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by SarahW
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2124374
Writing myself into the story
Writing is something I've always wished to be good at. And disciplined at. And I've not yet succeeded long term.

A Facebook group, Brilliant and Amazing Writers and Mothers, has helped to motivate me in terms of my writing. This is my second blog, the first is by the same name on Wordpress. The Wordpress blog is rather more eclectic, whereas this one will be more focussed on developing my writing skills.
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July 2, 2017 at 12:31am
July 2, 2017 at 12:31am
Day five of the world building exercise involves drawing a map. As my map is drawn in my notebook, I'll describe some of the relevant features here.

The map is of the Western segment of a continent, at around the 35 degrees of latitude mark. There are other continents in this world, but my map shows only part of the one.

To the western portion of my map is the ocean. No major islands are visible off the coastline, let alone any continental mass.

The western portion of land contains podocarp forest, reminiscent of the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand, only more densely populated. And, obviously, on a continent rather than an island. It has a high annual rainfall, and fertile soils and temperate rainforest.

Approximately 200 kilometres to the east of the coastline lies an alpine range. This is reminiscent of the Southern Alps in New Zealand, and of the Andes. There are several passes, with hazards including snow, ice, and avalanches. Avalanches are more common in spring as the ice begins to thaw. There are a few plateau regions which are lightly populated with small alpine villages.

To the east of the alpine region is a semi-arid region. This region contains a significant portion of clay soil, perfect for pottery. As a result, there are a number of settlements based around the pottery trade, as well as other settlements.

To the southern aspect of my map is a large river, leading from the alpine region to a near-peninsula on the western coastline. A large city lies to the immediate north of the river mouth.

The northern aspect of my map shows a glimpse of a harbour. Unfortunately my page was too small to draw this in, the drawback of using A5 instead of A3. There is a city bordering on the western side of this harbour, between the harbour and the sea.

There is a large lake approximately 100 kilometres north of the southern city, and approximately 75 kilometres south of the northern city.
July 1, 2017 at 10:50pm
July 1, 2017 at 10:50pm
Don't you hate when you type something and completely lose it when you try to save? That just happened now! I feel like crying, so will retype later
July 1, 2017 at 3:06am
July 1, 2017 at 3:06am
In today's exercise, I'm to create a couple of climates and potential geological cataclysms that could shape those climates.

Podocarp forest
Also known as laurel forest
- Earthquakes in plenty, young geologically
- Slips and flooded valleys
- Windward slope of mountain range
- Wet forests

- on Western continental coasts between 35 and 50 degrees of latitude
- on western coasts of large islands between 25 and 40 degrees of latitude
- humid montaine regions of tropics
- eastern margin of continents between 25 and 35 degrees of latitude

Semi-arid regions
Not true desert
- Ash from volcanoes elsewhere
- Meteorite
- Cliff edge
- Flash flood
- Wind
- Leeward side of mountain range (orographic lift)
- Dust storms and sand storms
- Tessellated mosaic covering ground

Mountain masses between above regions
- alpine
- joining of two continental plates
- earthquakes and geothermal activity
- wet on western side, dry on eastern
- remodelled by ice ages as well as quakes
- wetlands
- snow, ice, avalanches
- passes

Continental map
Planet spin same direction as earth
Podocarp forest around 35 degrees of latitude, semi-arid region slightly closer towards equator with alpine ranges between
June 28, 2017 at 4:46am
June 28, 2017 at 4:46am
Some potential climates.

Podocarp forest
Wet and wild, rains heavily, never quite dry
Easy to get lost
Dark and scary
Plenty of water and wildlife
How to find ones way? Hopelessly lost
Easy to have an accident
Hills and valleys
Streams and rivers
Limestone caves
Green and veredant

Near desert
Hot, dry, dusty
Brown with reds and yellows
Limited water for drinking
Limited vegetation
Flatish, able to see long distances
Works with the potters apprentice
June 27, 2017 at 3:20am
June 27, 2017 at 3:20am
Today is the day for plot devices related to weather and climate...

1. Hot, dry climate
- occupations, eg potter, clay
- hard on new person
- cool, blowy clothing

2. Podocarp forest
- enclosed, variety of sights, damp, easy to lose oneself
- hills and valleys, creeks, rivers

3. Storms --> seasonal
- planned covering, adaptable
- ready for the results

4. Unseasonal storms
- fear, panic, flooding, loss of life, loss of livelihood, slips

5. Snow
- cold, huddled, lack of sustenance, hypothermia, sluggish

6. Sunshine
- warm, all going well, drying stuff out after storms, working hard but happy

7. Barber (the local name for the fog that rolls in up the river in a town I know)
- cold morning
- sluggish, foggy, dreary locale

8. Downpour
- catch someone by surprise
- holed up in pub or at home

9. Drizzle
- never quite dry, unending, mood lowering

10. Windy
- losing items, fear of falling from height, blown over tired
June 26, 2017 at 9:38pm
June 26, 2017 at 9:38pm
A snippet, certainly not an entire story. This piece is designed to give me a better understanding of what work life is like for one of my characters, and the techniques he uses. Whether or not I use this character is still to be determined. It's likely the name will change, as Areon is a placeholder name.

 The Potters Apprentice  (E)
A scene, not the entire story. Designed to give me a deeper understanding of pottery
#2126357 by SarahW
June 25, 2017 at 6:31am
June 25, 2017 at 6:31am
Getting very interested in world building. I have just started a 30 day course which comprises 15 minutes a day of creating a world. In other words, I have 29 days to go.

Day one involved exploring different climates and the feelings those climates evoke. The catch, I suspect, is that the same climate will evoke different feelings in different people. My list is currently in another room while I am stuck under a sleeping toddler, so typing it here is not going to happen right now.

Incidentally, it's written in glittery blue, owing to an inability to find any other pen that works. It's very pretty.

The course can be found at http://www.web-writer.net/fantasy/days/index.html
June 21, 2017 at 6:40am
June 21, 2017 at 6:40am
Update your blog now
Yeah yeah, sure sure, yes okay
Update in haiku
June 15, 2017 at 9:11am
June 15, 2017 at 9:11am
“Not all that tempts your wandering eyes
And heedless hearts is lawful prize, . ,
Nor all that glisters gold.”

Gray: The Cat and the Gold Fish.
June 15, 2017 at 8:56am
June 15, 2017 at 8:56am
"Update your blog." So my email insists. "Update your blog."

Still gathering data. Still percolating.

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