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Rated: ASR · Book · Activity · #2127490
The place where I will put my Game of Thrones things
This will be a collection sort of like I had last year where I create things for Game of Thrones. This game is so worth the work of playing. It's time to kick some "enemy" booty. *Smirk*
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Ode to Me
August 25, 2017 at 10:52pm
There's a long list of things to be done. While others are freaking over writing Secretly, I'm reading Giving reviews and climbing us out of a large hole. We've decided it's worth the work to put in for the points. Ranting away at all hours of the night, not seeing an end in sight. Everything else is on hold, including the housework just so this challenge gets done. Some reviews weren't complete, those were redone. We made sure no one could hide from u... [Read more]
The Artist Song Poem
August 25, 2017 at 10:34pm
When Love Bites and gets a hold of you, There's no foolin' around. True love always causes some sort of hysteria and both people involved begin acting like an Animal . It makes one wonder Have you ever needed someone so bad? Def Leppard Album is Vault: Def Leppard's Greatest Hits Line Count 13 Word Count 41 ... [Read more]
Doom of Valyeria #17
August 25, 2017 at 5:39pm
17. Poetry it is! *Bigsmile* Visit all those guests over at "Newbies + Poetry Group" and review at least 2 of their items. Or less, if that's all they have. *Think* You can grab a friendly foe to tag along with you for this journey. ~ 20000 points per team ... [Read more]
The Journey Called Life
August 24, 2017 at 9:26am
This is a Red Wedding Challenge from I look around me. All I see is desert wasteland. I don't know how I got here. But off in the distance a mirage, or so it seems glistening in the bright sun. Could it be? Yes. It is your face, smiling brighter than the sun. Excited, yet exhausted I run into your arms, longing for your sweet kiss. Cause it's been too long since I've seen you and I 'm amazed I made it this far. But with you at my side I know we can mak... [Read more]
Week 3 Prompt 2 ~ The Ruins of Kasic
August 18, 2017 at 10:57pm
"What, Gran, what is it?" She had picked up a long necklace with a garnet in the center, surrounded by small diamonds. As the necklace continued there were smaller garnet settings with diamonds that matched the larger in the middle, these went half way up the necklace. It was exquisite. She held it up to the light. "Just as I remembered it. I hid this necklace in the palace just before the exile." Her hands shook as memories flowed through her mind like a rushing stream over so... [Read more]
House of Black and White #22
December 17, 2017 at 11:54pm
Prompt:Phone call that changes everything Word Count 1104 Beep Beep Beep Beep her phone continued it's alarm. Rising groggily out of bed she staggered a few feet to where it lay, unplugged it from the charge chord, with it in hand sat back on her bed. A familiar ring tone pierced the silence. Taking a deep breath and releasing it she answered. "Hey Beautiful." His cheerful voice echoed in her ears. "Hey Handsome." She smiled in response but not really feeling it. ... [Read more]
Week 3 Prompt 4
August 16, 2017 at 11:16pm
Prompt 4: What does music mean to you? ~ Poetry At times you are a calming wave across my turbulent seas of life. Most of the time you are a connection to what's truly going on inside me. The combination of notes and words expressing love and hope; Expressions building me up. Your notes and tones, highs and lows Chord progressions and stand alone keys They all show that you were created for me. Music, you are special in my life, a magical power to move me. Something that ... [Read more]
Week 3 Prompt 3
August 16, 2017 at 11:23pm
Prompt 3: Why is friendship so important? Show us in a poem. ~ Poetry Indistinct conversations float and soar through the room. Memories of things that happened during the day. Fond discussions of those here and those leaving. Unspeakable bonds, forged through time. The troubles have come and gone. Now we see how we've grown together. The push and pull of our lives leaves us with time well spent together. Word count with out prompt 56 Line count with out prompt 1... [Read more]
Phantom in the Woods HotU
August 16, 2017 at 11:01pm
Continuing House Greyjoy tag from Sahara Targaryen (300) way up there long time ago. Tagging Black Bear (Neo) (5) for the continuation from here. Word count 1251 ENJOY!! post 3118580 “Let me get this straight,” Joey interrupted, you brought slaves in to your farm to help Mitchell so he could move off your farm and start his own. Then Mitchell fell in love with Eliza a slave girl and left Becky and the kids. “Yea, that’s pretty much it so far.” “What happened after Mitchell ... [Read more]
Child's Nightmares Come True
August 7, 2017 at 10:58pm
While at school that day, Emma decided that she would talk to her mother about the dreams. She wasn't sure what her mother would think but knew that she needed to talk to someone about them. "Mom, I need to talk to you, please," Emma said as plopped her backpack in the dining room chair. "What's going on hon?" Her mother questioned. "It's about these nightmares." Emma stood while her mother emerged from the kitchen. "Sit, please, this is important.&... [Read more]
Childhood Dreams Week 1 Prompt 2
August 4, 2017 at 11:50pm
"I'm going outside, Mom!" I called walking out the front door. "Stay where you can hear me." She requested. "Okay." Opening the door and already feeling the warmth of the outside through the glass, I continued to step out on to the brick red wooden porch, there was a balcony feel to it as it stood a good four to six feet off the ground. Strolling to the banister that kept me from jumping off so many times I stood there and looked out over the two and half acres of t... [Read more]
Desert Island Week 1 Prompt 1
August 4, 2017 at 11:16pm
We watched as the single engine plane took off on the water. "I'll come back for you two in a couple of weeks. You have the sat phone if you need me sooner. Good luck." The pilot told us as he climbed back into the plane, started up the engine and skidded off the water taking off into the afternoon sun. We watched it leave the sky, and then gathered up what we had and began to figure out what we were going to do. "We gotta have shelter to begin with, what did you bring that c... [Read more]
The Beginning of the End
August 1, 2017 at 4:31pm
Both Cliff and Alysia knew the balance they were keeping. Not only the balance of power in the kingdom, but a balance in their families. Four years of marriage and Cliff stood by Alysia while she pretty much did what she wanted. She built and orphanage, a woman's shelter and helped her brother begin his own project of a rehabilitation center. Alysia was always busy, always doing something for someone else. Cliff knew they were destined to be together and yet he also knew their time together ... [Read more]

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