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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #2146207
These are my online dating stories, names & places have been changed to protect identity.
Well, here I am trying to figure out how to start off this blog. Not that I've thought of writing a blog about my online dating experiences, but after sharing some of my stories with friends, they suggested that I put one together. Maybe it's to immortalize the characters I've met these past 6 months and in the next months to come.

Let's see, I guess first I should start off describing myself a bit so you can understand who I am. I am a young, divorced (a couple of years), successful female who struggles a bit with her weight. It's those few extra (ok maybe 25 to be quite honest) pounds that I lose and then gain back again. I have a part time dog...yes, part time as I share custody with my ex. I don't have any kids. My ex had a child that I helped raise. When he said he didn't want anymore kids, I was naïve enough to think that my stepson was enough for me. While we were married, he definitely was! I love him like he's my own. Of course, it never crossed my mind to think that, "Hey, if I ever get a divorce then I guess I would be childless."

Now, I'm not saying that I would move on and abandon my stepson. That's not the case at all. My ex has been good enough to allow me time with him still. However, splitting my stepson's time up between his birth mom, my ex, their families, and then me...it's just not enough. Not to mention that I have zero control over the decisions in his life. At least while I was married, my opinion was listened to and considered. Anyway, we'll discuss kids at another time

So my normal schedule is work, go home and work. That's something that I've been trying to change and I seem to be doing better at it. One of my coworker's family moved back across the country, so now she and I end up going out after work at least a couple of times a week (dinners and sometimes movies). I also try to visit family during the weekends. I do love them, but there are really some days where I get too lazy to take that 20-30 minute drive to see them.

I get it - some of you reading this would tell me that drive is nothing, family is important (I do agree with this), and 20-30 minutes is easy compared to others who have family across the country or world (like my coworker). That's ok - judge me if you want. I already know you will be anyway as I get into the details of my dates.

A year and a half after my divorce, I decided it was probably time to get back out "on the scene" (as some would put it), and see if maybe I can meet that Mr. Almost Right (I have zero expectations of meeting Mr. Right cause honestly I doubt he exists). Dating now is mainly all online. I've told people I know that I'm single, but either everyone they know are already taken - or as one male friend puts it, "I wouldn't want to subject you to the single friends that I do know. There are reasons why they're still single."

That leaves me with people that I meet at work - which is completely out (I don't want to soil the work place with drama), or meeting people online. When looking through the app store, I was awed at just how many dating apps there were to choose from. I mean you literally can find dating apps for those that are ready for a real relationship, those that only want to hook up, those that are in open relationships, those that are looking for sugar mamas and daddies, and everyone in between.

I had a decision to make. Which site should I try and do I want to pay. If so, how much am I willing to spend on a membership. This was my thought process:

Plenty of Fish - I had an old friend that met her husband through there, maybe I should give that one a try. It's also free.
Eharmony - I met my ex husband here, I bet I could meet someone else (what's wrong with this sentence?).

So those were the two choices that I went with. Setting up my profile on POF was pretty easy. The difficult part was finding some decent and fairly recent pictures. Writing the "About Me" and "What I am Looking For" section was a breeze. I had spent a year and a half thinking about who I am, who I've become, and what it was that I wanted (or rather maybe what was lacking in my previous relationship - just being honest here).

Eharmony was a bit more challenging. I tried to sign up with the same email address that I've had for years, but it wouldn't let me. It kept saying that I was not single and therefore not eligible to have an account with them. Ummm...what? I spent time searching their help questions to try and figure out how I could get my relationship status changed. Apparently when I closed my account, I had stated it was due to me meeting someone from their site. I didn't realize this stuff was actually being used/monitored. I guess they would have to in order to get the percentages of members that have either met or married someone through their dating site - pretty sure you've seen their commercials.

After about two hours of searching (I was REALLY motivated in finding my Mr. Almost Right), I found the answer. If I wanted to change my status, I had to contact their customer service agent and mail them a copy of my court approved and signed by the judge divorce papers. ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!! My first response was - FUCK THAT! I'm not sending anyone a copy of my divorce papers. However, I still wanted an Eharmony account, because you know - it did so well the first time (god sometimes I can be dumb), so why not try again?

On the rare occasions when I do get smart ideas (this being one of them - damn, and I've got it written in a blog to remind me of this moment for life!), I thought to myself, "Hell, I'll just create a new email account and use that for Eharmony." It worked perfectly. I was no longer "in a relationship" and was able to create a new profile with the new email address. Now to answer all of those damn questions...

A week later (no really, it took me all of maybe an hour to answer those questions) - I finally had two profiles set up. I was really interested in seeing which one worked out better for me.

Wow, I really need to get out of the office and head home. Not to mention it's dinner time and I am starving! My next posting I'll dig into my first experiences with exchanges from POF and Eharmony. Until then, have a good night readers and hopefully I can entertain you some more (because I'm assuming that if you've read this far, then you must've been entertained) with my next blog .
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2146207-Online-Dating---He-Did-What/month/3-1-2025