This is a test. |
balh blah ablan |
What a day. My mom woke me up at about 6:45 AM. The plan was to get some boxes to put all our unneeded positions for our family friend and handy man Tony and his wife. We were getting our boxes at Albertson’s and we left at 7:15 from the house. It took three trips by cart to move them into our truck from inside the store. I am still constipated. My mom said to keep taking the special prescription laxative powder. I’m supposed to ingest some every night. I hope it works. )= I was too late to finish my Cramp entry. WdC time is three hours ahead of Vegas time which is pacific I think. I wrote for a little over an hour today. I just decided to do my cramp entry even though it was too late to enter. I’m at the end. It looks good so far concerning errors and such. But I’m sure there are more. lol. For creation was subject to futility, not willingly but by him who subjected it in hope. For creation itself shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Rom. 8:20-21 I was reading the story of creation in Genesis and those two verses came to mind. It was the fall of man. In whom the whole building fitly framed together grow to a holy temple in the Lord. In whom you are built together as a habitation of the Lord through the Spirit. I forgot something perhaps. lol. I’m thinking of starting my second book that will be called The Seventh Realm. My plan is to make it extensively longer that my first one. I’m excited. October is coming soon. And with it Halloween. Something not wholesome indeed. There will be kids knocking on our door. What a nuisance. My goal for next week is to work out on each weekday. I’ll say hi to Susan if she is there. I need to work on my core. It’s pretty flabby. lol. I do eight reps of ten sit-ups on the machine. It’s going to hurt. Well that is it for me. Goodbye. |
What to write, what to write? I really need to practice writing everyday again. I’ve been so distracted. The job at CVS looks to be a bust. I logged onto my dashboard and it said “Not selected for this position.” I’m going to call CVS human resources when they’re available and make sure that is what means. I met the store manager and he said all the positions are just in reserve until such services are needed. At the beginning of November I will reapply to Walgreens. That may be a bust too. Nevertheless, God may have other plans. He allowed this. He shut the door it appears. I might be meant to work at Hobby Lobby. Who knows? But more than anything, I want to write books. Unfortunately, I am stuck at another technical issue with Squarespace. I may need to update my Windows version. I chatted with a support member and he said that would help. He also suggested using another browser. That didn’t work out too well. lol. It is really cooling down. It was quite nice outside at like 11 AM. I carried Nimy to get her groomed. It’s like an 8 minute walk. I just picked her up about twenty minutes ago. They put a bow in her hair. She’s so cute. Her face is actually visible. I didn’t see Susan yesterday at the gym. I’ll try talking to her if she is there in the morning. Waiting for things is hard especially in my case where I’m waiting for a girlfriend and a job. First things first though. I need to make money. And preferably I would like to drive too. It’s one day at a time. lol. God ultimately comes first however. Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate in love to one another giving preference to one another. Not lacking in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer, distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. I messed up on that one a little. It’s been over a month since I last played games. What a waste of time. Chad is doing good it sounds. He’s still buying his stupid statues that cost hundreds of dollars each. The most he has ever spent on one was $1,400. Nimy has been barking incessantly. We don’t know why. It began about two weeks ago. It’s so odd. Jim is getting fed up with his second job at Albertson’s. He jokingly said he was going to quite tonight. Nevertheless, there was some sincerity in his voice. Tomorrow I will enter the Cramp. That’s it for now, Goodbye. |
I have run into yet another technical issue this time with Squarespace. It appears my computer is out of date with of its systems. I was advised to upgrade to Windows 11. It all started when I could not use come click functions. They just wouldn’t work! I was asked to use another browser. I tried using Firefox and Explorer but a lot of weird popups were making me leery. I have five days left of my trial. My affiliate marketing gig is in shambles. I haven’t posted in eons. And I hate doing them as of now. I was on a role for a while then I got burnt out. I have been doing my writing gig and WdC. I just finished my first short story for my story site. Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate toward one another in love, in honor having preference towards one another. Not lacking in diligence, fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord, rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulations, continuing steadfastly in prayer, distributing to the saints. That is what I recall. I am tired. Aye. My mom is home from the lady’s refresher. She had a good time. She brought home some goodies – most of which I will avoid. Got to get healthy. I still need my clothes for when I talk to the CVS store director. Perhaps my mom will take me to the store after church. Well, I’m fading out. Goodnight. |
