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Rated: 18+ · Book · Spiritual · #2154754
Poetry Wrote Over Several Years on Spiritual, Religious, and Devotional Subjects.
Devotional Poetry

My Search


Into the mystic realm,
I let my mind take flight,
Over stone strewn highways,
I search the endless night.

I was the Wanderer,
Looking for a goal,
And the Seeker,
Searching for my soul.

I walked the roads of idle fancy,
Paths of material delight,
Stumbling over stones of vain imaginings,
In my search for the light.

A voice deep within me cried:
"Here doesn't lay your goal,
Upon these darkened pathways,
You'll never find your sou."


Into the mystic realm,
Again my mind took flight,
Over well traveled highways,
I search the misty twilight.

I was a Seeer,
Seeking an unknown goal,
And a Stranger,
To my own soul.

In this realm of half-light,
I strolled the roads of tradition,
Picking my way carefully,
Through the shadows of superstition.

Still from within came the cry:
"Not in this realm is your goal,
Upon these half-lit pathways,
You'll never find your soul"


Into the mystic realm,
Again I took flight,
And walked the paths,
Where God has shed His light.

I walked the hallowed highways,
Trod by the Prophets of old,
Strolled the ancient paths,
Strewn with nuggets of pure gold.

This is the wondrous realm,
Where all paths become one,
This is the glorious land,
Illuminated by God's sun.

Through the Word of God,
I have found my soul,
In the Messenger for this age,
I have found my goal.

Poet's Note:

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Divine Love
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February 3, 2019 at 5:45pm
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February 5, 2019 at 7:15pm
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January 30, 2019 at 10:35pm
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Born To Live
January 30, 2019 at 3:35pm
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The Finger of God: A Metaphor
January 29, 2019 at 9:53pm
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