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There is beauty in all things! |
My Outlook on everyday things. ![]() ![]() They say that the eyes are the door to your soul. They can tell others if your happy, joyful, sad, angry, tired, even lie or tell the truth, shall I go on or do you get the picture? |
This is from a relative of mine who was a respiratory therapist and now retired. Please read this... Elle please, forward to your friends who are sick. This is for everyone else as well. We have to stick together to beat this. Just in case you get the virus and develop symptoms, here’s some good advice from a respiratory therapist to help stay out of the hospital and recover quickly. CORONA Common Sense Since they are calling on Respiratory therapist to help fight the Corona virus, and I am a retired one, too old to work in a hospital setting. I'm gonna share some common sense wisdom with those that have the virus and trying to stay home. If my advice is followed as given you will improve your chances of not ending up in the hospital on a ventilator. This applies to the otherwise generally healthy population, so use discretion. 1. Only high temperatures kill a virus, so let your fever run high. Tylenol, Advil. Motrin, Ibuprofen etc. will bring your fever down allowing the virus to live longer. They are saying that ibuprophen, advil etc will actually exacerbate the virus. Use common sense and don't let fever go over 103 or 104 if you got the guts. If it gets higher than that take your tylenol, not ibuprophen or advil to keep it regulated. It helps to keep house warm and cover up with blankets so body does not have to work so hard to generate the heat. It usually takes about 3 days of this to break the fever. 2. The body is going to dehydrate with the elevated temperature so you must rehydrate yourself regulaly, whether you like it or not. Gatorade with real sugar, or pedialyte with real sugar for kids, works well. Why the sugar? Sugar will give your body back the energy it is using up to create the fever. The electrolytes and fluid you are losing will also be replenished by the Gatorade. If you don't do this and end up in the hospital they will start an IV and give you D5W (sugar water) and Normal Saline to replenish electrolytes. Gatorade is much cheaper, pain free, and comes in an assortment of flavors 3. You must keep your lungs moist. Best done by taking long steamy showers on a regular basis, if your wheezing or congested use a real minty toothpaste and brush your teeth while taking the steamy shower and deep breath through your mouth. This will provide some bronchial dialation and help loosen the phlegm. Force your self to cough into a wet wash cloth pressed firmly over your mouth and nose, which will cause greater pressure in your lungs forcing them to expand more and break loose more of the congestion. 4. Eat healthy and regularly. Gotta keep your strength up. 5. Once the fever breaks, start moving around to get the body back in shape and blood circulating. 6. Deep breath on a regular basis, even when it hurts. If you don't it becomes easy to develope pneumonia. Pursed lip breathing really helps. That's breathing in deep and slow then exhaling through tight lips as if your blowing out a candle, blow until you have completely emptied your lungs and you will be able to breath in an even deeper breath. This helps keep lungs expanded as well as increase your oxygen level. 7. Remember that every medication you take is merely relieving the symptoms, not making you well. 8. If your still dying go to ER. I've been doing these things for myself and my family for over 40 years and kept them out of the hospital, all are healthy and still living today. Thank you all for sharing. We gotta help one another. You can share this one; copy and paste this post. Love ya'll, Teresa |
Here's my story, well most of it. Sorry, it's a little long. Realizing that we have to watch the medications that we take because of Hashimoto's, they can cause severe side effects and repercussions. I need to tell this, so you get the full picture. When my ribs dislocated in 2013 and injured my back, causing a tremendous amount of pain, the back doctors gave me four steroid shots. In the long run, they caused me other issues, "Cushing's Syndrome," and they (4 doctors) couldn't do anything for me, but recommend surgery. I refused to listen; something kept telling me, NO! I found another doctor who finally told me the truth about my back. He made me promise him NEVER to have back surgery because it would kill me. The injury was directly behind my heart. That realization hit me hard, very hard. So, I suffered from the pain for a very long time, for years matter of fact. My back slowly healed, but along with the stress, my Hashimoto's decided to emerge gradually in 2016. By 2017 it had gone full-blown. During this time, doctors tried different medications to help me with all the issues. Because they didn't know about Hashimoto's and what it entails to your care, they prescribed dozens of nausea medications, and they all gave me cyst in a very private area, which I can say are very painful. I have discovered