My goodness! I just completed my CVS application. It took forever! I really had to put myself in the workplace as to how I would react. It was a lot easier than Walgreens. I pray God will give me favor with those who are reviewing the apps. I am excited. Like Jim said, I need to look my best when I introduce myself to the store manager this Friday. My mom will have to bring me to the store for some nice clothes. I had to hop through so many hoops to get the number to CVS human resources, and eventually the application processing support. It was cumbersome to say the least. lol. And I had to go through all sorts of automated menus. Thank God it worked out! So my affiliate marketing thing is in a ditch right. I don’t know when I’ll go back to it. I’m too busy with my writing stuff. And I still need more work to get my head around the whole site process. I talked to another chick at the gym today. Susan wasn’t there though. Oh well. Anyway, her name is Jennifer. And like most ladies, she was very nice and friendly. If I see her at the gym in the morning I’ll say hi. She’s probably not single. lol. I got a very hearty workout today. I felt very good on the way home. Oh, and when I was going there, an old lady who almost hit me. She was at fault. Some people would have been angry, I was just spooked. I left for the gym at about 5:50 AM. I almost decided to sleep in. I’m happy I didn’t. I’m trying to memorize a few verses but it escapes my mind. It was from yesterday night’s study class. So my mom wants me and her to sign up for a public speaking class. She may love it. Not so much for me. lol. The weather is great! It was 79 degrees this morning. It’s 86 degrees now. Fall is coming. Chad loves Halloween. It’s not something I would do. Universal Studios is doing their own Halloween thing this year. Chad sent me a link. Well it’s almost 7 PM. Time to call it a night. Cheers. |
It’s been a tough day. The motor to the condenser fan of the fridge is burnt out. We watched a video clip of how to take to take it out and put in a new one. Jim started working on it then he needed my mom to step in. lol. Anyway we succeeded with mild travail thankfully. Praise God! My mom ordered the new motor. It will be here in two days. Until then, we’re using a regular fan to do the job of the fridge fan. lol. I walked past a poor person today on the way to the store. I got her some food and prayed over her. She asked if there was some place to shower. I called my mom and she said to get an Uber to take her shade tree. But when I was on the phone, the lady skipped out on me when I wasn’t looking. Oh, well. I should have told her to wait. Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and assurance of faith. That’s all I recall. So I’m just starting my author page with Squarespace. There was a minor glitch. Thank goodness it wasn’t a reoccurring thing. I just started my about page. It was brief. I book marked a YouTube video of what to put in an author page when you have no book published. You’re supposed to market yourself. I also need to know what to put in a newsletter and know what it is in the first place. lol. The same thing with a mailing list as well. I’ll get down with the social media thing later. The site is paramount. It’s been a long time in coming. Jim is voicing his hunger. I ate a few hours ago. I’m tired for some reason. It’s going to be a rude awakening when Jim goes back to work on Wednesday at 5 Am. He’s been sleeping in quite late over the past two weeks. It’s going to be a shocker. lol. Wednesday morning will be the test – I can play no games. They’re out the window. Jim still has not gotten his Tessla. Perhaps he changed his mind. It is rather expensive. Well, that’s it for me. Goodnight. |
It looks like I will have to wait for my site to be confirmed or something like that. I tried to select a template on the Squarespace selection screen and this box popped up saying something like that. It said I would be notified by mail when things are taken care of. Sheesh, I always get some kind of technical issue with everything from MS Word, Wealthy Affiliate and now this! It’s like I’m cursed. Hopefully things will work out. Jim has one week of vacation left. He’s been really mellow. At the moment, he’s trying to get the Reveal box to work. lol. Poor guy. Apparently, this happens periodically. It will work sooner or later. Let every soul be subject to the higher power for the Lord’s sake. For there is no power but of God. The powers that be are ordained of God. He who resists the power resists God. Those who resist receives unto themselves damnation. Let the younger be subject to the elder. Submit yourselves to one another and be clothed with humility, for God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. I might have missed a little on both of those. lol. For