for an hour. I swept the patio that had leaves and twigs from my mom pruning the plants. Our next door neighbors are putting up a wall with a rod iron gate. They’re also will be laying fake grass. I saw Joe, our neighbor, speaking to the contractor. It will look nice I think. My mom and Jim are watching The Voice or American Idol. I’ll join them when I am done here. I still need a script for my meds. I have a week left of pills. The nurse practitioner is on vacation so I’m left with the medical assistant. I hope she takes care of the issue. Well, that’s for now, Goodbye. |
I’m a little baked right now. I wrote for an hour. I have about 1k words down. It’s good to write. Do you not know that whom you present yourselves slaves of, you that person’s salve whom you obey? Whether sin leading to death, or obedience leading to righteousness? But God be thanked that though you were salves to sin but you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine delivered you and you became slaves of righteousness. That’s what I have down. So I more or less, got my technical difficulties taken care of. I have one small issue; my homepage is not set as my home page, my posts listings are. Tonight is Most Excellent Way. I hope it is small. lol. I dislike big groups. On the other hand, time does go by faster in big gatherings. I hit the PS4 for about thirty minutes. I need to cut down. It will happen though. I just have to get my priorities right like reading and writing. I’ve got to get back to WdC. I miss the interactions on the HUB. Speaking of writing, I am aiming to see what Christian Faith Publishing has to offer and whet their price is for the whole shebang. They seem to offer a lot but it could be even worse than Westbow. My mom is suggesting I get teeth whitening done when my invisilign is done. I’ll think about it. My mom booked the hotel for her and Jim’s vacation to Denver. It’s ten minutes from my bro and his wife’s place. They’ll be gone for a week. I’m going to throw a party. lol. Just joking. My Nurse practitioner is on vacation from work. My mom left a message for the medical assistant about getting my script sent to the pharmacy at Walgreens. They didn’t get back to us. It’s in God’s hands though. I shouldn’t worry. I asked in the WA chat about how to help people with my art I promote. This one lady said to suggest art as a tool against depression or sadness. Well, I have to hit the shower Goodbye. |
Easter service was great! There was worship in intervals of preaching. The choir was there. They sounded great. The lights were dim and Pastor Jimmy spoke out of the Word without us not following along. It was to dim anyway. lol. It was packed at church too! A handful of people were saved. That was cool. My friend Jared went to the sunrise service at 6 AM. I went to the third service so I didn’t run into him. I got prayer from Pastor Ken. It was brief. I talked to a girl there who I haven’t seen in a while named Rachel. She was there with her husband. They just recently moved back to Vegas. I forget where they moved from. Rachel told me of this site called that edits manuscripts including stories for a fee of five bucks. If I get my money’s worth, it may be below par. Plus I doubt they’ll go through my whole story. Well, I got the attention from tech support. There is still one issue; my post page is set as my home page. I’ll clear that up. Now I must finish the training. lol. Once I get more acquainted with my art knowledge, I will do more posts. I had my two cups of coffee and that was it. I ate nothing. I plan to have a cheese stuffed crust pizza for dinner. I’m hungry now though. Coffee is a natural laxative and apatite suppressant. That is why I didn’t feel the need to eat. I really should eat in the morning with my coffee. lol. Most Americans do not have breakfast. If we do, it is something like cereal or toast and that’s it. It was drizzling when I stepped outside the church to leave. It didn’t rain significantly though. I wish it did. I also would have liked some lightning too. Do you not know, that to whom you present yourselves to obey, you are that person’s slave whom you obey? But God be thanked that thought you were slaves of sin, you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine delivered you. I think I missed some lines or so. That is just the beginning though. I have my other two collections of verses down pretty much. Hit the PS4 for about thirty-five minutes. I was doing good. I messaged my PS friend asking him when he wants to fight. I didn’t give him time to respond. He’ll get back to me. M0y mom’s stomach seems to be doing better. She just had some toast and she didn’t say it hurt at all. Chad called yesterday night. He and his family were supposed to go to a buffet. I think they will try it next week. Well, that’s it for now. Goodbye. |
I had a very nice quiet time today. Do you not know that whom you present yourselves slaves to… I had more memorized but it slips my mind at the moment. lol. My mom’s stomach is hurting again. She had me get some Jell-O, chicken broth and bagels. Practically everything she eats gives her pain. I feel bad for her. I hope the docs find the underlying cause. I’m surprised they have not found the cause yet. Jim is on his way to work and my mom is resting. Returning to my own day, I read for an hour and did yardwork. I hit the PS4 for an hour. There were a lot of people on at like at 9:30. It’s probably because it’s the weekend. I sent out a friend request to a dude I fought in a casual match. I want get more friends who play DBFZ like the few I’ve made. lol. I may get a mike too…maybe not that much actually. lol. It appears I have hit yet more technical issues. My privacy policy is gone all accept for like three text lines. Ugh. This is ridiculous! Why do things like this keep happening? It’s such a bother. But, Lord willing, I’ll get past them. I’m not giving up on this thing. It will work out. I went to the store for some bacon and the checker who served me said it is supposed to get in the 90’s. It is hot now. I should be able to go to the gym early in the morning from now on now that it is warmer. I want to leave at like 5 AM. lol. I need to call Chad soon. We haven’t talked in a while. I wonder how he is and how work is. I’m happy he’s back at Walgreens. He enjoys the atmosphere and the people. If I could work at any place It would be a Walgreens or CVS. Well I’m going to finish my post now. Goodbye. |
