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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #2161749
Just shooting the poop with Lori
He travels the world on the backs of others
Insignificant in his stature and size
His journey carries no mission
Randomly roaming at the will of his host
Sated enough to never question his trek
Life is an open adventure without worry
If the excitement of his dusty trail dulls
Another bus awaits to grant passage
With a furry friend to carry him home
Ah the wonderful life of a flea
October 29, 2021 at 5:14pm
October 29, 2021 at 5:14pm
So I wanted something that I didn't know how much I wanted. It was a position on another floor doing the same thing I do now but a bit less stressful. I followed the pattern, did the work, and let my experience speak for itself. People on the floor knew before I said anything that the plan was for me to transfer and it was expected that I would start very soon. The interviewer was inviting, gracious, and enthusiastic about me joining the team. And I didn't get the job. Obviously, I read the whole scenario very wrong. My only option is to dust myself off and remain where I am temporarily until something better comes along. I will continue to work towards the future and be the best nurse that I can be. I will remind myself often, that what really matters are the patients that I care for and what I can bring to them.
October 24, 2021 at 2:42pm
October 24, 2021 at 2:42pm
You've heard of the Gilmore girls, but there was also a less known duo a long time ago. They were the Griffin girls, not connected by name but, by the years of their youth spent in the same housing project. Once upon a time they were two little girls sharing all of the experiences that life offered them or threw at them. Their time spent together was a blending of joy,laughter, goodhearted giggles, back street educations,poor girl wanna be dreams, neighborhood dramas, grief, secret clubs, and forever friendships. The saga of the Griffin Girls happened many years ago in a place long since fallen. The only testimony to the girl's existence are the heart-strings tied to each other in a sometimes whimsical, sometimes painful childhood. The Griffin girls grew up and lived their lives in different ways. Occasionally, their paths would cross, but it was only for an instant. Then one day they met once again in a glorious garden and their friendship was reborn. The heartstrings were just as strong as the once they were. The joy they had shared many years prior was revisited and their laughter was musical. There were a few tears, as if we had come home from a long and wearisome journey, that gave witness to a treasured friendship. Meeting up with an old friend is somehow magical.
October 16, 2021 at 4:36pm
October 16, 2021 at 4:36pm
Still finding my life is stuck on a New York buzz. I must say that city gets into your blood. It was a whirl wind of a weekend but, we made the most of each moment. I don't get out often so making memories in new places is exciting to me. I took some great pictures. Next week I am going to the Botanical Gardens in St Louis to meet with a childhood friend. So excited to share our stories of the past. Life, I've discovered is a conglomeration of intertwining paths that often meet in the middle. At birth each person begins to race around a chosen path, each person passes by, crosses over, or intercedes with original people on their path, but their future destination consumes them. Always there is a true passion to find to correct path of our making with some finding it and others not so much. It is near the end of our path's that we choose to remember the journey and all the connections made along the way. If we are bright enough, we will find that happiness was the one thing we all were searching for along the path.
October 12, 2021 at 4:24pm
October 12, 2021 at 4:24pm
I am back from New York and I must say that I could fill a book with my impressions of this great city. It seemed as if there were a story hiding in the face of every person I encountered. I wanted so much to ask both the visitors and the true New Yorker's how they came to be in this city. I caught myself making up stories in my head to fit the narrative of who I thought they were. From the street performer to the vendor pushing the cart, to the strolling patrons of Central Park and the artist drawing on his canvas, to the energetic businessman eager to catch his train and the homeless wanderer in the street, I couldn't help but paint my own picture and wonder if their truth laid anywhere within my thoughts I also couldn't help but feel insignificant when I stood between two high rises and looked up toward the sky with an inescapable feeling of awe transcending upon me. The design of each structure spoke of fortitude and beauty. I was inundated with the sounds of the city, as well. The city held a constant array of beeps whistles, voices, music, steam blowing, laughter, and the passions of life. I found this overwhelming at times, but mostly it infused my spirit. It is good to be home, but part of me misses the enchantment of this fun city. I now understand my daughter's desire to move there.
October 3, 2021 at 5:46pm
October 3, 2021 at 5:46pm
Getting excited about New York! It has been 3 years since i traveled anywhere, so looking forward to the escape. Watching my daughter sing will be the highlight but just seeing the sights will be grand. It may seem strange but for me enjoying the new aromas and listening to different sounds of a city I have never experienced will be a thrill. I can remember when my daughter had gone for the first time in High School, how excited she was about the many languages she heard and the differences in the everyday people she saw. To this day, she says it is a beautiful blend of cultures and a conglomeration of lively souls that draw you into the spirit of the city. She wants to live there one day,I am, however good just for a visit. But it has always made me proud that my kiddos are so accepting of the differences of people. They show no preconceived biases and are enthusiastic in learning about the cultures of others. We somehow managed to pass on the kindness and tolerance gene and it makes a mama feel good.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2161749-The-Bologna-Blog/month/10-1-2021