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Just shooting the poop with Lori |
He travels the world on the backs of others Insignificant in his stature and size His journey carries no mission Randomly roaming at the will of his host Sated enough to never question his trek Life is an open adventure without worry If the excitement of his dusty trail dulls Another bus awaits to grant passage With a furry friend to carry him home Ah the wonderful life of a flea |
Do you believe in rain monsters? I do! They are real and out for mayhem. Beware, they will get you when you least expect it. They show up in hope of causing trouble and to delete the expected fun. They find me mostly on my days off of work. These monsters are weekend shredders. Yes, you guessed it, I am off this weekend and it is raining cats and dogs. |
5) Write a conversation of yours with a statue that you admire. Tell them all the things either you admire about them or how the world has changed and their need to change with the times. 6) Write a poem about your local park. Describe why you like spending time there. 7) Describe in any manner that you like what it feels like while riding a horse. |
Let's talk gates! Ordered a fence 2 months ago, they showed up early last week and put the fence in.We had to rearrange our schedules to be there without prior notice. But we were so excited because our dogs would have a place to run. After the fence was up they told us our gates were sitting in St. Charles, MO, but they would be back the following day to install them. They did not show up the next day and it wasn't until we called that they told us they got stuck on another job. So our useless fence would sit just one more day. The next day, however, our gates that were sitting in St. Charles are amazingly now on back order and it would be three weeks before they could put them in. They had the nerve to tell us that we should be happy because they got the fence up 3 weeks early. Remember, it is a fence that we cannot use for the dogs because they would escape through gateless gates. I thought my husband would blow a gasket. So fast forward to today and the fence people randomly call to tell us they are putting in the gates today because,(you guessed it) they picked them up n St. Charles. They are putting them in as we speak, but as luck would have it, these aren't the right gates and they will have to jerry-rig them to fit in the space until they get the new ones. My kingdom for a working fence! |
So proud of Simone Biles for standing up for herself and sending a message to all young people that it is okay to not be okay some days. We all have days where the pressure is just too much to withstand and taking a moment to regroup is beneficial to our sanity.Every job in the world should incorporate mental health days as time off options. Keep swinging the big bat, Simone . You are awesome! Now, the other part of this that I don't like is the playing down of the Olympic Committee's new random rules of scoring. Because she is fantastic, suddenly it is decided not to score her on the same scale as others? Her talent and strength is what brought her to the games. It seems as if they were out to bring her down and her team members would have suffered under the weight of it all. Simone knows how to play the game on and off the mat. Give that girl a gold medal for good choices in life! |
3) Reconnect with the child you remember in a day in the life of one naughty or fantastic kid. 4) Create a cartoon character for a new television show. Describe the premise and the audience it might appeal to. Five hundred gift point if you can draw the character whether you win or not. 5) Write a conversation of yours with a statue that you admire. Tell them all the things either you admire about them or how the world has changed and their need to change with the times. |
1) Write a story about your Cat-a-saurous or Dog-o-suarous making them the hero or the villain of your tale. Be sure to describe them and any superpowers they possess. 2) Write a tale with you as a child. Pen your thoughts, dreams, or aspirations. They can be real or imaginary. |
Stormy weather today. Driving, as it is pouring is not a fun proposition. Remember, I just got my car fixed from injuries caused by a crushing tree limb, so I am gun shy where my little Jeep is concerned. The wind was throwing us to and fro this morning. It was not predicted until this afternoon, but we were blessed with a full day of rain. It did, however, make for good sleeping after work. If I had the day off i might write a story about a storm or a ghost that appears in the storm. Might have to think about this. Have a great day. |
Poetry of words Love into Joy Hate to despair All are just words Confusion and delusion Tears toward solitude Simple letters of the alphabet Happiness followed passion Anger led to Hostility Strung together to render meaning Hopeful ushers the adored Ugly shadows the exposed But beyond the words Curious brings forth the inquisitive Lonely leaves the depressed Resides the power Heartbroken escorts the helpless Devastated attends the frightened To impact the world Excited accompanies the merry Satisfied squires the thankful In feelings, thoughts, and creeds Bitter becomes the violated Blessed holds hands with the faithful Letters carved into words Pessimistic impels the disappointed Optimistic embarks on the uplifted The shaping of a child's psyche Haunted triggers the lost Enchanted entice the exhilarated The building of one's ego Unaccepted plunged into shame Pleased invites the replenished Construction of Relationships Valued births the appreciated Burdened laden the anxious All of this and more Can be brought about by words Words can write the verse of harmony Or be the instrument of destruction Words can build a bridge Or breach a sacred promise Use them wisely Be the seed that harvests well Script the words to tell the golden story |
An oldie but goodie...
Got to thinking about our choice of words when we pen a story. Certain descriptor's just seem to make since when we write it. For some reason, either a mindful or not so mindful, choice is made of our word use within a tale. We try to paint a certain picture by our word choice. It has to do with the emotions felt at the time we write the story. This always seems to prove interesting when we reread our stories and try to recapture the thought process. It becomes very difficult to hold yourself back from rewriting the work, because your feelings at this particular time are different. But there is a message that was meant to be conveyed at that particular time. Weighing whether it is still valid is a tightrope walk. If I think too long and hard on any sentence, I might never get anything written. But I am glad I can break things down and remember my thoughts at any given time. It is actually fun rereading some of my old stuff and seeing how I could have done it better or feeling like maybe I got it right. Have a good Saturday, peeps. |