I’m pooped; I spent an hour on the yard. My Wealthy Affiliate site is going through technical issues. My site went down today. Then, it mysteriously went back up. But all my page content was erased. I left a ticket with tech support and they asked for the exact URL of my two pages I have up. I don’t know where to get that. lol. Though they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption. After escaping teh pollutions of this world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to become entangled again in them, the beginning is better than the latter. For it would have been better not to know the way of salvation then to have known and turn from the commandment given to them. But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: The dog returns to its own vomit and the sow having washed, to her wallowing the mire. If we put bits into horse’s mouths to control them, we guide their whole bodies as well. Look at the ships; though they are very large and driven by strong winds, yet they are guided by a small rudder wherever the pilot’s will directs. So the tongue is a small member but it boasts great things. Look how great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire. The tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. It is set among our members, staining whole body. The tongue sets on fire the whole course of life and set on fire by hell. Every beast and bird and sea creature has and is tamed by man. But no human being can tame the tongue. It is full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father and with it we curse people made in the likeness of God. Other than that fiasco, my day has been fine. I failed to get up early however. lol. It is getting hot out there. It’s 80 degrees. Chad hasn’t called in a while. I may call him. He sent some links to me though. My poor mom was online looking for a place to stay in Denver for a week in May. I hope they have fun. Oh, my niece Eliana had her first birthday yesterday! She’s adorable. Jim probably gets off at 8:30 tonight I think. He usually does. I gave my mom a turkey wrap and it made her stomach hurt. She asked me to pick up Rolaids. I also got some pineapple for myself that is. That would make her pain worse. Well, tech support is handling my issue now. I am standing by at the moment. This whole thing is annoying – and weird. So, my plan to get up early tomorrow will be once again be attempted. Until tomorrow, goodbye. |
Today hasn’t been bad. I got out of bed at around 9:30 in the morning. I did my daily devotional and read for an hour. I was, as usual, ready to hit the PS4 but I opted to read. I did play a little for about fifteen minutes. Next I went to the store to exchange two flavors of sorbet, but the booth lady got it wrong. Rather than correct her, I just accepted it and walked. lol. I don’t like it when customers get upset even when they are right. If we put bits into horse’s mouths to control them, we guide their whole bodies as well. See the ships. They are very large and driven by strong winds, yet they are guided by a small rudder wherever the pilot’s will directs. So the tongue is a small member, but it boasts great things. See how a forest is set ablaze by a small fire! The tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members staining the whole body. It sets on fire the whole course of life and set on fire by Hell. Every beast and bird and reptile and sea creature can be tamed and has been tamed by man. But no human being can tame the tongue. It is full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father and with we curse people made in the likeness of God. I may have missed a word or two. lol. Though they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption. By whom a person is overcome by which he is also brought into bondage. After having escaped the pollutions of this world by the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, being entangled again in them, the latter end is worse than the beginning. For it would have been better not to know the way of righteousness than to have known and turn from the commandment given to them. But it has happed to them according to the true proverb: the dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow having washed, to her wallowing in the mire. I did mean to enter the Cramp. But, I had to do yardwork. Plus I would not have had enough time to compose an entry. I will try tomorrow in the morning after I have read my book and after I have done an hour worth of yardwork. Well, I called my buddy Joel from down the street with no answer. I got his voicemail. Hopefully, he’ll get back to me. I should have asked his wife when I saw her on my way back from the store. Stupid me. It’s heating up now so much so that I can walk to the gym with it not being too cold. I’m just going to focus on the yard for the next few weeks and do it in the morning when it is not too hot. Jim gets off at 8:30 tonight. I saw him at the store. He is a working machine. lol. I couldn’t do it. I need money-now. WA isn’t working out so well. I need time to write and read. I’ll sart by reading and writing in the morning than WA stuff later on. I hope that plan works. Well, that’s it for me, goodbye. |