that peppermint helps me conquer it better than anything. Drugs are not always the answer, but on the other hand, we need some of them to survive like gluten-free supplements to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients. I have found that having brain fog doesn't help you remember to take your daily doses. A reminder daily pillbox helps, but only if you remember to fill it. Routines are so crucial to Hashimoto patients; I should say vital to us. In 2018 I had suffered a muscle spasm in the wall around my heart. I thought I had a heart attack. Seeing a cardiologist and running some tests, I ended up on the operating table. For six years, my heart had been damaged and was getting worse day by day. He told me during the surgery that he had never seen a mangled artery like mine. Once he inserted the stent, I was able to breathe without pain and shortness of breath. He also told me that if I hadn't had the surgery that I might have had six months to live. Very overwhelming thought, isn't it? Maintaining a balanced diet of your own and taking supplements that your body needs are vital to a healthy lifestyle. We are all different and have to find what works for ourselves. I don't do Keto or any of the other diets. I eat what I love, but I have created gluten-free versions, and I am starting to feel better. Now, to lose the weight that I've gained during this time. I used to be very active, and in these past seven years, I haven't done anything as in participating in any activities. Although I do eat or take something that I'm allergic to by accident, it doesn't help how my body reacts, the swelling, brain fog, and vision issues are sometimes overwhelming and cause anxiety attacks of sorts. I just can't get past my body hurting so much all the time. If I have a great day, I go overboard, getting things done that I need to do. Then I regret it for days, a very vicious cycle—a roller coaster of emotions that no one should ever have to deal with, especially alone. We learn to lean on God for comfort, knowledge, strength, and insanity. Having groups that others suffer the same diseases, but somewhat different issues help and encourage us all that we are not alone in this. I pray that all of us find that place where we can feel normal again and maintain a healthy lifestyle. God bless you! |
Why I take Lot’s of Pictures! My oldest son Jeremy asked me once, "Why do you take so many pictures of me and Eric all the time, Mommy?" I told him that one day we would look at it and remember what we were doing that day. I guess I answered his question at the time because he ran off going back to what he was doing at the moment I took the picture. It's hard to imagine holding that picture today that it has been almost forty years since I had taken it. And through the years, I have tons of photos to go through and put into albums for Jeremy and his brother Eric. I want them to hand down those pictures of memories to their children. And I hope they realize all the love that went into them, to capture those moments of time. While others say you shouldn't live in the past, it doesn't hurt to visit it once in a while. I always took tons of pictures during our family outings and vacations. A recent vacation, I took over 3000 photos, I'm not joking people! I was afraid that it would be years before I would ever see California and my loved ones again. It turns out that covid-19 has delayed future vacations to see loved ones. I made sure that I took lots of pictures. Plus, I am a nature freak, and I take pictures of everything of beauty to me. Recently we lost a dear friend and family member he was only 23. But, I will treasure the memories that his grandparents, mom, and I made with him through the pictures that we took during that memorable vacation in Nashville. I didn't realize how many pictures I had of him until I started going through some photos and came across the Nashville pictures the week before he died. I had started to text them to his grandma at the time but decided not to due it being 3 am. The question that Jeremy had asked me so many years ago popped into my head. I remembered what I had told him. Now, here was a memory that I would cherish for all times. Elek is now in Heaven watching over us, like so many other family members and friends through the years. Now we are left with pictures of memories and love that we all had for each other. The moments that we all share captured in a photo or two. Well, in my case, a thousand or two. So, while you sit there and huff and puff because you hate to take pictures, remember back to these words I heed to you. A picture holds a thousand words and memories that will last for all eternity. You never know who's turn, it will be to leave this world tomorrow. Make great memories with them. Show your love for them while they are still here with us. Take lots of pictures because they are reminders of the good times, the great memories that we share with one another. If you use your phone, print them out! What am I saying print, print, print! Can't make an album without them. Here's to memories and keepsakes may they always be close to your heart. |