when you were slaves of sin you were free in regard to righteousness. For what fruit them did you have that you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. You have your fruit to holiness and in the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. I need to take a look at those verses again. Still I am nevertheless retaining a lot. I do find myself having to go over one ones that I’ve already familiarized myself with. Well, Jim got the TV box to work. He was having no internet connection. After trying a few things, he finally just rebooted it and that did the trick. I’m happy for him. Games have gone bye-bye. Like my homey George said from CVS, games are a waste of time. It’s bitter sweet really. But it will put me ahead with my writing and publishing stuff as well as WA. It appears Squarespace has connections to social media, particularly Instagram. I am trying to spend an hour with God a day. But I’ve gone about twenty minutes short each time. )= I love praying and thinking of God. So that private thing I decided not to divulge, I will just say it. It centers around the prospect of getting married and having a girlfriend. I feel like God is telling me to wait and be patient. I read something that I feel God wanted me to rea that speaks in regard to that issue. I just stumbled upon it while looking for a scripture verse. It was no coincidence. Lord, I am waiting. Well, that’s it for now. Goodbye. |
My goodness! It’s been a week or so! So I finished my Thrice Prompted story and submitted it. I proofread it once and I found no errors. I suppose that is partially due to the fact I am always trying to type without looking at the keyboard. lol. So I came to a revelation of sorts. It regards something I will keep private from now. But when the end of this matter comes to pass, I will gladly share the result. Presently, I am in the midst of setting up my author website with Squarespace and not WordPress. I came to the conclusion after watching a few YouTube videos. I also watched stuff on WIX. After considering the comparisons, I picked Squarespace. One plus that WordPress doesn’t have is chat support. Yesterday I tried starting up an account but I came to no screen saying what plan to choose or how much the different packages cost. I used the chat to see when the payment and plan process would come around. The person’s name was Jessii. He or she was very nice. I was told I have two weeks of free trial left. At that time I will do a paid plan that is not any more than I need. Chat support is only available on weekdays. I will hit them up tomorrow and see what theme I should use for a template. It appears each theme is geared towards a specific use. The template I previewed was classified as a charity one. I wonder if I will be suggested to choose for an author site. But for today I am doing Wealthy Affiliate stuff. I am doing a post on vintage space posters. Amazon has a surprisingly good set of such posters. As we have many members but not all the members have the same function. As we being many have one body in Christ. And individually member of one another. If we have differing gifts, given according to the grace given to us, let us use them. If prophesying, in proportion to our faith, if in ministry let us use it in our ministering, he who teaches, in teaching, he who exhorts in exhortation, he who leads with diligence, he who gives with cheerfulness. I messed up with that one a bit. I have this scripture handing over my computer desk. But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit if indeed the Spirit of God lived in you. If you are in the flesh you are dead because of sin, but if you are in Christ you are alive because of righteousness. If then the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, then he will give life to your mortal body through His Spirit that dwells in you. I think I got that one – more or less. lol. This morning, me, my mom and Jim went to church at 11 AM. It was a really good sermon. A prime theme was putting time into reading the Word and then if you’re not reading the Bible regularly, you are in big trouble. Because, if Satan attacks you, you will not have scriptures to use against him. Pastor Jimmy outlined the three things that the Devil will come at you with – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. My bro and his wife in Denver are doing good. They’re stoked about their new house. They don’t have the annoying upstairs neighbors to deal with. And, though I have only seen a phone picture, the interior is the bomb! With Jim being off for the next week only, my mom was thinking that us three could visit them. My mom, however, thought about her chronic stomach pain that has been acting up. Yesterday, we three had lunch at a place called Big Bear Diner with my sister, her husband and their family. It lasted for about an hour. We three haven’t seen them since last Christmas. It was nice. My mom’s stomach was acting up at the end. She was in the bathroom for a long time. After that, when we were on the road, we had to stop at an Albertson’s so she could use the bathroom again. Thank God it went away. Well, that’s it for now. Good bye. |