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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2131773
Charity's views on writing, ramblings, and everything else that she decides to share.
Merit Badge in Just Because
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   Because of your terrific attitude, your friendship, your amazing writing ability...I could go on, but I'm limited to 500 characters. lol 
I always smile when I glance at my newsfeed and see your encouraging words. Thank you for being you! *^*Heart*^*   Merit Badge in Published
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From one published author who started out on WDC many years ago to another, congrats and keep on keepin' on!   Merit Badge in Autism Awareness
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For your educational and heartfelt essay on Autism written for  [Link To Item #wodehouse] ! Thanks so very much for sharing with us! *^*Heart*^*   Merit Badge in Rare
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I saw your wish on the newsfeed. Merit Badge in Optimistic
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Congratulations on your promotion to preferred author!  *^*Delight*^* Merit Badge in Special Appreciation
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Thanks for the amazing merit badges! You're all wonderful!

First, a disclaimer. There are other writers on this site who are devoted bloggers. They blog consistently. Some even do it daily. That's probably never going to be me, although, when I started doing this in 1999, I was a daily blogger all the way up to 2007 when I had my daughter. Suddenly, life changed and so did my priorities. Now I tend to blog in spurts and only when I feel like I have something relevant or important to say. I just don't have time for a lot of fluff.

Many bloggers have a theme or topic they write about. That's also likely to never be me. For starters my interests cover too many topics to write solely about one thing. That's why I have a total of three blogs currently, including this one. The two other blogs are:

Loving Libby  (18+)
A blog dedicated to my daughter, Libby, as she battles not to lose her mind.
#2177657 by Charity Marie - <3

2019 and Beyond Poetry By Charity Marie  (E)
All my poetry was created in 2019+.
#2179192 by Charity Marie - <3

My blogs have always served some kind of purpose. Sometimes my blogs are for business purposes, like the author blog that I typically have on my website. That's typically where I share all manner of publishing related news. It will be focused on announcements and news. As of January 2019, I'm in the process of figuring out how to build an easier to maintain blog. I've used Wordpress for many years and while I love it, the technical needs to maintain it are just too much. I need something I can build quickly and easily and then just post updates to it. I don't want a lot of muss and I don't have a lot of time. I'm sick of paying people to do it who ultimately screw it up.

This blog, however, will be more of a stream-of-consciousness journal, without a set topic. I might post some general ramblings or just whatever comes to mind. I'll use it to participate in the various activities around WDC, like the Blogging Circle of Friends and the 30 Day Blogging Challenge. I like to use it as a tool to talk directly to you, my friends, my visitors, my readers, my fans.

I laugh a little at the idea of actually having fans. Mainly because I cannot fathom for the life of me why I would. What am I to anyone else? Why would anyone like me? Those are concepts that are foreign and strange, larger than my mind can comprehend.

And yet, my writing does have fans. There are people who like and appreciate my writing, people who want to connect with me. That's a feeling I treasure and value more than you can ever know. As someone who grew up being told she was worthless and would never amount to anything, having someone ever respond to me favorably is like sweet nectar.

I suppose maybe it's because I make them feel connected with. At least, that's what I try to do. I want to reach out to you, shake your hand, smile at you and ask you, "Can we be friends? Can we get to know each other?" For me, life goes back always to that elementary school question of, "Will you be my friend?" I also think of Mr. Rogers and his wisdom about friendship. It really can be that simple. I think you can never have too many. So I am always open to having another. So, what do you think? Will you be my friend? Can I be yours? Feel free to share your thoughts with me and I'll do my best to do the same as I'm able.

One more disclaimer - My life is hectic pretty much always. It's not an excuse, it's just a fact. I'm a Realtor. I'm also a published author and working on a four book series currently called Understanding Libby: A Mother's Journey with Childhood Paranoid Schizophrenia. Once published in spring 2019, things are likely to get hectic as I work to promote the books. At some point in 2019, I may be returning to school full time to continue my Bachelor's degree in English and pursue my Master's degree in psychology. And then there are the daily things of taking care of two special needs kids and a disabled husband.

So if it takes me time to respond, please forgive me. I will at the first opportunity. I've been part of this community for almost a decade off and on. It helped launch my career and I want to give back to others with my experience and knowledge to help other writers grow. This blog is part of that. I hope you enjoy it and that we can be friends. If you want to be notified when I post, please be sure to fan this item so you'll be able to see when I post. Also, feel free to visit www.charitymarie.com to learn all about my publishing endeavors.

Humbly yours,

Charity Marie
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